Ever Found: Lost Boys of Neverly Prep: Academy Romance

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Ever Found: Lost Boys of Neverly Prep: Academy Romance Page 13

by L. E. Bross

  Our business is concluded and the agreement fulfilled. Our paths need not cross again. Please be out of the house by Sunday night as I would like things to settle back into a normal routine as soon as possible.

  Regards, PP

  I stare at the letter, reread it a dozen times. Each time my skin grows colder. Under the binder clip is a folded check and I pull it free. It’s made out to me. Five hundred thousand dollars. My empty stomach twists into a knot as a sour taste fills my throat.

  Half a million dollars.

  That’s what it’s worth to Peter to have me out of the boys’ lives forever.

  I’ll never see this much money in my life. And Belle. I finally have her in my hands. My vision blurs and I shove my hand against my mouth. It’s a fucking bribe and I know it.

  That not what’s making me ready to throw up, though.

  The thing making me feel sick is that I don’t know if I’m going to take it and run, or not. With that amount of money, Belle and I could be together anywhere.

  I should be happy because this is exactly what I wanted.

  Or it used to be. Now everything is a confused mess and I don’t know what I want anymore. I try to wash away the uncertainty in an extra hot shower, but it doesn't help.

  My stomach is so uneasy that I don’t bother trying to eat breakfast and just grab a granola bar and stuff it into my bag for later. The guys aren’t home and the car is gone when I leave, but I see them when I pull into the parking lot at school.

  X looks like he didn’t get much sleep last night and he leans against the car with a pair of dark sunglasses on. I don’t miss the look Ry and Baz share before Ry claps X on the back and we all head inside.

  Luc’s at his locker when we walk past and he glances at X. Everyone is worried about him. I tap Ry on the arm and then incline my head toward Luc. His jaw tics but he nods.

  “He okay?”

  Luc looks like he didn’t sleep much last night either.

  “How are you?

  He gives me a look and I duck my head. “Sorry I dragged you into this, I just didn’t know what else to do.”

  Luc nudges my chin up with a finger. “I’m glad you did. And maybe this will help fix things between us.” He drops his hand. “Or maybe not.”

  I look over my shoulder and see Riot glaring a hole in Luc.

  “That might be more about me than your dad.”

  “He’s always been like that. Protective of the people he cares about.” His gaze drops to me, suddenly intense. “I get it. I’d be the same way if you were mine.”

  “Isn’t she, though?” Trey’s voice cuts between us and I go rigid. I see the same reaction in Luc along with a flash of anger. With a subtle shake of my head, I let him know he can’t act on it. Not yet.

  “So did Ever ask you to prom yet?” Trey leans his shoulder against the locker and lifts an eyebrow. “Mer hasn't talked about anything else since you asked if Luc was free.”

  An unspoken conversation happens between Luc and I as heat creeps up my neck. I don’t know what to do.

  “Figured since Riot asked Aine and X is going with Shae, you’d want to ride with us and not them?”

  Trey is the picture of innocence, but I can see the pleasure he’s getting out of this in his eyes. I know he saw the pain before I could hide it.

  “You didn’t know?” he taunts under the guise of innocence. “I’ve been listening to Aine in Econ for a week talking about her plans for after the prom. If you get my meaning.” He winks and my stomach sinks. Nothing has been mentioned, but Trey wouldn’t lie. Not when the truth cuts so much deeper.

  I look up at Luc and shrug. “You busy?”

  He looks over my shoulder again and scowls. “I’d be honored to go to the prom with you, Ever.” There’s a harshness in his voice that Trey doesn’t miss and his eyes narrow.

  We’re too close to screw it all up now.

  “Can’t wait to see you play tonight. Maybe this time I’ll get it.” I give Luc a huge fake grin and touch his arm to remind him to stay cool. The vein in his temple throbs, but he ducks his head and I hear a harsh inhale.

  “Ready, man?” Trey guy-punches Luc on the arm and starts down the hall walking backwards.

