Double Mountain Trouble: A MFM Menage Romance

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Double Mountain Trouble: A MFM Menage Romance Page 15

by Katerina Cole

  Danny greeted her at the door when she arrived at the penthouse. Lee and Tyler were stuck at the office in a meeting. They told her to go ahead and eat dinner without them.

  “Anything you need, Miss?” Danny asked.

  “No. I think I’m going to take a hot bath.”

  “Should I draw it for you?” he asked.

  She looked at him. Danny was instructed to help her with anything she wanted, but that wasn’t something she needed help with.

  “I think I’ve got it.” She smiled. “Will you let me know when Tyler or Lee are home?”

  “Yes. Dinner is at six.”

  She rolled her eyes. She thought maybe since they were out for the night she could eat on her own schedule.

  “Ok.” She climbed the stairs, feeling the exhaustion hit her.

  Her phone buzzed. She saw Niall’s name appear on the screen this time.

  “What is it?” she asked quickly.

  “Are we meeting tonight?”

  “What? I said I would call you when I had something for you.”

  “I’m not patient.”

  She reached the top of the stairs and rushed to her room. The last thing she needed was Danny to hear her conversation.

  “You’re going to have to be. I don’t have the kind of money you think I do. You gambled me into this situation, Niall. It’s not like you sent me with a dowry.”

  “What the fuck is a dowry?”

  She hung her head. “It doesn’t matter. It just means, I need some time.”

  “You have until the morning. Or I go to the press.”

  “Morning? There aren’t piles of cash lying around the house, Niall. I don’t know what you think happens with rich people and money. It’s in accounts, not stuffed in a mattress.”

  He blew into the phone. “I don’t care how you get it. Just get it.”

  Before she could protest again the line was silent. Brooke looked at the phone. He had hung up on her.

  “Shit,” she whispered, sinking on the bed.

  Last night she had moved into her new suite of rooms, adjoining both Lee and Tyler’s rooms. She flattened her hand on the pillow where Lee slept and rolled to Tyler’s side. She could still smell them on the pillows. They were her everything.

  They would be humiliated if they discovered what she had done. They wouldn’t be able to forgive her. They would never look at her the same way.

  Her eyes burned. The tears stung. She loved how they touched her. How they kissed her. How they worshipped her body. The idea that she could lose it because of her past, was suffocating. She fell to the bed as the sobs filled her lungs.

  She couldn’t lose them. Not now. Not ever.



  She awoke to Tyler nuzzled to her breast. Lee was pressed against her back. She opened her eyes. Tyler smiled.

  “Good morning, sweetheart.”

  “When did you two get home? I never heard you come in.”

  They were naked. She felt the warmth of their skin under the covers.

  Lee kissed her neck. “It was after midnight. You must have been exhausted.”

  “I’m sorry,” she apologized.

  “We shouldn’t have both left you alone all night,” Tyler answered. “Someone should have been with you.”

  “I thought we established things are a little different away from the cabin,” she teased.

  “Do you want to lecture us on coming home too late or do you want us to fuck you properly?”

  She reached forward, clasping his solid cock in her hand. It dribbled with drops of dew on her fingertips. She sighed as Lee pressed his shaft between her legs.

  “Fuck me properly, my loves,” she coaxed.

  She heard them growl and for a second felt as if she was lying between two wild lions who were ready to devour her.

  “We’re at your service,” Tyler groaned, spreading her folds.

  “Shit,” she hissed. “So intense, so fast,” she whimpered.

  “You have no idea what one night away from you can do to us,” Lee whispered, running his tongue along her slit. “Spread her wider, man.”

  “Oh fuck,” she moaned, clutching the sheets.

  Tyler held her open on display while Lee’s tongue went to work on her sensitive clit.

  “I can’t.” Her head rocked back and forth.

  “Flip her over,” Lee’s husky voice instructed.

  “Oomph.” Tyler picked her up, rolling her on her stomach.

