Strong Passion [The Strong Cowboys of Wilde, Nevada 4] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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Strong Passion [The Strong Cowboys of Wilde, Nevada 4] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 2

by Chloe Lang

  “Shift change,” Heath announced, looking toward Norma’s entrance.

  “What are you talking about?” She turned and saw Nate Strong in the doorway. Feeling overcome with so much attention, she snapped, “You mean he’s going to take over your babysitting duties?”

  He nodded, waving Nate over.

  “Listen, cowboy. My father hasn’t showed up in two days, which is typical. He’s not coming. I’m sure one of his upstanding buddies has detained him. Hell, he might be back in jail for all we know.”

  Nate walked up to her. “Until we do know for sure, pet, you’re going to have to deal with us.”

  “You think so? Just wait and see what I’m capable of, buddy.” Something about Nate made her nervous and warm. “Once I get my money for my car, I’m outta here.”

  He cupped her chin. “Not on my watch, you’re not. Understand?”

  His strong demand sliced her like a hot knife into butter, but somehow she was able to protest, trying to shake her head free from his hold.

  Nate smiled and grabbed her hair, never releasing her chin. “You keep this up and you’re going to be sorry. I’m not as soft as my brothers are.” He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers, sending a shiver up and down her spine. His kiss was powerful and possessive. His tongue swept into her mouth, causing her toes to curl. Unable to resist, she melted into him.

  When he ended the kiss, she nearly fell off her chair.

  Nate turned to Heath. “I’ve got it from here, bro. Dads want you up at The Three Sisters.”

  “What for?”

  “One of the hands found more tracks. Some dumb-ass is probably stuck somewhere up there.”

  “Listen, guys. I really am okay by myself.” Charly looked back and forth from one brother to the next. “Why don’t both of you go find out about who is on your ranch?”

  Nate took her hand and squeezed. “Right now, you’re my priority, pet. There will be no more arguing.”

  She opened her mouth to object, but no words came out. So instead, she picked up her coffee and took a long sip.

  Nate nodded and winked. Then he turned to Heath. “Better get on it. Dads want to get a full report by nightfall.”

  “I’m on it.” Heath wrapped his arms around her. “Sweetheart, I’m going to miss you, but I trust Nate to keep you safe.” Then he kissed her softly and left.

  Charly’s head was spinning. She was already in love with three Strongs, and now she was clearly in awe of Nate Strong’s rugged good looks and teasing brown eyes. She just couldn’t let herself fall down the rabbit hole again. She knew the score. Maude, their mother, had made it clear. Either she chose the younger three brothers or the older three brothers. That was what was expected. But Charly knew there was an even better choice, though it would crush her. She could just walk away.

  “Why don’t you get yourself something to eat, Nate? I need to make a phone call.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “Trying to get rid of me already, sweetheart?”

  Her cheeks burned. How could he read her so easily and so quickly? “No. Not at all.”

  “I doubt that, but I am hungry. Bacon and eggs would hit the spot.” His large hand came down on her shoulder, squeezing her slightly. “Don’t try to sneak out. I’ve got my eye on you, pet.”

  She watched him walk to the counter to place his order with the waitress. God, the man got to her. His six-foot-four muscled frame in tight jeans had her nearly drooling. But it was more than his body that drew her in like a moth to the flame. His demeanor and confidence added to the burn in her heart. She knew that resisting him would be next to impossible. She wondered why. What was it about him that made her react so?

  Charly took out her cell phone. She wanted to get her mind on something else other than Nate.

  For the fifth time, she punched in the mechanic’s number. Harry and she had settled on a price for her car. He was supposed to bring her the cash, which would get her a bus ticket back to her mother. But he’d never showed. Once again, she got his voice mail.

  She was about to leave another message, when Michael walked into Norma’s.

  “Hey, good looking.” He waved at her.

  Ending the call, Charly turned to Nate. The cowboy nodded in recognition of Michael. Clearly, Jessie’s ex had become a sort of local celebrity. Everyone in Wilde seemed to know who Michael was.

