The Beginning of Eternity [Decadent Delights] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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The Beginning of Eternity [Decadent Delights] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 10

by Shae Shannon

  “What? Could it be? Do my ears deceive me? Blake, the master of playboys, is falling for a mere mortal girl?”

  “Aw, shut up. You were as bad as me, and I think that you are already planning the wedding, dude. These girls aren’t normal.”

  “No, brother, they definitely are not normal. And might I add, there hasn’t been a dull moment.”

  They made their way back down the halls to their rooms, laughing and making small talk until they parted ways. Gabe showered quietly and eased his way into bed beside his little witch. If he could go to bed every morning beside this woman, eternity would be a true blessing. She had a long day ahead of her, and even though he wanted nothing more than to sink deep into her warmth and watch her body come unwound around him, he spooned up to her and slept.

  Chapter 8

  Lucard gazed out of the window at the star-lit sky. He received word back that his band of misfits hadn’t prevailed. His temper was seeping through every pore. How dare those two clowns make a mockery of him. He was going to be king, above all other life on earth. His new creation of supreme beings would be his army. The purebloods would bow at his feet, and the humans would take their place as a food source and nothing else. The thought of harvesting them only for that purpose and throwing them in a pile to rot brought a smile to his thin, pasty mouth. Finally, justice would be served. Hitler had the right idea but was a mere stupid human. What he wouldn’t give to have drained him dry, watching the horror in the evil human eyes when he realized there was much worse, more powerful things that existed than him.

  Lucard walked over to the window. Gazing out, he could see the tide rolling in. The moon was rising in the sky, and his need for power surged through his veins. The slamming of his fists against the wooden table caused splinters and timber to fly throughout the room. Impatience rolled over his flesh like a breeze. I will find you, you little bitch, before you know what gift you really have. You are not worthy of it. It belongs to me, as will you. He stomped back toward the fireplace, taking a seat beside the roaring warmth.

  “Otto! Bring me dinner. I need a distraction and a meal.” His servant, Otto, rushed from the room, returning with a petite blonde woman. The small thing was tied up, gagged, and scared out of her mind. She trembled at the sight of the beast in front of her. Lucard was old, his skin thinning and pale. His hair was white, his eyes a pale blue. He was a sight of pure malevolence. She tried to scream, her sounds muffled by the material lodged in her throat. With slow, leering movements, he moved to stand in front of her. Lucard traced the lines of her face with his cold extended finger, lingering on the tendon cords of her throat, dipping in the hollow of her neck.

  “You are in luck. I find you are tempting to other hungers besides my need for your sweet blood. I want to drain the last drop from your veins while my cock is shoved deep inside you.” He gazed in her eyes, putting her under his spell. She would be his puppet, catering to his every whim.

  Lucard had torn the woman’s clothing from her body. She was thrown over the back of the leather sofa, his claws extended and lodged into her flesh, leaving ripples of blood weeping in streaks down her sides. She was clearly oblivious as to what was happening, her mind in a seeming trance. “I will be a gentleman and make sure you get some pleasure out of this before I drain you, woman. It has been decades since I have come across a mere mortal that tempted my loins.”

  His fangs extended, and his eyes began to glow a deep red. He positioned himself behind the damsel, lining up to take her body. “It isn’t like you to play with your food, Lucard, especially with a mortal. Have you run out of willing female vamps already?” Ophelia sauntered into the room, her movements confident and intimidating. She stopped a few feet away, leaning up against a wing-backed chair.

  “Ophelia, your timing is impeccable. Care to join me?”

  “Thanks, but I don’t swing that way. We need to talk, Lucard.”

  “She smells delicious. It is rare to find a soul pure enough to create the sweet nectar that this little thing has pumping through her veins. My mouth is watering in anticipation.”

  “I am sure your salivating mouth is caused by more than her blood, Lucard. Could you finish what you are doing so we can discuss a few things, please?”

  “You’re overstepping your place, Ophelia. Don’t forget who I am.”

  “I have no doubt as to what you are, but I also know what I am. It would be wise if you didn’t forget again what capabilities I possess.”

