Wild Bill Donovan

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by Douglas Waller

  115 than not: War Report of the OSS, p. 20; Notes from WJD, April 5, 1949, B: “Bomb Fuses, Admiral Darlan, etc.,” WJDP, MHI; WJD memo to FDR, April 14, 1942, Fr: 231, R: 43, M1642, RG226, NA; Gladieux, OHC, pp. 364–75; Smith, Shadow Warriors, pp. 118–19.

  116 Roosevelt’s order: John Wiley interview, Sept. 27, 1944, B: unnumbered third and fourth boxes from the end of the collection, WJDP, MHI; WJD memo to FDR, May 16, 1942, Fr: 309–13, R: 23, FDR Military Order, June 13, 1942, Fr: 44, R: 4, M1642, RG226, NA; Troy, Donovan and the CIA, pp. 148–53; Memo to Bruce Lockhart, June 15, 1942, FO 898-102, NAUK.

  117 military’s machine: W. B. memo to GCM, May 2, 1942, George Strong memos to GCM, May 11, 1942, B: 632, E: 47, RG319, NA; War Report of the OSS, pp. 99, 101; Smith, Shadow Warriors, pp. 141–44, 158–67.

  117 any salary: FDR letter to Secretary of the Treasury, July 3, 1942, Fr: 14–15, B: 27, M1642, RG226, NA; Notes on Discussion between Mr. Elmo Roper and Mr. A. M. Wilson, Jan. 8, 1945, B: “German Documents, Elmo Roper, etc.,” WJDP, MHI.

  117–118 He soon to John Grombach: Lovell, pp. 164–69; Memoirs of Ivan D. Yeaton, pp. 1, 58, IYP, MHI; Putzell, OHP, p. 42; Troy, Donovan and the CIA, p. 150; Kingsley, Jan. 7, 2008; WJD Letter to George Strong, Nov. 4, 1942, EB memo to John Deane, Nov. 21, 1942, B: 120B, WJDP, MHI; Memorandum for the files, Nov. 17, 1942, Fr: 577, R: 113, M1642, RG226, NA; John Grombach memo to G-2 with enclosure, Dec. 4, 1945, B: 1, History, Background and Current Status of Secret Intelligence Organization, April 15, 1953, B: 7, E: 12, GP, RG263, NA; Interview with OCD, p. 75, B: “Oral History Interviews—OCD, Activities in Europe 1941–89,” WJDP, MHI.

  118 held secrets: WJD memo to C. W. Horn, June 12, 1942, Fr: 818, R: 56, Memorandum for Joint Staff Planners, March 11, 1943, Fr: 24–31, R: 32, WJD memo to George Strong, Oct. 21, 1942, Fr: 996–1003, R: 64, M1642, RG226, NA.

  118 foreign sources: Memo for WJD on Operational Security, B: 126A, WJDP, MHI; Henry Field Memorandum on Office of Coordinator of Information, April 5, 1963, B: 19, RDP, MHI; EH memo to EB, June 4, 1942, M1642, NA.

  119 sensitive material: McIntosh, OHP, p. 33; Legendre, OHP, p. 41; Lovell, pp. 182–83; Interview with Wayne Nelson, Nov. 28, 1961, B: 4A, WJDP, MHI; David Williamson interview, Jan. 25, 1945, B: unnumbered third and fourth boxes from the end of the collection, WJDP, MHI.

  119 matched Donovan’s: Mulligan, pp. 79–86; Telegram (Geh. Ch. V.) Nr. 2241 vom 10.7.42, July 10, 1942, Fr: 79016–18, R: 165, T-120, NA; Detr. 1 Sowjetunion, Polen. May 26, 1942, Fr: 713–14, R: 574, T-78, NA; Telegram (Geh. Ch. V.) Nr. 1933 vom 16.6, June 17, 1942, Fr: 39152, R: 48, T-120, NA.

  119 be successful: Dunlop, pp. 352–53; Ernest Cuneo Manuscript on the OSS and BSC, N-P File, ECP, FDRL; WVHD, p. 26, WJDP, MHI; WJD memo to FDR, Sept. 29, 1944, Fr: 367, R: 24, WJD memo to FDR, Feb. 14, 1942, Fr: 1034, R: 22, M1642, RG226, NA.


