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Cyrus Page 2

by Mj Fields

  “They’ll be fine, Abe. Don’t get me wrong… I think Carly’s cool. She and Jase are like oil and vinegar they’ll keep each other in check, or kill each other trying. Just not for me.”

  I sat back and looked around. Trying to figure out what I wanted tonight, a little steak, a little pasta…fuck it I want both, “You interested in those two right there, man?”

  Abe smiled and shook his head no, “Not my thing.”

  “Cool,” I stood and made my way to the bar and grabbed three jack and gingers.

  I stopped and handed the two brunettes who were rubbing on each other a drink. They looked at me and smiled. We all clinked glasses and slammed them down. The taller one handed her glass to her friend and then took mine and did the same. She took my hand and turned pressing her back against my chest she placed my hand real low on her waist. Her hand reached behind us and she grabbed my ass nice and hard.

  I looked towards her friend who was walking towards us, feeling no pain I whispered in her ear, “You both up for something hard and wild?”

  She didn’t answer but turned around and stroked me through my pants as he friend stood to my side and wrapped my arm around her placing my hand on her ass.

  “You think you can handle both of us?” she rubbed me harder and as I kneaded the hot ass in my hand.

  “You two a thing?” she shook her head no, “I’m not looking for anything but a good time… do you understand that?”

  We danced, well… rubbed against each other for a while. My cock was throbbing and the four tits surrounding me were real fucking excited. The music slowed down and I pulled them each into an arm. I bent to kiss one and as she moved closer, I pulled my head back and I teased the other the same way. I lifted my head and wet my lips and looked towards Abe ready to let him know I was out.

  He was talking to someone and laughing. Then I saw that fucking pill pushing fuck, walk up and grab the girls elbow, aw-- fuck no! I handed the girls a wad of cash, “Grabs us another round?”

  I turned to walk away as one of them grabbed me firmly, “Don’t go too far.”

  I smiled at her and bent to whisper in her ear, “I won’t.”

  I looked up and saw those fucking green eyes looking at me as she was being dragged away towards the bar.

  I watched her look back briefly at me before she sat at the bar. The girls returned with drinks and started grinding again. I was not into it right now, not one fucking bit. Every time I looked up, she was looking away and it was fucking with me.

  I slammed my drink and theirs, “Sorry ladies, seems I’m parched. Do continue-- I’ll be back.”

  As luck would have it the shit bag took off into the back of the bar and the stool next to her was free. I sat down and she glanced out of the corner of her eye nervously.

  “Well hello there, Birdie,” I stared, she was fucking gorgeous and I would absolutely give up the two for this one.


  “Yeah, and you’re still hanging out with that shitbag. Why is a little bird like you hanging with shit?” I know there was a bite to my tone but I couldn’t help it. I’m no saint, and some may think it’s hypocritical that I don’t have a problem with people smoking a little weed now and then but am vehemently against drugs, but I really don’t give a fuck.

  “You should go,” she looked nervously towards the back.

  “Birdie-- I’m not afraid of your boy.”

  “You don’t know him…he likes to fight.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. I grabbed her chin and turned her face to mine. God her skin was fucking soft, so yeah I was drunk so I ran my thumb across her chin and under it and I definitely wanted to rub lower but I was kind of digging the chase, “Look at me Birdie, and tell me if you see a man who would walk away from a fight.”

  She jerked her face away from my hand like I was some fucking disease. I could have pointed out that reaction would have had a better effect if she hadn’t let me hold her face for at least fifteen seconds before pulling away, but I won’t—not yet anyway.

  “Please leave.”

  “Say it like you mean it Birdie, and look at me when you do,” I didn’t want to leave, I wanted her tonight almost as much as I wanted her to leave the shitbag.

  “I mean it,” her head snapped towards me and she looked into my eyes, “Please.”

  I could’ve sworn I saw fear in her eyes this time, “Birdie if you’re…”

  “Please just leave me alone!”

  “It’s a public place Birdie, I’m not going anywhere.”

  I ordered two drinks and turned towards the dance floor as I leaned on the bar closer to this little creature who was holding my attention a bit longer than I would’ve normally allowed without knowing where we were heading.

  “He’s gonna be back.”

  “Again Birdie I’m not afraid of the little…”

  “Where did you go?” the taller brunette asked.

  “Pretty stupid question seems how I’m right in front of you, don’t you think?”

  Birdie giggled and I couldn’t help but smile at her.

  “You said you were bringing back drinks and well…we’d like to get out of here soon.”

  I looked again to Birdie and she was trying not to smile, and she had the sweetest little dimple. I leaned over to give it one last try, “Birdie…”

  “My name is Tara,” she smiled.

  “Birdie,” I started again, “Let’s you and I, get the fuck out of here.”

  “You’re drunk,” she smiled and looked away.

  “Well it’s your lucky night, when I’m whiskie’d up I last even longer.”

  “Well then those two should have an interesting night.” She wasn’t pissy anymore, she was smiling and damn if that didn’t make me want her even more. “I have a boyfriend…”

  “Well why don’t he and I trade, he can have these two and I’ll take you. I promise to get you home before…”

  “Everything alright, Tara?”

