All in the Family

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All in the Family Page 4

by Taft Sowder

  She slapped his face, hard, finger marks appearing on his cheek immediately. “I’m out of here!” She flung open the door of his truck, and it smacked the car next to them. She didn’t care. Fuck him if he’s going to be that way. She grabbed her books and walked away.

  * * * *

  Okay, so she gave good head, but she wasn’t a whore, though she played the part damn good. She really was a virgin, really saving it for that special someone who she would one day marry, or that was the plan. Surely she could hold out.

  She opened the door to her classroom; of course, everyone looked toward the door. Jessica sauntered in; one boy in the back of the class whistled quietly at her. The teacher eyed her, too. His eyes held lust, but he tried so hard to hide it. He gazed at her long silk-like hair, her slender, long legs that never seemed to end and her nails that were always professionally manicured. The mini-skirt and nearly see-through, lime green wife-beater were just added bonuses. Her erect nipples pressed hard against the cotton fabric; she never wore a bra. She did not see the sense in it. Her breasts bounced erratically as she walked back to her seat. She held her books low so everyone who wished to could see her display.

  “Alright, class. Miss Adams apparently thinks class starts when she wants it to. You’re late, see me after class,” said her teacher, Mister Fairfield, trying to sound stern. He flashed her one of those looks that said, you’re in trouble, but she couldn’t care less.

  One of the boys in the back piped in, “I’ll take her class any day.”

  “Oh, yeah,” another agreed.

  “I’d give her my apple.”

  Mister Fairfield turned from the chalkboard and slammed a fist on his desk. He pointed a thick finger at the back of the class. He knew where the trouble was. “One more peep out of any of you, and it’s detention for the whole bunch of you.” His thick, brown mustache quivered above his lips. He drew his finger toward his nose and pushed his round rimmed glasses back; they tended to slide a lot. He turned back around and retrieved the chalk.

  “Peep!” a boy’s voice called out.

  “That’s it you hoodlums!” Mister Fairfield barked. His voice boomed, very commanding.. “Up and out!” He pointed a thumb at the door. “The rest of you, continue your work. Miss Adams, we have a date after class, don’t forget.” The three boys in the back stood, their heads hanging and filed out, Mister Fairfield following close behind. He shut the door behind himself. His heavy footsteps echoed down the empty hall.

  Jessica Adams chuckled quietly to herself. How could one girl cause so much chaos? She smiled to herself. Oh well, it felt good to be loved.

  * * * *

  Loretta reached inside the side-table drawer and removed a smooth, black, faux-leather case. Inside was her secret addiction, cigarettes. She removed one of the slender, white cancer-tubes from the pack and flicked the Bic lighter that sat inside next to the pack. She inhaled deeply and then slowly exhaled. She had become addicted recently, much like her new found addiction to strange men. She tasted the menthol above all else. They did not really taste good, but she craved them after sex like that. She needed something to calm her back down. She took another puff and offered it to Glenn. He made a face and waved it away.

  “You know those stink,” he said.

  “You don’t have to smell me anymore after this if you don’t want to.”

  “I’ll manage.”

  He rolled from the bed to his feet and began to dress.

  “That’s probably a good idea,” she said. “Herman might be home soon and oh, God, you don’t want him to find us like this. He might just get mad enough to kill a man.” She laughed a hollow laugh.

  His hand brushed the dick protruding from the wall. It waved at Loretta.

  “Oh, shit,” she said, smashing the cigarette out and scooting across the bed. She stood and tugged on the dick. It seemed to tug back. “Shit, shit, shit.”

  By this time, Glenn had dressed and headed toward the door. She stood there, naked and struggling with the dildo, her tits swinging side to side as she pulled.

  “Help,” she pleaded.

  He smiled. “To protect and serve, that’s why I’m here.” He stepped over and placed his left hand on the massive shaft and his right behind the oversized scrotum. He pulled. Then he pulled harder. “That damn thing is stuck.” He chuckled quietly.

  “What do you mean, stuck? What am I going to do?”

  “I mean stuck, like that first time with you. Stuck worse than I was.”

