Unspoken Desires

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by Unspoken Desires (lit)

  “You know what I’m talking about, Daniel,” Brom snapped. He stepped closer to Daniel until they were almost nose to nose. “Would you have stayed faithful to me if I had claimed you?”

  Daniel frowned. “What do you care? You’ve made it more the clear you don’t want me. It seems to me it’s no longer your business who I fuck.”

  “It will always be my business,” Brom spit out through gritted teeth. “You’re my mate. You belong to me.”

  “No, I don’t. You wouldn’t claim me, remember? I can fuck whoever I want, and there’s nothing you have to say about it. You gave up that right five years ago and again the other night.”

  Daniel stared at Brom in shock as he was grabbed by the arms and given a shake. He didn’t understand where all of this anger and possessiveness came from. Brom had made it more than clear that he didn’t want Daniel. What did he care who Daniel was with?

  “You belong to me, damn it!”

  “I don’t belong to you,” Daniel replied. “I never did.”

  “I can fix that!”

  Daniel inhaled sharply, his eyes widening as Brom leaned in and sank his canines deep into the soft skin of Daniel’s throat. His eyes drifted closed, his hands clenching in the fabric of Brom’s shirt as his mate finally claimed him.

  He could feel the mating bond forming between him and Brom. The connection was so strong it made Daniel’s knees tremble. The elation and sense of triumph flowing through Brom seeped into Daniel, overwhelming him.

  Daniel let out a small cry. His heart fluttered in his chest, a last ditch effort to protect itself before opening up and letting Brom move in. Daniel’s knees buckled, the strong arms wrapped around him were the only thing keeping him from dropping to the ground.

  Brom finally pulled his teeth free and licked the wound clean. Daniel looked up at him as the man leaned back. He felt an instant of pure desire and satisfaction. He wasn’t sure if it came from him or Brom.

  Apprehension filled him as Brom’s eyes darkened, the white nearly bleeding out of them.

  “Oh Christ, what have I done?” Brom whispered.

  Daniel dropped his hands from Brom’s shirt and backed away from him, pulling himself free from the man’s grasp. He shook his head, trying to deny the dread he could feel coming from his mate.

  This wasn’t happening. It just wasn’t. Brom refused to claim him five years ago and then again two days ago. They should both be feeling overjoyed. Instead, Brom seemed to be filled with so much horror that it overshadowed everything else the man felt.

  Daniel felt his heart break like it was a physical act. He pressed his hand against his chest, wondering how he could possibly feel it beat beneath his hand when he knew he had died. Was this was hell?

  Daniel couldn’t say anything because he knew if he opened his mouth he would start screaming. He just turned and walked away. His steps were slow but steady, leading him somewhere down the road. He didn’t really care where as long as it was away from Brom.

  He could hear Brom and Jake arguing, but he didn’t care what it was about. He didn’t really care about anything at that point. Nothing seemed to matter. He felt nothing. He heard nothing. He was dead.

  * * * *

  Brom watched Daniel walk away, unable to clear the picture from his mind of the man’s face. He couldn’t remember ever seeing so much heartache on someone’s face, and it killed something inside of Brom to see it on Daniel’s, especially knowing that he put it there.

  By the time his mind had cleared of the red haze of rage he felt hearing Daniel profess his love for another man, it had been too late. He’d already claimed Daniel as his mate. Even though horror had filled him, Brom couldn’t deny the sense of satisfaction he felt knowing Daniel was finally his mate.

  “God, you are one stupid son-of-a-bitch.”

  Brom turned to look at the man that had started this mess, the one that Daniel had professed his love to. He snarled at him. “Who the hell are you?”

  The man seemed to eye him, his eyes raking Brom from head to toe. He shook his head. “I sure don’t know what he sees in you, but I promise you this, I will do everything in my power to keep you away from him. Daniel deserves a lot better than the likes of you.”

  Brom stepped forward, his hands curling into fists again. “He’s mine.”

  “Not if I have anything to say about it.”

  “Who the fuck are you?”

  “Jake McAllister,” the man replied. “I’m Daniel’s alpha.”

  “He told me you weren’t sleeping together,” Brom said, confused by the man’s hostility. If he and Daniel weren’t sleeping together, then why in the hell did he care what happened between the two of them? Did Daniel lie?

