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TemptressofTime Page 12

by Dee Brice

  “Hold still,” Adrian ordered with a swat to her buttocks.

  “Lift your hips,” Walker said, tugging on her skirts.

  What seemed like an eternity later one of them rolled her to her back. Both of them grinned down at her, their expressions as proud as if they’d done all of Hercules’ labors in record time.

  “Well?” Her frown made their smiles widen. She, however, found nothing amusing in the situation. Why didn’t they just get on with it?

  “Well, what?” Adrian said, tossing aside her silk thread hairnet, then using her own hair to coax her nipples into peaks. His thick lashes hid his eyes, but his ragged, short breaths told her he enjoyed her body’s involuntary responses to his attentions.

  “Must I beg?”

  Walker tilted her face toward his. “‘Tisn’t begging when a woman tells her lovers what she wants.” He stroked his fingertips over her eyebrows and lids, his touch as gentle as a butterfly’s wings. “‘S’truth, it gives pleasure to all.”

  “Shouldn’t that…” His fingertips drifted down her neck to her breast, not touching the rigid peak, but circling her areola. She shifted so her nipple rested beneath his gently questing strokes. “Work both ways? Shouldn’t…ahhhh…her lovers…”

  Adrian tongued her other nipple. She lost her train of thought in the haze of pleasure the men cloaked her in.

  “Tell her what they want?” Walker suggested, tenderly teething the other peak. Her breath caught on a quick inhalation that ended on a long sigh.

  “Uh-huh,” she managed as she slid her fingers into his silky hair and tried to draw him closer. She wanted him to kiss her. Kiss her so well that she would lose awareness of Adrian’s tender rubbing of her clit. Forget that she wanted them both—not one at a time as a more decent woman would—but together. As the wanton she became whenever they were near.

  “Adrian…please stop a moment.” His sucking ceased, but he blew on her damp nub, which disrupted her thoughts once more. Her eyelids fluttered closed, blocking out everything except the exquisite longing their touches evoked.

  When she opened her eyes again, she looked directly into Walker’s. The questions he wanted to ask but would not voice were clear in those dark depths. She knew he would go no further until she told him.

  “I will give you this ménage, Your Grace, by whatever means we require to make it so. I need but one boon from you.”

  Joy so fierce it almost blinded her filled his eyes. “Yes,” he promised without waiting to hear what she wanted.

  Smoothing a stray lock of hair from his forehead, she laughed. “I could demand that you castrate yourself and Adrian.”

  “Whoa!” Adrian jerked his mouth from her breast, outrage in that single word.

  He glared at her as if she’d meant the threat. And perhaps she had. If both were eunuchs, she wouldn’t have to worry about pregnancy. She might not get laid either…although she’d read something that suggested eunuchs could still get erections and have sex. If only that were a sure thing here!

  Do not be stupid, girl! that long-absent voice all but roared in her mind. Part of men’s charm lies in all that cream in their balls. Take away their testicles and what do you have? A female with a prick.

  A vibrator might serve just as well, Diane conceded. But she did enjoy all that strength and heat flowing through those sculpted muscles. All just for her.

  She glanced at Walker’s lips, then met his eyes once more. Setting aside her fears, she said, “I want you to tell me what you feel when you both make love to me.”

  He shook his head. Her heart sank. She thought he’d acquiesce without any signs of protest. Too late she realized she should have made him make his pledge to her in writing. Now, given they were all naked and she too weak to fight them both, they would do with her whatever they wanted.

  “You misunderstand, Diane. What I shall describe for you is how I feel while Adrian makes love with you. First, I shall imagine myself in his place and share it all with you.”

  “B-but I th-thought—”

  “I would fuck your ass while Adrian fucks your cunt?”

  “Your language, Your Grace, has destroyed the mood. You may fu—”

  His lips covered hers in a kiss so tender she lost herself to its persuasion before she finished the fulminating thought. Cupping her chin in his hand, he eased away. Blinking, she focused on his face and waited for him to tell her what he meant.

  “Crude words can also enhance the mood,” he said, his voice as deep and seductive as dark chocolate.

