Unspoken Desires

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Unspoken Desires Page 6

by Unspoken Desires (lit)

  “Who’s that with you?” Mary asked, glancing past Jaryn’s shoulder.

  “Brom McGregor, the cubs’ father. He insisted on escorting me here. He said it wasn’t safe for the cubs to be out unprotected.”

  “Yes, that is a wise decision, Jaryn,” Mary said as she stepped back and held the door open. “Well, come on in. Sasha is in the study with a few of his friends.”

  Jaryn motioned over his shoulder for Brom to join him and then walked in. He heard Brom hurry in behind him. Turning, he handed Cailan back to Brom with one of the baby bags.

  “Thus, we’re in.” Jaryn smirked.

  “Yeah, but how many people saw us enter, and how many people are we going to run into before we get to Daniel?” Brom whispered. “Each and every one of them could tell my father where we are.”

  “Brom, they’re not going to tell on us.”

  “How can you say that? You don’t know these people. They could be just as bad as my father.”

  “No, I don’t know them but Daniel does,” Jaryn replied. “Do you honestly think he would associate with people like your father? If he does, then he’s not the man you told me about.”

  “Point taken, Jaryn, but remember that there is a lot at stake here. If you’re wrong, it could mean both our lives.”

  “I’m not wrong, Brom.” Jaryn prayed he wasn’t. He didn’t think he was, anyway. The next few minutes would tell the truth.

  He followed Mary down the hallway to a large, dark wooden door. He could hear laughter and voices from inside. It grew louder as Mary opened the door. Jaryn peeked past the older woman, his eyes widening at the total number of people inside. Maybe this hadn’t been such a good idea?

  “Alpha Vadim?” Mary called out. “Jaryn has come to visit Sasha, and he’s brought the cubs.”

  Jaryn heard a squeal as Sasha came running into view. He stepped back. At Sasha’s look of surprise, he motioned the man to step out into the hallway.

  “Sasha, I need to talk to your mate,” Jaryn said. “It’s a matter of life or death. I need his help.”

  Sasha’s face instantly became serious. “Of course. He’s in the study.”

  Jaryn shook his head. “This might be better discussed in private.”

  “Jaryn, I trust every man in that room with my life.”

  “You might have to.”

  Sasha merely raised an eyebrow. He looked all sorts of curious. Jaryn was just grateful the man didn’t start asking the questions he could see burning in his mind. “Well, come in then.”

  “Is Daniel here?” Jaryn asked. His heart pounded. He’d seen the pictures Brom showed him, but he’d never actually seen the man in person. He couldn’t believe he might see him for the first time in the next couple of seconds. He wished he’d had time to clean up a bit first. He wanted to make a good impression.

  “Yes, he’s right inside.”

  Jaryn stepped into the room, feeling all eyes looking at him. He searched around, his eyes landing on a lone, red-haired man standing next to the fireplace. His breath caught in his throat. Daniel was beautiful.

  He took a step towards him, reaching out his hand to the man. “Daniel.”

  “Jaryn, no,” Brom said swiftly from behind him.

  Jaryn turned to look at Brom. “But—”

  “No, Jaryn, it’s not the time for that.” Brom’s eyes were filled with remorse. ‘We need to talk with Alpha Miroslav first.”

  Jaryn knew Brom was right, but Daniel was right there, so close Jaryn could smell him. And he smelled so good. Jaryn ached to go to the man. He just wanted to touch him, make sure he was real and not a figment of Jaryn’s over-eager imagination.

  “Please, Jaryn,” Brom whispered.

  Jaryn dropped his head, taking several deep breaths to control himself. He couldn’t say no to Brom. He never could. The man had been his savior, keeping him safe and filling the last five years with hope for the future.

  “You’ve waited all these years, Jaryn. Just be patient for a little longer.”

  He lifted his head and looked at Brom, nodding his head that he understood. Jaryn could give him a little more time. Brom returned his nod with a smile. Jaryn turned back to the multitude of men watching them.

  He settled his gaze on Vadim Miroslav and then scooted past him to another man. There was something about the man that called to him more than Alpha Miroslav did. Jaryn bowed his head respectfully to both men.

