Unspoken Desires

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Unspoken Desires Page 15

by Unspoken Desires (lit)

  “You thought wrong,” Daniel replied. “We’re right where we’re supposed to be, by your side.”

  Brom couldn’t argue with that. As much as he would have preferred that his mates stayed someplace safe, the relief that they stood before him outweighed any anger he felt at them putting themselves in harm’s way.

  A commotion at the front of the room drew Brom’s attention. He turned to see the five elders of the Wolf Council making their way to the small stage. They walked behind the large table and sat down. They seemed to converse for several moments before one of them lifted a gavel and slammed it down on the table, gaining everyone’s attention.

  “Let this meeting come to order,” one of the elders said.

  Brom felt Daniel and Jaryn’s hands on the small of his back as he started towards the stage. He smiled. “Thank you, mates, for being here with me,” he sent to each of them through their mating bond.

  “Where else would we be if not by your side?” Daniel sent back.

  “We know you wanted us someplace safe, Brom, but the safest place for us to be is with you,” Jaryn added. “Besides, have you seen the size of these guys guarding us? They’re huge.”

  Jaryn was right. The men guarding them looked like they were built out of mountains. Brom didn’t know where Vadim dug them up, but he wasn’t going to argue. They needed all of the protection they could get.

  “This meeting has been called by Marla McGregor to settle a dispute over custody of her cubs, Cailan and Iain. Please step forward and speak.”

  Brom watched his father step forward. Marla was nowhere to be found. Big surprise there. Brom knew she didn’t want to keep custody of the children. She’d be much happier being unencumbered by two small children.

  “I will be standing in Marla’s place,” Angus stated. “This whole affair has been too emotional for her, and she asked me to speak for her.”

  “Please state your name and relationship for these proceedings,” the elder said.

  “I am Alpha Angus McGregor. Not only am I Marla’s alpha but I am also the grandfather of the cubs, Cailan and Iain.”

  “Very well, proceed with your opening statement.”

  “I removed Brom McGregor, the biological father of Cailan and Iain, from my pack for betraying one of the fundamental rules of our pack and because of his association with certain people that I feel would be detrimental to the emotional and physical wellbeing of my grandcubs. He has also kidnapped the cubs and is keeping them away from their mother. They are just little cubs. They need their mother.”

  The council members nodded, a couple of them glancing over at Brom. He knew of at least one of them that was fast friends with his father. He’d seen the man visit his pack on numerous occasions. Brom didn’t know about the rest of the council.

  “I’m asking the council to remove Brom McGregor’s right to his cubs and place them in my care until such time as they are able to care for themselves. I also ask that sanctions be placed on Brom McGregor that he is to have no contact with the cubs until they are of age.”

  Brom closed his eyes for a moment, the pain in his chest almost more than he could handle. If his father got his wish, Brom might never see his cubs again. He had no doubt that his father could turn his cubs against him, given enough time.

  “Brom McGregor, please state your name and relationship for these proceedings,” the councilman said.

  “My name is Brom McGregor. I am the biological father of Cailan and Iain. I am also the husband of Marla McGregor and the son of Alpha Angus McGregor.”

  Jake stepped forward to stand next to Brom, Daniel, and Jaryn. “Please note it for the record that Brom McGregor, as well as his cubs and mates, have been officially accepted into the Wolfrik Pack. I, Jake McAlester, stand as his alpha now.”

  “If you’ve accepted Brom and Marla McGregor into your pack, then why are we even having these proceedings?” one of the elders asked.

  “I stated that I have accepted Brom, his cubs, and his mates into my pack. I have not accepted Marla McGregor into my pack nor will I. She is not Brom’s mate. Daniel and Jaryn are.”

  “Please explain, Alpha McAlester.”

  “It’s very simple, councilman,” Jake said. “Daniel James used to be a member of the McGregor Pack. Several years ago he was forced out when Alpha McGregor became aware of the fact that Daniel is Brom’s mate.”

  “That’s not true!” Angus shouted. “Brom made Daniel leave.”

  “Only because you threatened to order a hunt for him if I didn’t,” Brom shouted back.