  On that note, her mind wandered back to their first time. She shook her head to clear her thoughts. I’ve got to focus, that cock has to come off the wall, she thought.

  “Try some water, or maybe you can pry it off with a butter knife. I have to get back to my cruiser. The patrol won’t wait.” With that, he kissed her forehead, grimaced at the rancid scent of menthol cigarette smoke that lingered in her hair and exited the bedroom, tiptoeing down the hall.

  She heard the front door swing open and then the click as it closed. The car outside growled as it came to life, and then it purred quietly for a moment longer. The purring became quieter, and then it was gone.

  Loretta, still naked, quietly promenaded through the house in search of a butter knife or something with which to pry the suction cup from the wall. In the kitchen, in the miscellaneous junk drawer, she found a paint scraper. No, that will never do, she thought. The paint should stay on the wall. She opened the silverware drawer. Butter knives were in the first container, nothing else useful inside. She took a butter knife.

  She pried and pulled and tugged at the dildo, panic now setting in. If Herman saw this, it would be the end of her peaceful life; on to a life of endless fights and chaos. It could be the end of her marriage as well. Hell, a dick this big might make him completely lose it.

  Finally, with a loud pop, the suction cup gave way, and the huge hung dildo came off the wall. Laughing, she laid back on the bed. It had been a wild ride, and the day was only half over. She lit another cigarette and laughed some more, lifting the dildo and shaking it in the air to see it wiggle.

  Chapter Four

  That bastard was going to get his. Bobby picked at the mess of gunk in his hair. What was this shit? Yuck! He mumbled to himself quietly as he looked into the mirror. The school day had ended, but here he stood in the bathroom picking crud from his hair. That asshole didn’t have to act like that. One day, just one day ...

  Tommy burst through the door a moment later. His head was covered too.

  Bobby shook his head. “Sorry, I thought you already made it to the bus.”

  Tommy looked at Bobby, who was still picking his hair, and then at the mirror. “No, I was waiting on you.”

  “We’re going to miss the bus because of this shit.” Bobby’s voice quivered.

  “He’ll get it one day. Somebody will stand up to him.” Tommy turned on the sink and stuck his nappy hair under the running water. With a free hand, he pushed the bottle top of liquid soap. He rubbed it on his head.

  Bobby giggled at his friend. “Why don’t you just crawl in there and take a bath.”

  Tommy laughed back. “It’s not time for my monthly washin’,” he said with a country accent. They both laughed together. It helped to ease the tension. Their friendship kept Tommy from home school and kept Bobby halfway sane.

  Bobby had a good life; all except the abuse from Robert and his gang. He rarely saw his father, and he suspected his mother had her own thing, but overall, he had a good life. He thought his sister hated him, but she had left him alone since she started this school year. The school year had only started though.

  The two were walking now. They just missed the bus. Bobby gave up on his hair in hopes of still making the bus, but Tommy was just too slow. Their subdivision was not far from the school. Frankly, Bobby wondered why the bus even stop
ped by there.

  In the distance, a bird sang from high in a tree. Its song sounded sad, as if the poor bird had lost its way, and lost it might very well have been. Halloween waited just around the corner, and most if not all of, the other birds were gone. Maybe this one had been abandoned, left for dead.

  Bobby walked quickly and quietly, adjusting his backpack and pushing his glasses up on his nose. He hated his glasses, but after a whole school day of straining to focus on small print, he needed them. He had a headache.

  “You wanna stop by the Dairy Queen and get some ice cream?”

  “No.” Bobby knew that Tommy didn’t need the ice cream.

  “Do you want to go to the creek and build a dam?”

  Build a dam, now there was an idea, Bobby thought. I have nothing better to do than to build a dam. “Not really.”

  Bobby saw a cat, a stray with the mange, cross the street. He smiled. “What about a game of cat and mouse?”

  * * * *

  The school day had finished at the high school as well. Jessica sat on Mister Fairfield’s chair, her feet propped on his desk. Not the position to be in wearing a skirt, but she didn’t care. She wiggled her toes. Her clear heels provided a view of her painted toenails. Cobalt blue. Not her most modest of colors, but it looked hot, or she thought so anyway. That was all that mattered.