  Refusing to admit his language had made both her anal ring and her pussy clench with anticipation, she continued to stare into his mesmerizing eyes. With an infinitesimal nod of approval, he went on.

  “Your skin is as soft as dandelion down. As fragrant as summer roses.” Sniffing her temple, he drifted his fingertips over her face, then lingered on her lips while his gaze traced the same path over her features. “Your mouth tastes as sweet as clotted cream and berries.” He eased down her lower lip, laughing when she nipped his finger. When she sucked it into her mouth then laved it as she would his shaft, his eyes darkened to blackest night. Her heart raced, caught somewhere between primal fear and exultation that she had such power over him.

  “Your eyes glitter like the purest emeralds and I ofttimes lose myself in their depths. Other times I wonder what you are thinking, your thoughts are so well hidden, even when I believe I can see into your soul.” With his hand on her throat her heartbeat stalled, recognizing he could easily break her neck or strangle her before she could move. She licked her suddenly dry lips, grateful that his gaze had returned to her face.

  “My name on your lips—whisper or cry—your voice sings to me of bliss.”

  His gaze caressed her as he cupped her breast as if weighing it. Kneaded it as if trying to make it swell like rising dough. Licked all around her nipple until it stood up, a darker pink tip surrounded by pale, wrinkled flesh.

  Another hand, another mouth applied the same delicious torment to her other breast—Adrian joining them again.

  “When you cover these sweet orbs I want to bare them to my hands and mouth. Claim them no matter where we are or who might see. They are mine, I want to shout, to do with as I please!” Gentling his hold, he soothed her nipple with his tongue, then added, “As pleases you, Diane.” Raising his head, he met her eyes once more and smiled. “You like that.”

  “V-very much,” she admitted, arching into Walker’s hand and Adrian’s mouth. Sweet heaven, she wanted them to fuck her now, and yet she wanted this seductive recital to never end.

  Walker sucked her nipple into his mouth. She cried out at the painful pleasure Adrian’s suckling brought, as well.

  Her breath coming in labored pants, she only managed to nod her agreement that they continue. Their mouths wrought wondrous stabs of need and sent them coursing between her nipples and her pussy. “P-please,” she moaned, spreading her legs as she shoved their hands from her breasts to her mons, then arched her hips.

  “Your farthingale’s sway reminds me of your thrusts when I bury my shaft in your cunt.” Walker’s lips twitched at the corners, as if reminding her about crude words and mood enhancements.

  “There are times…your prick tries…to escape your breeches.” She rushed to finish before the clever fingers on her clit and in her channel robbed her of sanity.

  “Prick, eh?” Adrian murmured against her belly. “My prick’s in need of a juicy quim.”

  “She is not yet wet enough for pricking,” Walker said. “You must first make her quim a honeypot.”

  “Sweet heaven! Were I any wet—” Walker’s fingers on her lips silenced her protests.

  “Taste yourself,” he whispered, his eyes as feral as she’d ever seen them.

  Once again she sucked his finger into her mouth, fascinated by his unwavering stare. “Salty,” she told him, wrinkling her nose.

  “Nectar,” he corrected, toying with her aching nipples while Adrian lapped her from ch
annel to clit. Spreading her soaked folds, he plunged his tongue into her core. With a cry of shocked bliss, she climaxed, her gaze never leaving Walker’s face.

  His smile reflected satisfaction she had never seen before, too caught up by her own release to see how much it pleased him to pleasure her. His male pride seemed much like her own when her pulses milked his cum deep into her womb and he shouted her name.

  “She’s more than wet enough,” Adrian said, easing to his knees between her splayed thighs.

  At that proclamation, Walker’s eyes flicked to Adrian’s cock. Returning his focus to her face, he said, “He is hard enough, as well. Are you ready to fuck, milady?”

  Finding neither jealousy nor regret in his eyes, she nodded. “Oh, yes!” The lust in her voice banished shame to the farthest recesses of her mind.

