Give Me Desire (Reason Series)

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Give Me Desire (Reason Series) Page 11

by Derrick, Zoey

  Mikah, Sydney and Gary make small conversation throughout the meal. I get about halfway through my chicken before my stomach starts to turn a little, so I stop eating the meat and focus instead on the vegetables and pasta salad. I eat everything else on my plate and put down my fork and knife.

  "The chicken too much?" Mikah asks me quietly.

  "It was really good, someone just has better ideas." I smile at his grin.

  "I can ask for something else for you."

  "No, I'm actually pretty full. But thank you."

  "Okay. Are you feeling okay?" he asks.

  "I'm good." I smile.

  "Let me know if that changes, okay?" he says, his tone sincere.

  "I will."

  He goes back to finishing up his meal. I notice that tonight, like most nights, he cleans his plate.

  I watch as people get up and begin milling about. Many walk toward the silent auction or over toward the bar at the back of the room. Some stand around talking to people at other tables. A couple of times people come and speak with Mikah or Sydney, or both. I don't pay much attention to most of their conversation, as it is business-related.

  As more and more people finish eating, the dull murmur in the room increases to a roar. Gary takes this as his cue and excuses himself from the table, heading toward the stage. Rather than stand on it, he grabs the microphone and says, "Ladies and gentlemen, the silent auction will be closing in five minutes."

  Panic sets in; I hope and pray that someone else has outbid me. I couldn’t even bring myself to look at the price tag of the purse I bought yesterday; how on earth am I going to manage paying fifty thousand dollars for something?

  My stomach churns, more from nerves than anything, I hope, and I notice Mikah looking at me. "What?" I say quietly.

  He grins. "Nothing. You're just so beautiful."

  On cue I blush.

  Then I move to stand up, and Mikah, along with all the remaining men at the table, do the same.

  "Where are you going?" he asks, concerned.

  "The ladies’ room."

  I can see the silent “Oh” on his face. "Are you alright?" he whispers.

  I smile. "Yes, I just need to use the restroom."

  He offers me his hand. "I'll show you."

  I know where they are - I saw them when we walked in - but it's not worth the argument. I take his hand and he leads me between the tables back toward the entrance.

  For the first time all evening, I notice Red and Andrew standing near the door. I take strange comfort in knowing they're here, and I smile at them as we pass.

  Mikah escorts me right up to the bathroom door, and I step inside. The bathroom is just as elegant as the rest of the ballroom, with gold accents everywhere.

  A couple minutes later I emerge, having freshened up just a bit. Mikah immediately takes my hand again and we head back toward the ballroom. Gary is back onstage, organizing pieces of paper - no doubt the auction bids - and my stomach rolls again.

  On our way back to our table, Mikah stops to make small talk with some of the guests. He introduces me to most of them, and I hope there won’t be a test; I can’t keep them all straight.

  Then Gary takes up the microphone and asks everyone to return to their seats. Mikah and I head over that way to find that our desserts are already on the table. It's some tan-colored pudding; it almost looks like caramel or butterscotch. I'm suddenly eager to find out.

  Again, Mikah is a gentleman, pulling my chair out for me and helping me scoot in. This time, though, he doesn't wait before he, too, takes his seat.

  Just as he sits down there is a flurry of bubbles in my belly, in the same area as yesterday, and my hand flies to the spot.

  Mikah is quick to notice the shift in my posture. He leans in. "Are you okay?"

  I smile wide. I don't respond, but I grab his hand and pull it toward my bump. His eyes widen as he realizes what I'm about to do.

  I gently push his palm against my stomach. His hand is huge - it covers nearly the entire lower half of my bump - and I can feel the heat from his skin radiating through my dress.

  Nothing happens. I remember that yesterday when I applied more pressure she moved again, so I press his hand a little tighter against my bump and look at him.

  He seems confused, like he can't feel anything, which is understandable because she hasn't moved again.

