The Billionaire's Runaway Bride

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The Billionaire's Runaway Bride Page 2

by Marie Kelly

  “You look beautiful” his silky voice had brought her around from the mesmerising effect of being in his arms.

  “S…so do you” she had replied, closing her eyes with embarrassment as she had stuttered

  “Well…not beautiful…I mean you look…..nice” mortification filling her as the rumble of his throaty laugh had reached her ears

  “I think I know what you mean……and thank you” his voice full of mockery, as she had bitten her lip wishing that the ground would swallow her up whole.

  “Are you enjoying yourself?” he had asked more softly, Grace nodding gently, a half-smile reaching her love-heart lips.

  “Yes…you have a beautiful home” she had managed gently, as Alexos had looked over at Samuel, the island’s vet.

  “Thank you” his voice like liquid slid down her spine “You and Sam seem to be hitting it off” his voice more matter of fact than accusatory, as she had given him a wider grin, Alexos again fascinated to see how her smile could light up her features.

  “I have a great interest in the marine life around here…and he seems a real authority”

  Nodding he had acknowledged this, mentally making a note to browse the reference book of marine life that night. Frowning, Alexos had chastised himself. Was he trying to impress her? One more of the many women his father had brought to yet another of his ‘find a bride’ weekends, he only playing along so as not to upset the fragile man.

  “That is unusual…I thought women were only interested in clothes and shopping” his voice full of humour as she had chuckled.

  “Only airheads” her features dropping in shock as she had looked over at the other women, all glaring at her from afar, “I..I’m sorry…that was uncalled for” she had managed, her soft voice full of shame, her expressive eyes filled with embarrassment.

  Pulling her harder into him, he had laughed once more.

  “Not at all…I happen to agree”

  As the dance had ended, she had given him another nervous smile before moving back to the table where her mother and Sam waited for her, her mother beaming with pride, Grace giving her a ‘do not say a word look’ as she had winked at her daughter.

  The next morning the door had been tapped softly at six, Grace already awake, an early riser opening it to the small plump girl she recognised as one of his staff.

  Whispering softly she had told her that “Mr Manetas says that he will meet you at the back terrace for some breakfast before you dive”, Grace nodding softly in acknowledgment as she had quickly moved to the shower. Groaning, she had half hoped that he would have forgotten his offer of the previous day, hoping that he would have been tired from the party which had continued to the early hours, Grace quietly excusing herself at midnight much to her mother’s annoyance, only pacified as she had reminded her of her early appointment with Alexos.

  Pulling on a bikini, frowning as she had noticed that her one piece had disappeared, her mother the main suspect she thought with a scowl. Grabbing shorts and a t-shirt she had scraped her hair into another pony tail throwing lotion and a sun hat into a bag before heading down to meet him.

  He had sat reading a paper, putting it down quickly as he had checked his watch.

  “Wow…I might just have to marry you. A punctual woman - never met one before” his voice had been full of humour, but she had felt her throat drop to her stomach, giving what she hoped would pass as return laugh.

  “Well if I had known that I would have taken my time…had a lie in” hearing the appreciative rumble of his laughter.

  As she had sat opposite him he had poured a cup of tea, Grace only taking toast not prepared to eat too much. As they had eaten their small breakfast he had gently questioned her to ensure that she actually could dive, surprised at how proficiently she had answered his questions. He had also been impressed with the number of dives she had been on, finding himself enjoying the descriptions of the boat dives she seemed to prefer.

  Grace had surprised herself as she had found herself opening up to the Greek, his real interest in the sport she loved making her forget her shyness as she had talked happily with him. As he had smiled and put down his coffee cup she had watched him under her lashes, once more feeling the strange sensations fill her as her stomach had flipped alarmingly.

  “OK…better get on the road, the boat leaves at seven and we have fifteen minutes to get there.” She gave him a look full of fun she had thrown her arm dramatically over her forehead.

  “Can it be done!”

