To Follow My Heart (The Knights of Berwyck, A Quest Through Time Novel Book 3)

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To Follow My Heart (The Knights of Berwyck, A Quest Through Time Novel Book 3) Page 8

by Sherry Ewing

  “Lady Jenna!” Another loud voice called out her name so she turned once again and was happy to actually see someone coming in her direction.

  Giving one last look of longing toward the village, she went to meet the young man. She realized it was Amiria’s twin brother, Aiden, who seemed a charming kind of a guy with red hair and unnerving violet eyes, much like his sister.

  “Hi ya, Aiden,” Jenna offered. She supposed she should have managed some kind of a curtsey, but she’d never done the like in her life and wasn’t entirely sure if it was the right or the wrong thing to do.

  “My lady,” Aiden said, coming to stand before her. He bowed then asked, “Where are you off to on this fine day?”

  “Fine day? But, it’s overcast and looks like it’s going to rain.”

  Aiden shrugged, giving her a winsome smile that she thought must cause many females’ hearts to flutter in their chests when being on the receiving end of such a gaze. “I am afraid the weather is often overcast here. Mayhap, the sun will come out just for you, if you but wish it hard enough.”

  Jenna choked back a laugh, knowing she didn’t want to insult him. It appeared she would be one of the few women on earth that would be impervious to his charms. “Laying it on a bit thick, aren’t you?” she teased, feeling a little bit like her old self.

  “Ah, I see. Another who can…how did Lady Emily put it…oh, aye…‘can read me like a book’…whatever that means. Do you by chance know of her? She is also from this Cali─forn─ia place from which you hail.”

  Jenna laughed. “No, I’m afraid we haven’t been acquainted.”

  “Nay? That is too bad. I miss her friendship and wished to know how she fares.”

  “It’s not difficult to not be friends with someone where I come from. There are thousands upon thousands of people living in the city.”

  “Surely, you jest?”

  “It’s true,” Jenna answered honestly. “I don’t even know the names of the people who live next door to me.”

  “Astonishing! I canna even imagine the like. What I would give to see such a place and the marvels of your time,” Aiden said and then shook his head as he came out of whatever thoughts were going on inside it. “I am remiss in my objective, and that was to find you. Amiria thought you might like to see the knights training in the lists. She mentioned, you had read about it in a book. Would you care to watch us?”

  “Sure, why not? I’ve got nothing else to do with my time.”

  Aiden extended his arm, and she took it as he placed her hand in the crook of his elbow. The cold steel of his hauberk beneath her fingers was unfamiliar, and she couldn’t imagine spending hours upon hours encased in something resembling a metal chain-link fence. She continued to take a good hard look at it. The long tunic of mail reaching down to his knees had slits, front and back, to allow the knight to sit in a saddle. Under the hauberk, Jenna could see his padded cloth aketon. Even his legs and feet were covered in chainmail. This wasn’t the thinly plated aluminum armor of men amusing themselves in some reenactment guild. Ching, ching, ching went the chainmail with each step Aiden took, and she imagined how much all this protection weighed. Several bent and broken links in his chainmail gave it a singular character, and Jenna could only wonder how many times the hardened metal had possibly saved the young man’s life.

  Jenna tried to hold back her startled surprise as the field came into view. It was one of those moments that seem to shape and alter a person’s life. The lists were alive with activity. Knights holding lances rode on horses galloping at full speed until the sound of splintering wood rang out in the air. Axes and maces, along with shields and swords, smacked against one another or on the shields the guards lifted to protect themselves. Enactments she had seen at the Renaissance faire back home were nothing compared to this real life demonstration of knights wielding weapons. This was like actual history, come to life, and she was thrilled to be watching the spectacular display.

  Aiden led her only a short distance into the lists before he left her to join the men in the central arena. Jenna supposed it was the best place for her so she would be out of the way but could still watch the action being performed. She sat on a stone bench but, not wanting to miss one single thing, couldn’t resist the urge to lean forward, resting her arms upon her legs. If she were to get ripped back to her own time tomorrow, she’d be happy she, at the very least, had been able to witness real live knights in armor during their training. They were certainly not a bunch of actors waiting for the director to yell “action!”

