Heart of the Matter (Love Me Book 2.5)

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Heart of the Matter (Love Me Book 2.5) Page 7

by Jaime Russell

  “The medicine we gave Abby, the stress of the surgery, and blood loss caused her blood pressure to drop. We needed to get it back up by giving her more meds and fluids.”

  “Is she okay?”

  “Yes, we are giving her oxygen, and keeping an eye on her. The baby is healthy and I don’t see any more complications.” I nod and thank him as the baby and I head back into the room. The nurse takes him to the warmer while I check on Abby.


  I walk back to the waiting room to see everyone sitting there with worried looks on their faces, “What's going on?” I ask.

  “Where have you been?” My mother asks looking me up and down.

  “I went for a walk and I got lost out in the parking lot.” I nod at Reagan and motion to move over away from everyone. “What’s going on?” “The doctor kicked everyone out of the room to take Abby for an emergency C-section. The baby’s cord is wrapped around his neck and they want to get him before it can be too late. It’s more of a precautionary measure. Are you okay? You look sad but have a weird vibe going on.”

  “I had sex.” I lean in and whisper to her. Reagan looks at me like this shouldn’t mean anything. I take a deep breath, “for the first time.” Reagan and I bob our heads until the lightbulb comes on and her eyes get real big.

  “What?!” Reagan squeals and everyone in the waiting room even people who are waiting for other baby news look at us. “Sorry.” Reagan pulls me out of the waiting room and takes me down the hall. “I didn’t know you were a virgin!” Reagan smiles. I’m biting my nails and bouncing on my feet. I’m like a balloon with too much air in it that it explodes. “Do you want to talk?” Reagan laughs.

  “I’m dying to tell someone but is it wrong that I want to talk while Abby is going through this?” It hits me that my best friend’s life could be in danger.

  “Abby is fine but we can wait until after she gives birth for you to talk to someone.”

  “Reagan, that’s like a whole hour, isn’t it?” Reagan nods her head and I groan.

  “Sarah, I know you and I are not close but despite everything that is said, or thought doesn’t change the fact that you are family. I love Max and you are important to Max. I will do what I need to do to become friends, within reason.” Reagan winks. “So, spill the details right now!” I give Reagan every detail because I need to tell someone and as my someone is currently having a baby, I go to the next person that I can think of. “Oh my god. What's his name and are you going to see him again?”

  “I don’t know and probably not.” I try to hide my disappointment in the situation.

  “I’m sorry but how do you feel?”

  “Physically or emotionally?” I remark.

  “Both.” Reagan puts in some money into the vending machine to grab Jonathan a water.

  “I'm sore. I didn’t think the pain when he first went in would hurt so bad but I tried to keep the tears back. Can a guy tell if you are a virgin?” Reagan nods and I groan. We walk into the waiting room together making small talk as everyone sits there watching the door. “Why don’t Reagan and I head to the cafeteria to grab some lunch for all of us.” We start taking orders and head to the elevators. We stand there in silence.

  “Okay we talked physical what about the emotional?” I was hoping that she forgot about that part of the conversation.

  “I should be glad that my first time was with someone that I didn’t know, have a relationship with and will never see or hear from again. It makes it all better for me.”

  “That sounds like a good attitude to have but I call bullshit.” I open my mouth to say something but Reagan tells me to hear her out, “Your first time is always built up in your head of something so magical when in fact it plain sucks. I’ll be here if you need me.” Reagan pulls me into a hug as we step into the elevator laughing. We spend the next thirty minutes talking about sex, what to do now and my embarrassment of it all. Reagan tells me her story of her first time and it’s way worse than my story which helps me out a lot so I feel better about everything.

  As much as I hate to say it, I love Reagan. I was a total bitch to her today and she made me feel like I was the most important person in her world. I can’t deal with change but she is willing to help deal with me.


  “No offense Darcy but I can’t wait to get out of here and be home with my baby.”