  Lucard let out a growl, his mouth thrust toward the helpless woman’s neck. He bit more ravenously than necessary and sucked the last drop from her beating heart. When he withdrew his fangs, the wound he had created was lethal in itself. Her limp, lifeless body slipped down onto a pile on the floor.

  “Did I cause you stage fright, Lucard? Afraid your equipment is not up to standards?”

  Ophelia watched with a smirk as he moved toward her, leaving less than an inch between their faces. He stared her down, his temper raging inside. Ophelia smiled, her stare boring into him. He was the first to break, taking a step back. His anger was evident as he crossed his arms and broadened his stance. “Okay, Ophelia, what is so important that my meal and entertainment was so rudely interrupted?”

  “It’s the wolves. They have tripled their security and are readying to fight. They want no part of your plan willingly.”

  “I fail to see the problem. Unwillingly works just as easily. Actually, it’s better. I won’t have to worry about stepping on a tail in the process. The flea bags will be plentiful for the procedures.”

  “I am afraid it’s not that simple. We do not have the forces to take them.”

  “Well, that can be fixed easily. I shall send out the gangs to create more. We will rise in numbers, and there will be no problem. All of the newly turned will be disposed of either during or after, unless they contain valuable traits.”

  “Lucard, you can’t expect newbies to stand a chance against the dogs. Plus, creating just to extinguish is lunacy. Controlling them would be hard in itself. That is creating more static to deal with.”

  “I will take care of any static. All I need is for your abilities to guide me to victory. We will succeed, Ophelia. When we do, I hope you will take your place at my side. You are a worthy queen and will quench my desires quite nicely. My equipment will leave you wanting no other. I look forward to breaking you, in all ways.”

  Controlling her expression, Ophelia just smiled in response. She turned and left without a single word.

  * * * *

  The mansion was sizzling with activity. Giselle was giving Witch 101 to Chloe, and Amy watched on, learning a few potions that she could do. The spunky woman was so excited to be included, so Giselle made sure that the girl had enough to keep her content. Amy’s references to the fairy godmother mixed with phrases that a silly magician would blurt out kept the seasoned witch rolling her eyes in amusement. She was proud and surprised at her niece’s capabilities. Her mental powers were unheard of. Locked inside, she held more power than Giselle had ever seen. They worked the lessons to benefit the interior of the mansion, decorating the ballroom for the upcoming masquerade party.

  Chloe was beaming with excitement, and she glowed when Gabe praised her progress. He checked on her and would watch frequently, adoring her with compliments and reassurance. His interruptions became more frequent, making it evident that it was hard for him to keep his hands off of her. Giselle tended to grow a bit impatient at the interruptions but couldn’t help but be understanding and glad her niece was so deeply loved. Amy, on the other hand, tended to take public affection to a whole new level with Blake, but Giselle couldn’t help but giggle at the girl’s mischievousness. She had the personality of a true gypsy through and through. It was exhilarating being around the duo, and the boys brought wonderful memories back of her loves over the years.

  * * * *

  The night was growing late, dawn creeping closer and closer. The group had become like a family in just a sho
rt time. Gathered all in the den, they chatted and laughed over dinner. Tomorrow was going to be busy but also the start to a new beginning. Chloe was bursting with excitement about the opening of her new business. She was considering staying open twenty-four hours and extending her clientele to the vampires with a menu concocted for their separate tastes. Delectables for the special diet were sparse in society, even with their large population. Now that most were turning to bottled blood instead of hunting like predators, it was time to widen the choices and open up selections. From treats to beverages, they had a full menu and hoped it would begin a classier way of dining. Gabe had gone so far as to get his aunt’s secret blood-chocolate recipe to add to his baby’s menu. He was excited and loved seeing her enthusiasm, but he cringed at being the guinea pig for each recipe. He would definitely make sure Blake was available for equal taste tests to contribute. He had a habit of sudden emergencies to tend to whenever unpleasant tasks were bestowed on them by the girls. No way would he let him slip out of this fun-filled experiment.