  Gary is talking at the podium, but I can't stop staring into Mikah's eyes. I'm lost in them. Consumed by his beautiful gaze. I pull his hand in a little tighter, and just like that, the bubbles return.

  Mikah looks down and then back up at me, his expression changing from confusion to wonder. His eyes are alight with excitement as the bubbles continue for a few more beats, and then they are welling up with tears.

  I reach up and gently cup his cheek. He kisses my palm as I do and then leans into my touch. The bubbles have stopped, but I can tell he doesn't want to move his hand, and I'm not sure I want him to, either. I place my right hand over his on my belly and pull my other hand away from his cheek. I can't be sure, but I think he actually pouts briefly.


  Gary is talking about how Hearts and Hands has grown over the last fifteen years, and with each passing year they are able to help more and more women leave abusive relationships.

  "This year alone, Amber's Place has taken in more than two hundred women, and each and every one of them have either found jobs or are seeking stable employment and stable places to live.

  “Currently there are more than twenty thousand women in Minneapolis alone that are living in abusive relationships. With this year’s gala, Hearts and Hands hopes to expand Amber's Place to accommodate another one hundred women and their children, bringing the total up to two hundred and twenty-two rooms.

  “Women who visit Amber's place are allowed to stay as long as they need to in order to obtain a job and to secure housing and financial assistance from the state to get them started and on their way to a better and brighter future.

  “Tonight, we are proud to welcome four women, our guests of honor, who were once residents of Amber's Place.”

  Am I one of these women here tonight?

  “Ladies and gentleman, please give a warm round of applause to Sydney Harper, my wife and Vice President of MSB Enterprises."

  Whoa, what?

  I watch as Sydney stands, tears in her eyes, and makes her way to the podium. She hugs Gary, then she stands beside him and begins to speak. "Thank you, Gary, and thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for your generous support tonight. I would also like to recognize the three other women who are guests with us here tonight, though I will not name them as I have been named.

  “I knocked on Amber's door about seven years ago. I had just walked out - with my daughter, who is now eight - of a physically and emotionally abusive relationship. One day, after hearing about Hearts and Hands, I found the strength to walk away.

  “When I arrived at Amber's Place, I was bruised and battered, but I was welcomed with open arms. Once I was inside the safety of their walls, and through their encouragement, I was able to call the police and have charges pressed against my attacker.

  “Had it not been for Amber's Place and their willingness to help me get back on my feet, I would never have been able to find a job that put my hard-earned degree to good use. I am forever thankful to Mikah Blake and his staff for their support and endless patience when I began to learn the ropes.”

  I immediately understand all the pieces of who Mikah is and the things that he’s done for me and it becomes clear that this is who he is.

  “It is through strong will and determination that I stand here before you today. The idea behind Hearts and Hands is to give the women who go there a real chance at life, to give them a fresh start not only in their jobs but with themselves, as well.

  “I am proud to tell you that tonight's event has been our most successful ever. We have raised three million, two hundred and twenty-one thousand dollars. I am also honor
ed to be a part of MSB, who will be matching every dollar raised for a grand total of six million, four hundred and forty-two thousand dollars."

  Mikah's hand comes away from my belly, as does mine, and we join the rest of the guests in a standing ovation.

  The tears overwhelm my eyes as reality hits me. I'm one of those two hundred women who’ve been through Amber’s Place this year. Two hundred is such a small number when compared to the thousands still out there suffering. How can I even begin to say no to Mikah’s offer to help me become a part of their solution?

  The applause continues as I gently wipe away the tears that have spilled from my eyes. Mikah hands me his handkerchief, and I take it. He wraps his arm around my back and pulls me close.

  I look up at him, and he is looking at me, his eyes full of emotion.

  "Yes," I say.

  He cocks his head to one side.

  "Yes, I'll work for you. I'll go to school. Whatever it is you want me to do, I'll do it."

