To Follow My Heart (The Knights of Berwyck, A Quest Through Time Novel Book 3)

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To Follow My Heart (The Knights of Berwyck, A Quest Through Time Novel Book 3) Page 5

by Sherry Ewing

  Silence descended in the chamber as Fletcher fought for some explanation that had brought him to the decision to enter the room. ’Twas not done to disgrace her but more of a need…his need. He needed to be near her, and yet, how could he voice his feelings to the couple afore him when he could barely understand them himself? ’Twas as if some inner inclination had urged him into the room, beyond his will to remain distant ’til she was well.

  “Have you had speech with Kenna?” Fletcher asked the pair, who now held hands. He watched as Dristan brought Amiria’s fingers to his lips. For the first time in a long while, Fletcher began to realize what had been missing from his life whilst wasting precious time wishing for someone who would never be his.

  Dristan met his gaze and nodded. “Aye, along with Rolf, who seems of late to be meddling in things he should leave well enough alone. But what is done is now beyond repair and cannot be rectified, at least by those of a mortal nature.”

  “Perhaps we should send for Katherine,” Amiria suggested. “Maybe ’twould bring the woman comfort, once she awakes, to know she is not alone and another from her time is living here in their past.”

  “No,” Fletcher voiced assertively. “There is no need to send for Lady Katherine. Besides, I have heard tell she is with child again. Certainly Riorden would have a say about keeping her under close watch, given what happened the last time.”

  “But she could put the girl’s mind at ease,” Amiria advocated. “Surely, Riorden would understand a matter as grave as this.”

  “I will have to agree with Fletcher on this, my dear,” Dristan stated patting her hand. “If I were in Riorden’s position, I would be keeping Katherine well under my watchful eye and not letting her out of my sight. No sense in taking chances a second time, eh?”

  “I must needs apologize for causing the lady to fret,” Fletcher continued on from the earlier part of their conversation. “’Twas not my intention to scare her.”

  Just then, Kenna entered the solar.

  “Has she woken again?” Amiria asked.

  “Aye, but she was frantic with fright. I have tried to calm her fears, but she refuses to talk. I have given her a potion to help her rest.”

  “Has anyone been able to learn of her name, at the very least?” Fletcher asked.

  “Nay, not as yet,” Kenna answered. “Both I and the nursemaid tried to ask her, but as I said, she is quite afraid and surely, does not yet trust us.”

  “She is unwilling to say it, and only she knows her reasoning.” Dristan’s tone was one of frustration. “Surely, knowing one’s name is not some huge secret that would cause her anymore pain.”

  “But I could see the confusion in her face every time I mentioned it.” Kenna replied.

  “Hence, we shall leave the matter up to the young woman on when she reveals it.” Then, looking at his wife, Dristan continued, “I will never understand you women.”

  “She needs time to heal,” Amiria concluded, “and that means to be left alone with those who know how to treat her. Stay away from her, Fletcher. When she is well, I have the feeling she will come to you.”

  “As you will. I take my leave of you,” Fletcher declared and, after giving a bow to his liege lord and lady, as well as to Kenna, left the chamber.

  Once again, he found himself in an empty passageway. He decided he was in need of releasing his pent up frustration and, perchance, some hours in the lists were in order. The noise of his boots as he made his way down the corridor were the only sound within hearing ’til the creaking of a door reached Fletcher’s ears. His gaze flew to the end of the hall only to espy the secret doorway that led down to the beach being opened.

  His hand automatically went to the hilt of his sword, and he began to pull the blade forth ’til the familiar face of Aiden appeared as he dusted the cobwebs from the red of his hair. Amiria’s twin seemed surprised to see him standing there, although Fletcher had no idea why he should.

  “What mischief are you up to that you must needs secrecy to use that door?” Fletcher inquired, wondering at the younger man’s motives.

  “Oh, n-nothing…nothing at all,” Aiden replied with a slight stammer.

  “Why do I think you tell me a falsehood?”

