Rescuing The Reluctant Groom (Windy City Romance 5)

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Rescuing The Reluctant Groom (Windy City Romance 5) Page 12

by Barbara Lohr

  There was that hesitation again. “Not that I wouldn’t like to, but no. Like I said, I’m keeping my head on straight, or trying. I trust you.”

  She could be making a fool of herself but it wouldn’t be the first time. “Sure, I’ll be your pretend girlfriend for a while. You’re right. It’ll be a relief for me too.”

  Gary eased out a breath. “Terrific. Be prepared to have me pay attention to you.”

  “I’m ready. Just don’t even think of sending me flowers or anything like that. Let’s just be visible.”

  “No kisses in the halls?”

  “No sessions in the sleep room with the door locked.” She’d always liked his sense of humor.

  “And Seth? Want me to clue him in?”

  She snorted. “Heck no! That would defeat the whole purpose on my end.”

  He was laughing. “Let the games begin.”

  She extended a hand. “Do you feel as relieved as I do?”


  Hmm. Had he held her hand a little longer than necessary? No matter, Selena started to strategize. She’d just found her plan B.

  Chapter 11

  Outside the cafeteria windows, the dogwood trees rattled in the wind. Well, what was left of them. An unexpected ice storm had snapped off branches. Selena knew just how that felt but didn’t new growth come with spring? She stabbed a cucumber slice with a fork and looked up.

  Loping toward her with his long-legged stride, Gary caused quite a stir. He skidded to a halt. “Seven thirty okay tonight?”

  Across from her, McKenna stopped chewing.

  “Perfect. See you then.”

  “Great. Later.” Quick wink and Gary veered toward the physicians' dining room. Selena popped the cucumber into her mouth and almost choked when two nurses tried to catch his attention. Taking out his phone as if he had a call, Gary put his head down and kept walking. The women sent curious glances in Selena’s direction. For a second, all she heard was her own careful crunching and the distant chatter of employees.

  “You going to tell me what that’s all about?” McKenna finally asked.

  “Nothing much. Just going to a movie.” That much was true.

  “Ah, hah. And when did all this start?”

  “Ease up, okay? Nothing’s really started.”

  McKenna wasn’t buying it. “Gary’s been pretty happy lately. You the reason?”

  Thank goodness Selena’s phone went off. It was the ER. “Brody, what’s up?”

  “Get your birthing gloves on. One of your patients just came in. Patty Lightcap. Looks like she’s going to be a mama today.”

  “Tell her I’ll meet her in the birthing suite.” Ending the call, Selena stood up.

  “Just like that, you’re leaving?” Disbelief raised McKenna’s voice.

  She owed Seth’s sister more than this. After all, she’d met Seth through McKenna. Still, that was one reason not to say too much. “This is a trial balloon, okay?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Gary. Hard to explain.” Grabbing her tray, Selena practically ran to the rotating tray trolley. By the time she reached the hallway outside the birthing suite, Patty was being trundled toward her in a wheelchair. Keeping pace next to her, husband Jeremy looked pale.

  “How far apart are your contractions?”

  “Four minutes.” Patty tensed but she got hold of the pain. Her husband massaging her shoulders, she panted until the contraction eased.

  “Good girl.” Selena opened the door and the orderly pushed Patty into the suite. “Now Jeremy, if you’ll just help me.”

  But Patty stepped out of the wheelchair herself and slid onto the exam table. It didn’t take long for Selena to assess the situation. “Perfect. All systems are go. Have you brought your music?”

  Jeremy handed her a tape and she popped it into the CD player kept in the room. Like all the other couples, Patty and Jeremy had chosen their music during their natural childhood childbirth class as a part of their birth plan. Jeremy helped his wife into the shallow birthing pool.

  Squatting in the water in her pink sports top, Patty nodded. Excitement glowed in her eyes. But the wave of love passing between husband and wife nearly swamped Selena. Shared commitment. Shared excitement. With every breath, Jeremy was with Patty. For the next two hours the young woman labored, her husband right there with her. At last, they reached the final phase. Checking the observation viewing panel, Selena smiled. “I see sandy hair, Patty. Big breath and one more push when the next contraction comes.”