  He smiles, wide and bright, and pulls me in tighter to kiss my forehead. Once again, I'm left with a strong desire to kiss him.

  The applause finally dies down. Gary has taken back the microphone.

  "Does Sydney know about me?" I ask Mikah as he helps me to sit once again. I expect him to say yes, but he doesn't; he shakes his head.

  Once Sydney has returned to the table, Mikah sits back down. I'm in awe of her speech and her openness about having been a victim of domestic violence.

  Mikah leans in and whispers in my ear, "I thought it would be more appropriate if it came from you. That is a part of your life, and it is your story to tell, not mine."

  I reach for his hand and squeeze, my silent reassurance that I've heard him. My heart swells at the overwhelming amount of respect I now have for him.


  Gary begins announcing the winners of the silent auction. I'm thankful that the dollar amounts are not being announced. Mikah and I have been holding hands between each announcement and the clapping that follows. My palms are starting to turn red.

  Gary seems to be going in random order, so I'm completely surprised when it has been some time since it began and neither Mikah's donated lot nor the one he so graciously bid on have been announced yet. But given that Mikah's was by far the highest valued item, it would make sense if Gary saved until last.

  "And now, for our second-to-last item of the evening, we have our Escaping with Technology package. Donated and designed by CTM Capital out of Phoenix, Arizona, this item contains an iPod, an iPad, and a MacBook Pro laptop, all inlaid with various gems and fully loaded with business-grade software. The package also includes more than one thousand dollars in gift cards, a set of matching bags and cases, and ten hours of tutoring time, and it is valued at more than seventy-five thousand dollars."

  I'm not sure I can breathe right now. I look at Mikah, who is looking at me with the biggest cat-ate-the-canary expression on his face.

  "And the winner of this impressive package is..." Dramatic pause. Does he not know that I can't breathe right now? "Ms. Vivienne Callahan."

  The entire room erupts in applause. Mikah is clapping and staring at me. My mouth drops open and I feel like a fish out of water, fighting to suck in air in order to breathe.

  When the applause finally dies down, Mikah’s still looking self-satisfied, but there is a warmth about it, too. "Way to go," he says.

  Seriously? Did he seriously just say that? "I'm kind of angry with you right now," I say through gritted teeth.

  He leans back dramatically, pretending to be appalled, and I cannot help but laugh at his expression. He smiles back, leans over, and places his arm along the back of my chair. His hand begins to play with a strand of my hair. "Please don't be angry. I would not have made a bid of that size if it wasn't alright. Okay?"

  Gah! Why does he do this? "I feel guilty for using your money."

  "Don't. It's alright. And besides, it will help you with school." He smirks at me, but the reminder that I’ve agreed to go to school and help him with the charity work makes me feel excited again.

  Bubbles flit in my belly as the baby moves around once more, and I tense, just a little.

  Mikah notices. "What's wrong?"

  I smile wide at him and he knows.


  I nod.

  He smiles as Gary announces the winner of Mikah's donated lot and the room applauds.

  Mikah pulls his hand back and we both join in.

  "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you again for coming and for your generous support of Hearts and Hands. Please be sure to see the table in the auction room to claim your winnings, and enjoy the band." The room applauds once more, and the band that I hadn't notice set up behind us starts to play.

  "Dance with me?" Mikah says.

  Oh, no. My worst fear of tonight, aside from the auction, is being realized. He wants to dance.

  I look at him, no doubt with overwhelming fear in my eyes, but his expression is warm and soft.

  "It's easy, come on."

  He stands, pulls my chair back from the table, and offers me his hand. Instinct sets in and I take it.

  I look at the dance floor. There are already several couples dancing, which instantly makes me feel better; at least I won't be on display. Well, not the center of it, anyway.

  "I don't know how to dance," I say as he takes me in his arms.

  "It's easy, just follow my lead."

  I position my hands like his and he starts off slowly, left to right, and then he's off.

