Four Christmas Matchmakers

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Four Christmas Matchmakers Page 13

by Cathy Gillen Thacker

  Regretting having tried to combine an HITN assignment with her babysitting duties, Allison promised, “I’m going to talk with your mommy before you get home from school.” Or at least she would try. Between the time difference, the girls’ school and her work schedule, it would not be easy.

  “Okay, but we have got to have them, or our tree will still not look right,” Jade said, unclasping her seat belt prematurely.

  “Girls,” Cade warned in the rearview mirror, as another latch audibly unsnapped. “We’re still driving.”

  “Mommy’s Suburban isn’t moving,” Hazel pointed out, unfastening hers, too. Albeit a little more discreetly.

  “It’s temporarily stopped,” Cade said. “For traffic. We’ll move again in a second...”

  “Re-latch your seat belts,” Allison directed, beginning to feel like the Mom to Cade’s Dad...

  To Allison’s frustration, no one complied with her directive. Meanwhile, Amber eased hers off. Testing them, too.

  Cade’s brows lowered. “I mean it or I’m not moving forward,” he said sternly. “And you know what that means. The Traffic Mommy is going to come back and scold us for not following the safety rules.”

  Experience had taught them the girls found it too embarrassing to be singled out in front of their peers. Four latches sounded. Followed by four loud sighs.

  “Thank you,” Cade said, sounding more like a veteran daddy than ever.

  Suppressing a smile, Allison turned to look out her window, past the school, toward the street ahead. To her amazement, she could have sworn she saw the Angry Fan who had confronted Cade in the San Angelo mall. Except this time, he wasn’t with that woman or sporting a goatee or wearing a Wranglers baseball cap. Instead, he was wearing sunglasses, a Stetson and a shearling coat. Phone pressed to his ear, he was climbing into a nondescript gray sedan and fumbling with the phone, which was resting against the top of the steering wheel.

  Cade eased forward in the traffic line.

  “Everything okay?” he asked her.

  Allison nodded slowly, still trying to surreptitiously make sense of what she was seeing, without doing or saying anything that would alarm the girls.

  Cade braked in front of the school.

  “Oh, no, my shoe came off!” Sienna said in alarm.

  The Traffic Mom opened the rear passenger door. Sienna started to cry in distress.

  “Hang on. I’m coming to help!” Allison said, jumping out.

  While the other girls climbed out of the Suburban with the help of the Traffic Mom, then were escorted to the school by another, Allison quickly got Sienna’s sneaker on and the Velcro tabs fastened. “There you go,” she said.

  Still tearful, Sienna emerged from her car booster seat. Seeing she needed comfort, Allison opened her arms and gave the four-year-old a big hug. She bent her head and pressed a kiss onto the top of her head. “You’re okay now, right?”

  Sienna nodded and clung to her. “Thank you, Miss Allison,” she whispered.

  “Anytime.” Allison hugged her back and unexpectedly felt herself tearing up, too. Was this what life with a big family was like? Had she been missing out by declaring she wasn’t interested in having a husband and children? And most important, was it possible it wasn’t too late after all for her to have everything she had once wanted? With Cade?

  * * *

  “You are really tired, aren’t you?” Cade remarked as he drove away from the school.

  “Why do you say that?” Allison asked, looking at the place where the Angry Fan had been. Except there was no vehicle there now.

  Was she seeing things?

  She shook her head. The reality was, if there had been a stalker anywhere near the school, one of the other parents certainly would have picked up on it, gotten a license plate number and reported it.

  Cade probably would have noticed, too.

  Had he not been busy watching traffic and the unfolding drama of the unlatched seat belts and falling-off sneaker.

  Briefly, she told him what she thought she had seen. “But there is nothing there now, so I don’t know.” Frowning, he looked over at her. “I think I am just overtired,” she admitted with a telltale quaver. First, she had seen trouble where there might have been none and then been moved to tears by a little girl’s hug.

  He reached over and touched a tear still trembling on her lower lash. “Is that all that’s going on with you this morning?”

  Not about to tell him how much she was beginning to realize she wanted a family of her own, she lifted a dismissive hand. “Nothing a bowl of cereal and a nap won’t cure.” It was certainly possible this was all due to too much job pressure, low blood sugar and lack of sleep!

  He looked over at her, as protective as ever. “Want to go back to your place?”

  Allison smiled. Sometimes it was good to be taken care of. Especially by an incredibly kind and sexy man. And it was Christmas, after all. The season of giving... “If you don’t mind driving me. Yes, I would.”

  He reached across the console to companionably squeeze her knee. “My lady’s wish is my command.”

  Another wave of heat swept through her. The kind she would have felt if they’d had the time to make love again the evening before. Attempting to keep her mind on their repartee, instead of the sizzling chemistry between them, she murmured, “Feeling chivalrous this morning?”

  He flashed a mysterious smile. “I’m always chivalrous when I’m around you. Haven’t you noticed?”

  She had. It was what had made breaking up with him so hard years ago. “What are your plans for the day?”

  He sobered. “I need to do some prepping for an interview with the school board and superintendent tomorrow morning.”