  “Eye on the ball, Hook,” I mumble out of the corner of my mouth, still smiling for Trey. I think that’s the correct baseball term anyway.

  Luc turns to me, a matching smile on his face. “I’m going to fucking kill him when this is over.”

  “Line forms to the left.” We part ways and I head to my locker now. By the time I get there Ry is waiting, a scowl on his face.

  “The fuck was that about?”

  “Asked Luc to prom.” I press my thumb to the pad and pull my locker open. Riot is uncharacteristically quiet as I get what I need and shut the door. His face is pinched.

  “I asked her before…”

  I shrug to hide the hurt, then suck in a breath. “You should know she’s telling everyone you two are fucking on prom night.”

  Okay, that’s not exactly what Trey said, but I’m sure it’s not far from the truth. If they haven’t been already. I duck around Ry before he sees it all over my face and head to English. Of course he falls into step with me because he’s going there, too.

  Meri was supposed to meet me before class. Where the hell is she?

  “Peep,” Riot grinds out.

  I walk faster and hear him swear behind me. I’m almost at the door and the second bell chimes, but Ry grabs my arm and pulls me past it. Three doors down, the music room is empty and he drags me inside, letting go as soon as the door closes.

  He swings around, planting his hands on the door to cage me in, and presses his entire body close. His eyes are wild and before I can even say one single word, his lips crash down over mine.

  Everything inside me responds and I drop my bag to wind my arms around his neck. Ry groans, pressing harder against me. His tongue sweeps inside my mouth, owning me, claiming every inch of space.

  But this time he’s not the only one hurting, the only one mad.

  I grab the hair at the back of his neck in my fist, holding him still so that I can devour him. He doesn’t get to be pissed at me for Luc. I would never have said I’d go if Ry wasn’t going with fucking Aine.

  I growl at the thought of her name.

  Ry digs his fingers into my ass and lifts until I’m pinned between him and the door. I lift my legs, wrapping them around his waist, digging my boots into his back.

  My skirt rides up and I feel Riot hard between my legs. When he shifts, a sizzle of pleasure explodes and I moan loudly. Immediately I rip my mouth away from his.

  “Ry…” I pant.

  His pupils are blown, not a speck of color left, making him look half crazed. His gaze drops to my mouth before he dips his head and dives back in. He stops long enough to growl “you’re mine” then he’s kissing me again.

  I suck air in through my nose, grinding against him while fighting a battle I’ll never win. It’s not until the late bell chimes that I remember we’re even at school.

  “Ry, we need to get to class,” I whisper against his lips.

  “We need to finish this,” he growls, taking my swollen bottom lip between his teeth and tugging.

  “Maybe, but not here.”

  His eyes slowly focus and my lip pops free. But he doesn’t let me down. I cling to him, as we both fight to get our breathing under control.

  “This would be a lot easier if you put me down.”

  “Not yet.” His smoky grey eyes pin me in place. “You’re making me insane. Seeing you with Luc…it’s fucking with my head. Not doing it anymore.”

  I get it. I drop my forehead against his.

  “Just a couple more days, okay? Then we can figure it all out.”

  He loosens his hold and I slide my legs down until my feet are firmly on the floor. He steps back and then smooths his hand, deliberately slowly, down over my skirt until it hangs where it should.

  My lips fee
l swollen but there’s nothing I can do about it. Hopefully no one will notice. Ry hands me my bag then opens the door, letting me step out first.

  The halls are empty as we make our way to class in silence.

  I want to say something but I don't know what and then we’re there and it’s too late.

  Ry and I walk into class and Reynolds shoots us a glare but says nothing. Why the hell don’t the teachers call out this shit? I glare because if it was just me, I’d be in detention for a week. Mr. Reynolds looks at Ry and his jaw tightens but he turns back to the board, resuming his talk about finals that are coming up.

  I sit in my usual seat next to Meri who is giving me crazy side-eyes right now and pull my laptop from my bag. The chair on my other side scrapes over the floor and I freeze.

  Riot drops down then slouches back.

