Melody's Next Christmas (Timeless Love Book 6)

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Melody's Next Christmas (Timeless Love Book 6) Page 3

by George H. McVey

  Her eyes narrowed. She didn’t know how but something told her this was all real and it was that man’s fault. “Come in.”

  The door opened. “My dear, I see you’re awake, we need to talk and then you need to dress; your meeting with Mister Ryder is today.”

  “What is going on here? Where am I? What is all this noise, and while you’re explaining, tell me what all those things are outside the window.”

  The man who had claimed to be a reverend had a look of guilt on his face. “I was hoping to get to you before you woke, my dear. Unfortunately, your horse reacted about as badly as you seem to be doing.”

  That caused her to almost jump out of bed until she realized she was in her nightclothes. “Sunset! Is she alright?”

  The man nodded. “Yes, I got her calmed down, but as you can see it put me behind in getting to you before you realized something strange had happened. Let me explain it to you.”

  He swallowed nervously. “What I told you was the truth. I do know a rancher who needs your help and wants to learn to ranch like your father. Well not exactly like your father, but like any rancher in the time you’re from.”

  Melody’s eyes narrowed. “What do you mean, the time I’m from?”

  “My dear, while you slept I brought you from January 1871 to July of the year 2018.”

  “You’re insane!”

  Johnson shook his head. “I’m not! Can you explain the things you saw outside your window? The only logical explanation, as hard to accept as it is for you, is the truth. You are now one hundred and forty-seven years in the future. I, my dear, am a man tasked with offering people born in the wrong times a second chance. You with your belief that you can ranch as well as any man and the desire to do things women in your time couldn’t do, deserve a second chance to see your dreams come true. So I brought you here. To a time when they can. Men and women have equal rights in this time. Women have the same rights as men and work alongside them, sometimes even in positions of authority over them all the time now.”

  “I’m in the future?”

  “You’re in the future based on where you were when you went to bed last night. But honestly, you’re in the present.”

  “What are those things outside?”

  “Those are the way people get around now; they are automobiles but most people call them cars and trucks. Cars are the smaller things. Trucks are made to haul not only people but possessions. That big roar you hear in the sky is a type of transportation called an airplane. People get in them and fly long distances in a very short amount of time.”

  She laughed. “You expect me to believe people can fly.”

  “Believe it or not makes no difference. What I need you to understand is that there are rules to this second chance. First you must complete the job I’ve given you. You must teach Mr. Ryder everything he needs to know to make his ranch run like an 1800s horse and cattle ranch. Second, you absolutely cannot tell anyone you come from the past. If you do your trip will end instantly and not pleasantly. There is a reason why you travel while asleep. To help you explain the differences between you and other people we have created a history for you.

  You were raised in a community that has forsaken all modern convinces and live just like they did in the 1800s; that’s why you are an expert. However, you wanted to see the real world, which is why you left. But because you left, you can’t go back as they think you’re tainted by technology. Other than that I have things you need. Birth certificate, social security card and even ID, not a driver’s license. Please don’t try to drive a car or truck without learning how first, they can be dangerous.”

  He handed her a packet in a large envelope. “This is all the paperwork we just talked about. Please don’t lose them. Now get dressed. I placed your belongings in the bag at the foot of the bed. I know you will feel them inappropriate, but please for today, wear the clothes hung in the closest. Your things from your time will be great once the ranch is open but for now it would make you stand out.”

  Melody open the closet and looked at a dress or what looked like a half a dress. “Are you dressing me like a saloon girl, Reverend? Is this a ranch or a brothel you’re taking me to?”

  “Why don’t you look out that window again, Miss Hughes, you’ll see that women wear a lot less than they used to.”

  Melody in defiance did what he suggested and was shocked to see women in what looked like half their unmentionables and nothing else, walking up and down the street. As well as tight britches and showing off their stomachs and even parts of their breasts and men paying them no attention what so ever. She blushed and shook her head. This future seemed very different than the world she left. “I’ll wear it but I won’t like it.”

  The Reverend smiled. “I should think not. Just get ready, I’ll introduce you to fast food breakfast on the way.”

  “What is fast food breakfast?”

  “Hurry up and find out.”

  Then he exited the room and Melody was left trying to take in everything he’d said. It caused her heart to race, but she was here now and didn’t know how to get home. At least Sunset was here and she’d just have to figure out how to make the most of the time she was stuck here.

  Tallis Ryder was pacing back and forth in his office in the modern welcome center that had been built on the hill overlooking the ranch. It was the point where all modern convinces and devices were left. He had a wagon with two horses to take Reverend Johnson and Miss Hughes down to the ranch after they talked about his expectations from an expert on historical ranching.

  He was nervous waiting for her to arrive. Sometime during the night he’d had a dream about a blonde-haired blue-eyed woman on a golden palomino who was everything his heart desired in a woman. It didn’t help that his baby sister whose Calling seemed to tell her when a couple were meant to be together had arrived earlier that week and started telling him that she felt his soul mate was arriving soon. Add to that his own Calling screaming again that something important was happening today and he was beyond nervous.