  Brought back to reality, Allison asked, as they arrived at her house and went in together, “How do you prepare for something like that?”

  Cade fell into step beside her as they traversed the walk to her front porch. “The Q and A part you really don’t because that should come straight from your heart. But the written lesson plan they’re going to want to see for the way I intend to coach.” He released his light grip beneath her elbow. “That, I’m going to have to pull from my college sports education days.”

  She shot him a look over her shoulder, feeling a little bereft now that he had stopped touching her. “You still have all that stuff?”

  He shoved his hands in his pockets and watched her turn the key. “Oh, yeah. I knew this day would come.”

  He’d never said as much to her. But then, years before, they hadn’t really talked about the future when it came to what they wanted. Only the present. The possibility of high salaries. And fame. Which he’d had. And she was well on her way to getting. Although perhaps not major-league-baseball-level money or fame...

  Cade took off his jacket and made himself right at home. More damning still, she couldn’t say she minded. It felt right, somehow, having him around like this again. And even better to have someone take care of her for a change.

  “So. What do you want for breakfast?” He held up a staying hand. “And don’t say cereal. You need something more substantial after being up all night, something with plenty of protein.” Their hips and shoulders bumped as they met up near the stove.

  She remembered the few dishes he could manage not to burn. “Like scrambled eggs with cheese?”

  He folded his arms across his chest, the hunger in his eyes matching hers. “Sounds good to me,” he admitted in that rough-tender voice she loved.

  He looked good to her. All freshly shaven and showered. In a knit shirt that clung to his broad shoulders and molded to his hard pecs and flat abs. Jeans that did the same thing for his hips and legs. He’d always been an athlete. Now he was starting to show signs of being a great dad, as well as good husband material.

  And that, she was surprised to find out, was incredibly s

  “Um...” Pushing aside her unexpectedly romantic thoughts, she inhaled. And tried not to think about how much she needed to touch him. “To me, too.” Averting her glance, lest he see too much of what she was thinking and feeling, she brought out the carton of eggs, butter and a block of cheddar from the fridge.

  “I’ll take it from here,” he said.

  “Ah. The perks of dating an athlete.” She slid her weary body onto a stool and rested her chin on her upturned palm. “They’re always hungry. Most of them know how to cook at least a few things reasonably well.” At least she hoped that was still the case. “And they always know what you should eat.”

  He set the skillet on the stove, then came around the island. He swiveled her stool, so her back was to the counter. And planted a hand on either side of her, trapping her in place. He grinned, slow and sexy, and kept his eyes on her face. Waggling his brows, he asked, “Are we dating?”

  A tremor of desire slid through her. All she could think—or want—was to make love with him again. Telling herself to slow down, lest he shatter her heart all over again, she leaned back slightly. “Cade...”

  He leaned in closer. His gaze drifted over her hair, cheeks, mouth and throat before returning with slow deliberation to her eyes. “Is it possible we could?”

  The romantic side of her wanted to say yes. Heck, yes! But the way they had crashed and burned before made her hesitate. She didn’t want to exert any expectations on them. Or take them out of the moment...which was turning out to be pretty darned good...

  Deciding it would be best to avoid going down a road that might lead to conflict, she merely tilted her head, splayed her hands across his shirtfront and admitted, “Right now we just have to get through the week. Make it until Sarabeth and Shawn get home from Switzerland...”

  He straightened and gave her a long, steady look before he moved away. “Then we will talk about this,” Cade promised firmly.

  They would have to. She knew that. She just didn’t know what she would say.

  * * *

  “Mmm, that was scrumptious,” Allison said half an hour later, as they finished up their cheesy scrambled eggs, toast and fresh fruit.

  It was ironic. In their college days, he had always been extremely good to her when he was there. The problem had been that he hadn’t been around enough. And they had both known that complication was only going to exacerbate when he turned pro.

  Now he was suddenly with her constantly. In a way he never really had been before. But she didn’t trust it to last. Not if her career took off. Or his did again, too. And that could happen.

  “Another cup of decaf for your thoughts,” he teased.

  She rose, her knees still feeling slightly unsteady with bone-deep fatigue, and said the first thing that came to mind. “Your cooking has come a long way from your college days.”

  He preened comically. “Hasn’t it?”

  “And modest, too!”

  “Hey.” He hooked his arm about her shoulders and brought her close to his side. “If the compliment fits...”

  She laughed softly. Now that she had eaten, she wanted nothing more than to sleep. But there were still chores to be done.

  He caught the direction of her glance. His gaze turned warm, possessive. “I’ll do the dishes. Let’s get you to bed.”

  Allison drew a bolstering breath as her heart hammered in her chest. “You don’t have to do that.”

  “Lead you to bed? Yeah, I’m afraid I do. You’re a temporary mom now.” He stepped behind her to knead the tense muscles of her neck and shoulders. “You have to rest when the opportunity presents itself. Otherwise, you won’t have the energy to help with the girls later.”

  She leaned into his luxuriant touch. “True.” She pivoted to face him and slayed him with her best I-can-handle-damn-near-anything look. “But I think I know where my bedroom is.”

