The Year I Became Isabella Anders (Alternative Edition) (Sunnyvale Alternative Series Book 1)

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The Year I Became Isabella Anders (Alternative Edition) (Sunnyvale Alternative Series Book 1) Page 21

by Jessica Sorensen

  “What I understand is that I was lied to for years. That the people I always thought were my family weren’t. That this place”—I flail my hand around at the kitchen—“wasn’t always my home. That all these damn years I spent here, feeling like a fucking outcast, could’ve been avoided if you would’ve just let Grandma raise me, instead of bringing me into a family who hates me!” I’m breathing ravenously by the time I’m finished. It feels so good to get it out.

  The vein in my dad’s forehead bulges as he slides his hand across the table and clutches mine. “You will never talk to me that way again. Do you understand? I won’t let you turn into your mother. I won’t let you turn into that vile woman who ruined my life.”

  His fingers dig so violently into my hand I’m pretty sure I’m going to have bruises. “From now on, you will do everything Lynn and I tell you.” He lets me go and pushes back from the table. “And as far as I’m concerned, she is your mother.” He looks at Lynn before storming out of the kitchen.

  “What did you think was going to happen?” Lynn says as I work to get oxygen into my lungs. “That he was going to tell you he was sorry and that deep down he really loved your mother?”

  She rolls her eyes at me when I say nothing.

  “Your mother was a terrible person who did terrible things to people, and we’ve been trying to make it so you didn’t end up like her.” She scoots back from the table, looking at me with hatred as she grabs my hand and pulls me to my feet. “But from what I can see, you’re going to end up just like her—rotting in a grave that no one visits.” She drags me with her as she heads for the doorway. “Now, you’re going to come with me and paint over that god-awful painting you put up on that wall.”

  I can barely breathe. Barely think. Barely make sense of what she says.

  My mom was a bad person?

  She did terrible things?

  I’m going to end up just like her?

  She’s dead?

  I have to get out of here.

  “No!” I shout, wrenching my hand from her hold. “I’m not going to paint that fucking wall. It’s my wall. And I like the painting.”

  She doesn’t seem shocked by my outburst. If anything, she seems pleased, like she’s gotten everything she’s wanted.

  “Just like your mother,” she says.

  I shove her, not enough to do much, but it still shocks her. Then, before she can say anything, I run out of the kitchen and out the back door.

  Outside, I find Hannah getting out of her car. The sight of her makes me just about lose it.

  “You did this, didn’t you!” I shout as I head down the driveway toward her. “You left the birth certificate on my bed, and then told them I was looking for it. You set me up so they’d think I was the one who found it!” The closer I get to her, the angrier I get and the more words keep spilling from my lips. “And you’ve been sending me those texts. To mess with my head.”

  She looks at me like I’m the lunatic as she opens the trunk of her car and grabs some shopping bags. “Look, I don’t know what your deal is, but I’ve never texted you.” She closes the trunk of her car then turns toward me. “I don’t even have your phone number programmed into my phone.”

  “You’re such a liar,” I say through gritted teeth.

  “No, I’m not.” Her lips twist into a grin. “Trust me; if I did set you up for something, I’d be bragging about it.”

  With that, she walks up the driveway and disappears into the house, leaving me to stew in my confusion.

  What if she’s telling the truth? What if it wasn’t her? Then who else could it be? Lynn? Quite possibly. And what about what Indigo said about my dad being behind all the text messages? Why would he do that, though? Does he hate me that much?

  The truth crashes down on me. Yes, I think he really might hate me that much.

  Tears start to spill from my eyes as I race down the sidewalk, trying to figure out what do to next. I think about running to town or texting Grandma Stephy or Indigo to come get me, but before I can get that far, Kai appears at the corner of the sidewalk.

  He starts to turn away the moment he spots me then notices the tears in my eyes and rushes toward me. “What’s wrong?”

  I shake my head. “I can’t …” I suck in a huge breath of air. “I can’t …” I start to sob hysterically and my legs buckle. “My mom’s dead.”

  Kai catches me before I hit the ground and pulls me against his chest. I pull back, feeling moronic for having a meltdown in front of him, but he only presses me closer and lets me cry into his shirt.

  “It’s going to be okay,” he says, smoothing his hand up and down my back. “I promise.”

  I wish he was right. I wish this was all a bad dream or something that I could eventually get over. Maybe one day I will. Maybe one day it won’t hurt so badly. Right now, the pain is suffocating way more than the shell I used to live in, and I’m unsure how to make it go away or if it’ll ever go away completely.

  So I do the only thing I can do for now. I cry as hard as I can, letting it all out, grateful Kai is there to keep me from falling down completely.

  Chapter 22


  I don’t know what to do to help her. All I know is that I wish I could take her pain away.

  I’ve always had a soft spot for Isa, ever since seventh grade, way before her girlie makeover. I fucked that friendship up by being a pussy and not standing up to my friends. I’m not like that anymore, though, haven’t been for a while.

  Over the last year, I tried to become friends with Isa again, but every time I opened my mouth, she got pissed off. She’s the only girl that’s ever called me out on my bullshit, who’s cared enough about me to ask if I’m okay, and one of the few girls who hasn’t tried to use me to get to Kyler.

  It pisses me off that he’s trying to date her now. He didn’t even give her the time of day until a few weeks ago. He still has no clue what makes Isa so amazingly different from everyone else.