  Michael sat down at her table. “Just the person I’ve been looking for. What’s up?”

  “I don’t want to bore you with all my troubles.”

  “You’re kidding, right? You know I care about you, sweetie. Lay it on me.”

  Charly really did like Michael. Although he was a billionaire, his Peter Pan antics and charm had never failed to win her over. “Okay, you asked for it.”

  “Yes, I did.” He reached for her hand and squeezed. “Seriously, kiddo. Tell me what the problem is. Maybe I can help.”

  “I didn’t get the job in Malibu.”

  He frowned. “I’m sorry, Charly. They’re idiots, of course.”

  “Actually, some of the greatest minds in my field run the Center.” Charly knew that all she would have to do was ask and Michael would give her money. But she never would. Her pride was too strong. But she did appreciate his sympathetic ear. “The woman I was supposed to replace decided to stay.”

  “Well, that’s not fair,” he said as he folded his arms over his chest.

  Michael’s childlike response made her grin. “Maybe. But I’ve got to figure something out.”

  “Before you make any hasty decisions, hear me out.”

  She asked, “About what?”

  “Your bad luck is actually my good luck, if you’ll help me out, Charly.”

  “With what?”

  “I thought you’d never ask. You know I’ve fallen in love with this town.”

  “I think the whole state of Nevada knows that.” Michael had been on the front page of more than one gossip rag over the years. His crazy parties around the globe always drew much notoriety. No wonder. His sycophantic friends included the rich, famous, and infamous. “Once the tabloid folks find out that you’re in Wilde, this place is going to be covered with paparazzi trying to hunt you down.”

  “That’s why I need you, kiddo. Before the sharks show up, I’m jetting down to George’s annual party in Turks and Caicos.”

  “The movie star?”

  Michael rolled his eyes. “I don’t understand why everyone is swooning over George’s Oscar nomination. It’s not like he won.”

  “He’s gorgeous, you fool.”

  “Not my type.” Michael laughed. “Seriously, I’d like to hire you.”

  Charly pointed to the center of her chest. “Moi?”

  “Oui, chérie. I’m interested in opening up a gay resort somewhere close.”

  With her lack of funds, she needed a job. “So what would I be doing?”

  “Your first job will be finding the right location for this project of mine.”

  “Michael, I have two degrees in psychology. I have no expertise in real estate. You could hire the best. Why me?”

  “I trust you. That’s enough for me. How does five grand a week sound to you?”

  Charly smiled. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

  His eyes widened. “I’m not. Six? Seven?”

  “Be serious, Michael.”

  “Okay.” He held up both hands. “Who knew you could be such a tough negotiator? Name your price, Charly.”

  She realized that Michael wasn’t kidding. But there was no way she would take advantage of him. “I’ll give you one week for one grand. Take it or leave it.”

  “That’s not enough, kiddo.”

  “Did you hear me? Take it or leave it. That’s the deal.”

  Michael extended his hand. “Deal.”

  Charly shook his hand. “Now, tell me more about what you’re looking for.”

  “You’ll know it when you see it.” He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

  “Hey, bud.�
� Nate walked up with a plate full of food. “You sure you’re gay?”

  “God, yes, but I love ma chérie.” Michael winked and left.

  Nate glared at him as he exited. Was this cowboy actually jealous? She shouldn’t be happy that he might be, but she was.

  Chapter Three

  Nate patted Joker’s neck and gazed at Charly atop Majesty, his mother’s Appaloosa mare. When Charly had told Nate about her new job working for Michael, Nate realized he knew just the right spot for the resort. Even better, the land he was thinking of was best accessed by horseback. It was the perfect chance for him to spend some time alone with Charly. Now two hours into the ride, Nate was amazed by how comfortable she looked in the saddle. Any passerby would’ve thought Charly was a native to ranching, not the Bronx.

  “Have you been lying to me, pet? You obviously know more than a little about horses.”

