Lexi's Justice

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Lexi's Justice Page 5

by Renee Shearer

  I buried it even further, I wouldn't cower. I wouldn't live in fear.

  Now here I was, striding through the doors of the Witch’s Brew in the afternoon, like I owned the joint. Britt has a flood of people at the register, so I waved and headed down the romance isle.

  I had decided to make my one day hiking trip into a weekend camping getaway, and wanted some new books to read at night when I had to stop. Originally Christian and I had decided to go hiking about three hours north of Salem, Friday and Saturday but spend the nights in a bed and breakfast. Since I was going by myself I preferred to camp in the woods. I used to do it all the time when I was in college, before Roxy was murdered.

  I shook off my thoughts and scanned the aisle, ever since Britt had given me that first reverse harem novel I was hooked. My eyes snagged on one that’s prominently displayed, the cover was gorgeous. Simple yet elegant, a lone woman standing with clouds all around, she had a beautiful necklace laying across her back. I snagged it and read the title, The Valkyrie’s Princes by Quinn Arthurs. I don’t even scan the back to know if I’ll like it or not. I already know I will. I had just finished a book by her and another author Harper Wylde, called Spark of Intent. I couldn’t put that one down and figured this one would be just as great. I spot another one on the shelf above, the cover had a lot of purple hues and a big moon behind a beautiful girl. I glanced at the title Tribe Protector, after reading the back I saw it was the third in a sci-fi reverse harem series by Stacy Jones. It sounded interesting so I looked for and grabbed the other two in the series.

  There that should be enough to get me through the weekend and probably into the next week since I would really only have time to read for an hour or so before dark.

  I headed to the cafe where I could wait on Britt to get done with the rush. I wasn’t worried about paying her, I always had to have one of her employee’s ring me up as Brit refused to. I’ve told her this wasn’t good business, but she doesn’t listen.

  I opened Valkyrie’s Princes as I walked and started to read. I have never been very patient whenever I got a new book, always preferring to dive right in, no matter where I am. I used to do it all the time in school and would run into things. Roxy always called me ‘Crash’ because of it.

  I looked up as I neared the staircase to go upstairs, seeing the way was clear I looked back down and continued to read. I rounded the pole just fine but smacked into the wall.

  “Oww, this damn store is gonna be the death of me.” I mumbled stepping back.

  “Well that would be tragic if the world lost such a beautiful woman”. A deep voice said as hands lightly grasped my shoulders. I recognized that voice!

  “Connor?!” My head snapped up and I looked into his beautiful hazel eyes. “You cut your hair. It looks goo…” I paused, really looking at his face. This man looked just like Connor; but he wasn’t him. I don’t know how I know he’s not Conner. But I do.

  “Wait. Who are you? Connor’s brother?”

  He smirked with a look of pride in his eyes, “You can tell us apart. Fascinating. Not even our own mother can tell us apart. Which is why we have different haircuts, makes it easier on the old gal.” He chuckled.

  My cheeks blazed with heat and I tried to explain in a rush, “It's your eyes, I dabble in photography so I notice little details. Your brothers eyes are more blue with gold flecks in them. Yours lean more towards the green side of hazel with less gold flecks. Most people probably wouldn’t even notice, but Grams always told me the eye’s were the windows to the soul. The face can lie but the eyes can’t. They show everything. Well, not everything, people can master lying eyes, but it takes years. Or to be a true psychopath I guess, are you a psychopath?” I gasped, my eyes becoming wide as I clapped a hand over my mouth.

  Did I seriously just ask this sexy guy if he was a psychopath? Oh. My. God. Alexandria Adams, what the hell is wrong with you!? I mentally rolled my eyes at myself. Me and my big ass mouth.

  The gorgeous man in front of me threw his head back in laughter, the sound rich and full, like his brothers, only slightly smoother than Connor’s.

  He holds out his hand for me to shake, and in a soft gentle voice tells me, “I’m Colter Jones. You met my twin the other day.”

  I shake his hand and that same electrical tingle races up my arm and down my spine. Suddenly wary, I snatched my hand back giving him a brilliant megawatt smile to hide my discomfort. I have never felt anything like that before with anyone, and now I’ve felt it for both Colter and Connor. It was weird as hell, but maybe it was a brother thing?

  I stood there a moment just appreciating the beauty of Colter. He’s a little shorter than his brother, I’d say around 6 feet and was nothing but solid muscle. He’s a bit leaner but still had wide, strong shoulders. Narrow hips, with thighs the size of my waist, and I’m not barbie doll skinny. I have curves, even if I am in shape.

