The Beginning of Eternity [Decadent Delights] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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The Beginning of Eternity [Decadent Delights] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 1

by Shae Shannon

  Decadent Delights

  The Beginning of Eternity

  The most exciting event of Chloe Kent’s life had been opening a coffee shop with her best friend Amy. Amy, who has wild and colorful sexual encounters regularly, finds it her duty to change her obsolete love life.

  One girls' night out turns Chloe’s ordinary life upside down. When she runs into the man of her dreams, her libido goes into overdrive. She has finally found someone that is a hot, mouthwatering, pantie-twisting party of orgasms wrapped up in a sexy hunk of a man who just happens to be a vampire. Just when things start to heat up, someone wants to sacrifice her. Freakin’ figures.

  Gabriel Jacobs has been waiting centuries for his one and only mate. He must work to capture her heart, while protecting her from an ancient evil vampire with a self-made Frankenstein army. With his growing need to claim and protect her, their destiny is on the line. Can this be their beginning of eternity?

  Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 54,982 words


  Decadent Delights

  Shae Shannon


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2013 by Shae Shannon

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-717-8

  First E-book Publication: March 2013

  Cover design by Christine Kirchoff

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  First, I would like to dedicate this to my wonderful husband. You believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. Second, I want to give a huge thank you to all of the amazing writers at Siren Publishing for all of the support and advice. Y’all welcomed me into your world and helped me through every panic attack I had throughout the process. Also, I would like to give thanks to my editor. With all of the work you put in on this book, you deserve a dedication! You were so very sweet in the whole process and I am grateful that I was blessed to work with you. To all of my readers, thank you so very much. You are making my dreams come true.


  Decadent Delights


  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter 1

  Chloe Kent walked into the old building on Fourth Street, across from the hardware store, that had been there as long as anyone could remember. It was almost Renaissance-like, massive rock scaling the walls. The odd-shaped windows, accompanied by the stained-glass masterpieces scattered strategically but randomly, gave off a magnificent array of depth and mystery. The huge, solid-wood double doors, resembling those of a castle, had been freshly stained and varnished to a quite glossy, rich look and feel. Excited about her upcoming grand opening of Java Delights, she hopped up the stairs, smoothing her hands over her unruly auburn curls that were tied in a ponytail in an attempt to tame her locks. The summer heat and humidity in the South tended to bring out the volume and bounce in her midback-length mane. Dressed in her normal jeans and tank top, she swung open the door, taking in the new restoration and cleaning they had been working so painfully hard on the past couple months. Relieved to see her best friend and business partner, Amy Jenkins, already starting on the painting, she dropped her purse on the card table that was their makeshift work station and gathered a bunch of supplies before heading over to her friend.

  “Mornin’, sweets. Please tell me you have coffee hid somewhere!”

  “This is a coffee shop, Chloe, and even though it’s not open yet, do you honestly think I would be here if there wasn’t some sort of caffeine available?” Laughing, Amy reached over and handed Chloe the huge cappuccino with all the bells and whistles like she liked it, —including the shots of espresso for that instant-jump-start-your-heart effect. Amy smiled, saying, “Honestly, Chlo. I don’t know why you don’t just chew the coffee beans or something. Maybe invent a coffee IV so it goes directly into your blood.”

  “Thanks, Amy. You’re the greatest! And I wouldn’t get to savor the flavor of such yumminess that way! You, my friend, don’t understand the complexity of this cup of artistic perfection. So, what is on our agenda for the day? I want to get as much as possible done today. I have been working relentlessly on the Grand Opening Masquerade invitations. I about have them done but need to know an exact date…and we need to start getting this place going and getting my puny bank account back to its anorexic state, and out of the ‘starving child in Africa’ state.”

  “Well, let’s hope it goes to Fat Albert or your Uncle Joe’s size instead!”

  Chloe rolled her eyes but giggled as she took a swig out of her mug, listening to Amy laugh at her own corny joke. “We need to get to the second-floor ballroom and get it cleaned out, and the huge basement. I don’t even know if we have seen all the rooms in this place. It’s enormous. We don’t need to have them all done now, because not all are going to be open to the public. Later we can do those and make qua
rters or whatever we need out of them.”