  When he thought his nerves were going to explode he heard the sound of a car arriving, and looked outside to see the Reverend’s powder blue Mustang convertible with the top down, pull into the parking lot. Tallis exited the welcome center and walked over to meet his potential historical expert, and stopped when he looked into the eyes of the blonde-haired, blue-eyed angel he’d seen the night before in his dreams. She was as pale as a crisp white sheet and shaking like a leaf in the wind. Tallis found himself at the car, opening the door, and kneeling down beside her. “Are you okay, Miss?”

  She looked at him and shook her head. “No! I will never get used to riding in one of these contraptions. Give me a good horse and buggy any time over that monstrosity.”

  Tallis laughed, and stood offering her his hand to help her out of the car. A truck and horse trailer pulled in beside them as the lady took his hand and stepped out of the car. The sound that came from the horse trailer was of a horse in distress. “Reverend, you should have let me and Sunset ride here together. She’s going out of her mind in that thing.”

  Tallis looked at her; “Sunset?”

  “My horse, she isn’t used to all this modern stuff either. We need to get her out before she hurts herself.”

  “Well, I was hoping to talk with you before we headed down to the ranch, but if you need to get her out of the trailer, then do so. I have a corral over there by the barn, you can put her in for a bit and when we go to the ranch you can take her down if you decided to stay and work for me.”

  The woman looked at him for a second and then nodded. “Thank you. I’ll get her in the corral and then we can talk. I appreciate your understanding.”

  Tallis smiled as they walked up to the horse carrier and wasn’t at all surprised to see that her horse was indeed a golden palomino, of course it was because she was the girl of his dreams. Both his and his sister’s Callings had been right. It was an important day, honestly it was the most important day in his en
tire life, it was the day he met the future Mrs. Ryder. Now he just had to resist taking her in his arms and kissing her like she belonged to him. After all, it wouldn’t due to upset her before she had a chance to fall in love with him. But one way or another he was going to convince her to stay here at the ranch and then, in time, to build a life together with him.

  Tallis watched as she soothed the mare and quickly and efficiently got her out of the hauler. She stroked and whispered to the horse, calming it until it was ready to walk and then she walked her over to the paddock and turned her inside. She looked at Tallis. “I hate to ask but do you have some hay or feed I could give her? It will help to further soothe her.”

  If nothing else, she was indeed a horse woman. The needs of her horse came before even her getting this job. Tallis liked that, it told him a lot about her character and personality. It wasn’t like he wasn’t going to hire her. He would do anything to keep her at the ranch. More importantly he’d do what he needed to get her to fall in love with him and become his wife.

  After getting her horse, Sunset, settled they headed to the welcome center to start talking about the job Tallis needed done when suddenly Miss Hughes stopped and sucked in a breath of shock. She turned to Reverend Johnson “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Tallis was confused. “Why didn’t he tell you what?”

  A look passed between the Reverend and Miss Hughes. “Your ranch belonged to ancestors of Miss Hughes until the 1870s. Her family has always considered it their ranch.”

  Tallis smiled at the lovely Miss Hughes. “Well, then I guess I should say welcome home, Miss Hughes.”

  She looked at him and blushed. “Thank you.”

  They entered the welcome center to discuss the role that Tallis expected his new employee to fill.

  Chapter 5

  M elody was still trying to overcome the shock. She’d hated riding in that machine the Reverend called a car. But what had shocked her more than anything was seeing the man who came out of the building and helped her out of the car. It was like he’d stepped out of her dream from the night before. He had the same dark hair and mossy green eyes that seemed to see right into her very soul. Her heart, which was already beating rapidly from her car ride, had seemed to skip as he looked into her face and asked if she was alright. How was it possible that she’d dreamed of him before she even knew he existed. Truth be told, she’d dreamed of him before he did exist. About one hundred and forty-seven years before he existed.

  So far he’d proven to be different than any man she’d met before. He’d been kind and polite but he hadn’t tried to take over as she calmed Sunset, nor had he been bossy about what she should do or shouldn’t do. She’d noticed he’d watched her closely as she took care of Sunset and got her settled in. He hadn’t even balked when she’d ask for feed for the horse but had disappeared into the barn and returned with a feed bag full of sweet grain. Only once Sunset was settled had he suggested they go inside and talk, once again becoming the gentleman and opening the door for her.

  She was amazed at the building. There were lights that glowed with what she knew was electricity, even if she’d never seen them before, she did know about the electric lights that were beginning to show up in the big cities in her time. What surprised her most was that the inside of the building was comfortably cool even though the July temperature outside was hot. This modern time would take some getting used to. She just hoped she could keep from giving away her newness to this modern world and violating the Reverend’s rules.

  Again, Mr. Ryder held her chair for her at the large table they sat at and offered her a drink. “No thank you.” She looked over at the Reverend as she said that. She realized that the last thing she’d done before sleeping and traveling was drink the glass of water he’d offered her. She thought it might be wise not to have anything to drink in his presence. Not that he’d send her back yet. Obviously he wanted her to finish her job here. Her attention was snagged by Mr. Ryder who took a seat across from her.

