Warlock's Mage

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Warlock's Mage Page 13

by D. R. Rosier

  I fucked up into her from below as hard and fast as I could, and she immediately screamed in pleasure and rolled into a second orgasm, I think I made it around ten more strokes before I felt my legs turn numb, and slammed up into her hard, and filled her with my essence.

  She tightened around me even more.

  “I can feel you fill me,” she said in a dreamy voice, and had a third, much smaller orgasm.

  I held her for a moment, she moved back a little, and then claimed my lips in a passionate kiss.

  She asked a little breathlessly, “You can never come back?”

  I shook my head a little regretfully, “Too dangerous to have contact after this.”

  She said, “In that case, you aren’t going anywhere yet.”

  My eyes widened, but I sure as hell didn’t disagree. We fucked for most of the rest of the afternoon, even if thanks to the magic, the job had been finished the first time. On the good side, I was feeling a lot better about my first heir deal. At least, I had no guilt about Maria’s payment for taking care of her problems, and granting her heart’s dreams.

  Except, when I left, I felt like I was leaving a part of myself behind… and I guess I really had.

  “We need a day off,” I said as we all sat around the dinner table. Samantha too, she’d accepted my invitation to stay for dinner, and said she’d stay the night too if it was okay. As far as I knew she was still doing the ward analysis, it would take her time, the wards on my home compared to what I’d put on the pride house was like comparing calculus with simple whole number addition.

  “A day off?” asked Julia.

  I nodded, “I’m running on fumes, we’ve been going non-stop for a week. I need a day to relax, then we can go back to studying, and worrying about mages and vampires.”

  Katia asked, “What’d you have in mind.”

  I shrugged, “Somewhere peaceful, out in the fresh air, maybe out of the city. A barbeque? Or a picnic at a state park. Something in shifter country where we’re not being threatened.”

  Julia tilted her head, “I could call Gina, I bet she’d love to have us all over, and a barbeque. Plus, the mages wouldn’t dare attack us if we’re on shifter land, they’d risk their neutrality.”

  I nodded, “Good point, Samantha, you’re coming too.”

  She widened her eyes, “I am? A barbeque, at the shifter pride?”

  I smirked, “Sure, it’s a company picnic. Employee mandatory.”

  Katia giggled, and Lilith laughed.

  Samantha smiled a bit shyly, “Alright, that might be fun, I don’t really know how to act around shifters though.”

  Julia said, “Just be yourself and you’ll be fine. Arrogance and challenging one of us is a bad idea, but that’s nothing like you are. Just remember you can say no.”

  Samantha looked a little confused at the last point, but Julia didn’t clarify, and neither did I.

  Katia said, “I should pick up stuff right? Steaks, burgers, and other stuff.”

  Julia said, “The pride has an outdoor brick grill, and briquettes, but more food wouldn’t go amiss.”

  Katia nodded, and I could see her making a list in her head.

  I was glad they were all on board, maybe one with slight reservations, but Samantha was just as obviously pleased to be included. It had been a hard week, and it might have been strange, but I still felt guiltier about taking advantage of Maria’s situation, than I did at signing up that band for an afterlife under Lilith’s tender care.

  When I accepted the pact, it never occurred to me that the heir part of it would be the hardest to deal with. That wasn’t the only reason I needed a break though. Although, there would be one exception to taking a relaxing day off, I’d be leaving all my spells on. For one, Samantha convinced me I should never let them go if I could help it, and secondly, Katia would be coming with us. I wanted at least the minimal protection of those three spells on her at all times, since no doubt her existence would be firmly out of the bag after tomorrow.

  Lilith patted my leg under the table, and then left her hand there to stroke my leg in soothing circles.

  She sent to my mind, “If it helps, Maria was joyous when you left. She sees your price as an even larger gift than the money or job.”

  That did help a little, and I already sort of knew that. But… I’d be fine.