  “Did Joker tell you that?” She smiled. “I’m from the Bronx. We adapt fast.”

  “I bet.”

  “Just watch.” She urged Majesty into a gallop.

  Nate laughed and kicked Joker into high speed to catch her. This little lady has some lessons to learn. Within earshot of Majesty, he whistled the signal that he knew would get the result he desired.

  His mother’s horse slowed to a trot.

  “Come on, Majesty. They’re gaining on us.”

  Nate whistled again, and Charly’s ride stopped. “Come on, Joker. Let’s show those girls who really is in charge.”

  “No fair, Nate,” she said as he rode up beside her.

  “I’ll show you how unfair I really can be, pet.”

  He leaned in and kissed her. Her lush lips tasted like honey, so very sweet. He placed his hand at the back of her neck and pulled her in tighter.

  Just being near her had him acting a fool, and he didn’t know why. The Doms at The Masters’ Chambers would’ve certainly laughed their asses off at his high-school-lovesick-boy act. He didn’t care. He wanted Charly more than he’d ever wanted anyone before in his life. It wasn’t sudden or instant, but a slow-growing burn that had begun the moment he’d met her. Crazy? Yes. But insanity might be a nice state for him, at least for tonight.

  Though Nate hated to end their kiss, the sun would be going down soon, and he wanted to be at the cabin before dark. “Charly, look around. This is the part of the property I wanted to show you.”

  Her long eyelashes fluttered. “Uh…what?”

  “Sweetheart, we’re looking at property for Michael’s gay resort. Remember?”

  “Yes.” She closed her eyes.

  He loved seeing her off kilter and flushed. “Hard to see the landscape with your eyes shut, Charly.”

  Her eyes popped open, and she nodded. “Wow. This place is beautiful.”

  It was. The mountains to the left scraped the sky with their snowy peaks. To their right were cliffs. A long waterfall from the rocky walls shot into the lake beside them, sending spray into the air that looked like jewels in the light of the setting sun. He’d never thought anything could be as beautiful as this place until he’d seen Charly.

  “Is that building on the property?” She pointed to the cabin about a quarter mile away.

  “Yes. In fact, we are about in the center of what is for sale.

  “Who in the world would sell such a place? This needs to stay just like it is forever.” The awe in her tone was obvious. God, she actually understood what he’d discovered here long ago. This was his favorite spot on the entire planet. He’d only saddled up Joker and Majesty for this ride to get time alone with her. He’d packed a dinner for the two of them and planned on taking her to the vacant hunter’s cabin for the night. Now, Charly’s reaction to the land was opening up his eyes to how incredibly fantastic a woman she was.

  “The Masters family owns this land and puts it up for sale every so often with a ridiculous price tag. I got my parents to make a run at it a few years back, but their offer wasn’t ever countered. The deal never gelled.”

  “You’re not serious about me showing this to Michael, are you?”

  “I wouldn’t have before today, but I’m rethinking my take on him. Do you think I should?”

  Charly tilted her head to the side. God, the woman looked so sexy. After a bit of time, she nodded. “Maybe. How many acres are part of this listing?”

  “Eight hundred sixty-two.”

  “Let me think about whether or not we should tell Michael about this.”

  Nate liked when she said “we,” which clearly included him and her together. “The only way I would even consider helping him get this for his project is if he would be respectful to this place.”

  She nodded. “There can’t be any buildings here.”

  “Right, pet.” He worried that there might come a day when some developers would take the Masters family up on their crazy sale price for the land. Once the transaction was complete, there would be nothing that could be done to save the pristine place. The profit motive would spoil the beauty he and Charly were surrounded by. If he could get the right investor with the right resources to see things his way, he might actually save the land he loved so much. Michael might be that man. “Now, if he wants to create an eco-friendly vacation for gays with tents and such, I’ll help him in any way I can.”

  “That’s a wonderful idea, Nate. Maybe you should be the one working for him instead of me.”

  “No way. I’m great in the saddle, not behind a desk. You hungry?”