  “Good.” Ignoring her declaration of independence, he flashed the seductive grin that always melted her from the inside out. “That makes two of us.”

  Giving her no further chance to protest, he wrapped his arm about her waist and cuddled her close as they moved up the stairs and into the master suite that took up the entire second floor of the cottage. He stopped next to the bed. “Need pajamas?”

  Did she?

  Suddenly, all the reasons she’d had for slowing down seemed completely irrelevant. It was Christmastime, after all. They were both single and unattached. Both feeling immensely attracted to, and in need of comfort from, the other person.

  Not sure she wanted to continue to fight the desire that had been plaguing her since they had started spending time together again, she took the cell phone out of her pocket, shut off the sound and set it on the bedside table.

  “You’re taking your role as protector very seriously.” And she had to admit, she always had loved his innate gallantry. Never more so than right now.

  The twinkle in his eyes intensified. “Is that a yes or a no?”

  Decision made...she was giving this gift of time and togetherness to the both of them...she tugged the hem of his shirt from the waistband of his jeans. “It’s a not right now...”

  Catching her hand, he kissed the back of it. Their eyes locked. The mixture of desire and need told her all she wanted to know.

  “Careful what you wish for, darlin’,” he whispered, kissing her cheek, her temple, the sensitive spot just beneath her ear.

  Aware she had never felt so cherished and adored as she did when she was with him, Allison brushed her lips across his and felt his body harden all the more. He tasted so good. So deliciously male. “Mmm. Speaking of wishes...” Hand hooked playfully in the waist of his jeans, she tugged him into the adjacent bathroom. A place that had never been properly christened until now. “What I wish for now is a nice hot shower. And although you appear to already have had one this morning, you are more than welcome to join me.”

  His laugh was low and husky. He eased the zipper of her dress down. She shimmied out of it, then her tights. Clad in bra and panties, she turned to start the water. By the time she’d adjusted the temperature, he was stripped down to the buff. He reached behind her to unclasp her bra. Drew it off. Helped her dispense with her panties. She stepped into the shower. With a very slow and sexy smile, he joined her under the spray.

  His skin was hot. The water was warm. Her body was on fire.

  He touched her erect nipples, bent his head and kissed her, wet and deep. Then slowly and tenderly until she wrapped her arms about him and moved impatiently against him.

  She quivered as he drew her against his male perfection. She felt the length of him, so hot and hard. Then he was reaching for the body wash. Pumping it into his palms, he spread the silky liquid over her shoulders, across her breasts, down her tummy and between her thighs. She arched at the stroke of his fingers, the rubbing ministrations of his palms. And then he was turning her, attending to the expanse of back between her shoulder blades, down her spine, over the curve of her buttocks.

  Sensation shimmered through her as he continued down to her thighs. Past her knees. And still water sluiced over her, over him. Suds sliding onto their feet. Finished, he brought her against him. “Feeling better?”

  A shaky breath escaped her. “Much.”


  And still he took his time, holding her close under the spray. Kissing and touching while she trembled in response, her flesh swelling to fill his palms. Bending her backward over one arm, he kissed and caressed her breasts, his fingers grazing from base to tip, his tongue laving the tight buds.

  When she could take it no more, he parted her legs, then rubbed and stroked. She caressed him in turn, moving her fingers lightly over the length of him, then back again until he, too, was on the verge.

  “I don’t want to come without you, not this time,” she whispered shakily.

  He exited the shower long enough to retrieve a condom. She helped him roll it on, and then he settled her against the wall. She held on to his shoulders and wrapped her legs around his hips. And then they were kissing again. Ravenously. Until he was throbbing and she was wet and open. She moaned as he slid home. Intent on giving them what they both needed. Thrusting. Taking. Sending her over the edge and going right with her in a way that was so wild and perfect it stole her heart.

  * * *

  As the aftershocks faded, and Allison drifted to sleep, Cade held her close, aware he hadn’t felt this content or at peace in years.

  That wasn’t surprising, of course.

  The two of them had started dating in high school. Continued through four years of college. Moving in together and sharing an apartment for the last two.

  He had taken her for granted then. Thinking she would always be there for him. And even though he had sensed she was increasingly unhappy, toward the end, he had still been surprised when she’d broken up with him and moved out.

  He had expected her to forgive him and come back. It was why he had hired her to decorate his first home.

  When she hadn’t, he had discovered what it was like to have half your soul torn away.

  The rigors of playing professional baseball had filled up his hours. And he had invested everything in the highs and lows of victory and defeat.

  But he had always missed her.

  Always dreamed about her.

  Always thought...someday...they’d find their way back together.

  Now they had.

  At least for another four or five days.

  Was that going to be enough to fully pique her interest and regain her trust? Show her what they could enjoy if they only gave each other a no-holds-barred second chance?

  He didn’t know.

  He could only hope...

  And though he wanted nothing more than to stay with her for the rest of the morning, and sleep with her wrapped in his arms, that wasn’t going to be possible, either. He had dishes to finish up, an interview to prep for and carpet restoration workers to meet up with. All before the quadruplets were ready to be picked up from pre-K at three that afternoon.


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