  “Daniel and I have never been intimate, and we never will be,” Jake replied. “I already have two mates. I don’t need another one. But Daniel is a member of my pack, and I will keep him safe from you. You’ve done enough damage.”

  “He’s my mate.” Brom insisted. “You can’t keep him from me.”

  “Watch me.”

  Brom frowned as the man turned away and followed the same path that Daniel took. Could Jake keep Daniel away from him? Wasn’t the bond between mates more sacred than anything?

  Even as Brom thought the words, he realized what he had done. After years of denying Daniel, he mated him then denied him again. With the mating bond in place, Daniel had felt everything Brom did.

  Brom groaned. He rubbed the heels of his hands over his eyes. Why couldn’t things ever be simple? He just wanted to settle down somewhere safe and raise his kids with his mate by his side. Was that really too much to ask?

  Brom lowered his hands and rested them on his hips. He looked down the long road Daniel and Jake had walked down. There was no sight of them, and he had no idea where they were headed.

  Knowing that they had a deep connection, Brom closed his eyes and concentrated on his mate. He knew he should be able to feel Daniel’s emotions, to sense how his mate was. All he felt was coldness and the feeling of complete darkness surrounding him.

  Brom’s heart thundered in his chest as he considered the possibility that Daniel might have done something to himself. He started down the road after him, walking at first but then speeding up his pace as more urgency filled him.

  If Daniel did something, Brom would never forgive himself. He’d be completely responsible. Brom wasn’t sure he could live with himself if something happened to Daniel, but he had too many responsibilities to let himself follow Daniel into the afterlife.

  People depended on him, needed him, people that meant as much to Brom as Daniel did. He didn’t want to have to choose between them…again. Fear taking hold of him, Brom started running.

  Coming around a small bend in the road, Brom skidded to a stop. Several yards ahead of him Daniel stood talking with his alpha and two other men. Jake had his arm around Daniel, leading him towards a large, lighted compound.

  Brom watched until they walked from sight, entering the huge house. He waited a few more minutes until he saw a light come on upstairs. A figure passed in front of the window. Brom recognized it as Daniel. He’d know that man’s form anywhere.

  When Daniel paused at the window and looked out, Brom moved back to stand under the trees. He didn’t want to be seen, but he needed to know that Daniel was safe. He waited until Daniel moved away and the light went out before heading back to the hotel he stayed at.

  Brom had no idea what he would do now that he and Daniel were mated. He knew that no matter what he did, someone would be hurt. He just hoped it wasn’t the innocent people involved in this mess.


  Brom turned quickly at the softly spoken word, his claws extended and ready to strike. He closed his eyes briefly and heaved a deep sigh of relief when he spotted Jaryn standing behind him.

  Opening his eyes, he beckoned the man forward with his hand, wrapping an arm around him and holding him close. Brom buried his face in Jaryn’s soft brown hair, inhaling his
sweet scent before kissing the man.

  He felt Jaryn’s arms wrap around him as the man pushed his body close. The soft contours of Jaryn’s body where belied by the hard shaft pressing against Brom’s. It was an exquisite feeling that sent desire racing through Brom’s blood stream.

  He’d been denying himself the luxury of Jaryn’s body since the moment he’d met him five years ago. At first, Jaryn had been too young. Now that he was old enough, Brom wanted Jaryn’s first time to be special, not some hurried fumbling in the woods.

  “Brom,” Jaryn whispered. He rubbed his erection against Brom’s. “Please, I’ve been so patient. I need you.”


  “Please,” Jaryn pleaded again.

  Brom could see the desperation in Jaryn’s golden brown eyes. He could feel it in the hard push of Jaryn’s hips as the man rode his leg. He was helpless to resist. Brom suddenly made a decision. He could at least give this to Jaryn.

  Brom pushed his thigh more firmly between Jaryn’s legs. Jaryn cried out, his head falling back as he thrust against Brom’s leg. His hands gripped Brom’s shirt. Brom stroked his hand down Jaryn’s back and cupped his ass, pulling him more firmly against him.

  He knew what they did was dangerous, but he just couldn’t seem to stop himself. Maybe it was claiming Daniel earlier. Maybe it was because he denied himself for so very long. Brom just knew he needed this as much as Jaryn.

