Libby's Fireman

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Libby's Fireman Page 2

by Tracey Steinbach

  Jack shook his head. “I think you should keep them. I’ll come by and visit them tomorrow, when the guys come over to help me build your playhouse.”

  Libby beamed up at him, gripping his shirt and tugging. Jack bent over and Libby kissed his cheek. “Thank you, Jack.”

  Chapter Two

  The next morning, Tara heard Jack pull into her driveway. She went to peek out of the bedroom window. He’s so hot. He was six foot if he was an inch. And his hair was short and dark. She’d seen his smile the day they visited the fire station. It was a panty-dampening smile that would have any woman staring. She watched as he walked to the truck that had pulled in behind his. The two men shook hands and Jack gestured toward the back yard.

  The two men were walking around the side of the house when Libby went running out. She still had her pajamas on, and her feet were bare. Tara watched as she launched herself into Jack’s arms, hugging him tight.

  Tara fell in love in that moment. Anyone who could love Libby as much as Jack’s face was showing was someone she wanted in their lives for a long time to come. As she walked up to greet the men, she heard Libby talking to Jack. “Are you here to build my playhouse? Who’s that?”

  Jack’s voice was patient when he answered. “This is my friend Hank. He’s going to help me build your playhouse.” Jack looked at the other man. “Hank, this is my girl, Libby.” Tara’s heart melted a little more.

  Hank and Jack greeted Tara with a smile. “Ma’am.” “Hi, Tara.”

  “Hi, Jack.” She turned to Hank and stuck her hand out. “It’s nice to meet you. Please, call me Tara.”

  “It’s a pleasure, Tara. Your daughter's adorable. It’s nice to link faces with the people Jack’s been going on about.” He winked at her, grinning.

  Tara blushed and smiled. “Thank you.” She cleared her throat and looked between Hank and Jack. “I made a pot of coffee. Would you guys like some?”

  “Please, and thank you.” Hank answered.

  “Thanks, Tara.” Jack set Libby back on her feet. “I’ll help you bring it out.”

  “Okay.” Tara turned for the house with Jack following behind her. Tara walked to the cupboard and pulled out three mugs. “If you want milk, it's in the fridge.”

  While Jack’s back was turned, Tara let her eyes roam over him. The man was built like the proverbial brick shithouse. His broad shoulders and trim waist showed how well he took care of himself. Tara licked her lips. Then there was his ass. Oh boy, did he have a great ass.

  Jack turned around and grinned at her. Tara smiled back and turned to busy herself with pouring the coffee. She’d just finished filling the third mug when she felt Jack’s presence behind her. She turned around to find him crowding her against the counter. Her eyes slowly slid up from his stomach to his face. He wasn’t grinning anymore.

  "Don't be frightened," he said. "I just want to…steal a kiss."

  Tara heard herself answer, "Okay."

  At the first brush of Jack’s lips against hers, Tara sucked in a breath. Her eyes fluttered closed and she leaned toward him. Jack must have taken that for the welcome it was, because Tara felt his hands on her waist and then he was kissing her, really kissing her.

  Tara’s hands moved to Jack’s shoulders, her fingers kneading the hard muscle there. Her lips parted, inviting his tongue inside. He tasted of peppermint and man. She felt her heart pound in her chest.

  She was moving to press her body more firmly against his when she heard Libby giggle. Abruptly, Tara pulled away and stared up at Jack. “I, um, wow…” She smiled nervously and looked toward the door. “I suppose we should get this coffee out to your friend.”

  “Tara,” Jack started. His hand lifted and brushed her hair back from her cheek. “I’d like to take you out to dinner. I want to get to know you and Libby better.”

  Tara nodded. “Okay.”

  Jack smiled. “I’ll pick you up about six, and we can go get something to eat.”

  Tara picked up two of the mugs and started toward the door. Jack beat her to it and opened it for her. “Thank you,” she murmured.

  Jack and Hank got the playhouse built in no time. Libby stayed close by except when Tara made her go inside to get dressed up for her night out. When the playhouse was done, Libby rushed inside, squealing. She rushed back outside, first hugging Jack, then Hank. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! It’s the bestest playhouse ever!” She ran back inside the playhouse.