  “Thank you again for coming in, Miss Hughes. Reverend Johnson hasn’t told me much about you, only that you are an expert on ranching in the 1800s and that you train horses using those methods. Is horse ranching and training your only experience in that era?”

  Melody thought about how to answer him without violating the rules the Reverend gave her and without lying to this man who came out of her dream. “No, I grew up in a community and on a ranch that this was the way of life. We lived just like people did back then.”

  There was an excited gleam in Mr. Ryder’s eye. “Oh, was it a tourist destination like we are going to be?”

  She wasn’t sure what he meant by tourist destination, but before she could answer the Reverend had cleared his throat and answered for her. “Mr. Ryder, Miss Hughes grew up in a closed community that had forsaken all modern comforts. They didn’t allow anyone from outside the community to enter and they lived as if it were the 1800s. She wished to leave and experience something different and have a chance to make a name for herself as a horse breeder and trainer. However, to be allowed to do so she isn’t allowed to talk about the community directly or return there. I hope you would honor her commitments and not put her in a difficult place.”

  The rancher looked shocked. “Of course, I apologize, Miss Hughes. Obviously, if you lived as if it were that time period then, you are indeed an expert. I wonder if you’d like to ride down and look at the ranch, maybe see if you can help us and demonstrate this horse training method you use?”

  He wanted her to come down onto the ranch and actually work. “I’d need to change into some more fitting clothing. I hope it won’t offend you if I wear britches and a man’s shirt to work with the horses?”

  He smiled. “Not at all. While I’m sure that was frowned on where you came from, we have no such hang-up’s here. You’ll meet my sister and you’ll see she doesn’t dress appropriately either. However, I will ask that you dress appropriately while we have paying guests on the ranch. Other times, you can dress as you wish.”

  “I usually wear a dress over my britches but once the men would leave to their assignments, I’d take it off. The flowing and swishing would startle the horses early in their training. Later I wore them to help settle the horses once I’d got them mostly trained.”

  “That sounds like a wise thing to do, Miss Hughes. Would you like to change now, and I could go and saddle up Sunset for you so you could ride her down to the ranch? I have a wagon we could use, but I thought you might like to exercise her and bring her down to get comfortable with the stables she’ll occupy if you take the job.”

  “I’m not sure you could saddle her. She won’t let anyone else near her for the most part. My father could, before his passing, but no one else has ever gotten close and I would warn you to tell your men no one can ride her, she won’t allow it.”

  “I’ll let them know but I’d like to try and saddle her. If it seems to upset her I’ll stop. I have a way with horses as well.” He smiled at her and Melody felt as if her heart had galloped right out of her chest. She knew she blushed and hated her light complexion that gave away her emotions. “Then by all means, Mr. Ryder, try if you must.”

  He smiled and stood as she did. “The restrooms are in the lobby and I would like it if you’d call me Tallis or even Tall as my family does, Miss Hughes.”

  She was shocked by his offer to call him by his given name or even more so by his family pet name, but then, she called most of her Pa’s men by their cowboy names. “Of course, Tallis, but only if you’ll call me Melody.”

  Tallis smiled as if she’d offered him a great gift. “A lovely name for a lovely woman. I’d be honored to call you Melody.”

  With that he held the door open for her and they exited the room to the lobby. Reverend Johnson nodded to her. “I’ll get your bag, my dear, so you can change.”

  She nodded. Tallis also tipped his hat to her. “I’ll see to your mare and get the wagon ready for the Reverend and myself. I must wa
rn you, Melody, that my father brought up a stallion that no one has been able to tame, for you to try and show us what you can do. Expect a lot of spectators today.”

  “That’s fine, Tallis, as long as they are quiet and still. Otherwise I will ask them to leave. There is no need for the horse or myself to get hurt because people want to watch me work.”

  “Agreed. I’ll make sure they know to keep quiet and still.”

  With those words he left the building and she was able to gawk at the marvels of this modern time without feeling foolish.

  He shook his head to try and clear it. Ever since Melody had looked up at him from the Reverend’s mustang he’d been a bit overwhelmed. It was like she’d climbed into his head from his dreams and taken root there. Well maybe not in his head, but it felt like she was trying to bore roots into his heart already. He wanted to tell her that she was home. He wanted to ask her to marry him and he knew next to nothing about her. Somehow she had gotten inside his soul and now he wanted to know everything. He wanted to hold her, kiss her, take her in his arms and tell her everything would be okay, that he would protect her, provide for her and make her the queen of his ranch. But he knew that as skittish as she was and having come from a place that put value on old fashioned ideals, he’d need to rein it in and seek to get to know her and even court her.

  He walked up to the paddock where Sunset was. The first thing he could do was convince her horse to let him touch her and saddle her. If he could do it without upsetting the animal maybe she’d be impressed. So he had circled round to the kitchen in the welcome center and snagged an apple and a couple of carrots and two sugar cubes. Then he slipped out to the paddock and went over to the fence where he pulled out his pocket knife and cut a small slice off of the apple and proceeded to crunch it in his mouth. He smiled as he saw Sunset’s head come up at the noise and her nose start sniffing at the breeze that blew past him. She looked his way and snorted.


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