  After dinner, Katia, Lilith, and Julia dragged me off to bed early, after making sure Samantha was settled in and okay. Despite my strange funk at leaving Maria behind, forever, after an afternoon of wild debauchery, it didn’t take them very long to get me in the mood. They all seemed determined to get me over the funk. They were all affectionate, lovely in their own ways, and I think I loved all of them, though Katia was the only one I was sure about that way. It was a long evening together, and they wore me out with love, affection, and sex that was both slow and soft at times, and fast and hard at others. It was probably close to eleven-thirty when I finally passed out, sated, and snuggled with three other warm and lovely bodies…

  Samantha bit her lip and suppressed the need to cry out as her body both froze and trembled under her fingertips. Frustratingly, it was just a pale shadow of the earth-shattering life transforming orgasm she’d had this morning in Andrew’s arms, when she’d agreed to the pact.

  For the last three, maybe four hours, she’d been in her room and listening to three women in the next room cum over and over in ecstasy under Andrew’s attentions no doubt. At first, she’d tried to ignore it as she sat on the bed with her legs crossed, and she simply continued to analyze the ward. But there was only so much of it she could ignore.

  By the second hour, she’d given up on concentrating and simply tried to sleep. She’d tossed and turned, and felt rather hot. In the end, she wound up slipping out of her sleepwear, sweat shorts and a t-shirt, and laid back beneath the sheets. The soft silken fabric felt good against her naked skin, and she found herself trying to rub one out, playing with her tight nipples on her perky little breasts with one hand, while she stroked her pussy slowly and teasingly with the other.

  It didn’t take her long to explode, not when she could hear Julia screaming about his fat long cock taking her hard and fast. It gave her a visual, and most likely an accurate one, since she knew from her scry spell exactly how his muscled and sweaty body looked, while he slipped his hard long…

  She’d shuddered and exploded at that point, imagining that it was his hand and not hers teasing her toward her climax. She was no stranger to masturbation, and she had plenty of toys at home to prove it, but the orgasms were strangely unsatisfying. It had been strong, as strong as her orgasms usually were when she was on her own, but now she couldn’t help but compare it to the one from earlier that morning, and worse, she wanted Andrew’s cock badly now. She wanted him now.

  At least, on a purely lustful and sexual level, if not more.

  She’d continued to stroke herself after that, teasingly and slowly, and rather absently as if her hands had a mind of their own, as she continued to listen to the almost endless orgasms from the room next door.

  But her mind was considering things, she’d decided that she truly wouldn’t mind sharing. Could she be a fourth woman in Andrew’s bed? If it meant she got to sleep with the other women too, yes, she very much could handle that. The only thing that would concern her would be how he treated her, would he treat her right, and would her initial impressions of him bear out to be true, or was it all just a mask of some kind.

  That’s where she was stuck, she’d only really known him starting that morning, one day. He seemed patient, kind, protective, and very intelligent. She also knew he could be fierce and unforgiving of those that hurt him or those he cared for. All good things, which verified all her previous observations and estimates of him, but one day wasn’t near long enough to be sure.

  Hell, she wasn’t even sure if he’d even want her. She got the idea he was very happy with what he had already that way. She thought she’d caught him checking her out o
nce or twice, but she couldn’t be sure. He wasn’t the type of man that leered, or was even overly obvious about looking, and sometimes she could be a bit oblivious when it came to social queues.

  Point was, it was way too soon for that kind of decision, no matter how much her pussy ached to be filled by his cock. It did too, there was just something about him that set her body off in that direction every time she looked at him, or gazed into his warm hazel eyes. She’d never had a man affect her like that before, or make her feel so out of control.

  She was far from frigid, at least she thought she was, but she wasn’t a slut either, she wanted to be sure, very sure, that he was the man for her, even if she had to share. She’d already proven society’s stigmas and standards didn’t apply to her, otherwise she’d have mated with the right man given his power and breeding, she didn’t care a lick about any of that shit. If he could make her happy, and treated her well, then that’s all that counted. The three others wouldn’t change or affect what happened between her and him.