  “The shitbag …” She gave me a look and I stopped talking, “Nah, no problem here. I was just gonna tell Bir…Tara that her friend and Carly got married a few hours ago.”

  Tara smiled, “They did?”

  “Stupid right, that’s what I tried to tell them but…” she smacked me and laughed. I smiled back. I knew it was a sloppy smile just as much as I knew I wasn’t getting into that skirt tonight. I was in the friend zone to the exotic little Bird now. I even played the Carly card-- what the fuck was that about?

  The bartender set the drinks on the bar and I grabbed them and handed them to the two luckiest girls in this joint and handed another to Birdie.

  “She’s kind of new here.” I grabbed her phone off the bar and entered Carly’s number, “She would love to hear from you.”

  Shitbag was eye fucking this evening’s entertainment as they waited for me.

  I leaned in and whispered, “When you’re ready to take me up on my offer Birdie, Carly can give you my digits. Say the word and I’ll kick his ass and show you what it’s like to be properly fucked.”

  Apparently I said it too loud because shitbag felt he could put his hands on me, “You’re gonna lose those hands fucker.”

  The pussy let go, “Watch yourself.”

  “Can’t hate a man for trying,” I nodded to the girls and they each took an arm.

  Tony and I

  Three people, that’s how many people were nice without reason in my life right now. Four if you count Tony, but he loved me so he had to be nice. It was quiet in the car as he drove me back to my apartment. I wanted to go back to his place but he said it was too much of a temptation, and would ruin everything we had been working at for the past year.

  I met Tony a year ago when I aged out of the system. I liked the family I was living with back then, the first since my parent’s death. They would have kept me, but because of my age there would be no social services received on my behalf. There was no way to attach a label to a girl like me. I even tried to fail
a few of the tests but really… when I had nothing else but one suitcase, two pair of socks, three pair of pajamas, four outfits, and luckily five pairs of underwear the only thing I had that I would never lose was what I learned in school and the after school program at the YMCA. I no longer had a problem leaving behind Christmas and birthday gifts, like I did when I left my first placement. The Maitline’s had tried, and I appreciated it. I knew they needed the room for the new kid that was coming. I wanted to mention that I was perfectly willing to stay on the couch, like I had been for the past six months… but I knew Johnny would be placed there soon enough. He was going to be eighteen in a year and they would have to replace him soon, too.

  I still respected them even though Tony said they were scum for doing that to me. What he didn’t understand then was that their home was the first home that I lived at since I was five that I actually slept at night without fear that someone would hurt me.

  He knew that now. That’s why I think he loves me, because I’m special. I’m his and lucky to be. When we met I was living in a basement of a rundown building in Harlem. He and a bunch of guys were trying to find a place to sleep as well. He told me later that they weren’t really his friends and that the cops were looking for them for selling drugs. He was the cutest, strongest, and nicest one. He was protective over me. He held me that first night. He asked me questions about me and listened. I told him what I could that night. The next day when I woke up they were all gone and I thought he was either a dream or an angel. When I walked out of the building with my bag, I had left my suitcase for Johnny, he was outside leaning on a car holding a McDonalds bag.

  He fed me that morning and that night, and I told him everything else: about my parents, all about the homes I had been in, and everything that had happened to me. We slept in the car that night. When we woke up, he drove me to the Y and told me he would be back when he could. He was going to try to find work and a place for us. For us.

  He and a few friends showed up a week later at the place in Harlem. He had a bag full of food and I ate until I threw up. His friends laughed at me and he told them to get the fuck out. Tony had found a motel that rented by the week and had enough to pay for a month’s rent, he took care of me. It only took a few days before I could eat without throwing up and felt well again.

  I went to the Y while he worked and I actually got my first paying job. I worked twelve hours cleaning the shower rooms. I was given access to use the facilities so I watched the gymnastics classes and a few dance classes. When the gym was open I practiced, just like I did in the after school programs.

  Tony was happy when I showed him my first paycheck. . I made enough money to pay for us to have cable and food, even a few extra dollars for a new outfit. Tony was so happy when I gave him a new shirt. That was the first time he kissed me.

  I don’t know how to explain how it made me feel, because I’m still not sure. But I know when his hands went up my tee shirt and he caressed my breast it felt very good. I trusted him. He laid on the bed and patted the spot next to me and asked me to lay down. He flipped on the TV and pulled me into his arms he took my hand and set it on him.

  “Feel what you do to me Tara?” I was nervous, “You make me feel real good.” He held my hand in his and slid it inside his pants. “I know you don’t know how to do this yet, so let me teach you.”

  He wrapped my hand around him, it was a strange feeling… hard as a rock and soft like velvet and the tip was moist. He pulled his pants down with his other hand and asked me to kiss it and I did. He pulled my shirt over my head and pulled me on top of him and he took my breast in his mouth and licked and sucked. It felt good, really nice.

  “What’s the matter Tara you don’t like it?” he asked as he pushed me to my side.

  “I like it,” I remember feeling my face burning with embarrassment.

  “Relax Tara let me make you feel good,” his mouth was all over my breasts sucking and tugging at my nipples until they started to get sore.