  She held her breath as two knights in particular drew her attention. How could they not? They were both magnificent and seemed to be equally matched as they raised their swords against one another. The sound of the metal shearing off metal gave Jenna the chills with thoughts of the weapons actually being used in battle. How often did these men have to leave their homes either to protect what belonged to them or at the summons of their king? Swords raised to train. Swords raised to protect. Swords raised to kill. Jenna was having a hard time concentrating as the two combatants swung the heavy weapons with amazing accuracy.

  A deep timbre laugh emitted from one of the knights who had his back toward her. He took off his helmet and pushed back the chainmail hood from his head. His black hair, freed from the restraint of the headgear, began to blow in the breeze after the knight shook his head. His shield came next as his squire came to unfasten it from his arm while another boy ran up offering him a cloth to wipe the sweat streaming down his face. He had to be hot after such exercise, being encased in chainmail from head to toe, wouldn’t he?

  Jenna couldn’t take her eyes off the knight, and this was only while she was ogling his backside. The sun then chose to come out, almost as Aiden had predicted, and glistened down on the knight’s chainmail in a gleaming display, making his whole countenance shine like a guardian angel coming down from the heavens. She practically willed him to spin around, just so she could see his face.

  And then she knew the knight, even before he turned to face her. Jenna closed her eyes. A soothing male voice once again popped unannounced into her head. “Sometimes hearts call to one another, even across the span of time.”

  Ever so slowly, Jenna opened her eyes. They may have had a large field between them, but, as their eyes met, they might as well have been standing next to one another. A zing of emotions filled the space keeping them at a distance but there was no doubt in Jenna’s mind when the strangest invisible connection was made between them. No touch was needed, or even a first kiss. She, unquestionably, could sense the very force of their attraction while the essence of his lingering gaze radiated throughout her whole being.

  For the first time in her entire adult life, Jenna felt alive. She knew the instant Fletcher could feel the sensation pass between them, too. They smiled together, as one. In that very moment, Jenna realized she would be forever lost and would never be the same. Their journey to finding love had begun.

  Chapter 14

  Fletcher felt a shove on his armor and broke his gaze from Jenna’s. He turned, annoyed with the younger man who had interrupted a moment that was surely seared into his heart.

  “Are you just going to stand there all day with lovesick eyes for your lady, or would you like to have another go at it?” Gavin asked with a smirk plastered on his face.

  Several guffaws, from men who had overheard the comment, echoed around the lists. Fletcher’s eyes leveled on the nearby knights, only causing them to further display their amusement, much to Fletcher’s dismay. He must be losing his edge, much as Dristan had inferred.

  “Mayhap, you need another to prove his worth as your captain, Dristan,” Bertram taunted loud enough for the entire lists to become eerily quiet. “I, myself, am more than ready to take over, since Fletcher has his thoughts elsewhere.”

  “You must needs prove you are the better man, although my coins will still be with Fletcher,” Turquine taunted, laughing.

  “A wager!” Taegan urged, rub
bing his hands together. “Let us see who is fit to lead our liege lord’s personal guard. I nominate Ulrick.”

  Ulrick swung his blade back and forth, a satisfied smile plastered upon his face. “I accept the challenge.”

  Thomas, one of Amiria’s personal guard, stepped forward. “I wouldna mind a go at it myself, lads,” he chimed in, apparently eager to prove his worth.

  Knights began to pair off to begin the contest for who would be worthy to fight Fletcher for his position as captain. Dristan and Riorden came to stand on the side of the lists where both folded their arms across their chests with seeming rapt attention.

  Fletcher moved from the field and awarded Gavin a mighty shove. “Look what you have started, you insolent pup,” he growled well naturedly, not that Riorden’s younger brother was all that young or wet behind the ears. “Do you not need to leave soon to see to your wife?”