  Alexos laughing loudly as he had grabbed her hand pulling her with him to the door.

  “Oh yes…it can”

  Grace becoming more sombre at the way he had taken her hand, this action a little too familiar for her.

  With an appreciative look she had slid into the passenger seat of the sports car which had been brought to the front of the house. Alexos gunned the engine to life as he had quickly moved out of the estate’s driveway, expertly manoeuvring the expensive vehicle through the small roads of the island. He had glanced over at her, smiling as she had grinned back, enjoying the wind whipping her pony tail over her head, Grace laughing happily, Alexos glad not to have a woman by his side demanding him to slow down.

  Pulling up at the pier side, she had felt disappointment having enjoyed the ride, Alexos smiling warmly at her as he had opened her door taking her hand as they had moved down to the waiting boat. As the two had made the short walk to the boat, she had felt her heart beating not wanting to bring attention to the fact that he again had taken her small hand in his larger one, Grace suddenly feeling nervous once more.

  As they had reached the boat, she had gently pulled her hand from his, Alexos turning his eyes on her, a smile playing on his lips, his eyes holding a look of mockery deep within them but not commenting on the action as he had followed her up the small gangplank.

  Seeing the equipment she had ran forward gasping “Oh my God” her eyes flashing brightly. “I have the same stab jacket”

  Grinning he had inclined his head. “Nothing but the best for my guests”

  To her delight the boat had moved at speed around the island to the location of the reef. Alexos had taken her to the bow, the two of them sitting on a makeshift seat looking out to sea, the salty sea air filling her lungs. She had felt complete exhilaration, her face glowing with happiness, as pulling the band from her hair she had allowed it to fall free, the wind running through it and streaming the long length of it behind her, Alexos holding his breath at seeing the difference in her. The shy gawkily awkward girl of the previous day was alive with an inner light which radiated through her. A large grin filled her lovely face which he could only reflect back as for the first time in his life Alexos was speechless, only able to stare at her as she had closed her eyes breathing in the air, her whole body held like some Grecian goddess embraced by the wind.

  Shaking his head with his fanciful notions he had touched her arm, pointing out the buoy ahead, the marker for the reef, the two making their way back to the middle of the boat where the captain’s helper was already checking the oxygen and laying the equipment out for them.

  Once the ship was moored the two had prepared for the dive. Removing her t-shirt and shorts, she had felt a moment of unease, not used to showing off so much flesh. With a self deprecating laugh she had told herself to grow up. Alexos Manetas was hardly likely to be interested in the body of a too-skinny teenager when he dated some of the most beautiful supermodels in the world. Even the stunning women still sleeping had not seemed to tempt him if his air of indifference the previous evening had been anything to go by.

  The warmth of the water meant that they did not need neoprene suits and pulling on the stab jacket with the tank already mounted she had finished kitting up, both she and Alexos carrying out safety checks as they had checked gauges, ensuring the others’ oxygen was on and checking they had agreed on signals and danger signs.

  Finally standing, they had both prepared to enter the water, Alexos jumping in
first, one hand on his mask and regulator the other on his tank, his feet splayed for entry. When he had resurfaced and moved she had followed, enjoying the feel of the water as the excitement of entering such an environment had once more filled her.

  Beside her Alexos had signalled to ensure she was OK and returning hers the two had slid under the water, as he led her down to the reef below. For several minutes he had kept looking over his shoulder to ensure she was there, before seeming to relax, confident that she was following.

  The water clarity was some of the best she had ever seen, her heart skipping happily as she had taken in her surroundings, marvelling at the vast array of wildlife, the reef itself so clear thanks to the crystal waters they swam in. For nearly half an hour he had led her around the reef, both careful not to touch the fragile coral itself with hands or fins.

  Grace had been in her element, her eyes full of the wonder of the many fish she knew, laughing as the groupers so big but completely harmless had crowded around them hoping that they had brought tidbits as many tourists did. She had been happy to see that Alexos had not done this, not one to interfere in any ecosystem.