  God, what I’d give to kiss her again. Only this time, we’d both be sober. I almost did it while we were in the tree, but I chickened out because I saw her hesitate. I know what that hesitation means. It means she didn’t want to kiss me. More than likely, she was thinking of Kyler.

  Fucking story of my life.

  “Kai, I think my mom’s dead,” Isa whispers. She’s repeated that a few times now.

  Her face is still pressed to my chest, which hurts like a bitch. I’m pretty sure T broke a rib when he punched me earlier today. The punch was just the start of things if I can’t come up with the money I owe him. Or that Bradon owes him, anyway.

  Somehow, I got caught up in this fucking mess after stupidly vouching for Bradon, even though I knew I shouldn’t. And now I’m the one T’s coming after.

  “Why do you think she’s dead?” I rub up and down Isa’s back. My touch seems to soothe her.

  “Lynn just told me she was.” Her voice is hoarse. “She said she was a bad person, and that she is rotting in her grave now.”

  I shake my head. Fucking Lynn. That woman is a bitch, just like her mini-me clone of a daughter.

  “Isa, you know Lynn could be lying to you, right? She’s not a reliable source.”

  “Yeah, I know.” She sniffles into my shirt. “But what if she’s not lying? What if she’s telling the truth?”

  I think about the papers I tucked away in my back pocket about an hour ago, the papers Big Doug gave me from all the information he dug up on Isa’s mom.

  “But she might not be.” I want to tell her what I know, but I’m worried she’ll completely break apart if I do it right now.

  Isa’s a strong girl. She’s had to be with all the shit she’s put up with at home. But this is big. If I wait a few days, she’ll be able to handle the news better, and that might give me enough time to get some more information on why her mom’s in jail in Virginia.

  The papers say it’s for murder charges, though there’s not a lot of details. I’m not buying the
story yet. If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the last couple of months, it’s never assume things are what they appear to be.

  “Why do your stomach muscles keep tightening?” she asks, pulling back to look at me. Her eyes are swollen, and she’s got the whole raccoon look going on. She still looks beautiful, though. “Am I hugging you too hard?”

  I snort a laugh. “Yeah, your tiny, little arms are giving me boo-boos.”

  That gets her to smile. Then she instantly frowns as her eyes well up again.

  “Hey, I have an idea.” I drape my arm over her shoulders and steer her toward my house. “How about we go inside, get you some chocolate, and watch Zombieland?” I know she won’t refuse. Sugar and zombies are the keys to her heart.

  “Thanks, Kai. You’re such a good friend,” she says, wiping her eyes with her sleeves. “Seriously, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  My lip twitches at the “friend” reference. I remind myself that it’s for the best, at least until I get this shit with T sorted out. The last thing I want to do is drag her into that mess. After that, though, all bets are off. That kiss in the tree will happen … when she’s ready.

  She may think she likes Kyler, that he’s the one for her, but she’s wrong. Kyler doesn’t get her like I do. He doesn’t know how to make her laugh, doesn’t know how to talk comic book and superhero crazy talk with her like I do.

  I just hope one day she realizes that.

  About the Author

  Jessica Sorensen is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who lives in the snowy mountains of Wyoming. When she’s not writing, she spends her time reading and hanging out with her family.

  Other books by Jessica Sorensen:

  About the Author

  Jessica Sorensen is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who lives in the snowy mountains of Wyoming. When she’s not writing, she spends her time reading and hanging out with her family.

  Other books by Jessica Sorensen:

  Mystic Willow Bay, Witches Series:

  The Secret Life of a Witch

  The Secret Life of a Witch 2

  Shadow Cove Series:

  What Lies in the Darkness

  A Deadly Little Game (coming soon)


  Rules of a Rebel and a Shy Girl

  Confessions of a Kleptomaniac

  The Illusion of Annabella

  The Forgotten Girl

  Broken City Series:



  Oblivion (coming soon)

  Guardian Academy Series:



  Enchanted (coming soon)

  Sunnyvale Series:

  The Year I Became Isabella Anders

  The Year of Falling in Love

  The Year of Second Chances

  The Coincidence Series:

  The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden

  The Redemption of Callie and Kayden

  The Destiny of Violet and Luke

  The Probability of Violet and Luke

  The Certainty of Violet and Luke

  The Resolution of Callie and Kayden

  Seth & Greyson

  The Secret Series:

  The Prelude of Ella and Micha

  The Secret of Ella and Micha

  The Forever of Ella and Micha

  The Temptation of Lila and Ethan

  The Ever After of Ella and Micha

  Lila and Ethan: Forever and Always

  Ella and Micha: Infinitely and Always

  The Shattered Promises Series:

  Shattered Promises

  Fractured Souls


  Broken Visions

  Scattered Ashes

  Breaking Nova Series:

  Breaking Nova

  Saving Quinton

  Delilah: The Making of Red

  Nova and Quinton: No Regrets

  Tristan: Finding Hope

  Wreck Me

  Ruin Me

  The Fallen Star Series:

  The Fallen Star

  The Underworld

  The Vision

  The Promise

  The Fallen Souls Series (spin-off from The Fallen Star):

  The Lost Soul

  The Evanescence

  The Darkness Falls Series:

  Darkness Falls

  Darkness Breaks

  Darkness Fades

  The Death Collectors Series (NA and YA):

  Ember X and Ember

  Cinder X and Cinder

  Spark X and Spark

  Unbeautiful Series:






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