  A Bach concerto and two loving parents welcomed Dylan Jeremy Lightcap into the world. “Will you just look at him?” Jeremy whispered to Patty when Selena handed her the tiny infant.

  “Handsome like his daddy.”

  Blinking back her own tears, Selena handed the scissors to the new father. “Want to do the honors?” After Jeremy cut the cord, the pediatric nurse quickly took the infant to the heated bassinette while Selena and Patty worked on expelling the afterbirth.

  An afternoon like this made her even more proud to be a part of the team. Hopefully by the time Selena had her own children, that new unit would be in place. The tug on her heart told her that she was ready. The tears in her eyes reminded her it wouldn’t be easy.

  “Ready to go up to the room?” Baby back in her arms, Patty nodded. A nurse had arrived from the obstetrics floor and the happy couple disappeared down the hall, blissful smiles on their faces.

  When Selena reached the For Women office, patients crowded the waiting area. With three midwives busy in the practice, a birth during the day could put their schedule behind. Hustling back to her office, Selena checked her phone messages. Two were from Seth and she put them aside. Returning three of the other calls only took her about ten minutes. Then she hustled to catch up with patient appointments.

  She loved her work here at Montclair and had been thrilled when McKenna recruited her. But sometimes she wished she’d never met McKenna’s brother.

  Hours later, Selena had seen her last patient and was dreaming of a hot soak in lavender epson salts.

  “Busy day? Everything go all right with Patty?” McKenna stood in her doorway, Logan’s ring glittering on her left hand.

  “Cutest little baby boy ever. So how’s your day? Why don’t you take a seat?”

  The caned seat of the rocker squeaked as McKenna sat down. Pushing with her white clogs, she began to rock. “Day went great, everything but lunch. One of my friends gave me indigestion.”

  “That’ll happen.”

  The rocking stopped. “Look, I may be Seth’s sister but you're a close friend. I know you’re having a hard time, Selena, and I want to help.”

  Picking up a pen, Selena began to doodle on the pink phone messages from Seth. “I just don’t want to put you in an awkward position.”

  “I’m a big girl. Try me.”

  Selena had to approach this with some delicacy. “Gary’s in a similar situation, that’s all. He and Mindy broke up.”

  “So I heard. What does that have to do with you?”

  “I like Gary,” Selena hurried to explain, “but more as a friend than anything else.”

  McKenna rolled her eyes. “I can hardly believe you’re saying that. The man is so hot. If it weren’t for Logan, I’d be on Gary Rice like tar on the Dan Ryan.”

  “You have a point. However, this break with Seth is very new and it’s not something I’m going to get over fast.” Selena’s right hand kept working on those doodles.

  Lifting up on her elbows, McKenna looked down pointedly at Selena’s scribbles. She smiled when Selena drew a line through the hearts. “So you’re going out with Gary as a friend? Comforting each other?”

  “Sort of. We’re dating...kind of.”

  “Can’t wait to tell Seth.”

  Selena’s pulse picked up. “Please don’t. Dating someone so soon seems mean. After all, Seth hasn’t done anything. Not really.”

  McKenna’s tawny brows pinched together
. “Isn’t that the problem? He just hasn’t done anything.”

  The two of them probably looked thick as thieves when Bethany stuck her head in. “What’s up? Planning to rob a bank or something?”

  Selena and McKenna exchanged a look. Outside, a March wind beat against the heavy paned windows.

  Bethany waved a hand between the two of them. “Not saying anything? You both look guilty as sin. I’m out of here.” She left.

  “Back to business,” McKenna said after their colleague’s footsteps had retreated down the hall. “Couldn’t be that you and Gary are working at making Seth jealous? You wouldn’t stoop that low, right?”

  “Not intentionally.” Her defense came quickly.

  McKenna's eyes grew thoughtful. “I don't know what will work with Seth. I really don't.”

  “Seth might not like this...macho pride and everything. But he’ll start to date soon too.” A mental image of women lined up outside Seth’s house came to mind.

  “I’m here to help. Where you headed tonight?”