  Gasps of shock could be heard throughout the ballroom.

  “You’re lying!” Angus said.

  “Am I?” Brom asked. “Didn’t you order a hunt for me the other night after you learned I claimed Daniel?”

  “I most certainly did not.” Angus’s face flushed. He looked offended.

  “Then these aren’t your claw marks on my neck?” Jaryn asked as he stepped forward, pulling down the collar of his shirt to show everyone the healing marks on his neck. They were healing but still looked pink and painful. “You didn’t give me these scars when I tried to stop you from hunting my mate?”

  “Your mate?” Angus asked. “I thought Daniel was Brom’s mate.”

  “Daniel is Brom’s mate, but so am I,” Jaryn replied. “I’m a tri-omega. I have to have two mates.”

  Again, gasps could be heard throughout the room, the loudest one coming from Angus. Brom hid his smirk by biting his lip. He’d bet a million dollars his father hadn’t expected that bit of information.

  “You’re a tri-omega?” Angus shouted. “Why was I never informed of this?”

  “Do you honestly think I would tell you my mate was a tri-omega after you forced Daniel to leave? Do I look crazy to you?”

  “I had a right to know,” Angus said. “I’m the alpha of this pack.”

  “You ordered me to make Daniel leave or you’d hunt him just because he’s my mate and a man,” Brom replied. “You didn’t want your son mated to a man. You even picked out my wife for me.”

  “Marla is your mate. I had every right to make you marry her.”

  “If Marla is my mate, then why are you sleeping with her?” Brom countered. “Isn’t that an offense against all mates? Doesn’t that go against everything packs stand for?”

  “I am not sleeping with Marla!”

  “Oh please, her scent is all over you,” Brom said. “I can smell her on you even from here. I’d bet anyone around you can smell it, too.”

  Angus bristled. “This council meeting isn’t about your wild accusations. It’s about what is best for my cubs.”

  “My cubs, Angus, remember?”

  “Well, they should be mine!”

  “And that’s what this whole thing is about, isn’t it?” Brom asked. He crossed his arms over his chest and glared at his father. “You want my cubs, not because of poor Marla, who we both know could care less about them, but because you think my cubs should belong to you.”

  “They’re my cubs!” Angus shouted again. His face turned red. His hands fisted at his sides. Brom knew if they had been alone that his father would have punched him, or have someone else do it.

  “If you want cubs so bad, I suggest you marry Marla after I leave. Make some of your own because you’re not getting mine.”

  “I wouldn’t marry Marla if she were the last bitch on earth!” Angus snarled.

  A loud, outraged scream came from the back of the room. Brom turned to see Marla storming into the room. Her face was filled with rage, twisted and flushed. Brom wasn’t sure he’d ever seen her so angry.

  “You said you’d marry me as soon as I gave you some cubs,” Marla screamed as she advanced on Angus, who looked totally green. “You said I wouldn’t have to be his wife anymore, that you’d get rid of him and I could marry you, be the alpha’s wife.”

  Brom’s jaw dropped.

  “Now, Marla—” Angus began.

  “Don’t you ‘now Marla’ me, you—
you old goat!” Marla shouted. “You promised me before I agreed to marry Brom that you’d make me your wife after he was gone. I did everything you told me to do. I married Brom. I gave you two cubs. If you think you can wiggle your way out of making me the alpha wife, you have another thing coming, buster!”

  “Marla!” Angus snapped. “Shut the hell up.”

  “No, I won’t shut up,” Marla replied. “Not until you come through on your promises. You said you’d get rid of Brom.” Marla pointed across the room at Brom. “Well, mister high and mighty, get rid of him.”

  Brom didn’t know if Marla realized she had suddenly become his biggest advocate but she had. The council, as well as everyone in the room, watched the exchange between Marla and Angus with a great deal of fascination.

  “Shut the hell up, woman,” Angus yelled, raising his hand and slapping Marla across the face so hard she fell to the floor. Brom raced across the room and grabbed Angus’s arm when the man went to smack her again.