  Everyone in the room, Reynolds included, stops to look. He recovers faster, but even after everyone looks away, I feel Aine’s eyes on me. When I turn, her glare cuts across the room and if it were a knife, I’d be on the floor dead.

  “What are you doing?” I ask out of the corner of my mouth.

  “Told you. Not playing games anymore, Peep. You are ours and I’m letting everyone know it.” He reaches out and grabs the corner of my desk, hauling it loudly over the floor until it's up against his.

  I either need to scoot my chair over or sit in front of nothing now.

  Mr. Reynolds sighs but doesn't even turn around, just keeps writing today's quote on the board. I relent and move and Ry drapes his arm over the back of my chair.

  The whispers fly around us. I don't know what he thinks he’s going to prove by doing this, except piss Trey off. But then again, that’s probably exactly why he’s doing it. I want to bang my head on the desk.

  Riot toys with the short strands at the back of my neck during the rest of class and when the bell chimes, he grabs my bag and slings it over his shoulder, despite my growling request to give it back.

  He saunters out of the room, his arm slung over my shoulders and when I try to elbow him in the gut, he twists sideways and pulls me closer. Meri walks with us, a few hesitant steps away from me. At the door to Calculus, I exhale a sigh of relief and reach for my bag.

  Ry hands it to me, then uses his body to back me up against the door. I see his intent and my eyes go wide, but it’s too late. His lips come down on mine, lazier this time but no less intense. His tongue slips between them and he cups the back of my neck, holding me still until he’s done showing everyone that I am his.

  I hate the way my body betrays me, arching against him, going heavy with want. The urges he awakened in the music room come crashing back even stronger.

  There are too many people watching us. Part of me doesn’t care but the other part is furious that Ry is jeopardizing our plans. Everything hinges on tonight. I slide my hands between us, planting them on his chest and shove until he stumbles back.

  Half-lidded eyes full of hunger takes my breath away.

  “Seriously, Ry?” Baz breaks between us and sweeps his arm out, herding me along in front of him. I stumble a little on weak knees. As soon as we walk through the door, all eyes turn to us.

  I guess we were putting on a show.

  “Sit,” Baz grumbles under his breath.

  “It’s not my fault,” I whisper.

  “I thought you were going out with Luc?” Meri says from my other side. “Didn’t you just ask him to prom this morning?”

  Baz grunts. “No fucking wonder,” he says under his breath.

  “He’s going with Aine,” I hiss out, tired of being blamed for something I didn’t start.

  “Fix this then, fuck.”

  Like he's not the same guy who had his face buried between my legs a few nights ago. I start to tell him that but he cuts a glare at me and then looks around the room. It’s strangely quiet and I realize that everyone is eavesdropping.

  I slump back in my seat and when the rest of the class realizes the drama’s over, they face forward for today’s lesson.

  Meri leans over, eyebrows drawn down and a frown on her face. “So are you going with Luc or not?”

  “I am.”

  She chews on her bottom lip as she contemplates something. Finally, she looks over at me. “Luc’s a nice guy, Ever, if you’re not into him you shouldn’t encourage it, because he really likes you.”

  I cringe under the judgment in her eyes. I wish I could tell her what was going on, but I’m not even sure she’d believe me. I know how it looks to everyone else, and I know it looks like I’m using Luc. Especially after Riot’s little demonstration.

  But for now, I have to keep skirting the truth and hope that when the time comes, she’ll understand.

  “I know he’s a nice guy, that’s why I asked him to prom. Don’t worry, everything is good.”

  I tell the lie even though I can still taste Riot on my lips.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The game starts at four so after school I run home and change and make sure the guys are on the same page with the plan.

  Luc texts to let me know he’s ready and that he’ll meet me outside the locker room a minute after everyone else leaves.

  I’m meeting Meri there, so at three-thirty I head back to school. If everything goes right, after tonight I’ll have one less thing to worry about.

  Once that threat is gone, I can try and figure out exactly what it is I want.

  I’ve ignored the manila envelope under my mattress all day, not willing to think about it until things with Trey are resolved, but I can’t do it forever. Time is ticking away and she'll be adopted soon if I don’t do something.

