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by Melissa A Schilling

  —Daniel Levinthal, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

  “Quirky is a great reminder that when it comes to understanding the extraordinary, outliers and exceptions are invaluable teachers. To be able to break with social expectations, to have the confidence to tackle seemingly intractable problems, and to have the social skills to inspire others are unusual, indeed. Schilling’s book takes us on an inspiring journey of discovery—leading us to see clearly what was always there but hidden in plain view. You’ll finish the book understanding something of true genius.”

  —Rita McGrath, Columbia University

  “It is not often that a business school professor writes a real page-turner, but Quirky definitely is. Melissa Schilling offers a fascinating mixture of the life stories of radical innovators, such as Elon Musk and Marie Curie, but also expertly deconstructs them to reveal their underlying commonalities. What transpires is both wonderfully insightful and inspiring. Having finished the book, I felt strangely elated.”

  —Freek Vermeulen, London Business School

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