  The gentle pressure against my back and squeezes of my hand tell me what direction he is going to go, and all in all, it's not that bad. I'm not going to win any trophies for dancing, but it is fun just the same.


  About halfway through our second song, my back comes alive with a zinging fire. Mikah, too, stiffens, and we stop dancing. He's looking around rather frantically, searching for something.

  That's when I see it. Over at the door, near where we came in, a man is trying to come inside, but he is quickly headed off by Andrew and Red. They are pushing him back and away from door toward the elevators.

  "Mikah," I say and nod my head in the direction of the door.

  He turns to see. "Shit," he growls.

  "What's going on? Who is that?"

  "Come on. Come with me."

  He takes my hand and we head toward the hall opposite the emcee's stage. There are several other people standing there, so we don't look out of place, but that doorway is our only way out.

  We're out of the intruder’s line of sight and well-hidden behind a rather large planter. I'm pressed up against Mikah, and I feel a vibration in his pocket.

  He reaches his hand in and pulls out his phone. "Yeah." His tone is clipped. "Make sure he is gone off of the property, and we will wrap things up here. Send Andrew back up to escort us down." He pauses. "Are we sure he was alone?" He listens. "Yeah, okay. Thanks, Red."

  He pulls the phone away from his ear. "It's time to go."

  "Mikah, what's going on? Who was that?" There was something about that man that was familiar, but I couldn’t place him. He was dressed up in a tux and looked like he belonged here with the others.

  "We're going to square away your auction winnings, say good-bye to Sydney and take off. I don't know about you, but I'm tired."

  I grip his arm tightly and pull him back toward me. He leans down slightly so that we are eye to eye and I don't have to talk loudly. "Don't you dare shelter me, Mikah. Who in the hell was that man?"

  I see resolve in his features. He doesn't want to tell me. But then something changes and he leans in a little closer to me.

  "That was Elton Bennett."


  “Riley's father?" is all I can manage to whisper.

  "Yes. He is an ex-business partner of mine. Our ties were severed the minute I discovered who was after you. My staff has done a pretty damn good job of damaging his reputation. He's pissed and wants rev
enge on me."

  "Does he know about me, who I am?" I'm trying to wrap my brain around all of this.

  Mikah takes a deep breath. "He knows of Vivienne Callahan, but I don't know that he is aware that you are her. He may or may not make the connection. I'm guessing by your reaction you didn't know him, either?"

  I shake my head. "No. Riley never introduced me to his father." I don't go into the reasons why that is with Mikah, but I think Riley’s words were that I wasn’t good enough for the upper class and that I was “a good-for-nothing whore.” I shiver at the memory but move past it quickly.

  Mikah turns as someone approaches. "Hi, Sydney."

  "Hello, you two. Vivienne, I would like to thank you so much for your generous bid and to congratulate you on winning," she says. She is very friendly, awkwardly so.

  I smile. "It was really Mikah's doing."

  She smiles, bright and warm, giving me the distraction I need from what has just happened. "I know. I saw the handwriting."

  She and I both laugh. Mikah has a look of mock disgust on his face, and we laugh a little harder.

  "Either way, thank you. And thanks for coming." She takes me by the shoulders and kisses each of my cheeks. "I look forward to seeing you again." She steps back and turns toward Mikah. "Will you be in on Monday?"

  He looks down at me and shrugs. "Let's see how the weekend goes."

  She smiles. "Sounds good to me. Enjoy your evening." She waves and heads back toward Gary.

  Mikah leads me toward the table that now separates the two rooms.

  "Good evening, Mr. Blake," the elderly woman behind the table says.

  "Hello. This-" His long fingers casually gesture in my direction. "-is Vivienne Callahan. She-"

  "Oh, of course. Thank you so much, Ms. Callahan, for your bid and your donation." She stands and turns to a gentleman behind her, and he goes toward the tables where the last few remaining prizes are sitting. There is a beautiful deep purple case on the table with the same rose pattern on it as the laptop.


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