Warlock's Mage

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Warlock's Mage Page 3

by D. R. Rosier

  The pride she felt at that made her want to weep at times, she’d never imagined something like it. It was foreign to shifter society, and a fact of life she’d gotten used to. Another thing, the one order he did give her had turned her on quite a bit, and she wasn’t quite sure why. She was not normally submissive by nature, she was a shifter and tiger, aggressive as a rule. He definitely satisfied her needs though, and she would need him again tonight. She loved that part of things too, she was his in that way by her choice. He would have allowed her to go elsewhere for her body’s needs, which in her mind had only assured her choice to go to him exclusively from now on, as long as he would have her.

  He was also incredible in bed, talented, with a perfect eight inch and rather thick cock, and his whole being excited her in a way that was new for her. More importantly, he was a generous lover, why would she ever choose anyone else for her needs?

  Lilith said, “That’s just as well since it’s all or nothing.”

  She nodded to the succubus, “I know, he thinks differently, I don’t mind being faithful to him that way, and wouldn’t betray him. Just because I don’t think that way, doesn’t mean I don’t understand he does. I’m looking forward to Katia being in our bed tonight too.”

  Lilith smirked, “There’s more that’s different, other than us ladies having to be faithful to him, not that I mind that either, you might want to help him with Gina. It’s bothering him.”

  She frowned, “Why?”

  Lilith explained, “In addition to him not wanting to share us, except with us, he isn’t like us. He has trouble divorcing his feelings from sex. He’s worried if Gina expects him to sleep with her each time you visit, he’ll fall for her, and he knows he can’t keep her. He isn’t into casual sex at all that way, his feelings will get caught up in it, and it will screw with his mind. He liked the sex with Gina a lot, but he already regrets the exception he made because of the treaty. He just couldn’t resist her.”

  She really didn’t get that. What was the big deal? Sex with her old alpha once a week should be something to simply enjoy for the pure pleasure of the joining. She wouldn’t mind sharing. She got that it was kind of a double standard, but he was the warlock, and in charge. She and Lilith were his servants, that’s how it should be. That she also wanted it that way was beside the point.

  “Help him how? I can try to explain it to Gina, but I can’t stop her, nor could I blame her. He really is satisfying.”

  Lilith smirked, “I know, I’m so proud of myself I could burst.”

  She wasn’t sure she followed that, except maybe because Lilith had engineered his rise to power.

  Lilith said, “Anyway, that would probably work. Just help her to understand. In a strange way, he wants to be faithful to us, the three of us I mean. Think of it like the way he respects you instead of in a sexual context. Before him, you wanted what you couldn’t have, respect of your whole being and who you are. It’s the same thing sort of, if he keeps sleeping with her, he’ll want more than she can give, and it will cause problems.”

  She frowned in thought, “I sort of get it. So… does that mean he’ll grow to have feelings for us too?”

  She felt… incredibly excited by that idea for some reason, she also wanted to keep her promise from earlier, she still hadn’t given him that promised blow job. Maybe her sex drive was being effected by emotions now too, because she felt hornier than she usually did right after sex at the thought.

  Lilith laughed, “Yes, and for other reasons than just the sex too. But he gets to keep us, so…”

  She nodded slowly, “I’ll talk to her, and try to explain it, but she’s her own woman. I also don’t think she’d be offended if he said no, so I’ll talk to him too.”

  So much drama around sex, it was kind of mind boggling to her, such a simple thing. It was worth the complications though, just because of the way he treated her, and her new place in life. She truly couldn’t have been happier. Then again, if her feelings kept growing, and he grew to love her too, then maybe she would be…

  Chapter Two

  The kitchen smelled wonderful when we walked in. Lilith was truly an amazing cook, the total package, incredible food and sex, all the ways to my heart. I shook my head at the thought, that wasn’t everything of course. Lilith winked at me when we sat down.

  “How’s it going, since we disappeared for several hours.”

  Julia walked over and kissed me, and then she kissed Katia… which was a surprise and kind of hot to watch. In my defense, I was a man.