  Gavin laughed then tossed his helmet down when he reached his brother’s side. Pushing off his chain mail coif, he gave his brown hair a shake afore reaching out for a cup of ale to quench his thirst. “We leave on the morrow. Besides, you appeared as if you needed the distraction, old man.”

  “I am not so old,” Fletcher grumbled firmly, “and am more than willing to take up where we left off, just as soon as I dispatch those whom you’ve spurred into thinking they can defeat me.”

  “There is the spirit and the man I remember,” Riorden declared with a grin. “Good to see you have your head back where it belongs. How Dristan ever thought you could fill my boots is beyond my ken.”

  “Sod off, Riorden,” Fletcher answered. He caught a glimpse of Jenna taking a seat near the wall upon a lone stone bench. His brightened disposition, as he smiled with thoughts of her wanting to watch him train, must have shown upon his features, for he was assaulted with a fresh round of jeers from his friend.

  “There he goes again.” Gavin laughed more loudly than afore. “If you wish to go have speech with your lady, I am sure the knights who await you most earnestly will not mind.”

  Fletcher’s brow rose. “How is it you are here to help me if all you do is heckle me?”

  “Just ensuring you are up to the task of being able to handle a woman who is not of this time. They are a handful, are they not, brother?” Gavin answered with his own wistful smile.

  “Indeed,” Riorden replied, “although Fletcher should remember such from his own dealings with my very lovely but stubborn wife.”

  Dristan snorted. “I can only ponder how many other of these future women shall find themselves at my gates. They continue to deprive me of my well-trained knights. And those who continue to plague me to train them are not worthy to be part of my guard…at least not yet.”

  The four stood silently watching Dristan’s men fight for the right to take on Fletcher. One by one, knights fell to the more worthy knight ’til only Bertram was left standing. Swinging his sword, as if he had not just taken on an entire garrison, he waited for Fletcher, seemingly as if he had not a care in the world.

  “Best get this over with,” Fletcher exclaimed. He began walking towards Bertram afore he halted his steps to turn back and stare at the two brothers who understood the dilemma Fletcher now faced with Jenna.

  “Were they worth everything you went through?” he asked the men, already knowing what their answers would be.

  The two brothers answered in smiling, brazen unison. “Aye.”

  Fletcher nodded in understanding and made his way to the lists. He swung his blade, enjoying the weight of the steel within his hands. “So,” he stated as he moved into position in front of Bertram whilst the entire garrison stood on the edge of the lists, monies still exchanging hands, “you think you are worthy to become captain of the guard, do you?” he mocked.

  Bertram threw his head back and laughed, bringing his sword forward. “Aye, my friend. I do.”

  Fletcher grinned. “We shall see.” Their swords clashed in the morning air, and Fletcher swore he grew stronger with each swing of his blade, knowing Jenna watched his every move.

  Chapter 15

  Fletcher watched Jenna fingering a piece of pale green linen with some interest afore she nodded to the merchant and went to the next stall. The seller looked disgruntled for having lost a sale ’til Fletcher pulled a coin from the pouch at his waist. He flipped the currency to the fellow. With a silent nod, the merchant took the whole bolt of cloth and handed over the purchase to a waiting servant, who then made his way back up the hill towards the keep.

  At the next stall, he saw Bertram sporting a black eye he had received during their fight to see who was worthy of being in charge of the garrison knights. Fletcher smiled with the knowledge he had come up the winner.

  Bertram bumped into him as they passed one another. “My pardon, captain,” he jeered. “I demand a repeat, by the by.”

  Both men laughed, their friendship from years fighting by one another’s side never stronger. “Mayhap, when you have recovered from the last beating you received, my friend,” Fletcher mocked.

  “Perchance,” Bertram replied as he bowed to Jenna. “Enjoy your outing, my lady.”

  Jenna nodded her head afore moving forward. Fletcher came up behind her at the next vendor whilst she inspected several pieces of fruit. He picked up two bright red apples and handed one to her. Another coin was pressed into eager hands for another sale made.