  “I want that sweet sweet rosebud,” Lee growled.

  “Oh God,” Brooke mewed.

  “But first. Level four.”

  “Fuck,” Tyler climbed off the bed and returned with the biggest dildo Brooke had ever seen.

  She whimpered at the site of it, but felt an instant rush of wet heat between her legs. She wanted it. She craved it. Needed it.

  He chuckled behind her. He knew she wasn’t scared. She was turned on. Her glistening pussy gave her away.

  “I have something I want to try,” Tyler spoke up. “Since she’s being such a good girl, I think we do something hot.”

  Lee kept his hand pressed on her lower back. She had nowhere to go, she couldn’t move. Instead she got wetter and more turned on, not knowing what came next.

  “How big is the base on level four?”

  Lee held it up. “I think I know what you have in mind.”

  Tyler leaned against the headboard. His giant cock springing forward with his legs open.

  “Put your arms around me, sweetheart and suck,” he ordered.

  She licked her lips, hungry for his cock in her mouth. Brooke slid her arms around his waist just as Ty pressed his solid shaft between her lips.

  “Mmm,” she groaned.

  But before she could find a rhythm, he leaned forward lifting her hips just enough for Lee to slide the dildo under her. As soon as he lowered her the vibrator pushed inside her pussy. She tried to moan but her mouth was full of Ty.

  “One more thing,” he promised. He nodded at Lee who was already in position to take her ass.

  She wiggled and squirmed. There was nowhere to go, only to live and love in this moment. In the intensity and desire they gave her. To let the flames burn her down and smolder her soul.

  Lee pushed into her, filling her ass. Her mouth covered Ty while the humming vibrator electrified her pussy.

  If she could stay like this all morning she would. Reveling and reeling in the most erotic state of being. Loved and fucked by the men who rocked her world.

  None of them could fuck like this long. It was too enticing. Too carnally blissful. Within minutes they exploded, leaving nothing behind but embers.



  If every morning began that way, Brooke knew her life would be full of love. Her heart was ready to burst. Lee wrapped a hand around her waist. Tyler had gone downstairs to bring up a pot of coffee. No one was in a rush to get to the office this morning.

  “I don’t have words, Brooke.” Lee brushed the hair on her cheek. “You amaze me.”

  She wiggled closer to him. “It was so intense.” She looked in his eyes. “I’ve never felt so close to anyone.”

  “Are you ok?” he asked. “I know I’m rough.”

  “I feel like my skin is floating around my body.” She giggled. “I’m perfect.”

  “I’ll never forget this morning. I’ll never forget what you gave me.” He kissed her nose gently. “What you’re always willing to give me.”

  “Neither will I.”

  Tyler pushed the door open and walked in with a tray of mugs and a pot of steaming coffee.

  Brooke sat up on the pile of pillows.

  “Mmm. Coffee.”

  “For you.” He handed her a mug.

  He climbed into bed next to her.

  “How are you feeling, sweetheart?”

  She looked at them. “You two are worried about me.”

  “Yep. You are our top priority. You are our family
now, Brooke. There isn’t anything we wouldn’t do for you.” Tyler’s voice was serious.

  “Family?” she whispered. The terrible pit of fear hit her out of nowhere. She had awakened in their arms and forgotten about Niall. The blackmail had seemed like a dream she had pushed to the back recesses of her mind.

  “Family,” Lee echoed. “As unconventional as it is. That’s what our relationship is. We love you. We love you like the only woman who was meant for us. We felt that way at the cabin and here too.”

  “Oh God,” she croaked. She suddenly couldn’t drink anymore of the coffee. She felt the walls caving in on her.

  “What’s wrong?” Tyler searched her face.

  “I-I don’t deserve any of this. I don’t deserve you.” She wiggled to try to free herself from them, but Lee took the coffee and Tyler’s hands landed on her shoulders.

  “Talk to us. What’s going on?”