  120–121 Cynthia rose to for work: Hyde, pp. 149–56; R. A. Newby memo to D. M. Ladd, Jan. 21, 1943, B: 119, E: 38B, RG226, NA; Charles Brousse letters to Admiral Leahy, Dec. 28, 1942, and to FDR, Jan. 7, 1943, B: 344, E: 210, RG226, NA.

  121–122 The Asia war to North Africa landing: WJD memo to FDR, April 7, 1942, Fr: 151, R: 34, M1642, RG226, NA; Gentry, pp. 229, 281–87; WJD letter to F. J. Bailey, April 22, 1942, Fr: 807, R: 56, WJD memos to FDR, April 27 and June 1, 1942, Fr: 174–76, Fr: 469–72, R: 23, M1642, RG226, NA.

  122–123 Donovan had to his mistress: WJD memo to FDR and FDR response, Jan. 26, 1942, Fr: 528–31, R: 22, Whitney memo to WJD, Jan. 12, 1942, Fr: 427–32, R: 123, M1642, RG226, NA; Hyde, pp. 11–148, 160; AB diary entries, Jan. 28, 1942, Feb. 1, 5, 13, and 14, March 5 and 10, 1942, ABP, FDRL; Cynthia letter to Downes, Nov. 23, 1942, B: 6, E: 136A, RG226, NA; Memo for A.D. concerning Mrs. D, April 26, 1942, B: 4, E: 136A, RG226, NA; JEH memo to Tolson, Feb. 13, 1942, B: 8, TTP, RG263, NA, FOIA NW31095.

  123–124 Donald Downes to phone line: Putzell, OHP, p. 26; Winks, pp. 152–71; Downes, pp. 63–79, 87; DB memo to Robert Cresswell, Dec. 21, 1942, B: 140, E: 92, RG226, NA; FBI memo on Donald Chase Downes, June 29, 1956, B: 201, E: A1-36M, RG226, NA; S. K. McKee letter to JEH, Aug. 8, 1942, JEH letter to Special Agent in Charge, Washington, D.C., Aug. 14, 1942, B: 119, E: 38B, RG65.

  125 breaking into: WJD letter to C. M. Cook Jr., Nov. 9, 1942, Fr: 1166, R: 75, EB letter to WJD with enclosure, Oct. 22, 1941, Fr: 138–39, 150–51, R: 123, Early memo to J. Freeman Lincoln, Feb. 18, 1942, Fr: 620–23, R: 1, M1642, RG226, NA; Memorandum to Colonel Donovan Concerning Spanish Material, Jan. 9, 1943, B: 340, E: 210, RG226, NA; Memo on Ambassador de Cardenas, March 20, 1942, B: 2 and B: 4, E: 136A, RG226, NA.

  125–127 Since he to their compound: Report #3, March 28, 1942, Floor Diagram of Spanish Embassy, Safe Combination Instructions, Shaw Walker safe specifications, B: 25 and B: 4, E: 136A, RG226, NA; Interview with OCD, pp. 57–59, B: “Oral History Interviews—OCD, Activities in Europe 1941–89,” WJDP, MHI; Downes, pp. 87–97; Winks, pp. 171–79; Brown, pp. 226–34; Memo to JEH Jan. 10, 1956, B: 201, E: A1-36M, RG65, NA; Ernest Cuneo manuscript on the OSS and BSC, N-P File, ECP, FDRL; C. Dallas Mobley memo to SAC, Aug. 17, 1953; FBI memo on “The Scarlet Thread,” Sept 8, 1953; L. B. Nichols memo to Mr. Tolson, Sept. 9, 1953; A. H. Belmont memo to D. M. Ladd, Aug. 28, 1953; SAC, Washington Field (BSM) Aug. 11, 1953, FBI FOIA No. 1131282-000.

  127 in Washington: Donald Downes memo to WJD, Oct. 16, 1942, B: 3, E: 136A, RG226, NA; Memorandum to Colonel Donovan Concerning Spanish Material, Jan. 9, 1943, B: 340, E: 210, RG226, NA.

  128 real enemy: Interview with OCD, p. 138, 2 (addendum), B: “Oral History Interviews—OCD, Activities in Europe 1941–89,” WJDP, MHI; Censorship reports, April 7, 1942, on letters to WJD, 62-62736-2-1533 (105), Bureau memo June 6, 1945, 62-7787-948 (89), FBI; Mosley, pp. 123–25; WJD letter to C&P Telephone Co., April 23, 1942, Fr: 576–79, R: 39, M1642, RG226, NA; Gentry, p. 295.