  In a way she couldn’t explain, this was the weirdest sex she’d ever had or had ever imagined having. Her body flowed with Adrian’s in perfect synchronicity, but it felt as if Walker were the one making love to her. She felt the connection between them with every glide of Adrian’s cock. With every groan and moan.

  “When your cunt squeezes my shaft as if begging me to lose myself in your hot, wet depths…ahhh…then I touch heaven.”

  Wanting Walker to know her every sensation, she grasped his shaft, gently stroking it in rhythm with Adrian’s thrusts until, together, they all shouted their release. Adrian’s seed spewed into her womb, Walker’s along her thigh.

  If this sort of compromise brought this bliss… The rest of the thought flew away as her men changed places.

  Chapter Ten

  The aroma of roasting meat awakened Diane from her sated nap. With two warm but heavy bodies curled around her, there was no way to ease from under them without disturbing their sleep. While considering a number of titillating ways she could get their attention, her stomach growled. In the near silence of the tent, it sounded like a lion’s roar. It also woke up her men.

  Two pairs of sleepy eyes caressed her from head to toes and that was all it took to stoke the embers of desire into increasing warmth. Shaking her head, she wrestled free of them and her rising lust, then stabilized her stance on the shifting pillows and furs.

  “I’m hungry,” she told them, her stomach’s growl supporting her claim.

  “So are we.” Reaching up, each man grabbed one of her hands.

  “I have to—um—”

  “So do we,” Walker said, releasing her then rolling to his feet.

  Adrian followed, scratching his belly and yawning hugely.

  Men! Some things never changed about the beasts. She watched them stalk to the tent flap, then turn back to her, their expressions puzzled.

  “I thought you had to piss,” Adrian said, the crude word making her cringe inside.

  “I’m not going outside naked.”

  Walker grinned. “Why not? We’re naked as well.”

  “Yes, well…” She gave a helpless shrug and looked around for her clothes.

  Adrian’s laugh drew her gaze to him. “If you are worried about my men spying on us…”

  She was, but refused to admit it. Desperate, she wrapped a fur around her and joined them at the tent entrance.

  They matched her stride for stride until she halted, glaring up at them. “Find your own place to relieve yourselves, but grant me a little privacy.”

  “Damn. I had thought to show you what my father taught me about—” Walker teased.

  “Some other time.” She picked her way over leaves and twigs, then ducked behind a large oak. When she finished, she returned to the clearing and spotted the men thigh-deep in the pond. Imagining how cold the water must be, she shivered. She started to call to them, but noticed how focused they looked, how still they held. On tiptoes, she made her way to the edge of the pond, settling on a flat boulder that afforded her a view of the crystal-clear water. A school of rather large silver and brown fish circled Adrian’s and Walker’s wiggling fingers. The fish were so beautiful, she doubted she could eat one even if the men caught any.

  Suddenly smelling something burning, she sprang to her feet. The men startled, swearing and scattering the fish.

  “What?” they shouted.

  “I think our meal is burning,” she replied as calmly as possible while she looked for the source of the stench.

  “I shall skin that boy, then spit him,” Walker swore, stalking out of the water, looking fierce enough to carry out his vow.

  So fierce, Diane shrank away, pulling the fur tighter around her body as a shield. Yet she credited her instincts for preserving a modicum of modesty while outside the tent’s confines. Whoever tended their meal was one person more than she had expected. One person who had not—as far as she knew—seen her naked.

  “William,” Adrian bellowed.

  A light-haired lad shuffled into the clearing, his eyes downcast, his shoulders hunched as if expecting a blow. Biting her lips to hold back a plea for mercy, she stood stock still, barely daring to breathe, and willed the boy to look at her. She wanted him to see she meant him no harm.

  When the boy raised his head and arrowed his gaze unerringly at her, her breath whooshed out. William’s eyes were as black as Walker’s and just as fierce. Spite poured off the lad in waves, making her cringe and yearn to flee. Something held her in place—cowardice or courage, she didn’t know. Perhaps nothing more than pride rooted her where she stood, sensing any sign of weakness and the boy would win this silent battle of wills.