  “Congrats to you both, that’s the right thing to say? Oh, nothing new happened while you were closeted together.”

  Katia said, “Thanks Julia. And thank you Lilith, very much.”

  Lilith looked over at Julia with an artfully confused face, but my first love obviously wasn’t buying it and continued to smile at the succubus. I wasn’t sure what that was about, but didn’t ask as Lilith brought out a chicken and rice casserole of sorts, with a tomato sauce. There were also freshly baked rolls, and some veggies.

  Sad I know, but I was easily distracted by the food. Especially after my active afternoon, I needed the fuel. I remembered my manners enough to thank her for the meal before I dug in though. Mom would be proud.

  Besides that, I didn’t need to know every little thing my ladies got up to together, it would be wrong and controlling, and totally exhausting trying to keep up with three of them anyway. I trusted them, that was enough. Something did occur to me after I’d shoveled in about half my plate.

  “Oh, I do have news for you though, Carmine is toast.”

  Julia grinned, “That’s about the best news I’ve heard since, three hours ago.”

  I laughed, assuming she meant Joseph dying.

  Julia’s dark amber eyes seemed to glow a bit, “Enough chicken and rice, it’s time for dessert, and to take care of that promise.”

  I was a little confused, until her body slid down under the table, and I felt her between my legs. She’d moved fast, shockingly fast, and dug out my mostly flaccid dick. Then it started to grow inside the euphoric warmth and pleasure of her mouth, while she moaned in excitement. I gasped at the varied and wonderful sensations as she brought me to hardness, the sensitive tip was engulfed by a tight vibrating warmth as I slipped into her eager throat.

  I gasped in pleasure, and I couldn’t help but glance at Katia for her reaction. She was flushed with both surprise and excitement, no jealousy at all, clearly my spell had worked. I looked down then, where my eyes truly wanted to be, and saw her looking up at me with lust, desire, and a contented expression as our eyes locked.

  Then she backed off, and started to lavish my cock with long teasing licks, and soft moans of approval. It felt incredible, and I remembered her telling me the blowjob would be very decadent and self-indulgent. Her tongue, lips, hands, and warm throat teased me for a long time, but it was the intense contentment and pleasure on her face, at being down on her knees and worshipping my cock, that made it truly incredible. She wordlessly made it clear she wanted to be down there, as if sucking me off was a gift I was giving her, it was… mind-blowing. She was an incredible woman, and all mine. Not because of the pact, because she chose to be. The pact only covered her protection, loyalty, and obeisance to me and my family line, which did not include sex, much less desire.

  Shallow or not, it made me fall a little deeper for her, as she gave me an extravagantly decadent blow job, and on her knees loving it or not, there was no doubt she was in control, it must have been a half hour later before she finished me off deep inside her vibrating throat. She backed off then, and milked me with her hand at the base, while she sucked and caught it all on her sweet tongue. The look of contentment on her face as I filled her mouth, increased the pleasure that wracked my body and mind in blissful ecstasy.

  Then she trembled against my legs and froze herself, and it was a bit of a shock to know me blowing in her mouth had sent her over the edge. I didn’t think it was a large orgasm,
but the fact she had one at all proved to me I wasn’t crazy about how much I’d thought she was enjoying it. She hadn’t been faking it for my benefit at all.

  The look of adoration in her eyes as she stared up at me, and lovingly cleaned my cock with her tongue, was almost too much.

  “You’re incredible kitten.”

  She smirked up at me, packed me away, and pushed my chair back to crawl up into my lap for a long passionate kiss.

  “You know, that’s kind of an insult in shifter society. But… when you say it I want to purr. Or you know, the tiger equivalent.”

  I finally noticed Lilith and Katia had left the room, I’d been a little lost in Katia’s eyes watching her pleasure me, with my ability I could tell they were on the bed, or at least Lilith was. I could only assume they were turned on by the show, and they’d left at some point to take care of each other.