  129 it grew: Lankford, pp. 3–5, 12–20, 33; OCD memo to C. W. Barnes, Sept. 26, 1942, Fr: 1015–16, R: 69, M1642, RG226, NA; Visit of G and G.50,000 memo, June 6, 1942, HS 4–143, NAUK; OSS Exhibit B, July 17, 1942, B: 344, E: 210, RG226, NA.

  130 North Africa: Howe, Dec. 20, 2007; Notes on Conversation with G.50,000, June 15, 1942, HS 8-115, NAUK; Summary of Agreement between British SOE and American OSS, Fr: 1333–45, R: 11, M1642, RG226, NA.

  131 covert operatives: WJD memo to FDR, Feb. 2, 1942, Fr: 887–88, R: 22, Establishment of Operational Base for Southwestern Europe and French North Africa, Fr: 425–34, R: 64, WJD letter to National Geographic Society, Jan. 9, 1942, Fr: 423, R: 75, WJD memo to FDR, Jan. 24, 1942, Fr: 523–27, R: 22, T. S. Wilkinson letter to WJD, Feb. 19, 1942, Fr: 991–1003, R: 50, M1642, RG226, NA; Atkinson, An Army at Dawn, pp. 23–28; Kimball, vol. 1, pp. 348–50, 426.

  131 French refugees: Howe, Dec. 20, 2007; Vaughan, pp. 42, 72–75, 104; Wallace Phillips letter to Preston, May 14, 1942, Fr: 1025–27, R: 44, FDR memo to WJD, Jan. 10, 1942, Fr: 492–93, R: 22, M1642, RG226, NA.

  132 an invasion: Memorandum of a Conversation between General Weygand and Mr. Murphy, Fr: 438–39, R: 34, Memo to WJD on North Africa, Oct. 9, 1942, Fr: 987–88, R: 33, M1642, RG226, NA; Winks, pp. 153, 179; Vaughan, xiv, pp. 4–32, 50–51, 112–13.

  133 might use: W. A. Eddy memo to WJD, June 9, 1942, R: 20, A-3304, RG226, NA; Lt. Col. Eddy oral report, June 10, 1942, B: 3, MPGP, HIA; Africa Section memo to DB, Dec. 17, 1942, Fr: 50–53, R: 33, M1642, RG226, NA; Coon, pp. x–xi, 10–32; Torch Anthology, Names and Code Names Torch, p. 10, Pinkeye’s Tale, July 15, 1944, B: 49, E: 99, RG226, NA; The Overseas Targets, pp. 13–15.

  133 Allied plans: Abt: Ausland Er. 00 774/41 geh Edos XXL/I E, Feb. 12, 1941, Fr: 26834–63, R: 352, T-120, NA; Vaughan, pp. 60–61; Torch Anthology, Period II, May 1941–March 1942, p. 8, Period II, December 1941–Nov. 8, 1942, p. 14, B: 49, E: 99, RG226, NA; Vaughan, pp. 110–12, 247–49; Memo to WJD, June 4, 1942, Fr: 507–20, R: 122, M1642, RG226, NA; W. A. Roseborough memo to WJD with enclosures, Jan. 1, 1943, B: 63, E: 210, RG226
, NA.

  134 another approach: WJD memo to FDR, May 11, 1942, Fr: 251–53, R: 23, WJD letter to Paul H. Alling, Oct. 27, 1942, Fr: 1053, R: 44, M1642, RG226, NA; Vaughan, pp. 136–37, 154–55.

  135 “considered thought”: EB interview, March 3, 1945, B: unnumbered third and fourth boxes from the end of the collection, WJDP, MHI; Memorandum of Meeting at the St. Regis Hotel, Aug. 21, 1942, R: 20, A-3304, RG226, NA.

  135 the payoffs: Atkinson, An Army at Dawn, pp. 59–61; WVHD, p. 26, WJDP, MHI; FDR press conference, Oct. 13, 1942, FDRL; George Strong memo to WJD, Sept. 11, 1942, Fr: 1–22, R: 34, George Strong memo to WJD, Sept. 30, 1942, Fr: 21–22, R: 34, M1642, RG226, NA.

  135–136 The heart to “little resistance”: Notes on discussion with WJD, Rogers, Taylor, R. Murphy, and DB, Sept. 6, 1942, Fr: 227–34; R: 34, Hugh Wilson memo to OCD with enclosure, Oct. 27, 1942, Fr: 595–623, R: 50, M1642, RG226, NA; Mark Clark letter to Robert Murphy with enclosure, Sept. 23, 1942, Fr: 24–97, M1642, RG226, NA; Clark, pp. 56–89, 121.