  “I request sanctuary for me, Brom, and the cubs.”

  Vadim’s jaw dropped open. “You want me to give you sanctuary?”

  Jaryn shook his head and pointed to the other man. “No, I’m asking for him to give us sanctuary.”

  Chapter 6

  Daniel still couldn’t get over the sight of Brom standing in Vadim’s study. He truly thought he’d never see the man again. His bags were already packed, and he was slotted to leave on the morning ferry.

  Now here stood Brom, in living color and looking just as gorgeous as he always did. Not even the apprehensive look on his face or the anguished glance he kept sending Daniel’s way drew away from his stunning good looks.

  Daniel didn’t know if he could take being in the same room with Brom. Every time he looked at him it brought back the memory of Brom denying him again. Closing his eyes wasn’t much better. Daniel could still smell him.

  “No, I’m asking for him to give us sanctuary.”

  Daniel’s eyes popped open at the softly spoken words. He hadn’t paid much notice to the man that walked in with Brom, but his words were enough to get Daniel’s attention. He was pointing at Jake.

  “You want me to give you sanctuary?” Jake asked. “Do you know who I am?”

  The man looked slightly embarrassed as he shook his head. “No.”

  “Then how can you ask me that? Shouldn’t you be asking Vadim for help?”

  The man shrugged. “I planned to until I saw you.” He looked down at his feet, shuffling them about a bit. “You seemed like the better choice.”

  The man gasped suddenly as if he just realized what he said. His head came up, and he looked over at Vadim. “I meant no disrespect, Alpha Miroslav. It’s just that he—well, he—” He shook his head. “I can’t explain it, but he called to me more than you did.”

  “I take no offense, Jaryn,” Alpha Miroslav said. “And please, call me Vadim.”

  “Thank you,” Jaryn whispered softly.

  “Want to tell us why you feel you need sanctuary?” Vadim asked.

  Daniel was particularly interested in that answer himself. Brom was not only the beta of the McGregor Pack, he was the son of the alpha. He had almost as much power in the pack as the alpha. Daniel couldn’t think of a reason the man would need sanctuary.

  Daniel felt pinned when Jaryn glanced over at him. He squirmed a bit, looking away from the man’s intense, golden brown eyes. There was something shining in them that Daniel didn’t want to exam too much. He knew if he did, it would somehow change his life.

  “Now that I’ve mated with Daniel,” Brom said, “our lives are in danger.”

  Daniel quickly turned and looked at Brom, taking a step towards the man before he could stop himself. “What do you mean your life is in danger? So you mated me. So what? It’s not like we’re going to settle down and buy a house with a white picket fence.”

  “Daniel—” Brom started, but Daniel didn’t really care what the man had to say. He held up his hand to stop him.

  “No. Just leave me out of this,” Daniel said. “Whatever trouble you’re in is on your head. I want no part of it.”

  Daniel stormed across the room, heading for the door. He wasn’t going to stick around to hear what trouble Brom got himself into. He told himself he didn’t care. A hand on his arm as he went past Brom stopped him.

  Daniel looked at the hand on his arm then up at Brom.

  “Please, Daniel.”

  “You can ask me that after denying me not once, not even twice, but three times?” Daniel scoffed as he yanked his
hand away from Brom’s grasp. “You have some mighty big balls, Brom McGregor.”

  “He did it to save me,” someone said behind Daniel.

  Daniel whipped around to face Jaryn, who had walked up behind him. “What the hell are you talking about? He did what exactly to save you? And who the hell are you anyway?”

  Even as the words came out of his mouth, the answer slammed into Daniel. Shock vibrated through him, making his hands tremble and his legs shake. Daniel shook his head, trying to deny the knowledge of who Jaryn was.

  “No!” he exclaimed. He waved his hand to the large man standing behind him. “It was bad enough that Brom denied me. I’m not taking it from you, too.” He jabbed his finger at Jaryn. “You just stay the hell away from me. Both of you stay the hell away from me.”

  Daniel backed away a couple of steps. He ignored the imploring look on Brom’s face and the desperate look on Jaryn’s. Neither of them cared what Daniel went through every time Brom rejected him. Neither of them cared he had been alone all of these years. Neither of them truly cared about him at all.