  "I think she'll stay out of trees hereafter," Hank laughed.

  “I’d like to thank you, too," said Tara. "This was very nice of you both.”

  "No need to thank us, Tara. We were happy to do it. And this way, maybe you can keep Libby from climbing trees—for a while, anyway.” Jack smiled at Tara.

  Hank nodded his agreement. “I can see why Jack is so taken with your daughter. She’s a sweetheart.”

  “Thank you, Hank. She is something else.” All three of the adults laughed.

  Jack arrived at Tara’s a few minutes before six. He climbed from his truck, starting for the front door. He had flowers in one hand and a doll in the other. He hoped Libby didn’t already have this one. He lifted his hand to knock on the door, waiting patiently for Tara to answer. When the door opened, Libby was standing in the doorway. She had a pretty little sundress on, and her hair tied back with a blue ribbon. He smiled at her. “Oh, I’m sorry, miss. I must be at the wrong house. I’m looking for my friend Libby. She’s about so high and likes to climb trees. Maybe you know her.”

  Libby giggled. “I’m Libby! Mommy! Jack’s here!” Her little head cocked to the side as she looked at Jack. “What’s in your hand?” She lifted up on her tippy-toes, trying to peek into the bag in Jack’s hand.

  Jack lifted the bag in his hand and looked at it. “Hmmm…I don’t know. I wonder where this came from.” He stuck the bag out to Libby. “Maybe you should look inside and check.”

  Libby took the bag, happily. “Okay!” With a turn, she darted into the living room and sat down on the floor, dumping the bag out.

  Jack followed her into the house and shut the door behind him. He stood in the living room doorway and watched Libby with a smile on his face.

  Libby squealed and jumped up from the floor. “Is this for me?” She bounced in front of him, with eyes dancing with delight and a hopeful grin.

  “Oh, no. That’s for your mommy. I brought you flowers.” Jack couldn’t resist teasing her a little.

  Libby’s nose turned up. “Mommy doesn’t like dolls, Jack. And I don’t like flowers. But Mommy does!”

  “Well, then, I suppose I could give the flowers to your mommy. Do you know someone who would like that doll? She’s going to need a good home.”

  “Me! Me! I’ll take really good care of her!”

  Jack nodded. “Okay, then. She’s yours.”

  Tara walked out of the bedroom, then. “What’s all the squealing going on out here?” She smiled at Jack and looked down at Libby.

  “Jack brought you a doll, Mommy and he brought me flowers. But I told him you don’t like dolls, so we traded.” Libby beamed at her mom.

  Jack chuckled and held the flowers out to Tara. “Here you go. So, no dolls, huh?”

  Tara laughed with him and shook her head. “I’d rather have flowers. Thank you.” She took the flowers from Jack. “They’re beautiful. I’ll go find a vase.” She disappeared into the kitchen, returning a few minutes later.

  “Are we ready to go?” Jack asked, looking between Tara and Libby.

  Libby was on the floor, tearing into the doll’s packaging, bound and determined to get her out. “I’m hungry. Mommy wouldn’t let me have a snack. She said I’d spoil my dinner.” She popped up from the floor and looked down at the doll's package, half opened.

  Jack noticed where Libby was looking and crouched down in front of Libby. “When we get back, I’ll help you get your doll, okay?”

  Libby nodded, smiling at Jack. “Okay.” She slid her arms around Jack’s neck and he stood u
p with his arm around her waist. “C’mon, Mommy. Jack’s taking us to eat dinner.”

  * * * *

  Tara’s heart did a little flip seeing Libby and Jack so comfortable with each other. She shook herself out of her awww moment and smiled. “I’m ready. Let me grab my purse.” She picked up the purse that was hanging over the back of one of the dining room chairs.

  The three of them walked out the front door and over to Jack’s truck. After getting everyone settled, Jack climbed in the driver’s side and started the engine. He backed out of the driveway, steering the truck toward the pizza shop up the road. He’d debated on where to take the girls for dinner, finally settling on pizza. He figured it was a safe bet that Libby would eat either pizza or spaghetti, while he and Tara could split a pizza.