  She shook her head. “You’ll hate me.”

  “Doubtful.” Lee laughed.

  “You don’t know what I’ve done.”

  “Other than give us everything we’ve ever wanted?” Tyler stared at her.

  “You’re going to find out either way.”

  “Find out what?” Lee’s blue eyes turned a dark cobalt color. “You’re scaring us, Brooke.”

  She stared at the sheet. She couldn’t face them. “Remember when someone hacked your payroll system two years ago?”

  “Are you talking about StarCon Global right now?” Tyler asked.

  She nodded. She had to fight the tears. These weren’t happy ones. “Niall has had all kinds of ideas to make cash. It never ends. One of those ideas was training me to be a hacker. And I hacked StarCon’s payroll for a quarter. I transferred the payments into one of Niall’s offshore accounts. Small amounts so they wouldn’t be traced. And only for three months. But it was me. I stole from you.”

  The room was quiet. She looked up. Brooke’s heart fell to her stomach.



  He’d never loved a woman like he loved Brooke. He couldn’t imagine sharing anything more intense than what they had this morning. But now she was sitting in between him and Tyler, confessing to theft. To hacking. To hiding money.

  Lee bit his lip. He was stunned. He heard the words, but it was unbelievable. How was it possible? Brooke? Their sweet perfect Brooke had done this.

  “Niall made you hack into our payroll?” He tried to keep his voice calm.

  She nodded. “I knew it was wrong. I knew stealing from you was wrong. I didn’t touch the employees’ income, just the company portions. I know that doesn’t make it any better, but Niall didn’t know where the money came from, only that it ended up where he wanted it.”

  She hung her head. “I thought it was better to steal from you rather than the employees. It was the only control I had. It was the only thing I could think of to do.” He heard the pain in her voice.

  Tyler pressed his lips together. “This is it, isn’t it? This is what the fucked-up money philosophy is all about?”

  She looked at them. “Yes,” she whispered.

  He pushed off the bed and paced at the window. “Damn it, Brooke.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

  Lee stared at her. “What did you mean we were going to find out?”

  “Niall is blackmailing me. He said if I didn’t get cash to him this morning he was going to the press and outing me.”

  “That’s insane.”

  She sniffed. “I didn’t want to ask for the money and I don’t have enough to pay him.” He saw the look of desperation in her eyes. “I don’t want you to be embarrassed by me. I don’t want to tarnish Soar. If the press finds out what I did, it’s going to ruin the Dreams with Wings reputation. It means so much to you. It’s your life’s work. God, I don’t know what to do to make this right.”

  “You should have told us,” Tyler growled. “From the beginning. You should have told us. We could have helped you. What were you thinking?”

  “I wasn’t in the best position to say much.” She stared at him. “I wasn’t a guest during your retreat. It wasn’t like those first two weeks were some kind of magical fairytale. I was glad I stole from you.” The tears welled in her eyes. “But I’m not now. I would never want to hurt either of you. I’m so so sorry.”

  Lee placed a hand on her knee. “It doesn’t matter. You’ve told us now. We have to figure out how to deal with your cousin.”

  Tyler continued to pace. He knew his friend would be angry for a while. But he knew exactly what was going through his head. He was pissed at Niall—not Brooke. They would do everything they could to protect her. There were no words to describe what Niall had done to the woman they loved.

  “You what?” She blinked back the tears.

  Lee pressed a hand on her shoulder. “We’ll figure it out.”

  She shook her head, her hair flying around her bare shoulders. “No. I’ll leave. I’ll resign from my position with Dreams with Wings. You can clean up the PR nightmare when I’m out of the picture. It’s better for the foundation this way.”

  Tyler rushed to the side of the bed. “Hell no. That isn’t going to happen.”

  Her eyes flew to his. “Don’t try to protect me in this. I did it. I hacked in. I helped Niall. And maybe I didn’t get caught then, but I’m going to have to pay for it now. My past. My sins. My penance to pay, not yours. I deserved to be punished for my crimes.”