  It was Alexos who had seen it first, Grace suddenly so aware as he had moved closer to her, his body pulling her in closer to him as he had reached down to the knife strapped to his leg. Not understanding she had followed where he had indicated, seeing the four foot shark about a hundred feet from them. He had felt as she had stiffened, groaning at the thought of dealing with a panicking woman, but laying a comforting hand on her hoping to get her back to the boat before the shark took much more of an interest in them.

  However with surprise she had turned to look at him, her face not full of the panic he had expected, but of excitement, her hazel eyes smiling through the face mask. As he had made to pull her away, she had seemed to want to move closer, Alexos stunned. Signalling she was sure, her empathetic shake of the head had made him smile, the two swimming closer to the long sleek animal, Alexos aware that she as he was scanning for others, surprised that she should know to do that with this particular kind, most sharks being solitary creatures.

  Following the shark for a few minutes, he had finally halted her, showing his air gauge with less than a quarter reserves, Grace instantly moving back with him to where they had left the boat.

  Breaking the water the two had swam on the surface to where the rustic Greek fishing boat had bobbed in the water waiting for them, the two men with lines thrown overboard as they had fished. Seeing the two they had hauled the stab jackets on board as the two had removed them in the water, throwing up their face masks too as without a thought Grace had laughed loudly.

  “Oh my God…that was amazing”

  Alexos grinning back, his head shaking softly. “I thought you would take one look at that and panic” he had chuckled, seeing as she had fixed him with eyes that shone with wonder

  “It was a blue…they are not dangerous…but what a gorgeous creature!”

  Pulling her up into the boat Alexos had once more admired Grace, groaning softly at the perfection of her small curvatious body, her bottom the perfect peach shape as she had been raised above him. Closing his eyes he had felt the sudden pang of lust run through him surprised at the intensity of it, glad of the cold water.

  As he had joined her on the wooden deck, she had been bursting with excitement, jumping from foot to foot as she had talked about the different marine life they had encountered. Alexos watched in fascination as she had come alive. One fish in particular had caught her attention, he surprised to realise that it was not the shark but a small colourful fish, Grace determined to find out the name of it. Pulling out her bag she had wrapped the towel around herself before dragging out a sketch book and with sure and precise flicks across the page drawn the fish from memory. Watching her sketch the three men had immediately recognised it, giving her the name, as with thankful and happy smiles she had written the title under her drawing.

  Alexos had watched her with eyes full of surprise. This woman was an enigma, so different from those he had met before. True she was no model, but she was beautiful, her creamy skin with faint freckles powdered around her small perfect nose. Tiny delicate features perfectly proportioned and a mane of glorious golden hair, hair that he had found himself wondering what it would feel like to run his fingers through. Her eyes however, stood out, large round and windows into this woman’s every emotion the different colours coming into sharp focus with her mood. Right now the gold of the orange shone as she had smiled with the most perfect mouth he had ever seen.

  Groaning gently, Alexos Manetas had sat down heavily, a small smile sitting on his wide sensual mouth as he had stared at the ground with disbelief.

  “Thank you for a wonderful morning” her gentle voice had brought him round, his head rising to smile at her.

  “Thank you Grace…I enjoyed it tremendously”. Pulling on his sunglasses he had tried to hide the way his eyes seemed unable to stop staring at her. Rising quickly he had checked his watch, grimacing.

  “OK back to the freak show” giving her a grin as she had looked back with surprise, biting her lip not to ask the question that had formed in her mind. The trip back to the harbour had been as enjoyable as that out, Grace standing to allow the air to quickly dry her bikini pulling her shorts and t-shirt back on as soon as she was able. Beside her she had become very aware of Alexos standing close, closer she thought than necessary, her eyes trying hard not to stare at his wonderful body, the muscles on his arms corded as he had leant against the railing at the bow, his chin in his hands as he had watched the water with her.