  “Gary suggested a movie at the Music Box Theatre. Then we’ll probably hit Sluggers. I could go for a few pinball machines right now.” Selena flexed her fingers and McKenna smiled. “Much better than slamming my head into a wall, right?”

  “Got that right, girlfriend.” Checking the time on her phone, McKenna jumped up. “Logan’s waiting for me. We're going to the Purple Frog for a bite. I’d ask you to come if you didn’t have a date. Or, a date that’s not really a date.”

  “Not a date. Not really.” Selena just couldn't go there, not yet.

  “Right. Whatever.” McKenna gave her a thumbs up before disappearing.

  Packing up the stuff she wanted to take home, Selena figured that McKenna might get on the phone to Seth tonight. Nothing she could do about it. Part of her wanted Seth to know but the other part didn’t want to deal with it. Hanging out with Gary might be just the medicine she needed.

  When she got home, she started to draw a tub. After it was just the right temperature, she slipped into the lavender scented water for a relaxing soak. Aromatherapy was part of their natural childbirth classes and Selena was all for it. Lathering her skin with the softest aloe soap she could find, she was determined to give herself some of the self-care they taught in their childbirth class. She’d been through worse than this breakup with Seth, hadn’t she?

  Memories from her childhood flashed through her head, especially her farming days. Cutting her foot open by stepping on a rake. A snake bite in Fred Polk’s orchard. Although he couldn’t afford it, her father always insisted on getting care. One time the family had gone three days eating only white bread and root soup until payday arrived. All their money had paid for the doctor. Reserves were nonexistent. Her parents never even had a bank account.

  Yep, she was darn tough and she could make it through heartache. Felt way worse than the rake, though. The metal art work she'd bought in Savannah had arrived. Just looking at those free flying birds made her heart sing. She'd hang it up this weekend.

  Jumping out of the tub, she toweled off and applied her favorite gardenia-scented cream before taking inventory of her closet. With Seth, she always wore something sexy. That’s just how Seth rolled. When she opened that door, she wanted to see his dark eyes heat with approval. Gary? She'd practice on him. Finally, she decided on a black mini skirt with tights and her new boots. Her fuzzy gray turtleneck should keep her warm. The theater would be cold but Sluggers could heat up on a Friday night. After applying minimal makeup, she dressed and pulled on her boots.

  Although she felt all cozied up in her turtleneck, the look in Gary’s eyes when she opened the door made her feel like she was encased in clear plastic wrap. “Well, look at you.” His eyes lit up although he kept his hands in his pockets when he stepped inside. The cold night air followed him, and Selena shut the door quick against a winter that refused to loosen its hold.

  He sniffed and smiled. “I’m a sucker for sexy perfume.”

  She gulped. “Thanks. Let me get my jacket.”

  After she locked up, they started out. He kept a tight hold of her elbow on the way to his jeep. “You’re quite the gentleman.”

  “Just what I do for all my girlfriends,” he cracked, opening the passenger door.

  “But I’m not...”

  He held up one gloved hand. “Relax, Selena. Just kidding.”

  Fifteen minutes later, they were in the Music Box Theatre, munching buttered popcorn and taking in the latest Iron Man flick. Lots of action up on that screen but her heart wasn’t in it. And Gary? He didn't laugh at the funny parts. With a sigh, she sat back and shoveled in more popcorn. When he didn't try to take her hand or loop one arm casually over her shoulder, she relaxed. The boundaries felt comfortable.

  “Where to?” he asked as they left the theater.

  “Thought we were going to Sluggers?”

  He seemed to give himself a shake. “Right. Perfect.”

  Really? Poor guy. She tugged at his jacket. “Listen we don’t have to...”

  “No, no. Sorry. I’m just tired.” He maneuvered her back to the car.

  Basically a sports bar with plenty of screens, Sluggers had a second floor filled with games. Selena had to shout to be heard above the pinball machines. Chimes rang and balls thumped. And then there was the batting cage. Every crack of the bat made Selena feel better. The Black Hawks ice hockey game? She’d become an expert.

  “You’re killing me!” Gary complained, feverishly working the levers on his end.