  “So… good pet name for you Julia, or no?”

  She nipped my lip and pouted sexily, “I… really like it, but in private only please, don’t call me that in public, or all the other shifters will make fun of me.”

  I nodded and suppressed a grin, “Promise.”

  Julia got up and pulled me to my feet, and dragged me toward the study.

  I said, “Wrong direction,” thinking of the bedroom.

  Julia giggled, “It’s too early for bed master, you should study a bit more. I want to… anticipate longer on you returning the favor. Plus, I feel… strangely sated right now, even if the orgasm wasn’t that big.”

  So much for watching Katia and Lilith make love to each other. That was okay, I’d have plenty of opportunities for that, and I was quite sated from Julia’s earlier attentions anyway.

  I nodded, “So… master?”

  She winked, “We’ll keep that in private for just us as well Andrew. A kitten needs her master,” she said rather sultrily.

  My cock twitched at that, and she smirked at me, obviously picking up the surge of lust in my scent. It felt wrong to enjoy that word and submission from her lips, but there was no way I’d convince her that I didn’t like it or wanted her to stop. No one was perfect, least of all me, and it did turn me on. Mostly because if it was true, it was by her choice, not mine.

  She settled me behind the desk, and gave me a chaste kiss. I guess she was actually in charge of me, not that I minded in that moment, or at all. She may have been worshipping my cock earlier, but clearly, I was the one mesmerized by her and quickly being wrapped around her little finger. Then she walked over to the black leather loveseat, and sat down with her legs under her and to the side, and then curled up on the arm and watched me. She looked happy, and content. I wasn’t sure I could fully understand why, but I didn’t have too, I was pleased for her, and me.

  I reached for the spell book I’d been reading through, and started out where I left off. This particular one was about the element of air, and there were several interesting spells in it. Not just creating breezes, or higher winds, but to obscure scents, muffle sounds for privacy, pressure changes, and other useful tidbits. The book was hardly exhaustive either, I had several shelves of books on air magic. Learning the spells not only meant I’d be more prepared in more situations, but that I’d gain a better grasp on magic itself and the rules, so I’d eventually be able to create my own, in about half a century or so. There were three other elemental spheres to learn as well, and then of course, the infernal spells.

  About an hour later Julia’s phone went off, but I couldn’t really track what was going on, her responses were all mono-syllabic. I looked up when she got off the phone.

  Julia said, “Gina. They’re okay, but they were attacked by five vampires. You’re wards kept them out of the pride house, and put them to sleep. They’re dead now.”

  “That’s a good thing, right?”

  Julia nodded, “Except Gina thinks it likely all the shifter packs were hit, no doubt that asshole Arthur attacked because we took out two of the alphas, and we’re without a head alpha. There’s nothing we can do about it now, even if we wanted too. It’s probably over, and we’ll find out more tomorrow, probably. Most likely a lot of shifters died tonight.”

  I frowned, the other shifter packs weren’t exactly my friends, but I did feel a little compassion for them. Not a whole lot though, given how they’d treated my Julia the last ten years. That was over though, hopefully I wouldn’t find myself at odds with the other packs again.

  “We should at least pop over there to top off the wards magic.”

  Julia was just suddenly standing, it was still a little startling at times just how fast she could move.

  She looked a little uncomfortable and said, “You know, you can tell Gina no to sex. It won’t offend her, or even upset her. She just… wants a good time with you.”

  I nodded slowly, assuming Lilith must have put her up to this, surely the succubus had read my thoughts, and how much the casual encounter had bothered me after the fact. Casual non-commitment sex wasn’t for me. I couldn’t deny that I’d enjoyed the hell out of it of course, Gina was a hell of a woman, but we could never have more than a casual relationship. I was sure my emotions would screw that up.

  I cast spells on the both of us, I decided Julia should be fully protected as well, since I had the ability to protect both of us. In all it took thirteen of the twenty available mind threads in my partitions. The primary mind of course just held partition, so I had four more threads of thought I could use for spells.