  Once more in the car, he had again steered the magnificent vehicle towards the large wonderful villa, reminded again of how impressed both she and her mother had been as the car sent to bring them to the only house on the island had turned the corner, Grace gasping at how beautifully it sat in its setting.

  Frowning, she had looked questioningly over at Alexos as he had pulled the car over to a clearing near the cliff, his mouth curling in a grin as he had jumped out to open her door.

  “Let me show you the best view on this island”

  Grace moving cautiously out of the car and following him. From the point where someone had placed a wooden bench she had gasped. An outcrop of rocks allowed the water to break over them, the white frothy surf finally making bubbles on the long sandy beach. However, it was the animals dotted on the rocks and sand that had seen her peer over with excitement.

  “Are…are those monk seals?” she had whispered in awe, seeing the wide smile fill his features.

  “Yes” part of the island is a sanctuary for them “Not many would recognise them” his voice questioning as she had flashed him a small smile, her wide eyes returning to look at the wonderful animals on the sand.

  “Oh my God Alexos…they are so rare…and you have a whole family!”

  Hearing the low rumble of laughter she had finally pulled her eyes from the scene below to look questioningly at him, flushing seeing the way he was staring at her.

  “I do not get you Miss Leotta” His words filling her with both confusion and a strange growing awareness of his closeness. Giving a small shrug she had tried to make light.

  “What is there to get? I like animals” her breezy answer seeing as thoughtfully he had shaken his head giving another laugh.

  “No…I’m sure the girls at the villa love animals…especially soft fluffy ones” Grace having to hold back the peal of laughter that rose to her lips as her mouth had quirked.

  “No…you don’t mind my driving, you don’t mind getting your hair wet….you don’t shop and you don’t swim away from a shark. Now add to that you can recognise a specific breed of seal from afar…what are you not telling me?”

  Dropping her head she had looked back at the animals, so relaxed as they basked in the morning sunshine.

  “Perhaps you have just never asked the right question Mr Manetas” her soft clever words seeing him grin “Perhaps you are right”

  As he had moved closer to her Grace had bitten her lip not sure why he was causing small flutters to fill her stomach, the sound of her beating heart filling her ears. Making to turn back to the car, he had stepped even closer, his hands moving to hold her shoulders. Looking up into his face, her surprise had been so evident, along with the discomfort of his hands on her.

  “I…we should…my mother” she had stuttered softly, words failing her as his head had bent towards her. Trying to move, he had held her tighter, his fingers sliding around to her back holding her harder against himself, Grace feeling as she had shivered against him just as his mouth had met hers. The kiss was soft, gentle. She froze in his hold, shock filling her. As the tip of his tongue had run against the softness of her lip she had once more felt the shudder race through her, her mouth parting to allow his to take possession, the kiss deepening as with a will of their own her hands had slid up his chest and around his neck, pulling him harder to her.

  As his tongue had plundered the softness of her mouth, she had groaned, her whole body on fire with sensations so foreign to her. Alexos had pulled her body even harder against the hardness of his own, Grace feeling the unmistakable arousal against her, not aware as she had sighed softly.

  “Bella Cara” he had whispered against her mouth, Grace unable to believe that a man like Alexos Manetas could desire her. As his hands had moved to cup her bottom, the flash of molten need had pooled somewhere deep within her, the intensity both thrilling and terrifying as with a gasp she had pushed away, her shaking hand rising to her mouth as she had stared with incredulity at him.

  “W…what are you doing?”

  Her voice tremulous as she had stared at him with shock and disbelief on her beautiful flushed face, lips so red from his kiss.

  Alexos had wanted to pull her back into his arms, swallowing down the desire that held him as he had taken in her eyes, now the green flecks so visible with the passion that had erupted so brightly and so briefly between them. Pulling himself taller he had moved a step back from her too, a smile lighting his handsome features as he had drawled softly.


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