  Gabe’s phone went off, “Werewolves of London” by Warren Zevon pumping out of the speaker. They all burst into laughter, surprised by his ringtone choice. Gabe got a pouty look on his face, seeming truly offended. “Hey, it’s a classic!” Glancing down at the screen, his face suddenly turned serious. “Excuse me. I have to take this in the other room.” He hurried out the door, his voice low and hushed.

  “Blake, what’s going on? Do you know who he is talking to?” The expression on Chloe’s face was worried and intense. She was getting up to follow him when Giselle stopped her.

  “No, I don’t, but I am sure it’s nothing. Probably just a business call, Chloe. Could be his baby momma, too…” The immediate look on her face made his laughter vibrate the walls. “Just teasin’, Chlo. Geez. He doesn’t have any kids that I know of, unless you’ve got a bun in the oven…”

  Amy smacked him across the chest, scolding him for his attempt at humor. “Ignore Count Dumbula over here. He probably just was placing another beverage order and didn’t wanna gross us all out.”

  Giselle patted the cushion beside her. “Come sit, child. Let’s exercise your abilities.”

  With a sigh, Chloe glanced at Blake and then at Giselle. She moved to perch on the edge of the sofa next to her aunt. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Now, relax. Forget what worries you. Ignore everything around you for a moment. Concentrate on your breathing. Reach your mind out. See each of us, and then broaden your radius. What do you see?”

  Huffing, Chloe closed her eyes and proceeded to follow her aunt’s instructions. “I see a squirrel outside. Beyond that there is a woman walking a dog. In the edge of the woods is a coon, and farther back a couple big dogs.”

  Giselle tapped her temple. “Big dogs? Look closer, Chloe. What do you see? What are they thinking? Can you feel what they are doing?”

  “Huh? What do you mean can I see what they are thinking? I ain’t a mind reader. Oh, wait. Wow. Blake, are werewolves real?”

  “Yeah, the flea bags exist. Why? They won’t be here though…Chloe?”

  “Um, if the things I am seeing and hearing are correct, then I beg to differ. I plainly see at least three standing on the edge of the woods. They aren’t here for trouble, but are looking for something…Oh, hell, someone. Um, I think I know where Gabe went. They want to talk to him about me. Please tell me that he will be okay! Oh my God. I have to get out there!”

  Before anyone could utter a response, Chloe jumped up, her expression bleak, and lunged toward the door. Before she exited the room, Blake had blurred to stand before her. “Easy there, lass. Don’t go all Hermione Granger on me. No need to get you in the middle of a conversation with the mangy mutts. Their temperaments are worse than the Hulk with PMS. Giselle, please look out for the girls for a minute. I will step out and see what the hell is going on. Chloe, keep working on that neat little head trick you just did. Anything alarming pops up, let me know.”

  “I am not just going to sit here while my boyfriend is having a conversation with snarling, slobbering huge-ass dogs. What if the little psycho episode I just had was wrong and they are here for trouble?”

  Giselle reached her hand to Chloe. “It’s not psycho—it’s psychic—and he is a vampire, Chlo. The boys are strong and can take care of themselves. Now, come sit, and let’s practice a few things. If we are lucky, maybe you can eavesdrop.” At her aunt’s suggestion, she sat, leaning on Amy.

  “What am I thinking, Chloe?” Amy looked eager and seemed to be unaffected by the fact that there were ginormous man dogs right outside.

  “I don’t think that now is the time for this silly stuff. Something is going on out there, and you two are way too calm about it!”

  Giselle patted her thigh, trying to ease her anxiety. “Chloe, calm down. If they need help, I can sense it and be at their aid in seconds. You underestimate your lover. Vampires are the fastest and strongest out of all creatures. Now, read Amy. No need to stay agitated while we wait.”

  “Yes, ma’am. I apologize, but this is just all so surreal.”

  Chloe sat back, massaging her temples. After a few deep breaths, she closed her eyes and attempted to open the doors in her mind. She reached out to Amy, focusing on what she saw.

  “Shit, Amy, what the hell!” Amy busted out in laughter while Giselle’s curiosity was written on her features. “Seriously, you have issues!”