  137 being blindsided: Malvergne case memos, Fr: 1044–48, 1057–59, R: 44, Fr: 905, R: 115, Fr: 47–49, R: 33, M1642, RG226, NA.

  137–138 On November 6 to “or not”: Alfred Gruenther memo to DDE, Sept. 29, 1942, B: 153, PPP, PF, DDEL; Coon, pp. 39–40; Clark, pp. 91–94; Gladieux, OHC, pp. 391–93, 426; Interview with OCD, pp. 125–26, B: “Oral History Interviews—OCD, Activities in Europe 1941–89,” WJDP, MHI; Memo to JEH, Jan. 15, 1943, 62-64427-475 (36), FBI.

  138 be the case: Bowman, OHP, p. 7; Hughes, OHP, p. 23; Brown, p. 253.

  139 nearby airport: Coon, pp. 41–42; Vaughan, pp. 175–217; Atkinson, An Army at Dawn, pp. 62, 145–48; War Report of the OSS, p. 175; Smith, Shadow Warriors, pp. 151–52; The Overseas Targets, pp. 14, 18; J.I.C. Gibraltar, Lomay Operation, Nov. 10, 1942, Fr: 545–52, R: 35, Donald McKay memo to WJD, March 3, 1943, Fr: 1267–1306, R: 33, Factual Account of the Night of Nov. 7–8, 1942, Fr: 1130–38, R: 33, M1642, RG: 226, NA.

  139–140 But only to for North Africa: David King memo to Robert Murphy, Nov. 18, 1942, Fr: 545–52, R: 35, M1642, RG226, NA; Clark, pp. 95–103; Atkinson, An Army at Dawn, pp. 64–159; Vaughan, pp. 201–17; FDR Press Conference, Nov. 10, 1942, FDRL; Lovell, pp. 186–87; Minutes of a Meeting in the St. George Hotel, Algiers, on Nov. 13, 1942, B: 33, PPP, PF, DDEL; Factual Account of the Night of Nov. 7–8, 1942, Fr: 1130–38, R: 33, M1642, RG226, NA.

  141 of the Army: FDR letter to CH, Nov. 17, 1942, Folder 152, R: 22, CHP, LOC; Donald McKay memo to WJD, March 3, 1943, Fr: 1267–1306, M1642, RG226, NA; Murphy, pp. 139–40; F. L. Meyer memo to WJD, 1942, R: 6, DB memo to WJD with letter and enclosure from William Maddox, Dec. 11, 1942, A-3304, RG226, NA; Atkinson, An Army at Dawn, pp. 151–60, 198–99; Walker, p. 673; WJD memo to JCS, Nov. 14, 1942, Fr: 830–31, R: 6, Donald McKay memo to WJD, Fr: 1267–1306, R: 33, Henry Morgenthau letter to WJD with enclosure, June 5, 1943, Fr: 1320–31, R: 33, M1642, RG226, NA.

  142 American cousins: Spanish Morocco memo, Fr: 43–44, R: 33, M1642, RG226, NA; Richard Heppner letter to WJD, Nov. 18, 1942, B: 340, S.O.E. and S.I.S, pp. 163–66, B: 72, E: 210, RG226, NA; Cipher telegram from New York for CD, Nov. 11, 1942, Telegram for New York from CD, Nov. 12, 1942, Telegram to New York from CD, Dec. 12, 1942, HS 3-56, NAUK; John Toulmin interview, June 13, 1945, B: unnumbered third and fourth boxes from the end of the collection, WJDP, AWC.

  143 horse to lose: EH letter to WJD, Feb. 2, 1943, Fr: 603–44, R: 34, WJD memo to FDR, April 25, 1942, John Wiley memo to D. C. Poole, Feb. 18, 1942, W. B. Smith memo to WJD, Aug. 6, 1942, Fr: 1279–1300, R: 1124, M1642, RG226, NA; Note of E.C.H. Jr., Dec. 24, 1942, B: 345, E: 210, RG226, NA; WJD letter to GCM, Nov. 18, 1942, Joseph McNarney letter to WJD, Jan. 25, 1943, Fr: 1118, 1120–21, R: 103, M1642, RG226, NA; Wiley memo to WJD with enclosure, Jan. 12, 1937, B: 344, E: 210, RG226, NA; SOE War Diary 56, OSS/SOE October 1942–June 1943, HS 7-283, NAUK; Notes on SOE’s relations with OSS regarding Poland and Czechoslovakia, Aug. 15, 1942, HS 4-151, NAUK.

