Melody's Next Christmas (Timeless Love Book 6)

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Melody's Next Christmas (Timeless Love Book 6) Page 7

by George H. McVey

  She looked into his eyes and his heart squeezed tight as a single tear escaped and ran down her cheek. “How, Tallis, how can you promise me that?”

  He wiped her tear away. “Because I’m Tallis Colton Ryder, my family has gifts and Callings that make miracles happen every day. How can Reverend Johnson and his contract stand against a whole family of people who do impossible things as a family legacy? Yes, I figured out your secret but I’ll let you in on mine, without you confirming yours. I dreamed about you the night before you came to my ranch. I dreamed about our children. One of the things we Ryder’s know is those dreams are always true. Nothing the good Reverend has can stand against that. NOTHING, Melody.”

  Her eyes widened and she trembled as she whispered, “I dreamed about you too, before we met. How is that possible?”

  He smiled at her. “How is any of it possible? It brings to mind something my own grandfather, Samuel, used to say. ‘With God all things are possible.’ I think we are living proof he was right.” He leaned back in his seat. “Now eat. We don’t want Mama Fazio to think we don’t appreciate her fine cooking. Then I’ll show you how to dance; and then, Melody Hughes, I’m going to take you home and shock your sensibilities by kissing you senseless before sending you off to bed. And do you know why you’re going to allow me to do such a shocking thing, Melody?”

  She blushed and then nodded.

  “Tell me, Melody, why are you going to allow such shocking behavior?”

  In a whisper so soft he almost couldn’t hear it she finally admitted what they both knew. “Because I’m yours.”

  “That’s right, you’re mine. Mine to have, mine to hold, mine to love, and to marry. Just as I’m yours, until death and death alone shall separate us. The Reverend Johnson can put that in his contract and renegotiate the terms because the Ryders will win this one.”

  After that their conversation turned to lighter things. The ranch, a breeding program with Diablo and Sunset as the first pairing. Tallis told Melody several of the stories of Nugget Nate that he loved and she told him a story about a young girl who met the famous Mountain Man of the West when he came to buy some horses, without naming who the young girl was or who her father was. Then Tallis told her about the Callings and how after Nathan Ryder they had begun to become more diverse. How Nathan and Grace were the last Ryders to have the typical danger-sign for men and this-girl-needs-help and is having what kind of baby for the women, into what they had now. He explained how his dad could see connections and situations that others couldn’t, how his brother Nate just knew when a deal was going to be prosperous or disastrous and had for years now kept the Ryder family trusts and wealth increasing. How his own aunt could see someone’s deepest emotional need and how Sara, from childhood, just knew who would end up the perfect couple. He could see Melody wanted to know if Sara Marie had said anything about them but he wouldn’t tell her. Let her ask his nosey little sister for herself.

  They shared bites from each other’s plates and he was glad that Melody seemed to love Mama Fazio’s food as much as he did. As they sat talking their plates slowly got cleaned and then just as the last bites were put into their mouth, Mama returned with one last plate and two coffee cups on a tray. “For dessert I bring you Tiramisu, only one plate but two forks. This you share like the coppia innamorata that you are with caffè italiano as it should be paired with. Then you, Signori, take your bella donna out and dance with her as is proper.”

  Tallis smiled at her. “Thank you, Mama, I will do as you say. He reached into his pants and pulled out his wallet but the old lady waived him away.

  “You no insult me with that money, Signori. I tell you every time your money is no good here. Without you My Gino and I not be in business.”

  He smiled. “And what do I tell you, Mama? We are partners and as you say I don’t do enough to bring in clients. This is not a payment for your food but a gift for your hospitality and friendship. A gift for your hearth which you will not refuse. If you don’t want to keep it then divide among your staff as always.”

  After reluctantly taking the money, Mama Fazio left mumbling in Italian as she walked away. Melody looked at him and laughed. “Will you teach me this language she is speaking so I know what she is saying?”

  “My dear it will be my pleasure to teach you a great many things in the years to come.”

  “Maybe, kind sir, I will be the one to teach you a great many things.”

  He took her hand in his and pulled it across the table, turning it over and placing a kiss on her inner wrist. “You already have, Melody my love, a great many. Once again his heart sped up at the blush on his beautiful Melody’s face. He stood and took her by the hand and all but flew to his bike. His heart already screaming to him the name of the club they were headed to; Giddy Up.

  Chapter 10

  M elody held on to Tallis and breathed deep of his scent, letting the warmth of his body wash over her as they rode toward the dance that he was taking her too. Even though she should be worried that he’d figured out her secret, the one she was obligated to tell no one, she wasn’t. Saying this three little words at supper had set her free. She’d meant every one of them and they still floated in her head. “Because I’m yours” and she was. There was no use denying what her heart and soul had known since she’d first laid eyes on him She belonged to Tallis Ryder just like he belonged to her. She should be scared that she’d fallen for him and would be yanked 147 years away from him by Reverend Johnson in just five and a half short months, but she knew she had nothing to fear. She didn’t know why she had nothing to fear but she knew that somehow Tallis, her Tallis, would be triumphant and she would spend her life in his arms as his wife.