  “Three brothers. They would plead with my parents for just one game and that always had to be ice hockey.” No need to explain that her family learned how to play in the back room of a bar owned by one of the farmers. Didn’t cost him anything and the workers loved it. Ice hockey wasn't real popular down in Juarez, but learning the game had been fun up in El Norte.

  Since Seth had an ice hockey game in his basement, she’d had plenty of practice as an adult. Seth and his brothers had whacked the heck out of it, and all his nieces and nephews learned to play at an early age.

  But she didn’t want to think about Seth tonight.

  Gary sent the puck flying. Lights lit up and the bells clanged.

  “No way.” Selena bent to the task. At least these levers were something she could control. Her non-date looked on, his expression a mixture of awe and amusement.

  “Whew, you gave me a run for my money,” Selena said later as they went back downstairs.

  “You’re being polite, right? You whipped the pants off me.”

  They took two stools at the bar. As she sat down, Selena thought she saw a flash of dark auburn hair and darn it, her eyes swung to the end of the bar.

  But it wasn’t Seth. Just another tall, well-built guy with dark red hair.

  “You checking someone out? You’re on a date, remember?” Gary gave her a good-natured nudge.

  Heat rolled up Selena’s cheeks. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. The good thing about being with you, Selena, is that we don’t have to worry about the usual stuff. If you’re interested in someone, well, I’d almost be happy for you. Feel kind of bad about involving you in this charade.”

  She frowned. “Don’t be silly. I agreed to this and I am not checking out other guys.”

  “Aw, Selena.” His arms muscular arms felt good when he hugged her. “I'm glad. Tonight I want to be your center of attention.”

  A party in the back broke into a loud “Happy Birthday” and Selena leaned closer to his ear. “What did you say?”

  Brushing her hair aside, Gary repeated the message.

  Nodding, Selena squeezed his arm. He was such a great guy. “I'm good with that.”

  Caramba, she really was seeing things tonight. From the corner of her eye, she thought she detected another flash of copper hair. A girl’s mind could play tricks on her when she had it bad for a man.


  What was Gary doing, moving in on Selena like that? The beer mug al
most shattered in Seth’s tight grip. And Selena. Was she cuddling up with him? Sure looked like it. Seth liked Gary. Wasn’t that the rub? After all, the doc worked with Logan, McKenna’s future husband.

  But he didn’t like seeing Gary with Selena. From now on, he had to ignore McKenna when she dropped her not-so-subtle hints. Damn, felt like he was stalking his ex-girlfriend. Share his private past with her? No way. He shoved the beer aside and threw some bills on the bar. The last thing he wanted was for Selena to see him.

  Marching out to his car, he slid in and sat there for a second. So freezing cold out, he could see his breath in the air. He turned up the heat but only cold air blasted his face. When would April get here? Spring always came late to Chicago. Maybe he should take a trip. Get out of town. Mexico or one of the islands.

  Frustrated beyond belief, he shoved the car into gear. Who was he kidding? If he went anywhere, he’d want Selena with him. Her body stretched out next to his on the beach. Selena playing footsie with his toes in the sand until he had to drag her back to the room, not that she wasn’t willing. Best girlfriend he’d ever had.

  Girlfriend? Is that what she’d been? The word didn’t feel like enough. No wonder Selena had it with him.

  When he got on the Dan Ryan, he called McKenna.

  “Why are you calling me so late?” He heard the yawn in her voice. “We’re about to go to bed.”

  “Sorry.” He glanced at the clock. Was he crazy? Getting enough sleep wasn’t easy for a midwife. “Listen, did you casually mention Selena would be at Sluggers tonight for a reason? Is she dating Gary now? Didn’t take her long.”

  Not long at all since he’d picked her up at O’Hare and they’d made love.

  Love, not sex.

  “Well, you’ll have to ask her about Gary, won’t you?”

  He hated being put on the spot like this, and by his own sister. “Go back to sleep. Sorry if I woke you up. You going to Mom’s Sunday?”

  “Planning on it.”

  “Good. See you there.” He ended the call.

  Sunday. Another family dinner. When would he get used to family events without Selena, the girl all the Kirkpatricks adored?


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