  144 was dead: Troy, Donovan and the CIA, pp. 181–91; Memoirs of Ivan D. Yeaton, p. 60, IYP, MHI; GCM letter to WJD, Dec. 23, 1942, Fr: 197, R: 126, M1642, RG226, NA; WJD letter to GCM, Dec. 24, 1942, B: 119B, WJDP, MHI; A. C. Bennett memo to Commander Advance Group, Amphibious Force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet, Sept. 30, 1942, DGD; David R. Donovan commission in Naval Reserve, Jan. 3, 1942, Report on the Fitness of Officers for David R. Donovan, May 19, 1943, NPRC.

  144 “Admiral’s assassin”: Murphy, pp. 142–43; The Assassination of Darlan, by Peter Dewey, B: 47, E: 99, RG226, NA; Clark, pp. 128–30; WJD memo, Dec. 7, 1942, B: “Bomb Fuses, Admiral Darlan, etc.,” WJDP, MHI; Coon report, VIII: Postscript: The World After War: OSS-SOE: The Invisible Empire, MEMTO-Torch Anthology, Vol. II, B: 49, E: 99, RG226, NA; Coon, pp. 46–48, 60–61.


  145–146 At the station to isolated Bern: Grose, pp. 5–141, 150–52; Hugh Wilson memos to James Murphy, July 17, 1942, Fr: 1004–6, R: 114, M1642, RG226, NA; Burns to Victor cable, Nov. 10, 1942, B: 121B, WJDP, MHI; Hood, Dec. 11, 2008; Crockett, OHP, p. 17; Howe, Dec. 12, 2007.

  147 “War Department”: Burns cable to Victor, Nov. 14, 1942, B: 121B, WJDP, MHI; Mauch, p. 108; Grose, pp. 26–34, 73–107,153–83; Mary Bancroft interview, July 16, 1980, p. 12, B: Interviews—Bancroft to Sherwood 1945-undated, WJDP, MHI; The Overseas Targets, pp. 273–80; Allen Dulles interview, Sept. 28, 1944, B: unnumbered third and fourth boxes from the end of the collection, WJDP, MHI; OSS cable to Bern, April 28, 1943, R: 150, A-3304, RG226, NA; War Report of the OSS, p. 142.

  147–149 Dulles developed to for successes: JEH letter to HH with enclosure, July 26, 1943, DOJ Rpt. No. 2361-A, OF 10B, FDRL; Breakers cables list 512, B: 9, E: 190C, RG226, NA; W. A. Kimbel memo to Chief, S.I., Jan. 20, 1945, Ferdinand Mayer memo to WS, Dec. 28, 1944, B: 350, E: 210, RG226, NA; The Story of George, B: 7, E: 190C, RG226, NA; W. S. Stephenson letter to WJD, Nov. 15, 1944, B: 1, JRFP, HIA; The Overseas Targets, pp. 278–79; WS memo to EB, Jan. 26, 1944, Fr: 1010–16; R: 26, M1642, RG226, NA; A. Ausl. Abw. IM/A, B. Nr. 36 835 Sp, Aug. 11, 1943, Fr: 423–29, R: 539, T-78, NA; Bern cable to WJD, March 15, 1944, B: 469, E: 210, RG226, NA; Memorandum on Penetration and Compromise of OSS in Switzerland and Western Europe (Allen Dulles), May 4, 1948, B: 56, HVP, LOC.

  149–150 Roosevelt and to “German resistance”: William Kimbel memo to WJD with enclosures, March 4, 1943, Fr: 527–31, R: 103, Bern cable to OSS, Aug. 19, 1943, Fr: 817–19, R: 106, M1642, RG226, NA; Lochner, pp. 166–67, 375.

  150 phony mail: OCD memo to WS, Oct. 21, 1960, B: 126A, WJDP, MHI; Laurie, pp. 259–70.