  At least, that’s what she told herself. Maybe she was crazy. Regardless, all her past relationships had been a mistake, and not very satisfying.

  Damn, another one, she thought it was Lilith this time, screaming in ecstasy. It triggered another small orgasm of her own as she suppressed the need to cry out.

  The night dragged on for a couple of more hours, and she was a wreck as she listened to the three women in bed with him cum time after time, and each time she wished it was her legs he was between. It was a fantasy, something her body wanted, and her heart, since he seemed to be the type of guy she’d always wanted, despite the warlock sex crazed part, but she had to admit that would have a lot of benefits for her as well.

  She just… needed to wait, and be sure.

  After suppressing her cry for that last orgasm, it had finally grown quiet, and she too finally managed to fall asleep, not bothering to put her bed clothes back on. It wouldn’t be until the next morning, when she would finally realize she could have simply left the room and went to the study to avoid listening, it just hadn’t even occurred to her at all.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Julia stretched as she got off the couch. It was about three in the morning, and Andrew was hard at work studying. She grinned to herself, feeling playful, and walked over and behind his chair, and started to massage his shoulders and down his chest. The more she leaned down, the farther down she reached, tracing the lines of muscles she was intimately familiar with, until she nibbled on his neck, breathed in his ear, and caressed his tight abs and… lower.

  “That’s incredible Julia, but quite distracting.”

  She giggled softly, and nibbled his earlobe, “It’s supposed to be, master,” she said breathily.

  She laughed as he spun the chair, and pulled her onto his lap. She curled up on him sideways, and enjoyed the way it felt to be in his arms. Despite being a deadly predator, one of the deadliest in fact, at least in Seattle, being in his arms made her feel safe, as well as cherished.

  She stole a soft kiss, and nipped his bottom lip.

  He smiled, “What’s gotten into you this morning.”

  She knew what he meant, she usually did leave him be when he was studying, he still had a lot to learn, which meant he was vulnerable. Knowledge was power, and for a warlock that meant magically as much as politically. But, today was different.

  She shrugged, “It’s supposed to be your day off. No studying, remember?”

  He grinned, “Good point, I guess I should take the whole day off, what did you have in mind.”

  She sighed in pleasure as he kissed her neck, just as teasingly as she’d kissed his. She bit her lip, she was still sated from a few hours ago, but much more of that and she wouldn’t be.

  She shrugged, “We could go shopping for the barbeque meats, buns, and sauces. Ice chests, all that stuff. I have Katia’s list on my phone.”

  He asked, “Are you excited about spending the day there?”

  She nodded, “You’ll meet the full pride too, couples and children will be running around. Gina will usually block off a hallway they can’t get down, for… entertaining the visitors.”

  He smirked, “Entertaining huh?”

  She shivered in pleasure as he caressed her neck and hair, fuck, she wanted him badly now. That always got her going, and him doing it with light brushes of his fingertips, while his other hand held her ass firmly, felt so much better than anyone else who’d ever done it. He was a very attentive, generous, and talented lover, but in this case, she thought the magnified pleasure was probably about how much she loved him.

  “Maybe we should put off shopping, for just a little while,” she said in a soft sultry voice, right before she kissed him lingeringly, and with promise. Her body seemed to have a mind of its own as she plastered her soft curves against his hard lines, as he deepened the kiss demandingly. A demand she was more than happy to submit to. She supposed one of these days, she’d tell him how she felt, but she was afraid to put pressure on him to say it back, though based on his scents, she was pretty sure he was in love with her as well. Whether he’d admitted it to himself or not, she wasn’t sure.

  An hour later, she felt extremely sated, and ready to go shopping. So far, a day off seemed like a very good thing to her. Not much was open at four in the morning, but the twenty-four-hour superstore would have everything they needed, and she took herself, Lilith, and Andrew there.