  Her thoughts were again interrupted by the slowing of his ride. This time the lights and sounds are what pulled her attention from his warmth and scent. Before her was a huge barn-like structure with bright glowing pink and blue words saying, “GIDDY UP CLUB!” The noise coming from inside resembled music slightly, but just slightly. What really was too much for her to take in was the outfits some of the women leaving the vehicles around them had on. Dresses and even britches that barely covered their private places. Bosoms on almost full display with scraps of cloth smaller than the garment Sara had bought her earlier called a bra. Shoulders, necks and arms on full display and even their midsections. She stepped off the motorcycle and turned to stare at Tallis. “What kind of a place have you brought me, Tallis Ryder? All your talk of treating me with respect and not damaging my reputation. This is a dance hall, isn’t it? Or is it worse; have you brought me to a brothel to dance with me? Is this what you think is a safe place to dance?”

  Before he could answer, her eyes locked on something over his shoulder and she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. The woman in the truck beside them had climbed on top of the man sitting beside her and they were doing things that she was pretty sure only a husband and wife were supposed to do behind closed doors and maybe not even then. “Take me home right now!”

  Tallis laughed. “I’m sorry, Melody. I know this is a shock but where did you think we were going? A barn dance or church social?”

  “Of course I did, that is the proper and respectable place for dancing. Well-lit and chaperoned.”

  He shook his head and took her hands. “Look at me, Love.”

  She did only because she was sure that she shouldn’t be looking at the couple beside them. Their actions were shocking. He pulled her close so that she focused on his eyes. “My world now, Melody, not yours. The rules here are different. What you’re expecting only happens for children in school. If grown men and women want to dance they come to places like this. We call them Clubs. This one is a Country and Western club meaning the music they play is what most farmers and ranchers listen too. Yes the clothes on some of the women are shocking, some of them are more morally loose than is even acceptable nowadays. But you are here with me. We are going to go inside drink ice tea or lemonade and dance a few two-steps and I’ll
help you learn some line dances, kind of like a reel or square dance; only in a line. I’ll hold you in my arms and we’ll dance. Nothing else. As much as I want to kiss you, I won’t even do that till we get home and I’ll restrain myself to one or two before I send you alone to your room to sleep.”

  She looked at him and saw the honesty of his words and shivered at the flaming desire of his eyes. “Fine, but if you think that I’m going to dress like that ever or do what those people in that truck are, you are sorely mistaken.”

  Tallis looked to the side and then quickly back at her. “Darlin’ I don’t want you dressing like these women for anyone but me behind closed and locked doors. As for what those two are doing, ain’t no-one ever going to see you doing those things but me, and I won’t be seeing them because it will be me you’re doing ‘em too and only after a preacher says we’re man and wife. Got it?”

  She blushed and could feel the heat of it from the top of her head all the way to the end of her toes. “Fine then, let’s go do this dancing so I can go home and take another shower. I feel filthy just standing here near those two.”

  “So do I, honey, so do I.”

  He took her hand in his and together they headed into the loud, dark building that Tallis kept assuring her was perfectly acceptable for them to be in. Once inside he leaned close and said “stick close to me, Melody. No matter what, stay right by my side. If anyone tries to give you something to drink besides our server or me, don’t take it and don’t agree to dance with anyone else. Not everyone here is a gentleman.”

  “Then why are we here?”

  “Because the only other place to dance with you is at home, and if I’m honest with you, I don’t trust myself to be alone with you and that close.”

  “I’d trust you alone with me more than I would the men in this place.”

  Tallis looked at her and sighed. “Maybe you’re right, maybe this is too much modern life too soon. Come on, I’ll take you home and dance with you in the front room. At least there we can have Sara Marie come chaperone you.”

  As he turned and led them back outside her heart swelled in her chest. He’d listened to her and accepted her suggestion as a good solution and even thought about her need for something resembling the normal she knew and was going to provide it. He pulled the device he called a phone from his pocket, she knew that somehow it allowed him to talk to people elsewhere. He pushed a button and she could hear a buzzing sound that came and went, quickly followed by, “I told you, Tallis, the Giddy Up was too much.”

  He laughed. “Alright Sara, you were right and I was wrong. We’re headed home. Can you find some good slow two-steps and a few fun line dances for the Bluetooth system and get dressed to help me teach Melody to line dance and keep us honest during the two steps?”

  “Sure, you want me to get a ruler like old Mrs. Richards used to do in high school?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Sara. I said honest, not in different zip codes.”

  “I’ll be ready but you’ll owe me.”

  “See you in a few.”

  “Yep, and hey Tall, bring her straight home, no moonlit kisses along the way.”

  “Nope only two kisses tonight to say goodnight. That was what she agreed too.”

  “Umm hmm. Maybe so, but I know what I know, Tall.”

  “Yeah about that; we need to talk before Dad comes, just you and me.”

  “Umm, something important came up, did it?”


  “See you in a few then.”

  He pushed the big red button and the little thing went dark and silent. “That’s amazing.”

  “It is and I need to get you one on Monday. It’s important in case of an emergency on or off the ranch.”