  “Hey none taken. When I had my kids all I could think about was getting home and being in my comfort zone. Hospitals are great for having the babies but being able to heal at home is probably the best medicine of all.”

  “The car is ready and the police man fixed the car seat so we are good to go with that so no tickets from them.” Cash says coming in with the car seat.

  “Except for that lead foot of yours.” I laugh. He kisses me and I can’t wait to get home in our bed. “Is everyone going to be there or will they give us time alone?”

  “Your parents are staying with us so they are already there and Max and Sarah are finishing up some project. Reagan is busy with the final touches with the store, she roped in Nic and Shawn. They are bringing food over so we won’t have to cook for a few days.”

  “I’m glad that we will be able to have some time alone.” I smile as Cash holds our son in his arms and talks to him. “Can I leave?” I ask Darcy and she looks over the paperwork that I’ve been signing all morning.

  “I just need to get the wheelchair and we can go.”

  “I don’t want the wheelchair.” I moan. I want to walk even though it hurts me to do it.

  “Hospital policy.” Darcy says as she heads out of the room.

  “I’m scared Cash.”

  “What are you scared about?” Cash sits next to me on the bed as he holds the baby.

  “Am I going to be okay by myself as a mother? Here I have help and out there in the world, I’m alone.”

  “You are never alone. It’s going to be different with everything we have going on but with the crazy crew that we have in our lives, we won’t be alone for long besides if we suck as parents, he has something to tell his therapist about when he’s older.” We laugh as he leans in to kiss me, “Relax. We are going to make mistakes and fail him at times but we are human.”

  “I wish I had your confidence.”

  “Baby, it's not about confidence more like I know us and with us together, we’re unstoppable.” Cash kisses me and I feel better.

  “Enough, the doctor says no to that stuff for two months.” Darcy, who is an elderly nurse, late 50s to early 60s gives the women and babies a sense of grandma which helps settle the nerves that everyone is feeling during this exciting yet nerve wracking time.

  “You are killing me Darcy.” Cash says with a laugh. Cash hands me the baby and we take off towards the elevator. We say goodbye to the nursing staff that are there. The three of us make some small talk as we ride the elevator and get set up in the car. Cash bought me a new car, a silver Range Rover, he made fun of my clunker from Pennsylvania. We give hugs to Darcy and promise to send pictures of our bundle of joy.

  Cash drives the speed limit for once or even slower sometimes; that cars are honking as they pass us. He yells, “Baby on board,” every time. We pull up to the house and I’m so excited to be home. My mom is standing in the doorway, “Jack get down here. Abby’s home.” My dad is out by the car before I can even unbuckle the seatbelt.

  “Hi daddy.”

  “Hi baby girl. Take it nice and slow. I got you.” Jack says to me as he helps me out of the car. I smile up at him. Cash is already in the house with the baby and my mom is talking to him about spoiling him rotten. It’s funny to see how things have changed in the past year. When I got pregnant with the baby, I wanted to call my mom up but we weren't speaking. Since I’ve been in the hospital, they’ve visited every day and we hashed out a lot of stuff. I’m so thankful to have them here and for Cash and Max for inviting them down here.

  I sit down in the recliner in our living room. Cash makes sure that m
y feet are up and I’m relaxing. “Are you hungry?”

  “I’m starving. I want real food.” I whine and Cash nods. He gets up and heads out the door. I know he is going to be coming back with my favorite, a hamburger and fries from this diner that Sarah, Reagan, Nicarra and I all found one night when we were out for a movie night.

  “How are you feeling?” My mom asks as she comes to lay a blanket on me.

  “I’m so sore and want to take a shower.” I yawn.

  “And a nap it seems.” My mom laughs.

  “Hospitals always make me sleepy. They didn’t let me sleep a lot. What is all of that?” I point to a pile of presents in a corner.

  “We went a little crazy at the baby store.” My dad looks sheepishly at me.