  “Sounds good. Hi ho, hi ho, to the basement I go!”

  “Hey, watch out for the ghosts and mysteries of the unknown! Ha-ha-ha. You know the rumors of the town, with the latest being that of a hottie from like the 1700s or something. Heck, it’d be like the first guy you spent time with in what, over a year now? Have you even got laid lately?”

  Chloe rolled her eyes at the blunt question, somehow driving Amy to continue.

  “Seriously, I don’t know how you do it. It’s not that you can’t have anyone you want with those looks. You shouldn’t waste it on those horrid flannel pajamas and the stacks of smut novels you escape into.”

  “Oh, Amy, you’re a dork. And what does my love life matter? I’d rather go home and curl up with a hot, steamy book where the guys are sexy, romantic, and anything I choose them to be than go out with a slob with a beer gut and a gun rack in his truck to the local Long John Silver’s. And no, no action between the sheets in, ugh, forever, except from my little buddies in my nightstand!” Laughter drew a snort from her before she could continue. “They are way better than some dude grabbing a boob and rubbing his dick on me thinking that’s foreplay, then rammin’ it in, pumping a couple times, and—just as I think I might get a little aroused—it’s over. No thanks. My vibrator actually gets the job done, and usually more than once!” Chloe expressed by making hip thrusts with a goofy look on her face.

  Laughing hysterically, Amy shook her head, trying to catch her breath. “Point taken. But we are going out tonight for a couple drinks. We definitely need some girl time and some relaxation! I have got to get you to act your age instead of like you belonging in a nursing home.”

  “Hell yeah. Girl time has been suffering. My house is closer. We can just go there after and change and get cleaned up. I know you have been dying to wear my new purple halter top. I just got it from the cleaners yesterday. I suppose if you are super nice to me and quit nagging me on my love life, you can finally get your grubs on it.”

  Amy let out a loud, high-pitched “eek!” followed by “Okay! For the hotness shirt I can zip it! But I promise you, if you don’t start getting out like a regular person, I’m gonna be forced to set you up with someone. I worry about you, Chlo. Now go to work already. José is callin’ my name!”

  “Aw hell! I said a few drinks, not a Jose night! Well, tonight will definitely be interesting!”

  Both girls belted out at the same time, “Jose Cuervo, you are a friend of mine! I like to drink you with a little salt and lime!” Laughter echoed off the walls, filling the air.

  As Chloe headed down the hall, she took in all the old paintings and tapestries hanging. This building was amazing. They were doing their best to keep it all original and just clean up and restore what needed attention. It was very Victorian era, with some Renaissance thrown in the mix, and touches of almost Gothic added. It was something she could picture in one of her vampire romance books she loved so much, and she absolutely adored it. Eventually she would like to turn the back of the enormous thirty-thousand-square-foot building into a hotel, with spaces to rent for formal parties and such. She inherited this and the old, tiny house she lived in from her father when he passed away a few years ago. Starting her own business with the help of her best friend since kindergarten had become her dream come true.

  She was halfway down another long corridor when she stopped abruptly. Something about the painting in front of her took her breath away. It was of a man, a gorgeous hunk of a man. His large almond-shaped eyes were like pools of a dark caramel, lined with thick blankets of dark lashes. He had high cheekbones and perfect, full lips. His dark hair fell like silk to his shoulders, fanning out in wisping, soft waves. Even though he was dressed in a crisp linen shirt with a ruffle on the front and the sleeves rolled up over the forearm to the elbow, she could see the outline of the huge shoulders and massive arms that lay beneath.

  Chloe’s heart started beating harder in her chest as she pictured what it might feel like to have such strength embracing her. His eyes seemed like they were looking back at her, penetrating deep in her thoughts and innermost secrets. She reached up and touched the painting ever so lightly, taking in every detail to store in memory for her lonely night that awaited her later. Aah. If only there were men like this around, she thought to herself. Her blood reached almost boiling temperature. She let out a loud huff and pulled her gaze back to her task at hand, continuing down to the basement.

