To Follow My Heart (The Knights of Berwyck, A Quest Through Time Novel Book 3)

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To Follow My Heart (The Knights of Berwyck, A Quest Through Time Novel Book 3) Page 1

by Sherry Ewing

  To Follow My Heart

  The Knights of Berwyck, A Quest Through Time Novel, Book Three

  Sherry Ewing


  To Follow My Heart

  Other Books by Sherry Ewing



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36


  Dear Reader

  Other Books by Sherry Ewing

  Coming Soon

  Social Media

  About the Author

  To Follow My Heart: The Knights of Berwyck, A Quest Through Time Novel (Book Three)

  Love is a leap. Sometimes you need to jump…

  After a gut wrenching break up with her fiancé, Jenna Sinclair heads to the coast to do a little soul searching. To say everything is subject to change is putting it mildly. Her world is not only turned upside down, but pretty much torn asunder when she is pulled through a time gate on the beach beneath the Cliff House and transported more than eight hundred years into the past.

  Fletcher Monroe, captain of the garrison knights at Berwyck Castle, has wasted too much time pining for a woman who will never be his. When he finally decides to move on with his life and focus on his duties, he is suddenly confronted with a woman who magically appears at his feet. This could either be the best thing that has ever happened to him or another cursed event in a string of many. He soon finds he is wildly attracted to her, but she’s scared to death of him ─ not a very encouraging beginning.

  From the shores of California to twelfth century England and back again, Jenna and Fletcher must find a way to reconcile their two different worlds before Time forever tears them apart.

  Other Books by Sherry Ewing

  Medieval & Time Travel Series

  (Can be read as stand alones)

  If My Heart Could See You

  Hearts Across Time: The Knights of Berwyck,

  A Quest Through Time Novel (Books One & Two)

  For All of Ever: The Knights of Berwyck,

  A Quest Through Time Novel (Book One)

  Only For You: The Knights of Berwyck,

  A Quest Through Time Novel (Book Two)

  A Knight To Call My Own

  To Follow My Heart: The Knights of Berwyck,

  A Quest Through Time Novel (Book Three)


  Under the Mistletoe

  Copyright © 2016 by Sherry Ewing.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, re-cording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the address below.

  Kingsburg Press

  P.O. Box 475146

  San Francisco, CA 94147

  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  Editor: Barbara Millman Cole


  Ordering Information:

  Quantity sales. Special discounts are available on quantity purchases by corporations, associations, and others. For details, contact the “Special Sales Department” at the address above.

  To Follow My Heart/Sherry Ewing -- 1st ed.

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2016903304

  ISBN: 978-0-9905462-9-0


  To Megan, Michael, & Chris

  with my sincere gratitude

  for always being there for my daughter.

  Your friendship and love meant the world to her and

  I know she watches over you until you one day meet again.


  Dedicated to anyone still searching

  for that special someone to fill your life.

  Do not lose faith and always remember

  to follow your heart!

  Chapter 1

  San Francisco, California

  Summer, Present Day

  Jenna Sinclair’s eyes misted while she looked at the chaos before her. Her body shook from the shock he had really left her, and her heart hammered in her chest as, in vain, she attempted to make some sense of what felt as though she had run full force and face first into a brick wall. She was finding it difficult to breathe, let alone have a conversation with her mother.

  “Mom, I’m telling you, he’s gone,” Jenna sobbed into her cellphone. She listened a moment to her mother’s fervent whisperings of concern. “No…I’ll be fine. There’s no reason for you to come all the way over, especially in rush hour traffic. Seriously…no. Amy is here with me. I’ll call you later. Really, Mom…I’ll be okay. I love you, too.”

  Jenna ended the call with her mother then gazed again with confusion at the room she had shared with Dylan until this morning. The scene appeared as though a tornado had erupted then rampaged directly through her life, leaving a mess of her possessions scattered everywhere. It seemed as if her fiancé had picked up everything that was important to him as quickly as he could then left hurriedly, knowing what time she would be home from work and making certain he would not have to talk with her.

  “I didn’t even know you two were having problems,” Amy said from behind her as she placed her hand on Jenna’s shoulder then gave her a pat to offer what comfort she could.