  She missed the bus already. She knew Ray would be pissed and that didn’t really matter. She would find someone else anyway. Where the hell was Mister Fairfield, she wondered. Maybe he just forgot. No sense wasting time around here.

  She spun in the chair and saw Mister Fairfield standing on the other side of the door through the little glass. He stared at her and smiled. She closed her legs and stood. He stepped in, closing the door behind him. At the start of the school year, he insisted that the janitor install a curtain above the little window in the door to block the light for movie-time and to ensure the privacy of students during conferences and personal talks. He locked the door before returning his attention to his pupil.

  “Well, here we are,” he said. “What was it I wanted to see you for again? Ah, yes, you were late, again. Any explanations?”

  She shook her head. “None that you would want to hear about.”

  “Humor me.”

  “Well, me and Ray, I mean, my boyfriend. We’re having trouble.” She gazed up at him with her big green eyes. “You know, just never mind.” She continued the puppy dog stare. “Am I really in trouble?”

  Keeping a stern face, he stared down at her. “Oh, yes, big trouble.” He gave her a half smile. “Don’t fret too much; I’m sure we can figure something out.” He sidestepped her and sat in his chair. She propped herself, half leaning on one foot with her legs crossed, on his desk beside him. “Alright,” he said, messing with some papers in front of him, “you have been late to my class, let’s see, three times, and the school year only started a couple of months ago. If I have to turn this in to the principal, you’re probably looking at a week’s detention. Given that my class is the only one you’ve been late for, that is.” He looked her in the eyes.

  She gazed back still looking sad, her pouting lips glistening.

  “I highly doubt that’s the case. If my class is not the only trouble you’ve had, you may be looking at suspension. Not a good way to start the year. A couple of those and you may get expelled. Your parents will not be pleased with that.” He sat back and folded his hands behind his head. “What’s it going to be?”

  She looked him up and down, trying to size up the situation. It seemed apparent to her then what he wanted, but if that wasn’t it, the ramifications could be disastrous. She looked to his face. He wasn’t a bad looking man, mid-forties and balding, but otherwise reasonably attractive. Clean shaven, no odd hairs in his nose or ears. His features were nice; his nose fit his face, and his eyes were bright and tantalizing.

  “What can I do about it?” She licked her lips and tried her best to look sexy and teasing. She succeeded.

  “Well, I can think of a couple of things,” he said and shifted downward in his seat. She looked around the empty room, reassuring herself that they were alone.

  “You know I missed the bus waiting on you.” She came off his desk and took a step toward him. “I don’t know where I could find a ride home.”

  He smiled. “I’m sure that could be arranged.”

  “I really, really can’t get suspended,” she said, taking another step forward. “What would you have a girl do? Beg?”

  His smile widened and showed his gleaming teeth. “That is an idea.” He spoke with a coy look on his face.

  “Beg,” she repeated, “on my knees?” She took another step forward. He nodded in approval. Maybe this won’t be so bad, she thought. Hell, this may even get me an A.

  She dropped to her knees; the cool tile floor was hard on her bare knees. She unzipped his pants and opened her mouth.

  He laid his head back and smiled.

  * * * *

  Bobby and Tommy chased that cat up a tree which stood near the creek. Ironic that they still ended up at the creek, though this was where they normally cavorted. They threw small rocks at it now. It hissed at them from its high perch. The cat even clawed at them, but it was easily eight feet out of their reach. Bobby threw another rock and struck the cat in its side. A terrible screech came from the cat, the sound of an angry baby cry.

  “Whoa! I didn’t think we were trying to hurt it.” Tommy looked near stunned.

  Bobby stared, a grim smile pursing his lips. That was for that asshole and his little entourage. He’d like to hit Robert square between the eyes with a rock right now.

  “Don’t you wish that thing was Robert?” Bobby asked, intently.