  He sat up and turned on the light and looked at me. He looked a little angry but more confused. “Tara, what’s wrong with you?”

  I didn’t know how to answer him and I felt tears fill my eyes.

  “No don’t fucking cry, just tell me are they always like this, flat like this?”

  He was talking about my nipples, and yes they were but… I didn’t know why that was wrong.

  He used my bus money to buy a porno so he could show me. I had never seen anything like it. He was erect and his eyes looked heavy, “See Tara, look at her boobs, that’s what I’m used to.”

  He took my hand and placed it on him, “You would look just as hot as her if you could do that Tara. Do you think you could try?”

  I did. I used my mouth just like she was and he was loud, just like the guy was. That was the first time he came in my mouth and his praise made me so happy, “You did so good Tara. So good.”

  We watched that movie every night for the next week. He had me say the same things to him and he instructed me. “We’re so much better at this than they are Tara,” he cried out as he filled my mouth.

  The next night he wanted to try something. He brought KY jelly home and had me rub it all over him. He had me undress and lay on the bed. He spread my legs wide and kissed me, “To much hair, it needs to go. You’re okay with that right, you want to be just as beautiful as that girl in the movie right?”

  I didn’t argue, it actually felt good having him finally touch me between my legs. He was extra careful when he shaved me and when he was finished he rubbed his finger around the spot that was so tender it made me moan.

  “You like that?”

  “I do, I really do,” he took my hand and brought me back to the bed and told me to lay down. He sat at my head and asked me to suck his dick. He laid above me and as he pushed deep into my mouth his tongue lapped at that spot and I felt fire between my legs. As he continued to push into my mouth he kept licking me until he came.

  Tony liked that movie a lot and the next week with my extra money he bought another.

  One night after he filled my mouth I asked him if we could do it, the intercourse part and he said not yet. He said I was too special. And he made me feel that way. When he kissed my body and licked me I felt even more beautiful than the women on the movie. He told me I was. He used his cell phone that night to video me sucking him. He came on my face and showed me telling me “That’s how good you make me feel Tara.”

  He was working at a Strip club and got me a job there too. I didn’t want to dance but I could serve drinks. He promised he would watch over me. One day the owner called me in and Tony was there already. Apparently Tony had showed him the video on his phone and he wanted me to know how talented I was. I was embarrassed at first but he assured me it was a very professional opinion. Then Tony asked me to do it in front of him. I said no and Tony got mad, “Are you ashamed of what we do, Tara?”

  “No, it’s just…”

  “Do you love me Tara?”

  I shook my head yes, “Then show me. Don’t hide it from anyone anymore Tara, Show Larry how much you love me.”

  They had me do a couple shots to loosen me up. Apparently that’s what the women in the movies did and it worked. “It’s just you and me Tara, suck my dick girl.”

  When we finished Larry showed me the video he took without me knowing and then he used his computer to change a few things, making it look more like the movie Tony and I watched. I looked just like her, Tony told me--- even better. That was the first night he told me he loved me and would always.

  It was also the night he told me he wanted us to make a real movie. To show the world he loved me. He was so happy, so proud of me. I wasn’t sure but I was sure I wanted to see him happy like that, see the love in his eyes just like I saw then, forever.

  I moved into the apartment with some of the girls I worked with because he wanted to save money for production costs. He wanted to make it beautiful just like our love. He moved in with some fri
ends and I moved into the small two bedroom apartment with seven other girls. The rent was cheap, only a hundred dollars a week for each of us. Tony told me it was a really good deal because Larry owned the building. It was a perk of being one of his special girls.

  I have lived here for three months now and although it was safe, it was not my favorite place to be.

  “Why you so quiet?” Tony was agitated, I knew this because he was tapping the steering wheel with his thumb for the past ten minutes.

  “I was just thinking.”

  “About that guy?”

  “No actually I was…”

  “Don’t fucking lie to me Tara! Is that what you want, some fucking muscle head fucking you?”

  “No Tony, I was thinking…”

  “Well don’t fucking think Tara,” he grabbed my hand and squeezed it hard, “You’re fucking thinking about him.” I tried to pull my hand away and he held tighter, “Do you want him!”

  “NO! Tony… you’re hurting me,” Again I tried to pull away and he held tighter.

  Tony slammed on his brakes and pulled over and threw the car into park, “Is he the fucking guy from the other night?!”

  “Yes but…”

  “Did you fuck him?!”

  “Of course not…” he reached across the car and opened my door and pushed me out. “Fucking walk!”

  What the hell just happened? I had no idea what had gotten into Tony. But I couldn’t stand here or I’d end up getting mugged or raped or killed. I started walking, and then running. Scared I was so scared. When I turned the corner he was standing outside the car leaning on it his chest was pumping and he didn’t look at me.

  “Do you still want us?”

  “Tony of course…”

  “Prove it to me Tara, prove to me that you are mine!”

  His eyes were wild and I had never seen him like this before, “Anything Tony, you know that.”

  He opened the door and I got in. He turned the car around and drove back to the shore. We pulled up in front of the place I had gotten my piercing. He jumped out of the car and opened my door.


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