  “That makes two of us,” Jenna whispered, although perhaps that wasn’t entirely accurate. But she didn’t voice her thoughts to her apartment mate. Instead, she gave the young woman she had known since childhood a weak smile. Amy had seen her through every event that had had an impact on her life. They were as different as night was to day, but they were the best of friends. Where Jenna was conservative and quiet by nature, Amy was the exact opposite, even down to her hipster clothing and blonde hair cut short and streaked with bright pink and purple highlights.

  “Did he even have the courtesy to leave a note?”

  Jenna shrugged. “I haven’t had time to look, but somehow I doubt it. I mean, just look at this mess.”

  “How about some help?” Amy asked with a smile of encouragement. “If we both work together, we can have this room back to normal in no

  “I’m not sure anything will ever be normal again. I think this is something I need to do for myself, but thanks for the offer.”

  “Well, if you’re sure…”

  Jenna turned to give her friend a hug. “I’m sure. I just need to be alone for now.”

  “Then I’ll leave you to it,” Amy replied solemnly. “If you need me, just call out. I’ll work on making dinner for us.”

  Jenna waved her off, not knowing how she’d manage to get any form of food to not stick in her throat. After she closed her bedroom door, she rested her forehead on it for a minute before she banged her head gently against the wood. She didn’t even know where to begin as she strayed over to the window then plunked herself down on the edge of the bed. She waited for the tears to come, but her eyes remained unreasonably dry. She was certain the shock would wear off at some point, and everything would catch up with her, probably when she least expected it.

  With a quiet sigh, she forced herself into motion and began to put the room in order. She just needed to stay busy so she wouldn’t have time to think. She was making considerable progress, and the bedroom again came into some semblance of being organized, or so she thought. Memories began to assail her when she found one of Dylan’s socks beneath the comforter that had been thrown on the floor. She threw the offensive object into the growing pile of trash. If she had her way, she’d dump it all over the balcony and set his damn shit on fire! She’d happily watch as everything he left behind turned to ashes in a blazing flame of righteous anger.

  She fingered the engagement ring on her hand and watched the tiny diamond sparkle from the light of the lamp. The size of the rock had never mattered to her. Only having someone to love who loved her back and wanted to marry her was important. The two years they had been together flashed before her eyes. Romantic strolls along the beach, candlelight dinners, notes on the table to say he’d miss her, flowers being delivered to her at the office, dancing at the club, and the wonderful evening Dylan had proposed to her on one knee, of all things, flew through her mind. He had fulfilled every romantic vision she had ever wanted from a handsome man, especially when he had slid his ring onto her finger that night.

  He had moved into her apartment she shared with Amy that very weekend, telling her they’d find a place of their own soon. When did everything start to change? Was it the moment he moved in? Somehow, it seemed as if they had fallen into some kind of comfortable rhythm where they suddenly became just friends sleeping under the same roof. Gone were all the romantic times she had come to treasure with him. And yet, whenever they were out in public together, he had continued to shower her with affection. Maybe that was the difference between the two of them that she had never noticed before. He wanted to go out all the time and party, whereas she wanted to stay home and be with just him.

  The whole bar scene had never appealed to her, even though a club is where Jenna had met Dylan. She had been bold that night when he had walked up to the bar and reached for the drink sitting next to her hand on the counter. “I’ve been saving that for you,” she had said above the sound of blaring country music. His blue eyes had sparkled from the multicolored lights, until he appeared to see someone coming toward him from the dance floor. “Come dance and save me from a woman I’d rather not spend the evening with,” he had bent down and whispered into her ear. She had taken his hand and had never looked back.

  She had to admit, if only to herself, she hadn’t been happy with their relationship for a long time now. But the very thought of being single again and entering the dating scene was one she didn’t look forward to. No question she was an introvert at heart, no matter what her mother said about her being a chatterbox.

  She had tried to make him happy. And she had thought she was doing a good job of it. But what had he done recently to reciprocate all of her efforts? Nothing…not one damn thing! Obviously, he hadn’t been worth the effort, and it was an unseen blessing that he had packed his bags and left. Still…after all their time together, for him to just leave without even the smallest conversation felt like the ultimate sense of betrayal. Now, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to hate him or curse him. Maybe it was a little of both. All she knew was that her emotions were so raw at the moment she felt as though he had ripped her heart out with his bare hands to feed to a starving dog. The fool! He didn’t even realize how good he had had it.