  “Look, Robert is an ass, but we can’t blame this cat. I mean maybe we could just stand up to him one day.” Tommy sat on a nearby log, his backpack at his feet. From his backpack he produced a pack of bubble gum and a folded, half torn soft-core porn magazine. It portrayed a girl on the front in a pair of roller skates, short shorts and no top. She was blonde and beautiful, but the distant look in her eyes would tell any normal man that she mentally escaped to another place when she posed nude, or mostly nude. Tommy smiled and flipped through the pages. He stopped on the layout of the girl from the cover. Her eyes caught Tommy’s attention first, but not for long. Although he loved the deep blue eye shadow, he couldn’t keep his boyish imagination from wandering to her chest, which popped out over the top of the spandex blouse she wore. She was holding a tray with food and bending over with her head near the window of a car. Her white skirt was hiked up high to reveal a very ample naked bottom.

  Bobby stepped over and smiled as well. It eased his anger to see a beautiful girl. With the recent changes in his body, he found that he was rather interested in girls at the moment, though they seemed to have no interest in him. Far overdue for a haircut, he brushed his dark hair aside from his eyes. His mother had promised to take him for one this coming weekend, but that was what she said last weekend. She was so distant lately, it was like having no parents at all sometimes, lately anyway.

  Then they heard it, a huge splash came from the creek not five feet away; then another and then more. To their dismay, Robert and his gang of ruffians were standing at the top of the hill, each holding a handful of rocks.

  “What do you want?” Bobby screamed. The abuse had gone on long enough.

  “We just wanted to play, girls.” Robert looked him. “You think I hate you don’t you? You think its cause we have the same name. You’re not even worthy of my name.”

  Bobby looked confused, could Robert really be that crazy?

  “Here I come, pussies!” Robert leaped down the hill and landed crooked, stumbling forward a couple of steps. He looked up quickly to see a smirk on Bobby’s face.

  “Ya think that’s funny? I’l
l show you.” Robert slapped at Bobby, narrowly missing his nose as Bobby pulled back. Robert lunged at him and knocked him off his feet. They hit the ground hard, Bobby taking most of the impact. He winced as the rocks dug into his back. Robert smacked him hard across the face, knocking his glasses far from reach.

  This wasn’t the first time the two had an altercation, but merely the most recent in a string of quarrels and fist-fights that had plagued what could have been a friendly acquaintanceship. It only seemed natural now that when they were around one another that a few words and fists would fly. Bobby always hid it from his parents. One time he even concocted a story about falling out of a tree as a cover for a grossly large bruise that covered the majority of his back. That was the time that Bobby had been knocked out, and Robert and his thugs took great pleasure riding their bikes over the back of a nearly unconscious Bobby. Tommy had run that day. A coward he was, but a wise coward. Run while you have the chance. Bobby, on the other hand, had taken up for himself and lay in an old abandoned parking lot for the better half of that Saturday. Tommy had not been seen outside for near three days after that, he even missed school that following Monday.

  Bobby shook his head to clear his mind; that had been a hard slap. He opened his eyes and saw stars. Only Tommy and Robert’s gang stood nearby, it would do no good to call out for help. In a daze, Bobby felt around on the ground by Robert’s leg, who sat on top of Bobby, straddling him, drawing back for another slap and turning to smile for his fans. Bobby felt it then, a big rock. He gripped it, and in a flailing, desperate fury, he brought the rock up against Robert’s face.

  Robert fell back, screeching. His face looked fine at first, and then when he put his hand up to his cheek, the skin broke open where the rock had hit. Blood ran down his cheek and under his chin. His shaking hand pulled away, and he gazed at the crimson liquid that now covered the better part of his palm and fingers.

  Bobby climbed to his feet, his head spinning, but he knew he had to capitalize on this moment. He glanced around, wildly. Tommy had already fled, leaving behind only the magazine and a candy bar wrapper. He glanced up at the onlookers, who stood gawking at the scene that unfolded before them. The large rock still in his hand, he drew back, and it rocketed from his palm. It hit the closest boy square in the shoulder. Bobby heard him gasp, and he stumbled back from the impact.


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