  “I am sure, I do not know…do not worry about it, old man.” Aiden’s grin made him appear sly as a fox out on the hunt for his next tasty meal.

  Fletcher’s brow rose. “Now I know you are lying to me. Something tells me you have been visiting one of the village lasses, yet again, despite Amiria’s warning to leave them be.” Aiden blushed as red as his hair, giving Fletcher reason to believe he had found his answer.

  “Do not tell my sister, Fletcher, or I shall never hear the end of her nagging.”

  “She means well. She is like any other sister who would be meddling in her family’s business. She is just watching over you.”

  “Bah…there is no need. I am not a child, but a grown man.”

  “I am sure she is concerned you not get caught in leaving offspring with several of the lasses who come to claim ownership over you.”

  “Ha! That willna happen. I am being careful.”

  Fletcher smirked knowingly. “Said all men who have several bastards roaming this earth. Truly, Aiden, do not get yourself in such a situation. You know you will be expected to marry a lady to bring further wealth to the crown, along with lands.”

  “Do not remind me of my responsibilities, for I believe you are much in the same predicament as I, are you not?” Aiden grinned, much like a fool.

  “We were not discussing my life, but your own. Let us away and put better use to this day besides sparring words neither one of us wants to listen to,” Fletcher added and swung his arm around the man’s shoulder. “Shall we settle this on the lists?”

  They made their way down the stairs and had just entered the great hall when the keep door swung open, causing Fletcher to attempt a skidding halt. His boots did the opposite of his thoughts when he slid several inches upon the rushes. Stumbling, he succeeded to regain his footing, though he faltered from the shock of who had entered the keep.

  Fletcher stood as still as the stones beneath his feet as he stared in wonder at whom his eyes beheld. His traitorous heart slammed inside his chest at his uncontained joy. He would need to reach deep down within himself to remain levelheaded. A small smile unwillingly crept upon his face. For there, standing at the door with her own smile of welcome was the one woman he had not expected to see so soon here at Berwyck. Katherine had returned.

  Chapter 9

  Jenna put the brush down at the sound of someone knocking softly on the door. “Come in,” she called out, turning in her chair to see who was now going to try to convince her she was in the wrong century.

  A woman entered wearing boots, hose, and tunic. How refreshing, Jenna mused, to see a woman not dressed with enough fabric it would almost take an act of God to see even the slightest hint of skin with the exception of her face. Her brows drew together in concentration. That wasn’t necessarily true. Kenna’s gowns were beautifully tailored, and she wore her hair down, as did Amiria, when she wasn’t dressed similar to the stranger who now made her way toward her.

  “Hi,” the woman said with a welcoming smile. She grabbed a stool near the fireplace and moved it to sit next to Jenna. “My name’s Katherine, but my friends call me Katie.”

  “Hello,” Jenna murmured, not using either name, since she was still unsure of what another visitor to her room wanted of her.

  The smile that fell across the lady’s features seemed genuine enough, Jenna supposed, as she tilted her head to carefully access the newcomer. Katherine’s eyes were an unusual shade, a cross between green and blue, and her tawny colored hair fell in soft waves down her back as she relaxed back on the stool, crossing her legs to get comfortable. She was not beautiful in the classical sense of some runway model or actress, but she was pretty enough, in a good sort of way, not that Jenna was one to judge someone by her appearance.
/>   “I understand, you’d rather not come down to meet everyone, but prefer to stay up here alone,” Katherine started calmly.

  “I feel safe in here.”

  “I guarantee, you’ll be just as safe outside these walls.”

  “I’m not so sure about that,” Jenna replied, still leery of what was going on around her.

  “It’s okay. I understand completely. Your situation will take some getting used to, but I promise you, it’ll be worth it if you go out and experience what awaits you.”

  “I don’t want to get used to or experience anything. I just want to go home. Why will no one listen to me?” Jenna cried out with tears rushing to her eyes.