  150–151 But Morale to Army intelligence: FDR Executive Order, March 9, 1943, Fr: 79–80, R: 4, WJD memo to FDR, Feb. 23, 1943, Fr: 522–25, R: 104, M1642, RG226, NA; Elmer Davis and George Strong appointment with FDR, FDR: Day by Day—The Pare Lorentz Chronology, FDRL; R.N.Y. memo to GCM, Feb. 18, 1943, George Strong memo to GCM, Feb. 18, 1943, B: 346, E: 175, RG165, NA; Troy, Donovan and the CIA, pp. 206–4; Putzell, OHP, p. 42; Interview with Ernest Cuneo, Nov. 27, 1968, B: 7, TTP, RG263, NA.

  152 that counted: Interview with OCD, pp. 378–79, B: “Oral History Interviews—OCD, Activities in Europe 1941–89,” WJDP, MHI; Troy, Donovan and the CIA, p. 196; Notes on personnel for Office of Director and Assistant Director, Fr: 403–19, R: 17, M1642, RG226, NA; Wallace Deuel letter to Mom and Dad, April 12, B: 1, 1943, WDP, LOC; Invoice from Wetzel, June 1, 1943, B: 139B, WJDP, MHI; Kingsley, Jan. 7, 2008.


  153 as his hostess: Donald Rumsey interview, p. 9, B: Interviews—Teitelbaum to Withrow, 1979-undated, WJDP, MHI; Page, OHP, pp. 23–24; Wise, Jan. 27, 2008; Wallace Deuel letter to Mother and Dad, March 15, 1943, B: 1, WDP, LOC.

  154 and the OSS: Four Close Associates of Hitler, Dec. 9, 1943, Fr: 379–424, R: 109, M1642, RG226, NA; Notes on Geheime Feldpolizei, Report No. 118888, E: 16, RG226, NA; Mueller, pp. 221–35.

  155 recruit 659: U.L.A. memos to WJD, Jan. 5 and 11, 1943, Fr: 775, 828, R: 53, WJD memo to Commanding General, Army Air F
orces, Oct. 8, 1943, Fr: 426, R: 19, M1642, RG226, NA; U. L. Amoss letter to WJD, March 10, 1943, R: 4, A-3304, RG226, NA; Memo to WJD on OSS Cairo, Aug. 18, 1943, B: “United Kingdom—OSS Training Schools 2940-60, British Influence in Balkans,” WJDP, MHI. A number of historians have speculated that Donovan and Canaris met while both were traveling in Europe. But the OSS archives have no record of such a meeting, which would have been an important event and heavily documented. Donovan’s own personal papers and the war reminiscences he gave friends also contain nothing about such a meeting. It therefore appears that the closest the OSS ever got to a direct contact with Canaris was through Amoss and even that never occurred.

  156 and drivers: J. A. Hamilton memo to Edmond Taylor, Sept. 3, 1943, Fr: 838, R: 121, M1642, RG226, NA; WJD memo to Lanning Macfarland, March 5, 1943, B: 340, E: 210, RG226, NA; Weinberg, pp. 196–97; John Riheldaffer memo to Silas Moore, Aug. 17, 1942, Fr: 75–76, R: 36, M1642, RG226, NA; Brown, p. 355.

  157 chemical industry: Kingsley, Jan. 7, 2008; Dogwood agent profiles, B: 439, E: 210, RG226, NA; Executive Summary of Dogwood report, B: 35, E: 211, RG226, NA.

  157 other was real: Lanning Macfarland memo to EP with Interim Report from Chief, OSS Mission to Turkey, Nov. 22, 1943, B: 16, E: 211, RG226, NA.

  157–159 The fabricated to imperiled it: WS memo to WJD, May 3, 1943, Fr: 180, R: 65, M1642, RG226, NA; Alvarez, p. 56; Memorandum on General Background of Japanese Activities in Portugal, B: 355, E: 210, RG226, NA; Milton Katz memo to JM, Dec. 13, 1945, WS memo to WJD on Papers H-361, B: 355, E: 210, RG226, NA; Frank Stoner letter to JM, May 24, 1943, Lisbon to Tokyo cable, June 30, 1943, Tokyo cables to Madrid, Rome, July 1, 1943, Rome to Tokyo cable, June 29, 1943, George Strong memo to GCM, July 7, 1943, George Strong memo to Col. O’Connor, July 8, 1943, SRH-113, B: 31, E: 9002, RG457, NA; George Strong memo to GCM, July 6, 1943, EB memo to C. R. Peck, July 23, 1943, B: 355, E: 210, RG226, NA; Lewin, pp. 11, 293.


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