  The stairs were surprisingly sturdy, fabricated partly of stone and partly of old wood. Along the walls were ornate candleholders. They were of some type of metal, black in color with intricate curls and twists. The old candles from the last occupants of the mansion still remained, partially melted. Chloe ran her fingertip over the candle, wiping the layer of dust off to reveal the color of candle underneath. To her surprise, the candle was a deep crimson. She had expected an off-white or cream color, but decided that with the history teachers she had in school, everyone could have been sporting rainbow candles for all she knew. She had no idea the exact time period the place was originally from, and the mixed décor suggested that it had been handed down through generations and only a few things added or removed each decade. While she was growing up, her father had kept her away from the building and kept it out of conversation. It seemed odd, but information on an old house wasn’t at the top of her interests. It wasn’t until her father passed that she finally took notice of the place. Reaching the massive door, she pulled the handle, stepping into the darkness of the basement.

  Chapter 2

  Panic rose in her stomach, clenching all the way up to her chest. Chloe grabbed her cell phone, remembering the flashlight app she installed. Her fear of the dark had never strayed since her days as a small child, only now it wasn’t the boogie monster she was afraid of, but of who or what could be hiding. There were two things she was terrified of—spiders and the dark. The brightness of her modern-day flashlight illuminated the area enough for her to find light switch the construction team had installed recently. Sighing a deep sigh of relief, she flipped the switch and watched as the room was lit like the rays of the sun.

  Above her were the most stunning chandeliers she had ever seen. She noted that they once were for candles, but the electrician had wired them with flame-shaped bulbs. Each one, large in size, had majestic jewels hanging from each branch. They appeared to be rubies, emeralds, amethyst, sapphires, and other stones she couldn’t identify. She made a mental note to check later to see if they were real or just ornate colored glass. Surely there was no way the stones were real. She took a quick picture with her cell before surveying the rest of her surroundings. The room was in need of a good cleaning, with a few boxes and wooden chests here and there and pieces of linen covering what she assumed was furniture. She found it kind of odd for such elegant chandeliers and covered furniture to be in the basement. “Maybe it was brought down over the years for storage,” she thought aloud. Upon further examination, her reasoning just didn’t make sense. It appeared that the room was once used often, and the pieces belonged here.

  Chloe started wiping dust and washing the blanket of muck that had accumulated over who knew how many years. She started pulling off the covered mystery items, letting her inner love of ancient antiques and mystery carry her away. The pieces were absolutely amazing. The layout of the room was as if it was just left. On one side was a Victorian-style sitting area. The couch and high-back chair were black velvet, trimmed in a deep cherry-colored wood with detailed clawed feet. Roses and swirls were etched in the wood along the back. The end tables were of the same wood, with carvings matching the couch and chair. Atop one of the tables sat a picture frame with the same sexy hunk of male perfection Chloe had seen in the painting. Grabbing it, she set it aside. She was so taking that little keepsake home with her. For some reason she felt protective of the man. As silly as it seemed, she felt a strong pull to him. She didn’t have a name to go with the face but knew deep down that
she wanted to be possessed by this man and wanted to stake her claim on him.

  “Oh my gosh, Chloe. I think this is an all-time low. You are having a fantasy romance about a man from centuries ago and actually forming an imaginary relationship. Ugh, I am such a loser. Definitely need to get out more and read less. Okay, let’s get this place finished,” she said to the empty room.

  Reaching down, she turned the music player on her phone to oldies and started dancing around while cleaning and scrubbing. As she belted out “At Last” by Etta James, she began the task of going through boxes, putting what need to stay in a box into the closet, and removing items she wanted to place out as décor or take home with her. There were so many awesome things in the boxes, from trinkets to lace doilies. Some of the lace looked to be French or Spanish origin and really, really old. She reached and pulled out a huge trunk, which looked like a pirate’s treasure chest or something. The latch was a very detailed metal rose, the petals joining together to latch the chest shut. Looking inside, she gasped at all of the cool stuff that lay before her. A medieval-looking dagger sporting a jeweled handle lay on top, wrapped in a detailed leather sheath. Under that was what seemed to be a woman’s wardrobe. Pulling out petticoats, beautiful silk gowns, and the occasional boned corset, she laid them all aside, searching her way through the mountain of intriguing historical items.


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