  “I may not want to stay married to her, but Marla is still my wife for the time being,” Brom growled, squeezing his hand around Angus’s arm. “Hit her again, and you’ll answer to me.”

  “You dare stop me from disciplining someone in my pack?”

  “You’re not punishing Marla, alpha,” Brom spat out. “You’re trying to get her to shut up because she’s spilling all of your dirty little secrets.” Brom shoved his father away. “So tell me, Father, just how did you plan on getting rid of me? Planning another hunt?”

  “Marla doesn’t know what she’s talking about,” Angus insisted.

  “Fine, then let’s ask Marla what she wants.” Brom turned to Marla. He held out his hand and helped her to her feet. Before she could pull her hand free, Brom yanked her up to stand in front of the council.

  “Marla, I want a divorce. I’m leaving McGregor Pack forever to go live with my mates, Daniel and Jaryn. I’ve already been accepted into their pack. I don’t ever plan on coming back. I’ve even given up my status as pack beta. I want to take our cubs with me.”

  “You gave up being beta?” Marla asked, her face paling. “Why would you do that? We don’t have any status in the pack without it. How will I face my friends, the other women in the pack?”

  “Marla, pay attention,” Brom snapped. “I’m leaving, gone. I won’t be returning. I want to take the cubs with me. Do you want the cubs here where you can raise them full-time, by yourself?”

  “Oh please, do I look like the mothering type?” Marla asked. She suddenly looked very different from the woman Brom married. She looked tired, resigned. “If Angus isn’t going to marry me like he promised, you can have the cubs. I never wanted them in the first place, can’t stand the little things. I just had them because Angus promised to marry me if I did.”

  Brom bristled at how much it would hurt the cubs when they learned how cold hearted their mother acted, but at least they would have plenty of people around them that did love them. He looked to the council.

  “Are you satisfied now? Marla doesn’t want the cubs. I do.”

  “Very well,” one of the elders said. “Please give us a few moments to confer, and we will render our decision.”

  Brom nodded and released Marla’s arm. He started to step back when Marla stopped him. “Are you sure this is what you want, Brom? Our life together wasn’t all bad, you know.”

  Brom smiled. “You gave me the cubs, Marla. For that, I will always be grateful, but yes, this is what I want. I’m mated to Jaryn and Daniel now, and we need to be together. And I want the cubs with me.”

  “I don’t hate the cubs,” Marla said. Brom could see her twisting her hands together. “I just—I don’t do well with small ones. You know that. I wasn’t cut out to be a mother.”

  Brom reached over and smoothed his hand down the side of Marla’s cheek. “No matter what, you will always be their mother, Marla, and I would never keep you from them. You’re welcome to visit them anytime you wish, as long as you leave my father behind. And our cubs will never hear a bad word about you out of my mouth.”

  “Thank you for that. You have every right to hate me,” Marla said. “Maybe someday—maybe I’ll be ready to be a mother, but not now. I just—”

  “Marla, it’s okay,” Brom said. “Not everyone is ready for parenthood. It’s not something you’re born with, you know. Despite what everyone would like to believe, parenthood is not instinctive.”

  Marla nodded and then moved off to talk to a few people. Brom made his way back over to where Daniel and Jaryn stood. His stomach felt like a million butterflies were doing loops. The fate of his future rested in the hands of five men he never even met before today. It was nerve-racking.

  “How are you holding up, baby?” Daniel asked.

  Brom grimaced. “I feel like I’m going to throw up. What if they decide my father is better for the cubs? What if they take them away from me?”

  “Not going to happen, Brom,” Jaryn assured him. “We won’t let it. We have a lot of support on our side, and Marla practically spilled the beans on everything. There’s no way they will side with your father.”

  “Yeah, that came out of the blue, didn’t it?” Brom asked. “I knew my father hated the idea that my mate was a man, but I had no idea he planned to get rid of me. And I never thought Marla would reveal everything.”

  “She seemed pretty pissed off at your father,” Jaryn said. “You know Marla always preferred the high life. Apparently, Angus promised that to her and then didn’t deliver. I think she got revenge.”