  It took a little over an hour to pick up steaks, burgers, hot dogs, chicken legs, and all the usual fixings. They also picked up a couple of large coolers, and a few cases of sodas. Shifters metabolized alcohol quickly, and she knew Andrew wouldn’t drink, he needed his mind clear for magic if it was needed, so no beer or other alcohol was picked up. They didn’t need ice, Andrew would be able to keep everything cold with a spell.

  The pack already had plenty of outside furniture, charcoal, and the grill, so they didn’t need any of that stuff.

  He asked, “That’s everything on the list, anything else we should get?”

  She shook her head, “Not unless you want to set her up an office, or start converting one of the rooms to a nursery.”

  He looked startled by the idea, and she gave him a teasing grin.

  He shrugged, “We do need to do both those things, but Katia would kill me if I did any of that without her input. I thought she was already working on the second office though, she might have ordered something. Thanks for the reminder though.”

  She smirked, “Anytime.”

  They checked out, and it took her two trips. She could probably teleport three to four people, depending on size, and all the stuff they bought was too much for her along with two people. They packed everything in coolers and as she’d thought, Andrew cast spells on them to keep them cold.

  She was excited, she really did love her new life, and she had no interest in sleeping with another man, shifter or not, but she did miss her sisters. She also had no problem using compulsion to keep other males away. Shifters had a magical bond with their mates, and that showed up in their scents. She was with Andrew, much like a mating since she’d never have another again, but they couldn’t form that bond, and other shifter males would mistakenly believe she was available. Time would fix that, once word got around, she hoped.

  Her, Lilith, and Andrew wound up talking for another hour or so before Lilith started on breakfast, and both Katia and Samantha woke and joined them for breakfast. She couldn’t help herself, she shared a sly teasing look with Samantha. The woman had been very quiet last night in the other room, but not so quite that shifter hearing couldn’t pick it up, even with all the noise the four of them were making. She’d kept it to herself of course, none of the others would have heard anything.

  Samantha blushed.

  All of them were in rather casual clothes this morning. She had on very short and tight jean shorts and a clingy t-shirt, and the rest had various similar casual outfits. She liked wearing the new business clothes she�
�d been wearing, but that wasn’t going to work at a barbeque.

  When it was time to go, she took three trips. First, she took the food, then Lilith and Samantha, and lastly Andrew and Katia. It just made sense to her to take her primary responsibility and the most vulnerable of them last, and he and Katia would be going home first at the end of the day. It looked like it was going to be a beautiful day, it was a bit crisp for a day late in May, but the sun was already warming things up nicely.

  She didn’t expect any issues, the mages wouldn’t attack them here, the vampires were cowed, and the shifters were all depending on him to keep up their ward protections. Still, that didn’t mean she’d let her guard down too far. It only took one idiot to screw things up. She slipped into the mansion for a moment, and undressed in her room to shift, and then went back outside and lounged in the sun for a while.

  She stayed near her charges though, she would die for Andrew, and most likely for Katia as well. Lilith, not so much, but only because the succubus would just return twenty-four hours later. She couldn’t really be killed at all, just temporarily banished back to the infernal plane.

  She’d also changed, because she knew the cubs wouldn’t be able to resist pouncing and mock hunting the biggest cat in the yard. It was something she enjoyed a great deal, though it was a little bittersweet since she’d never have any of her own. She’d been resigned to that for a long time though, even before she became a vampire there were no males her age of her species that were unspoken for.

  Still, it was a wonderful day, and she teased Andrew a few times as well, she was in quite a mischievous mood, and she hoped this day off thing was done often…

  Carlos had thought it would take days, perhaps weeks for Jake to come up with a viable attack plan to handle the issue with the warlock and Samantha. Though, he wondered if most of the council was just paranoid. Of course, he hadn’t tried to talk persuasively to stop it either, better safe than sorry. Still, the young woman scared him, it’d better be a good plan. He also thought it might be prudent to clear the room.


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