  Daniel turned and walked out the door. He kept going right down the hallway and through the main door of the alpha compound. He ignored the guard that called out to him and walked right past him.

  He didn’t want to talk to anyone. If he did, he might lose it. His heart was breaking. It was no wonder Brom didn’t want him. He already had someone. He didn’t need Daniel. Just the thought sent a cold shiver through Daniel.

  He knew he always held out some hope that Brom would change his mind, even after Brom claimed him and then denied him. That hope died a quick death the moment he realized who Jaryn was.

  Daniel realized the man was also his mate. That didn’t mean he would want Daniel any more than Brom did. Two mates and he was still alone. Maybe it wasn’t Brom and Jaryn? Maybe it was him? Maybe there was something about him that kept his mates from wanting him?

  Daniel suddenly stopped walking and dropped to his knees on the ground, his legs no longer able to hold him. He fisted his hands and rested them on his thighs as he looked up into the dark night sky.

  He dropped his head back on his shoulders and roared out all of the pain and anguish flowing through him. The sound echoed through the trees, surprising even Daniel at its ferocity, but it felt good to finally release it.

  Daniel felt cleansed in a way. He kept all of his pain and anger bottled up inside behind a mask of indifference for so many years. Letting it all finally go, giving voice to his emotions, freed something inside of Daniel.

  He still hurt. Pain and anger still overwhelmed him but now he thought he might have a chance at actually dealing with it. His chest didn’t feel quite so restricted, and he could breathe again without pain.

  Daniel took several deep breaths, letting the clean, clear night air fill his lungs. He pushed his curls back from his face, frowning when he felt wetness beneath his fingers. He wiped at his face, blinking when he looked down at his hand. He was crying.

  Except for the night he and Brom had fooled around, Daniel couldn’t remember the last time he’d cried. Maybe not since Brom had sent him away all those years ago. Somehow it seemed telling to Daniel that every time he remembered crying, it involved Brom.

  Daniel pushed himself to his feet. He rubbed his hands over his face, clearing the last of his tears. He tilted his head back again and looked up at the twinkling stars overhead.

  He realized that he should probably go back inside and listen to what Brom and Jaryn had to say. As much as he didn’t want to face them, he would be devastated if anything happened to them because he was too stubborn to listen.

  Daniel heard a sudden rustling behind him. His claws extended, and he crouched down even as he spun around to face whoever stood behind him. His breath caught in his throat when the man stepped out of the trees and into the moonlight.

  “Brom,” Daniel said as he stood and retracted his claws.

  The man looked unsure and apprehensive, his hands shoved in the pockets of his jeans as he looked across the space between them. “Hey, Daniel.”

  “Where’s Jaryn?”

  “He’s inside with the cubs.” Brom gestured back towards the house. “Can I talk to you? I promise I’ll stay over here.”

  Daniel rolled his eyes. “Oh hell, get your ass over here.” Daniel walked over to a fallen log and sat down. A moment later, Brom sat down beside him, a good amount of space between them. Daniel felt like it could have been as wide as the ocean.

  When Brom remained silent, Daniel glanced over at him. His arms rested on his thighs and he clasped his hands together between his legs. He seemed to be staring down at the ground.

  “Tell me about Jaryn,” Daniel finally said.

  “I met him about a week before you left the pack.”

  “Before you told me to leave, you mean?”

  Brom’s features tightened. “Daniel, please.”

  Daniel hung his head. He knew that was a low blow before he’d even said it. Despite his anger, he still felt he should give Brom a chance, especially considering that he had been the one to ask for an explanation.

  “Go on.”

  “As I was saying, I met Jaryn about a week before you left. Of course I knew immediately that he was our mate, but he was just a young kid, Daniel. Hell, he’s only nineteen now. I wanted to tell you, but by then, my father had found out about us.”

  “Your father?” Daniel asked in surprise. “What does he have to do with this?”

  “Everything.” Brom’s laugh was filled with bitterness. “He gave me a choice. I could stay with the pack and marry the woman he chose, producing the grandcubs he wanted, but only if I sent you away.”