  But, when I added telekinesis, levitation, and detect magic that was sixteen, which only left me with enough mind potential to summon four demons. Still, it’d be worth it. Julia was incredibly powerful, but protected by my spells she would be a true nightmare to our enemies. She was worth a score of demons in battle, easily, much less the measly six I’d lost the potential to summon, four demons would be enough I thought, for sacrifices or diversions if nothing else.

  Still, it made me want to improve my base ability to multi-task to six threads of thought at once, so partition gave me the potential of thirty threads, and six more in my primary mind. That was eleven more threads. I was good for now, but I was sure I’d come up with more things I’d wish I could maintain, that just weren’t possible right now. Regardless, learning more spells was still the priority right now.

  It seemed like a lot of effort to go out for just a minute to charge wards, but I’d promised I’d never leave the house without the protections, and in the end, it made sense. Ninety nine percent of the time I wouldn’t be ambushed, but why risk my life, and quite possibly my afterlife, on that one percent chance? Lilith hadn’t come in, so I guessed she wasn’t going. I had no doubt she was in my mind and knew we were about to leave.

  “Ready kitten.”

  She flushed, both in pleasure and perhaps a little embarrassment, and then kissed me softly as she melted against my body. When we broke the kiss and I opened my eyes, we were in the Pride mansion’s basement. It wasn’t finished, the cement foundation was clearly visible with the ward symbols carved in. It looked complicated to me, but I knew in comparison to my own home it was crude and simple at best. I had a lot to learn still. It was the best I could do, and would work well despite their simplicity against anyone but a mage, and they were supposed to be neutral. So, it shouldn’t be a problem.

  “That was a very nice way to travel.”

  She winked.

  I kept her in my arms, as I muttered the spell to connect to the wards. Stopping five vampires hadn’t taken much magic, but with any attack it was better to be safe than sorry, so I pulled infernal magic through Lilith from the infernal plane, and fed it into the wards. Of course, that made me realize I’d forgotten to put that thought in with my partition to constantly refresh my inner pool of infernal magic. Which meant… I could only summon three demons.

  Still worth it, to protect Julia as she protected me.

  “Should we say hi?”

  Julia shrugged, “We don’t have to. It’s late… they’ll all be busy

  Right, satisfying their appetites with other shifters.

  “Take us home then.”

  Shadows rose up around us, and took us straight to our bedroom.

  Katia looked up from between Lilith’s legs, she was on top of the succubus in a sixty-nine. I loved Katia, and had wondered if I’d feel any jealousy myself when I saw her with the others. I most definitely did not, as long as things stayed in the family so to speak.

  “It’s about time you two came to bed. Get in here,” Katia said playfully, and dove back into Lilith’s moistened and glistening sex.

  It was a wonderful evening to say the least. I’d actually been a little worried, since a threesome could get complicated enough, splitting my attentions two ways, and I’d wondered if I could even keep up with all three. The truth was a foursome was surprisingly easier that way, since there was an even split. I satisfied all three of my ladies that night almost one on one, as the other two played with and focused on each other. Sure, there was some crossover during it, caresses, pillow talk, pinches, spanks, kisses, and shared gazes, but it really was easier to handle than a threesome was, and I could really pay attention and please my current partner.

  In the end, we were all tangled together and snuggled up in the center of the bed. Some part of my body was touching all three of them. I was sandwiched between Julia and Katia, with Lilith on the other side of Julia, her hand and leg touching me as she was wrapped around and entwined with Julia. I fell asleep among their scents, and the warm deeply sated satisfaction of an intense post coital bliss...

  Chapter Three

  I woke up three hours later fully rested, and somehow managed to extricate myself without waking up Julia or Katia, they both must’ve been really wiped out. Or maybe that was just my ego talking, but I gave them both multiples last night, and thanks to my connection to a certain succubus, I had no problems at all with stamina. Lilith too for that matter. Lilith had a much easier time of it, being on the end, and followed me into the shower. We got dressed after, and headed out to the kitchen.


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