  He licked his fingers and pushed his hand beneath the waistband of Jaryn’s pants until his fingers grazed between the man’s ass cheeks. Jaryn jerked against him, crying out. Brom dragged his fingers across the tight, quivering hole of Jaryn’s ass.

  “One of these days soon, Jaryn, I’m going to take you here,” Brom whispered as he pressed his fingers against Jaryn’s hole. “Daniel’s going to take you here.”

  “Yes, please.” Jaryn groaned. His entire body trembled against Brom.

  “Would you like that, baby?” Brom asked, tapping his fingers against Jaryn’s sensitive flesh before pushing in up to his knuckle. He pushed in and out several times before straightening it out until it bumped against the small button of Jaryn’s pleasure.

  Brom pushed in a second finger. Jaryn began to push back against the intrusion, riding Brom’s fingers. Brom would push in, press up his fingers and rake them over Jaryn’s sweet spot before pulling out then repeating the procedure.

  Jaryn’s breathing thinned as it sped up. His hands were tight fists in Brom’s shirt. Brom watched the stunned amazement create a haze of golden light in Jaryn’s eyes. The man looked breathtaking.

  “Brom,” Jaryn suddenly wailed. His body jerked once and then shuddered. Brom felt wetness spread across his leg where it wedged between Jaryn. He chuckled, realizing that Jaryn had come all over both of them.

  Jaryn panted as he leaned back to look up at him. Brom could see the wonder in his eyes, the delight. They had kissed several times in the last year but nothing beyond that and not before Jaryn turned eighteen. Seeing that look now on Jaryn’s face made Brom wonder how he lasted this long. Jaryn looked beautiful in his passion.

  “Thank you,” Jaryn murmured, his face flushing, his head dipping down as if embarrassed.

  Brom lifted Jaryn’s head and then leaned down to give him a small kiss. “No, thank you. It was my pleasure.”

  Jaryn leaned back. His eyes glanced down to the aching, hard erection clearly showing in Brom’s tight pants. The man’s eyes darted up to his and then back down. Brom’s heart raced up when Jaryn licked his lips.

  “You want me to take care of that for you?”

  Now there was a loaded question, Brom thought. If he said no, he might as well shoot himself in the head for being the world’s biggest idiot. If he said yes, would it be considered taking advantage of someone so young?



  “Ah, hell,” Brom swore as he quickly unbuttoned his jeans and pushed them down far enough for his cock to bounce free. He heard Jaryn whimper before the man fell to his knees, his hands moving out to grab Brom’s hard, jutting cock.

  The tight grasp almost brought Brom to his knees. It had been so long since someone he cared about touched him intimately. Just the soft touch of Jaryn’s skin, the gentle tug of his hand as he stroked the aching flesh told Brom that he wouldn’t last long. The pleasure coursing through his body was too intense.

  Brom spread his legs as far as they would go and locked his hands behind his head. He didn’t want to inadvertently grab Jaryn and hurt him if he lost control, which was a very real possibility when he felt Jaryn’s lips wrap around him.

  “Ja— Jaryn.” Brom groaned. He couldn’t keep his hips from thrusting forward, driving his cock deep into the man’s mouth until he felt the head bump against the back of his throat.

  Brom thought for sure the inexperienced man would gag or at least push him away. Instead, Jaryn grabbed Brom’s hips, anchoring him in place, and swallowed. Brom’s knees nearly buckled as Jaryn’s throat muscles tightened around him.

  No one had ever taken him so deep. Brom could feel Jaryn’s nose brush against his pubic hair as he was sucked down the man’s throat. Then Jaryn pulled back until just the tip of Brom’s cock remained in his mouth.

  When Jaryn’s tongue pushed against the slit on the head of his cock, Brom couldn’t keep silent any longer. He groaned, biting his lip to keep the sound at a minimum. He began thrusting into the man’s mouth.

  Jaryn seemed to allow the movement, locking his lips around Brom’s cock, creating the most exquisite sensation Brom had ever felt. Brom glanced down at Jaryn. The sight of Jaryn on his knees, the man’s lips around his cock, was all Brom needed to send him barreling over the edge.