  “Or?” Daniel asked when Brom didn’t say anything more.

  “Or I could die with you. He said he’d order a hunt if I chose you.”

  Daniel gasped. Hunts were serious pack business, only ordered when someone transgressed against the pack in such a way that could never be forgiven. They didn’t just get kicked out of the pack, they got hunted down and killed.

  Brom sighed. “I knew I couldn’t leave Jaryn alone in the pack, and he was too young to leave his parents. If my father discovered that he was our mate, Jaryn’s life would be over. So, I made my father a deal. I’d stay and do what he wanted if he agreed to let you go without hunting you down.”

  Daniel’s mouth dropped open and then snapped shut when Brom looked over at him. The thoughts floating around in his head couldn’t be put into words. The anguish in Brom’s deep blue eyes mirrored the misery in Daniel’s heart.

  “It seemed like the thing to do at the time.” Brom shrugged and looked back down at his hands. “My father said he’d agree to let you go without a hunt if I broke off all ties and never had any contact with you again.”

  Daniel snorted as he remembered Brom claiming him earlier that evening. “Guess you screwed up on that one.”

  “Yeah,” Brom said. “And he knows it, too. Why do you think Jaryn and I are here? My father is already looking for me. I have no doubt that once he finds me, he’ll kill me.”

  “So, you wouldn’t be here if your life wasn’t in danger?”

  Brom jumped to his feet and began pacing in front of Daniel. “You just can’t give an inch, can you, Daniel?” Brom asked. “Do you think any of this has been easy for me? Do you know what it’s been like living each day afraid that Jaryn or I would be discovered? You might have been alone but we weren’t. We had to watch each other every single day and know that we couldn’t even say hello to each other without my father wondering about us.”

  Daniel was stunned by the amount of anger on Brom’s face when he stopped pacing and turned to glare at him. “Do you have any idea what that was like? Not only was one of my mates gone, but I was unable to claim the one that was left behind.”

  “You haven’t claimed Jaryn?”

  “Of course not,” Brom replied, frowning as if he were confused. “He’s a tri-omega. If I claimed him without you,
he’d die.”

  Daniel dropped his head into his hands. “Fuck! I didn’t even think about that.”

  “Well, you’d better. And you’d better think about what will happen if my father gets his hands on any one of us.” Brom shook his head before looking Daniel straight in the eyes. “It won’t matter how you feel about me or Jaryn. We’ll be dead.”

  Daniel leapt up, his finger jabbing into Brom’s chest. “You keep saying that. Why?” he shouted. “Why the fuck does your father care? You did exactly what he wanted. You kicked me to the curb, married the woman he wanted, and had a couple of cubs. Why should he care if you’ve mated me or not?”

  “Because I won’t be able to give you up this time and he damn well knows it!”

  Daniel blinked.

  “What?” he asked softly, his hand falling back to his side. He couldn’t help gasping when Brom grabbed him by the arms and gave him a little shake. He stared at his mate, shocked to his very core.

  “I gave you up once because I couldn’t figure out any other way to save us. It was the hardest damn thing I ever did.” Brom frowned. “Do you think I can give you up now that I’ve claimed you?”

  “But you said—”

  “I know what I said, and I know how it sounded to you, but it wasn’t because I claimed you.” Brom stopped and then chuckled lightly. “Well it was. I knew that once I claimed you, I would never be able to give you up. That means a shitload of trouble is coming, and I don’t think I’m prepared for it.”

  Daniel felt Brom’s hand under his chin as his head was lifted. “That’s what I meant, Daniel, I swear. I wasn’t upset that I claimed you. It was the most amazing feeling in the world to know that you were finally mine. I’ll never regret it.”

  “Brom,” Daniel whispered.

  “I’ve spent the last five years wondering where you were, if you were okay, if…if you’d found someone else to love,” Brom murmured. “All the while trying to pretend I wasn’t dying inside every single day I spent without you.”

  Daniel knew Brom told the truth. He could feel the emotions rolling through the man like a tidal wave. He inhaled sharply at the unspoken pain that was alive and glowing in Brom’s blue eyes. A sense of incredulity tinged the edges.


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