Protecting His Mate ( Lycan Romance )

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Protecting His Mate ( Lycan Romance ) Page 7

by Briers, M L

  He rocked her back against the bed, coming down on top of her as he thrust long, hard deep strokes within her- fighting the muscles contracting against him as he took his pleasure from her- feeling her body instantly coming to life beneath him- “Cade-“ his name called on a breath of wonderment as he felt her responding to him all over again and he growled to his mate- her hands were reaching for him- her nails suddenly digging into his flesh as he thrust into her over and over- the pain she caused him making his fangs ache within his jaw- the need to descend almost overpowering as he snatched her wrists and eased her hands down to the mattress trapping her beneath him.

  Vicky protested the loss of contact with his flesh only until he had forced her wrists against the mattress- pinning her down and thrusting hard and deep inside her, she felt the excitement spiralling at his sheer domination of her body- it was never something she craved before, but with him it felt so damn natural- akin to the last piece of the puzzle being put into place and she raced to release beneath him- her hips thrusting up to meet his in desperation of need within her.

  When she protested his hold on her, he felt his wolf growl within him- the need for her to submit to their will almost forcing his damned fangs down from his gums- he thrust into her as hard and deep as he could- increasing his speed and he was so damned close to losing control that he might just bite- then she relinquished beneath him- her body his for the taking- her hips thrusting up to meet his with each powerful thrust and when she whimpered the nearness of her release and tensed around him, he let himself go.

  Vicky felt the first wave hit her so hard that she cried out with the sheer power of the surge that rocked her body- head to toe she was just overwhelmed with the pulses of sensation that shot through her from her core- she felt him thrust deep within- a flash of pain mixed with the pleasure throbbing through her as he exploded within her- his hips hard against hers, before he rocked back to thrust deep again- this time there was no pain as he spilled his seed over and over, pumping into her as she felt his lips come down on her shoulder- a gentle nip of his teeth against her flesh caused her to shiver as she lay sated beneath him- his body coming down onto his elbows as he rested against her, fighting for breath.

  He seemed to recover a lot faster than she had- she felt his hands against her back as he rolled them on the bed- her body splayed over his, she felt him breathe hard into a relaxed posture beneath her- his hands running over her back in slow deliberately soothing circles as he whispered against her hair- easing her back to him- her name on his lips as she whimpered her fatigue against his chest.

  “Did I hurt you?” he brushed her hair from her face and she felt him tip her chin towards his as she tried to open her eyes to look at him, but couldn’t quite manage it yet. “Vicky- love- did I hurt you?” He brushed his hand down her spine and her body shivered- at least what passed for a shiver, being so damn tired.

  “No-“ it was the faintest of whispers that she couldn’t even hear it and yet it seemed to bring him comfort as he wrapped her in his arms- turning them both onto their sides as he continued to sooth her, just before sleep took her.

  Vicky drifted back from sleep with the knowledge that she was still very much in his arms- his chest rising and falling under her hand- legs tangled and the heat from his body warming her to the bone- she wanted to move her head to look up at him, but the pure feeling of contentment was just too much to disturb him- after all, if she woke him, she would have to talk to him- if she talked to him, she would have to come to terms with the fact that she had just had the best sex of her life, so far- with a man she didn’t even know- she should be able to brush that off, especially as it was great sex and given the fact that once she concluded her business here, she would be heading back to the city- it could be viewed as a holiday romance, even though she wasn’t exactly on holiday.

  Cade felt her stir against him- the softness of her body pressed against his- limbs entwined and his wolf sitting happily within him- content for now that she had been mated and yet not bonded- that would come when she knew what he was- accepted her place at his side within the pack- she was human after all- even his wolf knew he needed to be patient.

  When she tensed within his arms, he felt it like a twist in his guts- if they were bonded he would be able to feel what she was feeling- would be able to hear the thoughts she allowed him- right now he only had pure instinct to go on and his gut was telling him she had gone from contented to worried about mating with him- she didn’t seem like the kind of woman to have fast and easy acquaintances- he would need to tread carefully with her.

  “Welcome back-“ He breathed the words so gently and with a long stroke of his hand down her back to sooth her and felt her tense even more against him.

  “Cade-“ He felt the explanation on the tip of her tongue- “About earlier-“

  “I should apologise for my behaviour- I wouldn’t normally take a woman into my bed so quickly-“ He was going to ease her worries by taking the blame- she didn’t understand the drawing- she didn’t understand the pull between mates and he wanted to ease the tension flowing through her- when she understood she would know that there was nothing either of them could do to deny what was between them.

  “But I made it so easy for you.” He heard the self condemnation in her voice and winced at it. Damn- he hadn’t been quick enough.

  “Actually I don’t think I gave you a moment to consider what we were doing-“

  “You consider yourself that irresistible?” She mused, a little of the tension easing within her and he rolled with her- putting her on her back and coming down on his elbow to look down into her eyes- a tease of a smile on his lips- his deep brown eyes smiling.

  “Don’t you?” He brushed a few strands of wayward hair from her cheek and she couldn’t help the chuckle that rolled through her.