  Katherine pulled out a cloth from the sleeve of her tunic. “Here…please don’t upset yourself. My appearance here in your room wasn’t meant to unnerve you. If I did, I’m terribly sorry and seeing you upset wasn’t my intention. I’m only here to help.”

  “Then help me by sending me home. My mother needs me. I’m all she has, and she’ll be worried sick if I’m gone.”

  “If I had it within my power to send you home, I would, but I think only you have the answer as to whether you leave or stay.” Katherine reached out to take her trembling hands. “Let’s start again. I’m Katie and you are…?”


  “A lovely name. And where exactly are you from, Jenna?”

  “San Francisco.”

  Katherine’s eyes widened. “You’re kidding! I’m from there, too. Dang…isn’t it a small world. You have no idea how I crave a good bowl of cioppino from any of the North Beach restaurants.” She put her hand on her stomach. “This baby has me craving anything and everything Italian.”

  “I used to go to a place called the Gold Spike. Just a tiny little place where the bar was always hopping. The owner was fabulous, and they had the best crab cioppino on Friday nights,” Jenna said, suddenly feeling a little more at ease with this woman who seemed to know her world. “I was sad when they had to close down. I haven’t had a decent cioppino since.”

  Katherine had her own look of amazement on her face. “Unbelievable. I used to go there all the time, too.”

  Jenna reached for her phone that had been sitting on the table and held it up, moving it in the air trying to get a connection. “I paid my bill. I haven’t a clue why I can’t hit a tower to get any reception or even the internet. Maybe I can’t get through because of these stone walls.” She put the phone back down after turning the device off and then gazed into Katherine’s concerned eyes as she bit her lip.

  “I’m afraid you’re a long way from home, Jenna. Out of place and out of time, to put it bluntly.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Well…you see…I’m sharing the same fate as you, but, in my case, I chose to stay here instead of returning home to California.”

  “And where exactly is here?” Jenna asked in a hushed tone, almost afraid to hear the answer that had been plaguing her for days on end. She already knew what Katherine would say.

  “It’s not exactly a where but a when.”

  Why did the woman’s eyes appear so bright with happiness? What was there to be happy about with her situation anyway? “What the heck does that mean?”

  Katherine reached out for Jenna’s hands and took them again. “You’ve been taken back in time, Jenna, to the year 1182, along with being thrown onto an entirely different continent.”

  A sound came out of Jenna that she couldn’t even describe, part laugh, part grunt, part snort. Her hand flew to her mouth to cover up such an unladylike sound passing her lips. “That’s completely impossible,” she uttered.

  “Is it? I’m sure I’m not the first person to try to explain this to you. Yet, it’s not only possible, but you see the proof of the matter in the flesh, and that’s me,” Katherine confessed. “There are others who have done the same, all for various reasons and purposes. You are not alone in your travels.”

  “I can’t believe it,” Jenna muttered glumly. “Are there camera’s hidden somewhere? This is entirely just too insane for anyone to believe.”

  Katherine giggled, causing Jenna to smile for the first time in days. “Trust me, you haven’t heard the half of it. Would you like to hear my story?”

  Jenna nodded, and Katherine began to weave a tale Jenna wasn’t sure if she should believe or not. Impossible…it must be. Improbable…most definitely. All sorts of emotions were coursing through her as Katherine continued telling her of the knight she had married.

  “It’s hard to imagine my life without Riorden, but for a time, I did exactly that. He thought I was dead, and here I was hanging out at Berwyck, extremely preggers, I might add, waiting for him to come get me. But how was I to know he thought me dead all that time? When he didn’t come for me, I demanded Dristan take me to Bamburgh so I could go home. I almost made the biggest mistake of my life, waiting for Time to take me back to the twenty-first century.”

  “I still don’t know if I believe you.”

  “You don’t have to believe me, dear, you only have to believe it with your own eyes,” Katherine stated matter-of-factly. “Will you take a walk with me? You can trust me…that’s why I traveled here to see you.”

  Jenna hesitated in indecision, fingering the nightgown she had been wearing. “I don’t know where they’ve taken my clothes.”