  Tyler’s hands moved to her face. “We’ve all done shit we’re not proud of, sweetheart. But no one is going to hurt you again. Lee and I will make sure of that. We’re in this together now. Your past and everything that comes with it. We meant every word of what we said. What good would our word be, if we only said it for the good times, right?”

  “How can you forgive me?” she whispered.

  Lee smiled. “You were in bed with us about thirty minutes ago, weren’t you?”

  She blushed. She was beautiful and sexy. Still so innocent. “Yes.”

  “You belong to us. We belong to you. That means something, Brooke. Those weren’t just words. We are men of honor. Our word means something. Tyler and I will take care of your cousin. You aren’t alone anymore.”

  There was alarm in her voice. “What are you going to do to him? Are you going to pay him off?”

  Tyler scoured the room for his clothes. He threw a shirt at Lee. “He’s not going to bother you. That’s all you need to know.”

  “Wait. Please tell me something. Anything,” she pleaded. “Don’t do something stupid. I don’t want either of you to get hurt. Niall is crazy. You can’t trust him.”

  Lee leaned to kiss her on the cheek before he and Tyler left. “We’ve got you. We’ve got this. Try to get some sleep. We can handle him. Stop worrying.”

  “Sleep? You expect me to sleep?” Her eyes darted back and forth. “There’s no way I can close my eyes.”

  “Work?” he suggested.

  She bit her lip. “Maybe. I can try. I do have to get to the office. I have another meeting.”

  “Good. Focus on that today. We’ll meet you there. And stop worrying.”

  If he could, he’d stay in bed with her all day and kiss away the fear that was in her eyes, but there was a way to make sure the fear never returned. And for that, he and Tyler were going to have to deal with Niall McIntosh.



  They were gone. Brooke blinked at the door. It could have gone worse—much worse. The way Lee and Tyler handled the news impressed her. There was no end to how amazing they were. She knew as long as she lived, she’d never meet anyone else like them.

  There was no point in sitting around her room, worrying about what was ahead of them. Brooke hopped from the bed and walked to the master suite. She started the hot water in the shower. At least if she were in her office she could be distracted by Dreams with Wings. She’d rather listen to her new assistant Maureen ramble on about her dating life than sit
alone and worry about what could happen when Lee and Tyler faced Niall.

  She had never expected them to take on her problems. As she stepped in the shower she wondered if knights in armor were a real thing. Were Lee and Tyler her knights? It didn’t seem possible they could forgive her after what she had done.

  But they had rushed off to fix everything.

  The water ran over her shoulders and down her back. On top of everything, she had shared something with them this morning she never imagined she could experience. They had both been inside her at the same time, filling her with more. She wrapped her arms around her body trying to hold on to that feeling.

  What it felt like to be totally possessed. To be filled beyond her dreams.

  Niall couldn’t take that away from her. Niall didn’t control her destiny anymore. She turned off the water, watching the last bubbles slide down the drain and disappear.

  Brooke reached for a towel, wrapping it around her chest. She loved Tyler and Lee for what they wanted to do, but this was her mess. She had to clean it up. She couldn’t stand by while they faced Niall. She had to do something.

  She got dressed and grabbed her keys.

  Brooke squared her shoulders as she faced the McIntosh compound. She had prayed she would never set foot inside this place again, but she couldn’t run from her problems. And she couldn’t send her knights in to rectify something she had done. She needed to be the one to face the demons of her past.

  She took each of the stone steps with confidence. This wasn’t like the last time she was here. No one would ever drag her out and stuff her in a trunk again. She had the love and support of the two most incredible men. They had given her the strength to face this. Because of them, she had to do this. She loved them enough to put herself here again—the last place she ever wanted to be.

  Tyler’s sports car was parked in front. As she climbed the front porch steps she could hear loud voices from the other side of the door. Panic shot through her. Tyler and Lee were irate.


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