  “I’m sure- if I really put my mind to it, that I could resist you.” She teased back feeling the heavy weight from the guilt part of her brain lift considerably and he was so damn gorgeous- how could she have helped herself.

  “Let’s hope we don’t have to test that theory.” He mused and she rolled her eyes at him.

  “You’re getting a little ahead of yourself-“ She scoffed trying to draw a line in the sand between them and even though he was still smiling and had that look of mischief about him, she watched him narrow his eyes and his gaze held hers.

  “Do you regret making love with me Victoria?”

  “No- but-“

  “Then we’re both on the same page- I wouldn’t do anything differently- time is just how we keep a schedule in the world- time to wake- time to eat- time to work- time to go to bed- we shouldn’t rely on it to the point that an opportunity to experience something wonderful slips us by.”

  “Wow- you should be in politics-“ She was more than impressed with his rationalisation of what she was feeling and he gave her a devilish grin- his eyes twinkling with mischief again.

  “I’m too honest for that. Are you hungry- because I’m starving?” He had heard the gentle growl of her stomach and his instinct told him to feed his mate- it was a basic instinct to provide for her- see she was cared for and happy and he wanted nothing more than to slip inside her again- feel her around him- give her pleasure, but the need to provide outweighed the need for his own pleasure.

  “I could eat- possibly a whole cow in one sitting.” She finished on a mumble and saw his amusement.

  “I’m glad I’ve given you such an appetite.”

  Cade told himself he wasn’t going to move a muscle until he heard the shower switch off- she was going to have a quick shower and get dressed while he showered before they went to eat- simple- or not.

  The image of her naked beneath the spray was a torture that his mind and body could only endure for so long- in real terms- about one minute that felt like an eternity as he fought his desires and his needs and then he was off the bed, heading for the damned door quicker than lightening and as he slipped into the glass cubicle be
hind her, his hands reached for her slippery soft skin, she gave a little shriek as she jumped in place.

  “Geez Cade-“ She chuckled as he pulled her back against the solidity of his chest, his hands roaming down her body causing her to relax in his arms.

  “Sorry sweetheart- but I couldn’t stop thinking about you in here, naked under the water and my legs just picked me up and brought me to you.” He nuzzled into her neck then, her hips pushing back hard when his fingers roamed down to her sex, finding the little nub of nerves that had her palming the wall in front of her.

  “I want you-“ Her admission caused his heart to slam against his rib cage as she rolled her backside against the hardness of his shaft.

  “Foreplay-“ He teased, but she knocked his hand away from her sex continuing to roll against him.

  “I need to feel you-“ Cade burnt with the exact same need and yet he had been mindful of her needs- now even more so- she needed him to be within her the way he needed to feel her around him. It was the mating stage that wouldn’t be satiated fully until they bonded.

  Dropping his hips down, he fisted his shaft and ran it between her legs, rubbing the head over her folds until had her rocking back on her feet trying to get the contact she needed, take him within her and when she dropped her head forwards and moaned her need, he pressed the tip into the core, his hand on the flat of her stomach as he started to enter her.

  Vicky felt him inching within her and her hunger for him burned out of control, thrusting her hips back she took him to the hilt, the moan from her lips mixed with his groan of pleasure as he buried himself within her.

  “You’re so tight- I don’t want to hurt you-“ He breathed against her shoulder and she rocked her hips away from him, just to thrust back again.

  “You’ll be the first to know if you do Cade- but I want you hard and deep and so damn fast that my head spins- can you give me that?” She was already breathless with desire and when he growled low and deep in his chest, she nearly came apart.

  He pushed against her back until she bent over, her palms flat against the tiles as he gripped her hips, a slow steady withdraw to the very tip before he stroked into her to the hilt, taking her deeply before pulling back and setting a rhythm that had her moaning with every stroke.

  Cade increased his speed, taking her hard and deep, at first with trepidation that he was going to hurt her, but as her moans of pleasure increased in length and intensity he started to let himself go- to enjoy the feel of her tightness around him as he took her to the hilt with each thrust, his fingers digging into her hips to keep her in place as he pumped into her, over and over until he felt her tense around his shaft, felt the muscles start to tighten as her legs quivered and he took her over the edge with long- hard deep strokes that had her crying out with the intensity of the orgasm that made her muscles clench around him tightly, before massaging him with each thrust until he exploded within her.

  His release ripped through him hard- taking his breath and causing his legs to shake beneath him as he held deep within her while the first explosion of his seed subsided and his breath came back to him in a rush as he rocked his hips back and thrust into her again- somehow managing to hold them both up until he was done.

  Cade eased out of her and turned her in his arms, moving her back against the tiled wall, his mouth came down on hers and he kissed her the way he had never kissed a woman before- as though not to kiss her would be denying himself the elixir of life- of being- of everything that mattered. To taste- touch- have – to hold the one thing he knew he couldn’t live without- she was his and he was hers and there would not be one moment of his life when he did not treasure her and thank the Fate’s for bringing her to him.

  Her taste was intoxicating- her scent divine, touching her was akin to witnessing a miracle and being inside her like a prayer being answered- he felt so very blessed that she had come into his life, her place within his heart assured and welcomed- he was complete.