  “A little crazy?” I laugh and my mom starts telling me that she went and bought diapers, clothes, bottles, a swing, and stuffed animals. Max told her about where I was registered and she bought everything that I had on it. “He is spoiled and only a few days old.” I look to see my dad holding the baby and talking to him. I can’t help but smile at the scene before me and to think that we all almost missed out on this family moment.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” Max says and scares me; that I jerk a little.

  “Ouch. Don’t make me jump like that or you’re going to answer to my doctor.” I slap him as he leans in to give me a hug. “What are you doing here? Cash said you were working.”

  “I was but Sarah told me that you were home. I wanted to be here to see you come home.”

  “Excited about being an uncle?” I stare at Max who can’t keep his eyes off of the baby.

  “Duh!” Max walks over to grab the baby from my dad. They start arguing over who is going to hold him. Cash walks in with food that makes my stomach growl.

  “Look who I found outside.” Cash walks in with Reagan and Jonathan.

  “In my defense, Joan sent me with food to drop off. Jonathan had physical therapy so we decided to make sure that we both could be here. Max, what are you doing here?”

  “I wanted to beat you to get to hold him first. Between you and Sarah, I’ll never get to corrupt him.” Max walks over to Reagan holding the baby. “Tell me that I'm lying.”

  “Okay, so you're not lying but as godmother to this beautiful boy, it's my right to spoil him and keep him from his uncle. I need to get the alliance started early.” Reagan winks at me.

  “I'm starving so I'm going to eat then I want my son back.” I tell them as Cash brings me the food he just brought for all of us. I look around the room to see my parents and Jonathan are talking about school, Max and Reagan are fussing over my son, Cash and I are sitting here watching our new life together.

  “I knew it!” Sarah comes into the living room pointing to Max. “I need to go to the client’s house to get a measurement. We don't have a house yet, just the business.” Sarah mocks Max. I couldn’t help but laugh at their antics fighting over my son.

  “We have some crazy people in our life, don’t we?”

  “That we do.” I kiss Cash and thank him for it. We spend the next few hours talking, laughing, and spoiling the baby. Nicarra and Shawn showed up with more food from Joan. It was about 8 p.m. and I start yawning. “I hate to be rude but I need sleep and I want to get him use to his bassinet. Everyone’s been holding him and I want some mommy, daddy, and baby time.” They all seemed to understand. One by one they kissed the baby and hugged me good bye. My parents told me they were going to take a walk along the beach to give us some time together. Cash and I walk up the stairs to our room while he carries the sleeping baby.

  “How did I get so lucky?” Cash says as he looks down at his son. “I wish my mom and dad were here to meet him.”

  “I think they already did. Look at this?” I sit down on the bed and take the blue onesie off him and show Cash a light birthmark on his right shoulder near the collarbone; that looks like two lips. “I had a friend who believed in the afterlife and reincarnation, and it’s said that when someone dies and a loved one gives birth that while they are in that limbo area, the one who died gets to spend time with the newborn and that is how people get birthmarks. I bet these are the lips of your mom.” Cash wipes the tears that wet his cheeks.

  “I like that and will hold that story with me forever.”

  Cash kisses me as he hands me the baby once I get comfortable on the bed and can hold him without too much pain. I can’t lift more than ten pounds but today has been tiring and I’m extra sore from the walking. Cash and I are leaning up against the headboard. He pulls me into him so I’m leaning on him more and we both look at our bundle of joy.

  “Welcome to the world Ethan Louis Hawthorne.”



  August 1st

  “Look Ethan, this is where mommy works.” I whisper to my almost two-month-old son as we walk around the store, ‘Books A Latte’ at three a.m. We are getting ready to officially open today at 8 a.m. but Reagan and I wanted to be here early to enjoy the silence. My life has changed so much in the last three years. I fell in love, met my soul mate, got married, moved to Florida, and now I’m a mother to a healthy baby boy. I couldn’t ask for more.