  I keep picturing Belle with that happy smile on her face and hearing Riot’s words; Am I doing this for me or for Belle? I shake away the thoughts and head for the baseball field. From what I overheard, the rivalry with Mercy is older than time and the bleachers are packed.

  I text Meri and see her stand and wave. She’s halfway up on the home side, and I make my way to her. Thankfully the school is right behind us, the seats between the school and the field.

  I sink down next to her and tug on the Neverly Crocs baseball hat she insisted I had to have. It’s ugly as crap with a huge crocodile head on the front, a baseball between its teeth.

  “I was right, that outfit is hot.”

  At least my clothes are cute. I’ve got on new black denim shorts, a white and grey baseball shirt that Meri tied a knot in when she picked it out to expose a few inches of stomach over my waistband, and black and white chucks.

  She’s wearing similar shorts and shoes, but her shirt has STUART across the back. The Mercy Warthogs are already on the field warming up, and I keep glancing behind us at the school, waiting for our guys to come out.

  My legs bounce up and down as I envision all the things that could have gone wrong already. The least of all being Luc getting caught stealing Trey’s phone.

  When the doors finally swing open, I let out a sigh of relief.

  The guys amble down the small hill and onto the field to warm up amongst a spattering of applause and a chorus of boos. With everyone's attention on them, I notice Luc lingering by the door, pretending to tie his shoes.

  “I’ll be right back,” I tell Meri. “I’m just going to go wish Luc luck.”

  I make my way down the bleachers and over to where he’s waiting.

  “Do you have it?”

  He shakes his head. “There wasn’t a chance, but his locker combination is 1969 and his locker number is 15. His phone is in the green jacket’s pocket.”

  I can’t see any of the players. “Won’t it look a little obvious if a girl is in the boys’ locker room?”

  “No one will be in there until the game's over, but some of the guys run in when we go out onto the field, so don’t take forever and you should be good. Look, I gotta go, I’m starting tonight.” He jogs off toward the field, then looks over his shoulder. “I’m sorry I couldn't get it for you. Be careful.”

ter I look around to be sure no one is watching me, I duck into the school. My steps are loud in the silence. The boys’ locker room is just down the hall and I pause in front of the door. My heart is pounding and a thin layer of sweat covers my palms.

  Everyone is outside getting ready to play.

  No one is going to catch me.

  I reach for the handle and my phone vibrates, making me jump.

  Where’d you get to? Luc’s warming up.

  Shit. I forgot Meri was waiting for me.

  Vending machine. Need anything?

  Root beer. And gummy bears.

  The vending machines are on the other side of the gym and I make a mental note to stop before I go back to sit with Meri. Baz said he’d be here, but I haven't seen him yet. We can’t do this without him.

  I push open the door and head into the locker room, wrinkling my nose at the smell of too many boys. It’s bigger than I expected with rows of lockers lined up in the middle of the room and open showers at the end. I search for 1969 and jump at every noise that filters through the pipes and air conditioning.

  My paranoia grows with every passing second.

  It’s not until I make it to the very last one that I realize I’ve been searching for his combination not locker number. I glare at the number 60 and start back to the first few.

  The door creaks open and my feet freeze. Shit. I press my back against the cold metal and strain to hear where they’re going. It could be Baz, but it could be someone else, too.

  If I get caught in here, I won’t get a second chance.

  Footsteps get closer and when a shadow falls over the floor at the end of the bank of lockers, I hold my breath. I’m tempted to close my eyes and play the if I can’t see you, you can’t see me game.

  “Ever?” The whisper reaches my ears and I wilt in relief.

  “Over here,” I croak.

  Baz rounds the corner, already reaching for his laptop. “Where is it?”

  “I was getting ready to get it when you came in and scared the shit out of me.” Now that I can breathe, I hurry past him to locker 15. The locks are the old-fashioned kind with a dial, so I spin to each number and pull, popping it open. A quick check of pockets and I find Trey’s phone. “Got it.”


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