  Dinner was full of laughter and good food. Libby ate more pizza than any little girl Jack had ever seen. She looked so adorable with the napkin tucked under her chin, Jack couldn’t help but take a picture of her with his cell. He couldn’t wait to show everyone at work the next day. I’m acting like she’s mine, he realized. Now, he understood why the fathers he knew were always bragging about and showing off their kids.

  After dinner, Jack took Tara and Libby to the playground at the park. While Libby ran from swings to slides to merry-go-rounds, Jack and Tara sat on the bench and talked.

  Jack was sorry to see the sun starting to set. He’d really enjoyed himself with Tara and Libby. He piled everyone in his truck and drove them home. He walked them to the door, only to have Libby pull him inside to help her open the doll's package as he’s promised.

  When the doll was out of her packaging, Libby took her and skipped off to her room to get ready for bed. Jack decided that if he was going to get a goodnight kiss, he had better take it then. He made the kiss short, but thorough, leaving Tara with a dazed look on her face.

  “Can I see you again, Tara?” Jack asked, his voice soft. As much as he’d enjoyed the evening, he really wanted to have some one-on-one time with Tara.

  Tara nodded. “Sure. I had a really good time tonight, Jack. And Libby adores you.”

  “Do you think you can get a sitter for Libby tomorrow night?” Jack asked.

  “Libby is staying with her grandparents tomorrow night. They’ll be here around five thirty to get her.”

  Jack nodded his head. “I’ll come by about six-thirty and pick you up.”

  “Okay. That will give me time to get ready after she leaves.”

  Jack left shortly after that. He was still grinning over his little tree-climber’s appetite and the fact he had another date with Tara the following night.

  Chapter Three

  After Libby left with her grandparents, Tara got herself ready for her date with Jack. She put on a denim skirt and a sleeveless white blouse, left her hair down and applied a bit of mascara and lip-gloss.

  Jack arrived right at six-thirty, ringing the doorbell. Tara opened the door. She heard Jack suck in a breath and smiled. “I look okay?” she asked. This was the first date she’d been on in quite a while, so she was a little unsure.

  Jack quickly rid her of her worry with the grin on his face and the low whistle from his lips. “You look great, Tara.”

  Jack led her out to his truck. He climbed into the driver’s seat and started the engine. “I hope you’re hungry.”

  They drove across town, pulling into a drive-up food stand. A waitress walked out as Jack lowered his window. He looked at Tara and waited while she placed her order, then placed his own order and smiled over at her.

  While they waited for their food to come, Jack reached over to lace his fingers in Tara’s. They laughed and talked, thoroughly enjoying each other’s company. When their food came, the conversation never lessened.

  Jack drove Tara home later that night. He shut the truck off, turning to look at her. “I had a great time tonight. We’ll have to take Libby with us next time.”

  Tara was pleased that Jack wanted to see her again and even more thrilled that he wanted to include Libby. She was Tara’s whole world, the most important part of her life. That this special man wanted to be part of her life and Libby’s said just how special he was. “I had a great time too. Libby would love the French fries there.”

  Tara started to reach for the door handle when she paused. “Would you like to come in?” She was asking for more than a little while, but she didn’t know how to voice what she wanted. Hopefully, Jack would pick up on her hints and take the lead.

  Jack climbed out of his side of the truck and walked around the truck to meet Tara. He took her hand in his, and walked with her up to her front door. Tara let them into the house, turning on just enough light to keep them from running into walls and furniture. She kept his hand in hers while she walked directly to the bedroom.

  “Are you sure, Tara? I’m not in any hurry.” Jack’s voice was deeper. Tara was not the love ‘em and leave ‘em type. Making love with her would mean something.

  Tara let her hand slide from his and turned to face him. She let her face show him how sure she was. She stepped up to him, lifting her hand to touch his cheek. Her voice was a breathless whisper. “I’m sure, Jack.”

  Jack put his hands on Tara’s hips and pulled her against him. He leaned down and touched his lips to hers. His tongue swept between her lips, drawing a moan from her, and his broad hands splayed over her lower back before sliding up to pull her tighter against him.