  “It is a legitimate question. I am a creature of curiosity. I can’t help that my creative imagination is too much for your pure mind. You need to dig out your inner slut, Chlo. I hope that Gabe taps into the inner creature that is begging to be unleashed.”

  The redness crept up her neck, webbing her face, bringing her blush to a neon red. “I don’t care what animals are lurking inside of me, Amy. Finding out if werewolves bang females or human females in their dog form is not something I will ever want to know. Nor will demanding to know if they fuck doggy-style. You seriously go beyond the inner-slut level. You could make a damn porn star blush!”

  Giselle slapped her hand over her gaping mouth, attempting to silence the burst of giggles erupting. Amy joined her. After the shock wore off, Chloe shook her head, realizing the humor of the situation. They all suffered a fit of laughter before Chloe remembered where the men had gone, and the pack of dogs lurking outside.

  “Shhhh! Wait!” Chloe had her eyes scrunched shut, her arms unconsciously held outward, as if she was actually stopping something. “They aren’t alone! There is a vampire out there, too! I can’t read anything from it. Something isn’t right.”

  Giselle had her cell picked up and was already sending a text to Gabe and Blake. She knew that their senses probably picked up on the extra guest, but she couldn’t see any type of energy herself. Her niece was correct. Something was definitely suspicious.

  * * * *

  Gabe and Blake stood just inside the darkness of the forest. All of the trees provided a thick blanket that to the human eye would seem almost velvety, only leaving the sounds of the nocturnal animals hunting for their dinner scurrying about. The moon was now covered by clouds, leaving them thankful for their supernatural acute vision. The wolves were nervous, making protective patrols around the perimeter. Blake and Gabe picked up on their cautious uneasiness immediately, and both went on high alert. They were careful to keep the conversation light to prevent any unwelcome ears to overhear the true reason for the visit.

  “I welcome you and your friends, Aiden. I do think we need to carry on the body of this conversation in a more private setting. Don’t you agree?”

  The alpha male stood before Gabe, his massive torso bare. Even in the thick darkness, the outlines of his muscles were amazing. He was the head of his pack, which normally stayed in the Ozark Mountains. His overly handsome face was drawn in concern, making his emerald eyes look almost catlike. Gabe thought to bring that to his friend’s attention, but given the circumstances it was highly unlikely the massive dog would find the humor in it.
br />   “Thank you, Gabe. Good evening, Blake, good to see you again.”

  “Aiden, it is always great to run into you. Usually it means one hell of an adventure follows.” Smiling, Gabe bro-hugged the skyscraper of a man.

  “There is much to discuss, and I can smell an uninvited observer. Some of my boys will stay here and keep guard with your blessing. I have instructed them to only keep our creeper at a distance and not cause conflict. I think we need to both confront the intruder after we are done.”

  Gabe’s eyebrows rose in curiosity. “Yeah, I don’t think we can get much info out of him if we rush him. But I do agree that after we can work together to get the information we acquire. I enjoy working offense with you, old friend. It will make for a very entertaining evening.”

  “Where did you have in mind, Gabriel?”

  “I have accommodations that you will find more than satisfactory.”

  “Please, lead the way.”

  Gabe walked casually toward the house with Blake, Aiden, and a couple other wolves in tow. They reached the back entrance, and after a few security codes and alarms were turned off, they entered. Gabe remained quiet while leading the way back to the den. “I have someone I would like you to meet, Aiden. She is a true beauty, but also will soon be a big help in our quest to illuminate the evil ass-suckers. And she’s mine, so keep your tongue in that big slobbering head of yours, and don’t even think about sniffing her.” All of the men laughed from the statement but more from the underlying protectiveness in Gabe’s voice.

  “She must be one hell of a woman if he isn’t willing to share.” Gabe squared his shoulders. “She is. Paws off.”

  “No prob, friend. You know me well enough to know I won’t overstep the brotherhood. My pack will also respect that. But is she trustworthy? At this point and with the information we have, I am not sure that love of any measure can be binding enough to protect our mission. We have never discussed anything in front of a woman, and I am cautious to do it now.”


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