  “Let me take care of that,” Katherine declared, going to the door and whispering to someone who was hovering outside. She returned just as fast as she had left. This woman obviously knew she would be succeeding where others had failed in order for Jenna to agree to at last leave the bedroom.

  Katherine helped her to remove the nightgown, and Jenna dressed, putting on hose that seemed more like heavy nylons. The shirt had ties in the front, and again, Katherine helped her, since Jenna’s fingers were shaking too badly. Boots completed her outfit, and she slipped them on as her newfound friend held out a red cloak trimmed with black fur.

  The first step outside the door was the hardest to make, and Jenna stared in wonder at the torches lining the walls in order to give light to the hallways or passageways. They flickered and sputtered from an unseen breeze as the air flowed across the flames. She didn’t know where Katherine was taking her until she found herself climbing up a circular staircase in a turret.

  They at last came to a door when they reached the top. Katherine pushed open the heavy wood, almost as if she were opening the door to Jenna’s future. Jenna didn’t expect to feel the rush of wind hit her in the face. The day was bright as she followed meekly to move up more stairs where, at the top, they were able to stand on a narrow walkway. Good grief…was she really standing on a castle parapet?

  Katherine’s hand swept wide to show the view before her as Jenna came nearer to the edge. She saw the beach far below, along with the ocean waves hitting the very shore she had stood on some many days before. Raising her eyes, she noticed several knights dressed in chainmail where they stood at their posts. Her feet began to move as she made her way around the roof until she saw a village in the distance…a very medieval village with thatched roofs, cattle in the fields along with sheep, rolling hills, trees off in the distance, and if she peered over far enough, she was sure that was a drawbridge over a dry moat.

  She continued onward until she looked down once more into the baileys, both inner and outer. Castle life, as Jenna had always imagined, was right before her eyes, as though history had come alive for her viewing pleasure. She even heard the clanking of steel. Whether the sounds came from a blacksmith building or the knights training in the lists beyond the wall, Jenna could not say.

  “I can’t believe it,” Jenna declared with a trembling voice.

  “I know…it’s a lot to take in, but I know you’ll do just fine,” Katherine replied confidently, although Jenna was far from such a feeling.

  “But why…why am I here?”

  Katherine smiled at her. “You’ll find out soon enough, but I’m a firm believer everything ha
ppens for a reason. I’m sure Time will tell you what you need to know and perhaps let you find whatever it is you have been searching for in your life. Then, and only then, will everything make sense.”

  “I’ll never be the same, will I?”

  “Not if you’re lucky, Jenna. Would you like to stay here for a while?” Katherine waited for her nod and then did the unexpected by giving her a brief hug. “Then we’ll see you at the evening meal, okay?”

  “Yes…of course.”

  “I’ll have someone come get you at the appointed hour.”

  Katherine left Jenna standing alone with her thoughts. Moving back so she could view the ocean, she raised her head toward the heavens and prayed for an answer of why she was here in this time and place. She could have sworn she heard a man’s gentle whisper giving her the answer she stood in need of. His comforting voice rushed across her soul.

  “Because you wished it…”

  Chapter 10

  Sweat streaming down his bare chest, Fletcher flung the hair out of his face and swung again. His sword flashed brightly in the sunlight as it clashed against another’s with sparks flying outward like dancing lights. He ducked, narrowly missing the slicing edge that would have made contact with his arm, mayhap, even his neck. Turning full circle, he met his opponent’s blade, yet again. A sense of satisfaction filled him, for he had perfected the move Dristan had been trying to instill into his thick skull for the past several days. There was nothing better to take out his frustrations than a good workout in the lists.

  A rumble of laughter rang out as his amber brown eyes met his opponent’s deep cerulean blue, then Riorden called out for ale. They both put away their blades and reached for cloths to dry their faces. Cups in hand, they clinked their tankards together in a toast then they both downed the contents. Wiping their mouths in unison, they viewed each other with a mutual accord. ’Twas good to see the man again, as it had been a long while since their last meeting.


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