  Vicky got the feeling that everyone knew what she and Cade had been up to all afternoon, when they ran into Whit coming down the stairs he seemed to stop and almost sniff the air before turning his amused eyes to the pair of them, something going unsaid between the two men as Cade slid an arm around Vicky’s waist and pulled her to his hip, locking her against his side.

  ‘ You’re keeping her then brother? ‘


  Cade stiffened for a moment beside her and Vicky didn’t have a clue why- the two men just seemed to stand there on the staircase- Whit smiling with amusement and Cade just staring back at him, just the hint of the smile at the corners of his lips.

  ‘ Don’t start with me Whit- I think you like your teeth in your mouth.’

  ‘ Temper- Temper Alpha, I was just pointing out the obvious- go feed your mate, the way her stomach’s growling has even my wolf’s ears pricking up.’

  “Vicky” Whit tipped his head in acknowledgement, his eyes almost twinkling with mischief and she felt the heat in her cheeks like a beacon.

  “Whit.” She almost mumbled back as his smile turned into a full blown grin and he carried on up the stairs away from them.

  “Don’t mind him- he’s a few cards short of a full deck.” Cade breathed against her ear, causing the tingle of awareness to rush over her skin and the jolt of excitement within her. For one long moment she heard a slow rumble from Cade’s chest, almost a growl before he caught himself with only a moment’s hesitation at continuing down the staircase rather than snatching her up and bounding back to the bedroom where he could fan those flames of excitement within her.

  Marcus walked in the front door with a dusting of snow clutching at his clothing, a scowl on his face until he looked up and caught the two of them together at the bottom of the stairs, he tipped his chin as though catching the smell of dinner on the air and a lop sided grin appeared on his face, the scowl all but banished as mischief played in his eyes.

  “Cade- Vicky.” Vicky noted the way his whole body seemed to shake from head to toe as he shook the snow off, little dots of crystalline white against the wooden flooring until they vanished into tiny pools of water.

  ‘You’ll need to tell her soon brother- especially with the new moon coming-‘

  Cade tightened his hold around Vicky’s waist as Marcus eyed them both while shirking his outer clothes.

  ‘ She’s human Marcus- what would you have me do just blurt it out?’

  Marcus looked thoughtful as his shoulders clenched slightly, his eyes drifted and held on Vicky- “Is something wrong?” Vicky asked looking between the two of them as they stood there in silence, although Vicky got the distinct impression that more was being said with just looks- at least that was the way it seemed to her.

  “Just not used to seeing Cade with a woman is all- it’s a little unnerving-“ Marcus teased shooting Cade a look of pure amusement as Cade breathed hard down his nose- turning Vicky and almost pulling her along with him towards the kitchen.

  Anna was standing behind the counter preparing vegetables as Cade led Vicky into the room and Vicky could have sworn that the woman sniffed the air as they entered, her eyes twinkling with knowing something had changed between the two of them and Vicky wondered at it.

  Could everyone around here smell sex for god sake?

  “I take it you’re all settled in then Vicky?” Anna drawled with a poignant look at her brother under her long dark lashes and Vicky gave a little cough, trying to clear the embarrassment from her mind and body as Cade finally let her go. She supposed his hold on her in front of everyone was the red rag to the bull that they were more than just friends.

  “Yes- thanks- can I help?” Vicky had to physically drag herself away from Cade’s side, wondering what the hell it was that made her want to be right there next to him- pressed up against his hard body.

  “You could put the pans on ready for the veggies if you like.” There was still that underlying amusement in her tone and her eyes swept back to Cade.

; ‘So I finally have a sister-“

  ‘For all of a minute until I kill you-yes.’

  “I need to go check on some things, can I leave Vicky in your capable hands Anna-“ ‘keep her here and safe and behave yourself!’

  “Of course you can- us women will just prepare the feast for you strong men.” Anna teased with a chuckle that had Cade raising one brow to show he wasn’t amused.

  “Give a shout if you need anything.” He added sarcastically towards his sister before turning on his heels and heading towards the door.

  “Like a jar opening?” Anna called after him, causing him to hesitate in his stride only briefly, the muscles in his back tensing for an instant as he headed out the door leaving Anna to chuckle over the vegetables.

  “So- you and Cade?” Anna announced out of nowhere just as Vicky was filling a pan from the sink, heat rising in her cheeks again as a frown flowed across her brow.

  “Not really a me and Cade-“ Vicky flicked off the water and walked the pan to the stove as she gave Anna a sideways glance, the younger woman’s eyes catching hers as she beamed her knowing smile.

  “Really- because from where I’m standing there seemed to be a definite, you and Cade vibe going on?” Anna watched Vicky give a half grimace as she turned away, the gentle clatter of the pan on the stove breaking the silence in the room.

  “Well we-“ Vicky started with a shrug and Anna chuckled.

  “Yes you did.” Anna chuckled again.

  “I hadn’t finished-“ Vicky wondered if there was any real point in trying to deny what everyone in the damn house seemed to instinctively know.

  “You didn’t need to.”

  “ It’s that obvious?” Vicky almost groaned with the embarrassment washing through her.


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