  “Yeah, I guess,” Brom replied. “I still can’t help feeling a little sorry for her. It’s not like Angus is going to marry her now.”

  ‘Don’t feel too sorry for her, Brom,” Daniel said. “She knew what she was getting into. She agreed to marry you and produce cubs based on the idea that Angus would marry her.” Daniel pointed past Brom. “Besides, she doesn’t look she’s suffering too much.”

  Brom glanced over his shoulder, surprise rocking through him to see Marla surrounded by a group of men. She laughed and chatted like she didn’t have a care in the world. She didn’t look anything like the sad woman he spoke to a few minutes ago.

  “Brom,” Jaryn said, “it looks like the council is back.”

  Brom turned to see the five members of the Wolf Council taking their seats. It was hard for him to look calm when inside he felt like he was falling apart. The next few minutes would change the direction of his life, for the good or the bad.

  “Please come to order,” one of the elders said as he banged the gavel on the table. The room grew quiet except for the footsteps of people moving forward to hear the decision of the council.

  “Brom and Marla McGregor, it is the decision of this council that the cubs, Cailan and Iain McGregor, be placed with their father until such time as they are of an age to make this decision for themselves.”

  Brom breathed a sigh of relief. His legs felt shaky. His hands trembled. He felt Daniel and Jaryn’s arms support him from behind.

  He couldn’t believe it was finally over. The cubs were his. Daniel and Jaryn were his. His life was complete.

  “However,” the elder said, “before we can close this council meeting, we do have a few other issues to address. Angus McGregor, please step forward.”

  Oh shit!

  Chapter 13

  “Angus McGregor, did you, in fact, threaten to order a hunt against Daniel James if he did not leave your pack with the full knowledge that he was the mate of your son, Brom?”

  “No, of course not,” Angus answered.

  “Why would your son and beta make these accusations?”

  “He’s always been jealous of me, of my position as alpha in our pack,” Angus said. “I have no doubt that he wanted my position. What better way to get rid of me and gain my position than to discredit me in front of the council?”

  “You lying sack of shit,” Brom shouted. “I never wanted your position. I never even wanted to be your beta. I’ve willingl
y given it all up, even before we came before the council. How do you explain that?”

  “I don’t need to,” Angus replied, sounding like he thought himself very superior to Brom. “Your actions explain themselves.”

  “And what about your actions, alpha?” Brom asked. “You knew Daniel was my mate, and you made me get rid of him. You threatened a hunt if I didn’t. Once he came back and I claimed him, you ordered a hunt. You attempted to kill Jaryn when he tried to stop you.”

  Brom could feel his anger building. The skin on hands began to tighten as he tried to keep his claws from extending. He wanted to rip into his father, tear him apart, to make him pay for all the years without his mates.

  “You’ve denied me my right to my mates.”

  “Alpha McGregor, do you understand the severity of the accusations Brom McGregor has placed against you?” the elder asked. “Denying a mating bond goes against everything we stand for. It supersedes even the wishes of an alpha. It cannot be denied.”

  “Bull hockey!” Angus shouted. “He was going to mate with a man. Everyone knows that the only way you can increase the power of your pack is through cubs. If he mated a man, he would never have cubs. I did what I had to do to protect my pack.”

  “So, you admit that Brom’s accusations are accurate? You did threaten a hunt if Brom didn’t make his mate, Daniel James, leave? Did you also order a hunt a few nights ago after learning that Brom had, in fact, claimed Daniel?”

  “It wasn’t a hunt,” Angus protested. “He just needed to learn that having a man for a mate is wrong. It’s perverted. Like I said before, he can’t produce cubs if he mates to a man.”

  “And like you’ve been told before, he can,” said a voice from behind Brom.

  “And you are?” the elder asked.

  “I am Alpha Vadim Miroslav. I am here to show my support of Brom. I would also like it stated for the record that I am mated to a man, Sashenka, and we have three cubs. Sasha is the biological father of our daughter, Riana. I am the biological father of our youngest son, Ivan. Marika, our oldest son, was adopted after his parents were killed.”


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