  Tara’s arms wound around his neck. She felt her breasts swell and tighten as she was pressed chest to chest with him. Her body warmed and started to tremble in anticipation.

  * * * *

  Jack had felt himself start to harden at the thought of making love with Tara. Now that he had Tara in his arms, his cock was hard and aching. His hands moved over her back and back down to her waist. Fisting the material in his hands, he lifted her shirt enough to get his hands on bare skin. He groaned, feeling her soft skin under his hands and her taste on his tongue. He couldn’t wait to get her fully undressed to explore every curve she had.

  Tara purred softly against him.

  Jack broke their kiss to lift her shirt up and off. He stared down at her, licking his lips at the way her bra accentuated the curves of her breasts. His eyes lifted to meet hers. He smiled at her as his hands lifted to cup her breasts; he let out a low chuckle when he felt the tremor move through her. His hands massaged the firm globes, working his fingers into the top of the cups. He tugged the satin down until he could see the rosy tips of her nipples.

  Jack saw Tara’s eyes widen when he dropped to his knees. She started to speak until his lips wrapped around one hard peak, and then whatever she was going to say came out as a whimper instead. His tongue teased and tormented her nipple until he felt her hands move to his hair to hold him there. He sucked her nipple hard, using his teeth to graze it.

  The sounds Tara was making spurred Jack on. He moved his head to her other breast, giving that one the same treatment as the first. While he worked her nipples, his hands moved to the snap on her skirt. He pulled the denim apart and let the skirt fall to the floor at her feet, then pulled back from her breast to look at her. “So beautiful,” he whispered into the quiet.

  Jack leaned in to lay an open-mouthed kiss on her stomach. He licked his way to her navel, dipping his tongue inside and swirling it around. He used his teeth as he moved down to the top edge of her panties. His fingers hooked in the silk at her hips and started pulling them down. When he got them down to her knees, he let go and let them pool at her feet.

  Jack laid a kiss on her hip and another on the neatly trimmed patch of hair above her pussy. He pushed her legs further apart and dipped his head between them. His tongue slid, slowly through the wet folds to gather the taste of her. He growled deep in his chest and dove in for a deeper taste. His tongue found the entrance to her pussy and pushed inside. Tara’s hips bucked. He heard her moan as he flicked his tongue in and out of her.

  Jack abandoned her entrance to wrap his lips aro
und the hard bud of her clit. He sucked and nipped and licked until he felt Tara’s legs start to shake under his hands.

  “Jack! I’m going to fall. My legs won’t hold me with you doing that!” Tara’s voice was pleading. Her nails were leaving marks in his shoulders as she tried to hold on.

  Jack surged to his feet. “I won’t let you fall, sweetheart.” He scooped Tara up in his arms and carried her to the bed. He laid her down on top of the comforter and resumed his place between her legs.

  Jack slid his finger inside her weeping pussy while his mouth attacked her clit. With a shriek, Tara’s body bowed and her hips flew up off the bed. Jack drank her orgasm down, using his tongue and finger to prolong her pleasure.

  When Tara’s body calmed, Jack slid from the bed. He quickly shed his clothes and returned to Tara’s side. His hands moved over her soft skin until she peeled her eyes open to stare at him with pleasure-drunken passion.

  Jack smiled at her, leaning in to give her a soft lingering kiss. He shifted his body between her legs. Lifting his upper body above her, he started to work his cock inside. With every flex of his hips, he went a little deeper until he was fully seated. They both groaned.

  Jack started a slow, easy thrust with his hips, sliding in and almost out of her. Soon the slow and easy stroking wasn’t enough, and his pace increased. When she lifted her legs to wrap around his hips, his control was lost. He thrust hard and fast until he felt the walls of her pussy clamp down on him.

  Tara called his name as her second orgasm peaked. Jack managed another couple of strokes before he let his climax take him.

  Jack’s body covered Tara’s as they panted for air. Never before had he felt so sated afterward. This woman, this beautiful woman under him, was the reason for that. None of the others had been her.

  When they could move, Jack helped Tara under the blankets and wrapped his body around her. It didn’t take long for her breaths to even out in sleep. He followed her not long after.


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