  He cried out as his orgasm was ripped from him, Jaryn swallowing down every drop of his hot release. Brom’s heart thundered. His legs trembled with weakness. He whimpered as Jaryn licked him clean.

  When Jaryn finally released his softening flesh, Brom grabbed him by the arms and hauled him to his feet. His lips covered Jaryn’s as he desperately tried to show his gratitude without words.

  Jaryn groaned and leaned into the kiss, the man’s tongue warring with Brom’s. Taking the challenge, Brom deepened the kiss, his tongue delving deep to explore the recesses of Jaryn’s mouth.

  “You never did say what you were doing here, Jaryn,” Brom whispered against Jaryn’s lips when he finally came up for much-needed air. “You know this is dangerous.”

  “Something happened,” the man replied. “I could feel it. I needed to make sure you were okay.”

  Brom stroked his hand down the man’s hair, holding him closer. “Yeah, something happened, and it’s not good.” Brom couldn’t resist him when Jaryn tilted his head back, golden brown eyes twinkling up at him.

  Jaryn stared at him for a moment, his head tilted to the side as if pondering something. “You claimed Daniel,” he murmured quietly.

  “Yes.” Brom couldn’t lie to Jaryn. He’d rather cut off his arm. He didn’t like lying to Daniel, either, but it truly had been for his own good. Even so, Brom was pretty sure he was going to go to hell because of the lies he told.

  “Then we can—”

  “Jaryn, this doesn’t change anything,” Brom said quickly, interrupting the man. “If anyone were to find out that I claimed Daniel or to find out about you—” Brom shook his head. He stroked his hand down the side of Jaryn’s head, his eyes devouring the man’s handsome features. “We have to keep this a secret, Jaryn. We can’t tell anyone.”

  “You don’t think they’re going to know?” Jaryn asked. “Even I can tell that your scent has changed. They’re going to know the minute that you get close to them.”

  Oh hell! Brom hadn’t even considered that, but Jaryn was absolutely correct. He’d claimed Daniel. Once a werewolf claimed another, their scent changed, mingled with that of their mate. That’s what told other werewolves that they were mated. Everyone would know.

  “Oh fuck, what am I going to do,

  “We, Brom, what are we going to do,” Jaryn replied, cupping his hands around Brom’s face. “You’re not in this alone. You haven’t been since long before I came on the scene. And, after everything you’ve told me about Daniel, if you give him a chance, he’ll be there for you just as much as I will.”

  Relief and deep admiration filled Brom as he leaned forward and rested his forehead against Jaryn’s. “I don’t know what I would have done without you these last few years, Jaryn. You’ve kept me sane.”

  Jaryn smirked. “I’m not sure that’s an inducement, Brom. I still think you were crazy for sending Daniel away even if I understand why you did it. I’m just not sure you’re going to be able to convince Daniel.”

  “I broke his heart, Jaryn,” Brom said as he remembered the agonized look on Daniel’s face when he had turned and walked away. “He’s hates me, and he has every reason to. I don’t think I can fix that.”

  “If you love him, you can fix anything.”

  “It’s not that simple, Jaryn,” Brom insisted. He pushed himself away from Jaryn to pace between two of the trees hiding them from everyone’s view. “Even his alpha knows what I did. I doubt the man will let me anywhere near Daniel.”

  Brom stopped pacing when Jaryn grabbed his arm. He looked down at the man, wondering not for the first time how someone so beautiful could actually be real. Besides Daniel, Jaryn was the handsomest man Brom had ever seen.

  “You have to talk to Daniel, Brom. You know what will happen when they find out you mated Daniel.” Jaryn shook his head, desperation in his copper eyes. “We won’t survive it. None of us will.”

  Brom glanced past Jaryn’s shoulder at the building beyond the trees and the window he had spotted Daniel standing in. He wasn’t sure Daniel would agree to talk to him unless he tied and gagged the man. Daniel had to be angry. Brom would have been.

  Jaryn suddenly hissed. Brom glanced at him quickly. Fear filled him when Jaryn’s face paled. The grip Jaryn had on Brom’s arm tightened. “The cubs, Brom.”

  Jaryn didn’t need to say anything more. Brom turned and started running back towards the hotel where his cubs were. He could hear Jaryn running behind him, but he didn’t have time to stop and let the man catch up.


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