  She touched her stomach. “I am, but do we have time to eat? Shouldn’t we be getting back?”

  Game on, Ms. Wynn. Nate dismounted. “Let me worry about when we head back. You worry about making your billionaire buddy get on board with our idea.” Holding Joker’s reins, he came over beside Majesty. “Ready to dismount?”

  She didn’t answer, but was off the beast in a flash. “What’s on the menu, cowboy?”

  He pulled her to him. Her little surprised gasp made his cock harden. “You’ll see, pet. You’ll see.”

  * * * *

  Charly looked at the first stars that began dotting the sky as the light of the sun, now below the mountains to the west, faded to a thin line of orange on the horizon. “I can’t believe how beautiful this place is, Nate. I’ve never seen the sky look like that.”

  He touched her cheek, causing her to turn her attention to him. “I’m glad you like it here.”

  “Like it? That doesn’t even graze the tip of how I’m feeling right now.” Charly moved her empty dish next to the boots she’d removed earlier. Then she patted the blanket that Nate had brought and stretched out for them for their alfresco dinner. “This is better than any five-star restaurant in Manhattan. I’d choose here over any of them. That’s a fact. I love it here.

  His lips curled up slightly. “I can see that you do, sweetheart.”

  There was a hint of amusement in his tone that seemed odd to her. But instead of making her mad, it actually made her giggle. Was her silliness due to the wonderful meal, the sweet wine, or just being with Nate? Charly wasn’t sure, but she couldn’t seem to stop smiling.

  She spotted the empty bottle of wine and the four empty beer bottles that dotted the blanket. “I drank a whole bottle of wine all by myself?”

  “You did, pet. You okay?” Nate stroked her hair, making her feel deliciously dizzy. The air was only a bit cool, which was good, since she was burning up with desire.

  “I’m okay. Just a bit fuzzy. Where’s this cabin you were telling me about?”

  Nate didn’t answer but pulled her close. “You’re safe here, Charly. You understand that?”

  She gulped, and then nodded. Her heart sped up in her chest. Ever since her first night in Wilde, she’d submitted to the lusty ways of the brothers again and again, and God help her, she’d loved each touch, kiss, and pleasure the Strongs had dished out. Each time, her mind quieted to a whisper and her body intensified to a scream.

  Nate kissed her once again, sending a shiver down her spine. She fe
lt his right arm come around her back and his left hand slide up her thigh until it almost touched her sex, almost. The torture drove her insane. His tongue shot over her lips, and she felt his hot, manly breath in her mouth.

  He continued kissing her as he began to unbutton, unzip, and unfasten whatever was holding her clothes in place. He removed her top first, tossing it to the side. Then her jeans were discarded. More of her clothes were ditched, until all she had left on were her pale-pink panties.

  She wanted to try to stop him, tell him they should wait. But the rabbit hole of desire was getting bigger and more demanding. They were both about to fall through it, and she didn’t have the willpower or logic left inside her to protest.

  She wiggled under him on the blanket that he’d spread out for their picnic. Her lips throbbed from the kisses he’d given her with his amazing, vexing, delicious mouth. His muscled weight on top of her was making Charly moan and tremble.

  “You’re so…” He gazed at her in a way that made her heart skip several beats.

  “I’m what, cowboy?” She wasn’t an idiot. She realized what the brothers were doing, passing her one to the next in their game of dating. Charly felt like a baton in a relay race, but she didn’t have it in her to stop any of them. Damn foolish? For sure, but she needed these men.

  “Sexy. Smart. Passionate. Caring.”

  Every one of Nate’s words sent a tingle through her. Like his three brothers before, Nate was hitting the gas pedal. She’d already been with him the night Heath had brought Tobias and him to her room at the hotel. Then, she’d been swamped and more focused on Heath than the other two. Now, she was completely focused on him.

  Nate kissed her neck. “Words are cheap, pet. Let my hands do the rest of the talking on your beautiful body.” He massaged her breasts, raising her temperature several degrees and causing her pussy to dampen.


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