  Inside, she was cross-examining Walker, heaping curses on him for duping her. William had to be his son. Anyone could see the resemblance in the color of the boy’s eyes, in the proud stiffening of his shoulders and the defiant tilt of his chin. On the other hand, reason told her the boy’s coloring could be his mother’s and have nothing to do with Walker at all. That thought scattered her resentment.

  Adrian reached the boy before Walker moved. Slinging a brawny arm around William’s scrawny neck, he whispered something that lessened the lad’s hostile glare and soon had them both laughing. Tousling the rumpled hair, Adrian’s light slap on the youngster’s butt sent him scurrying across the clearing, his dark eyes shifting between Walker and Diane. What did he expect? she wondered. That either she or Walker would attack him?

  “What you smelled burning, Diane, was wet wood,” Adrian told her. “Along with a few cow chips.”

  Wrinkling her nose, Diane said, “Eww! Too much information.” Then she followed her anger toward its logical conclusion. She’d worry about her modern language later. Warranted or not, fury in every step, she strode to Walker. Shoving her face at his, she planted her hands of her hips and shouted, “You blackguard! You lying son-of-a—”

  He grinned. The damn man had the audacity to stand there and smile at her as if she were the classroom clown and…

  Forgetting outrage, she scrambled to retrieve the fur that had fallen around her ankles. Adrian kicked it away, then stood at her back while Walker pressed against her front. Their body heat flashed warmth through her entire body and weakened her knees to the buckling point.

  “I…that is you…” Something about them teaching her how to tickle trout zipped through her mind then vanished. Suddenly airborne, she shrieked nanoseconds before she smacked butt first into the freezing pond. She surfaced, her skin dotted with gooseflesh, swearing like a drunken sailor and sweeping her sodden hair off her face. Her teeth chattered so hard she couldn’t form more words to tell them how much she despised them or how adolescent she found their behavior.

  Pulling her out of the freezing water, they once again sandwiched her between their bodies. Adrian’s hands rubbed her backside. Reaching her buttocks, he spread her cheeks and tickled her ring. His lips teased her earlobe as his tongue traced its whorls. She shivered, not because she felt as cold as ice cubes but because of him. Her breath caught.

  Walker’s eyes grew impossibly blacker as he lowered his face to hers. He didn’t touch her, yet her nipples tightened into rigid p
eaks that hurt. Her pussy clenched around emptiness that yearned for his fingers and ached for his shaft to fill her.

  “I d-don’t want th-this,” she protested, her teeth still chattering. She was so cold she almost couldn’t think, let alone speak.

  “You do,” Walker countered as he cupped her face in his warm palms. As if to prove his claim, he covered her lips and used his in sweet persuasion. Soon she opened her lips, darting her tongue into his mouth to duel with his until he deepened the kiss and somehow eased his shaft into her pussy. Adrian’s cock slid between her buttocks. Impossible, yet impossibly arousing. They all moved as one. Their breaths wheezed. Their moans and growls blended in an animalistic chorus as their hips and tongues met, parted, then slammed together again and again. She screamed their names. They shouted hers as, together, they plunged into mindless satiation.

  * * * * *

  “I did not lie to you,” Walker said, rolling a grape over her lips then pressing it into her mouth.

  She chewed as fast as she could, but Adrian spoke before she swallowed. “‘Tis true, Diane. No one knows who sired William.”

  Limbs entwined, they lay in a pile of furs and pillows, trays of fruit and cheese, tankards of wine and ale within easy reach. Diane wondered if Roman orgies could match this decadence.

  “He looks—” she began, halting when she realized neither man had remembered their shared past. Assuming, of course, that she hadn’t dreamed her entire medieval sojourn. Assuming they had dreamed it too, but had forgotten. Not knowing gave her a headache. Dare she broach the subject? Or would she once again risk being branded a witch? Suppose they did remember that other time? Would they know how to go back in time or manage to arrive in her time and place? Or was it possible they could land in some time zone even farther back in history?

  “You think too much.” Popping another grape into her open mouth, Adrian nibbled her earlobe.

  She shoved him away. “While your brain lies somewhere between your thighs, I prefer knowing what’s what.”


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