  “Thank you for the snack,” Jenna exclaimed. “I was getting a little hungry.” She took a bite of the juicy fruit and gave a sigh of pleasure.

  “You should have eaten more when you broke your fast this morn,” Fletcher grumbled. “You must needs sustenance if we are to see you well again.”

  Jenna’s laughter was as bright as the shining sun. “I’m hardly starving, good sir. Plus, I’ve never been a heavy eater in the morning. I usually just have a piece of toast and some coffee.”

  Fletcher watched with interest when the juice from the apple ran little by little down her chin. She took her sleeve to wipe it away, and Fletcher wished he had been the one to perform such a service for her. He came out of his trancelike stare to get back to the matter at hand of attempting to understand her way of speech. “More future words. How will I ever get used to your dialogue, my lady?”

  Jenna shrugged. “I wasn’t born yesterday, you know. I suppose I will take some getting used to.”

  His brow furrowed thinking of her response. “If we are to ponder the matter in such a fashion, as of yester morn you were not born at all, my lady,” Fletcher remarked whilst he attempted to think how this woman lived several centuries in the future.

  She giggled again. “Technically speaking, you’re absolutely correct about that scenario, but let’s not tackle the whole out of space and time issue today. I could counter your question of you understanding my dialogue with one of my own. How will I ever learn yours? Everyone speaks so formally. Plus, you don’t use contractions whatsoever. It’s so delightful and elegant at the same time.”

  “Con-trac-tions? What the bloody hell is that, may I ask?” He growled with a frown, trying to figure out what she was talking about.

  “Never mind. I can see such a conversation will only upset you.”

  “It does not upset me but causes confusion when I do not understand your way of speech,” he thundered with narrowed eyes.

  Her brow quirked upwards. “If you aren’t upset, then why are you yelling at me in the middle of the marketplace?” She tossed him a smug expression of seeming satisfaction then took another bite of her apple.

  Afore he could give her an apology for his rude behavior, she walked away from him to continue her stroll and look at the various goods in the market stalls. If she saw something of interest, Fletcher purchased the item for her without her realizing he had done so. He wanted her to be surprised once she returned to her chamber and found the purchases waiting for her.

  Fletcher finished with the last merchant then noticed Aiden completing his own business with another trader several stall
s down. The younger man quickly folded a length of pink ribbon and stuffed his purchase into a pouch hanging from his belt.

  “Hi, Sir Aiden,” Jenna called out with a wave.

  Aiden returned Jenna’s greeting and proceeded to give her a courtly bow. “I bid glad tidings to you this fine day, Lady Jenna. Enjoying this rare bit of sunshine, I see.”

  “Yes, I am. Sir Fletcher has been showing me the village. It’s very interesting.” Jenna smiled, and Fletcher swore a little piece of his heart melted to see the uncontained joy upon her face.

  Aiden looked around him and shrugged. “’Tis like any other village I have come across upon my travels, my lady. I do not see what all the fuss is about or what may be of interest that you could not find elsewhere.”

  Fletcher chuckled. “Given Lady Jenna’s own traveling from afar, I would think such a place would be, more or less, lacking in the conveniences she is used to from her future way of life.” He took her hand and placed it in the crook of his elbow as they began to walk.

  Jenna laughed, and the sound went straight to Fletcher’s heart...again. “I’m afraid this does take country living to a whole new level. You have no idea what I’d give for a hot shower and some indoor plumbing.”

  “Explain this…indoor plumbing, my lady,” Aiden urged.

  Jenna looked upon the younger man afore returning her attention to the area in which they strolled. “Perhaps another time. Too much information may not be a good thing.”

  “I do not see how such knowledge can hurt anything,” Aiden grumbled afore giving her a look that was surely his most winsome attempt to change her mind.

  “I don’t think so, and forget about trying to coax it from me with such an expression. Save that face for some other lady who will be taken with your charms.”

  Fletcher burst out laughing at the look of dejection on Aiden’s face. “It appears Lady Emily is not the only woman who has the wits to withstand your come-hither invitation, my friend.”


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