  “I wouldn’t know how to use it.”

  “We’ll teach you, it’s simple, you’ll be an expert in no time if Sara has anything to do with it. She insists every woman can’t function without one.”

  “I have until now.”

  “Yes you have, but life is changing for you from now on, Melody. That you can be certain-sure of, as my ancestors used to say.” He climbed on the motorcycle and helped her on again. She wrapped her arms around him and felt at home again instantly and she suddenly realized that with her acceptance and declaration of whom she belonged with, home had changed. It wasn’t the ranch she’d grown up on anymore or the time she’d grown up in. It wasn’t a place at all. Home was Tallis Colton Ryder and it always would be.

  Tallis raced home faster than he really should have with an inexperienced rider on the back of the bike. Had Melody not been so tight against him, it was like she was glued there, he might have slowed down. But like the horsewoman she was and the natural rider she was turning out to be, they had moved like one. He couldn’t wait to get her inside and see if that connection continued on the dance floor. If he was honest with himself, he wanted to see if it continued other places as well, and knew he’d been wise to not only bring her home but make sure his nosy little sister was up keeping an eye on them.

  While he’d never been tempted to even want to take a woman to his bed before wedding vows were said, he was honest enough with himself to know this woman would be a temptation till those vows were said, because in his heart and mind he’d already said them. With her declaration at Fazio’s tonight he felt like she’d said them too, and while in her day that said in public and then taking her to bed would have been enough, he was teaching her to live in his day and age and while acceptable in most circles, it wasn’t in his family’s. Their faith and commitment to godly living was one reason they all felt that God continued to bless their family with the Calling’s that defined their lives and service to God, family and others.

  His cousin Samuel never missed a shot, much like Nathan Ryder in days of lore had done and no one was quicker on the trigger. It had made him the expert sniper he’d been in the Navy and now as a military contractor. While all the Ryders were quick and accurate, Sam’s was unnaturally so. He also had never hit an innocent target. There were times that his refusal to take a shot had angered his commanders but every time he’d been proven correct that the person they thought they were targeting wasn’t that person. His brother, Bartholomew, had more confirmed rescues as a coast guard rescue swimmer than any swimmer before or since and now as a paramedic for New York city, he seemed to be at the right place at the right time to save lives there as well. Their sister, Hannah; well, she was the most decorated female U.S. Marshal ever, again stopping crimes and saving lives with what her superiors called a supernatural ability. All of them good Christians, living the life God had called them to. While Tallis and his siblings had taken less flashy career paths, they had indeed kept the Ryder tradition of honor and righteousness alive as well as helping the family stay prosperous and successful. There was no way that Tallis would put his Calling in jeopardy but again, he was glad he had Sara here and realized that his brother Nate had realized the need before he had.

  As they climbed on their mounts at the small stable up behind the welcome center Tallis had to force himself to stay away from Melody. He wanted her in his arms, their lips pressed together and he realized just how powerful Sara’s gift had become lately. He was indeed tempted to stop for a moonlit kiss, or honestly, several kisses. Instead he challenge the woman his heart longed for to a race back down to the stable. Letting her get the jump on him because while he may be a man of Godly intent he was still a man and watching the way she moved on Sunset was a thing of beauty that he just couldn’t deny himself.

  Once the horses were bedded down and they were in the house he wasted no time in taking her in his arms and having Sara turn on the music. For the first two-step he danced a proper two-step as they had done since the dance was invented, her arm on his shoulder, one hand in his, his hand on her waist. Then for the second he taught her how the two-step had progressed to what was normally done today, pulling her close but not as close as he wanted, leaving his hands on her hips, not sliding up and down
her back like he desired, with her hands around his neck, head resting on his chest. His cheek on her head, breathing in her unique scent like horse and leather with honeysuckle mixed in. He wanted so badly to taste her lips, he just knew she’d be sweet as the honeysuckle she smelled like. But he refrained and after two dances like that, Sara had declared it was time to teach her the boot scoot boogie and then the watermelon crawl. All Tallis wanted was a chance to hold her close again but he knew his sister was right. They’d done both line dances several times, laughing and having fun, then Sara had relented and said there was time for one last dance if they were going to make it to church the next day. So Tallis got his last slow dance and half way through the song he realized his baby sister had slipped away to bed herself, giving him the opportunity for the two kisses he’d promised Melody before the night was finished.

  He slowed their dance and lifted her head. ‘I’m going to kiss you now, Melody. This is your last chance to tell me no before I seal you to me until you agree to be my wife.”

  ‘Are you asking me to marry you, Mr. Ryder?”

  Oh, how he wanted to say yes but this woman was special, and she deserved everything that the modern woman wanted in a proposal: candlelight dinner, the shiny ring, man on one knee giving a flowery speech. So instead he sighed. “Not yet, Love. I got what I wanted from you tonight when you agreed to being mine to claim later. When I propose there will be no question that I’m asking for your hand as well as your heart. Tonight I’m just asking for your lips. Just a taste to see if you’re as sweet as I think you are. Well, maybe two tastes. May I kiss you, Melody?”


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