  She shook her head, as if to clear her melancholy mood. Going to the mirror, she stared at her reflection and took a step back to see what others might see at first glance. She looked…comfortable…but hardly appeared the businesswoman who, at one time in her career, used to dress for success. Her jet black hair was pulled back into a pony tail instead of hanging loose with soft curls framing her oval face. A minimal amount of makeup graced her solemn countenance and framed her tropical sea green eyes. Her complexion was smooth without any of the blemishes that used to mar her face in her youth. Jeans, a loose fitting shirt, and tennis shoes, of all things, framed her body and accentuated her short stature. Where had she disappeared to that she didn’t care what she looked like when she went out? Is this what she had become, since Dylan had always told her she looked “fine” whenever she asked?

  Jenna heard her name being called from the kitchen and knew Amy had dinner waiting. As she went to open the door, she noticed Dylan’s briefcase lying on the floor, in the space that would have been behind the door if he had left it open in his mad dash to get the hell out of the apartment.

  A grin lit her face as she realized Dylan wouldn’t be able to get out of their final conversation, after all. With a sense of Karma being on her side, she could only wonder what life had in store for her, but she would welcome whatever was offered. She left the room to join her friend, knowing today was the day she would begin her life anew.

  Chapter 2

  The Year of Our Lord’s Grace 1182

  Berwyck Castle

  Sir Fletcher Monroe, lately of Berwyck and captain of the garrison knights, raised his arms in defeat and shoved his sword into the scabbard swinging from his side.

  “I yield!” Pulling off his helmet, he threw it to the ground, only to stare at his liege lord, wondering how the man had managed such a move without him seeing it coming. A laugh erupted from Dristan, the Devil’s Dragon of Berwyck, causing Fletcher to mutter curses beneath his breath. ’Twas no surprise he had failed in his attempt to beat his opponent upon the lists. ’Twas no small feat to best this legendary fighter, and the proof was none of Fletcher’s acquaintances had even come close, with the exception of their friend Riorden de Deveraux.

  “You have lost your edge, Fletcher, to have been bested in such a manner. Have you grown soft since our return from Bamburgh? By St. Christopher’s toes, mon ami, it has been two years!” Dristan prodded.

  “Sod off!” Silence descended at once upon the lists, as if the second coming of the messiah had left everyone in awe.

  Dristan only laughed harder, calling out for ale as once more the normal routine of swords clanking against swords filled the air. A lad came quickly, offering a tankard that Dristan readily accepted. “Is this any way to have speech with your liege lord?”

  “You should leave it be, Dristan. I care not to discuss the situation, especially for everyone in Christendom to hear of the matter,” Fletcher growled, downing the ale thrust upon him, but it did nothing to calm his growing temper.

  He watched as Dristan flicked his fingers at him and left the lists to go sit upon a lone bench in the garden. Fletcher’s mouth dropped open to see the man actually take his leisure, instead of remain standing to watch over his knights who hacked away at each other in their training. He could feel his lord’s stare silently beckoning to him, so he snapped his lips shut. Knowing he could not put off the inevitable, he picked up his helmet and made his way to stand impatiently afore the man who had been more of a friend than his lord for many a year.

  Dristan said not a word but made a glance towards the bench in a silent comm
and to sit. Fletcher could do no less than obey as he moved his sword out of his way. He sat back against the stone wall and folded his arms, waiting in silent fury for what he knew would be yet another tongue lashing.

  “You need to move on with your life, my friend. Resolve yourself to the fact she always belonged to him in the first place,” Dristan began as the voice of reason, “and be happy for her.”

  “I am happy for her.”

  “You hide it well, then, for your outward appearance shows nothing but bitterness that she is not yours.”

  Fletcher closed his eyes, and the woman of his musings flashed across his mind as though ’twere but yester morn he held her in his arms, saying farewell. ’Twas the last time he had ever done so, although for months on end he had wished things to be different. Katherine…even thinking her name brought a smile to his face.

  Their time together, if that is what it could be called with her pining away for her husband, had been brief. Yet it had been long enough for him to fall in love with another man’s wife. ’Twas something he had never dared afore in his entire life, knowing ’twas a sin in the eyes of God to covet another’s wife. The hardest part to deal with in his heart was that she was just not any man’s wife, but the lady of one of his closest friends. Riorden had been a fool to not come after her sooner. And yet, how was Fletcher to know his friend thought his beautiful lady was dead? Fletcher had thought she was abandoned, and, since her life was at risk if she were to return to Warkworth, she had waited what seemed endlessly, months on end, for her husband to come to claim her.


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