  Max is here and in love with an amazing woman who keeps him on his toes. Sarah is here and finding more out about herself. My parents and I are better than ever and we are getting ready to go on a trip together so Marshall can meet his nephew.

  Cash and I are closer than ever if that was even possible.

  “Hey partner.” Reagan yawns as she walks into the storeroom from the back carrying a box. Reagan sets it down on the table to give me a hug.

  “You look exhausted, are you okay?” Reagan takes Ethan from me so I can walk around to touch everything.

  “I’m okay. Max and I stayed up late cleaning and rearranging things that I didn’t like.” I laugh.

  “And here I thought that I was the control freak in this relationship.” We laugh as we walk around. “This place looks amazing. I’m so excited for this new adventure.”

  “Me too. I think Kennedy would be proud of me. My heart and soul is in this place, and I’ve never been truly happy unless I’m in this store. I’m not going to lie but this is going to send me on an emotional spiral, I don’t know if Max is up for it.” She laughs.

  “I have your back.”

  “Can you believe that when we first met how much you hated me and now look at us.”

  “Family.” Ethan starts to fuss. “I better go feed him before Cash and my dad get here.” Reagan and I decided to put in a small daycare area in the back for my dad to watch the kids. They are in the process of officially moving down here with the Edwards. Cash and Jenny hired my mom and Elizabeth to help with them. Sarah’s dad, Francis, is working here in the kitchen on days that Joan isn’t available. We are surrounded by family and I’ve never felt better. I’ve never felt more whole in my life. I walk back to the offices to feed Ethan and get ready to turn that open sign over.


  “Maggie, are you coming?” I yell back to the bedroom. I’m in the kitchen fixing a small breakfast of scrambled eggs, bagels, yogurt and coffee for us before heading over to the store. I made the decision that I couldn’t be apart from Abby anymore. We did a couple of therapy sessions together and even included Max, I’ve never cried so hard in my life but I would do anything to be in their lives. The therapist can’t help me with the why. She told me that I may never know but to keep moving forward with the kids. I love Abigail and want nothing more than to be there with her.

  “What’s your hurry? I don’t have to be at work until 8 and it’s 6:30.”

  “They are doing the grand opening at 8 and we can’t miss it. I thought Cash said you didn’t need to work today since he’ll be at the store all day.”

  “He did but Lizzie and I said that we would work at the hotel so he didn’t have to worry about work and focus on Abby and Reagan.” Maggie takes a bite of the bagel.

  “Can you believe it? Our kids
have their own businesses, families, and we’re involved. It’s crazy.”

  “Jack, are you okay? I know we haven’t talked much about the abuse, therapy, and your heart lately.”

  “Therapy is great. I have an appointment tomorrow that Max is taking me to so I will have that checkup. Life is good for us.”

  “Well we be better get going. Do you have the car keys?” I nod and we walk out of our two-bedroom apartment. Max and Reagan are like a five-minute walk from us and a ten-minute drive from Abigail.

  I keep saying it but life is good for us and I’m thankful that I was given this second chance with my kids. I whistle as I walk hand in hand with my love down to the store. Our future is bright.


  This isn’t going to be your typical acknowledgements that I’m use to writing as this book is something that I didn’t plan on writing but it was a terrific way to see what happens with Jack and Abby’s relationship. This book is also a check in with all the characters from the Love Me Series.

  This was a very hard story to write, I got a lot of requests for this book because they couldn’t wait for the birth of Cash and Abby’s baby. I was told in my 20s that I couldn’t have kids of my own as I had suffered a miscarriage and from there it went downhill. I still get sad and think what could have been. So, I took to my Facebook asking questions about what it is like to give birth. Oh, the stories I was told. I don’t know if I can ever look at a watermelon the same. (Thanks Toni)

  The story just wasn’t coming for me so I paced my room, bit off all my nails, started cursing at the computer but then I talked the story out with Mr. Russell and with that the story of Abby and Cash’s baby came to life.


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