  Colter was giving me a weird, confused look, I realized I never told him my name in return, instead I’m just standing here smiling at him like a lunatic. I mentally eye roll myself again, “Sorry! I’m Alexandria Adams.”

  “Double A as initials, huh?” His eyes flicked to my chest, almost as if he was looking to see if my boobs match my initials. I chuckled softly and shook my head; I got that reaction a lot from men.

  “Actually when you include my middle name, it’s Triple A.” I held up my hand before he had a chance to speak, “And no. I do not sell insurance. Also for the record I’m a 36C.”

  Colter chuckled, and nodded, “Good to know. I probably deserved that.”

  I shifted from foot to foot, suddenly nervous, which was never a good thing in my case. I could feel it rising to the top. Word Vomit. I was about to unleash the full torent of my vocab skills on this poor unsuspecting guy.

  I swallowed hard. No, Lexi, just keep it together, ask him one question as a starting point. That's all. Just one.

  I opened my mouth, and instead of one like I had told myself, it rained. “So what brings you to the Witch’s Brew? Getting some lunch? Not that guys can’t read or don’t read or anything, I mean you could be here for a book. Or books plural. Hell, you could be here for a whole mountain of books. Grams always told me not to judge a book by its cover. Which I get, I do. But I mean let's be realistic here, everyone’s eye is drawn to things that are pretty, if the cover is beautifully done then people are more likely to look at it. Take you for example.” I waved my hand in his general direction, ignoring the eyebrow that he raised.

  My brain was screaming at me, shut the fuck up, you nitwit. But my mouth had run away from the train station and gone off the damn rails. There’s no stopping this now, I cast my eyes to Brit in an employing manner. She saw me and immediately jumped into action, while my mouth just kept heaving the word vomit out. “You’re extra pretty on the outside, but may be a total asshole on the inside. While someone who isn’t as well endowed with muscles and may not have as classically handsome face as you have, may be the nicest, sweetest person on the planet. But will people give the other guy a chance? Not with you or your brother around, you’re both ridiculously ho…” Britt’s hand slapped over my mouth in the nick of time.

  Saving me from finishing that sentence, though from the amusement dancing in his eyes he probably already guessed where it was going. I could feel my face flaming, even my chest felt hot. Which he once again glanced at, then smirked.

  Damnit. I just knew that my chest was all red, I’m a full body flusher when I get really embarrassed. Seriously. It goes all the way from my toes to my head red. I groaned softly and closed my eyes, trying to hide from Colter. Wishing the floor would just open up and swallow me.

  Why do I always have to be this stupid? Why can’t I just be normal? Not only did I ask if he was a psychopath, now I’ve practically called him an asshole because he looks hot. Me and my fucking big, mouth.

  “You’ll have to excuse my friend, she suffers from word vomititus, she can’t help herself.” I rolled my eyes behind my closed li
ds, which isn’t as easy as it sounds.

  I’ve done the whole talking a mile a minute and having my train of thought derail, when I was nervous my entire life. Roxy’s words floated up from the depths of my brain, “Alex. Someday your mouth is gonna get the best of you. And I hope someone just kisses you to shut you the hell up.”

  Well, no one had kissed me yet to shut me up, but Britt does slap her hand over my mouth pretty regularly, so that’s something.

  Colter was looking between Britt and I with amusement on his face. He flashed a brilliant smile that turned my legs into jello, it took all of my will power to stay upright.

  He rocked back on his heels, sticking his hands into his pockets. “I’m told I'm nicer, so hopefully I won’t be too much of an asshole and to answer your earlier question. No I am not a psychopath,” Colter tilted his head to the side and regarded me, I think I can handle myself now, so I did the only sensible thing I can do with her hand over my mouth. I licked it.

  “Eww.. Lexi! How many times have I told you not to fucking lick me when I save your ass!” Brit whisper shouted at me.

  Colter laughed, looking down, he bent over. I wondered why he was bending down, while craning my neck to try and get a look at his backside. He straightened up holding one of the books I had gotten, and caught me trying to look at his ass. I blushed again, at this rate I’m going to be a fucking tomato for the rest of the day.

  He turned the book over to the back and started reading. I must have dropped it when we collided. His eyebrows jumped up to the hairline of his dark brown hair that is longer on top and shorter on the sides. He had it swept up into a really appealing casual, messy, I just rolled out of bed kind of way. It looked really sexy on him, and I would bet a month's salary that he spent some time getting that look in the morning.

  My eyes flicked down to his lips as they silently moved with the words he was reading, they are full just like his brothers, but Colter’s bottom lip is slightly plumper and I have the sudden urge to lean over and nip it.

  I shook my head and looked at Brit, not a word passes our lips but we have a conversation anyways. We have become so good at reading each other that we have silent conversations all the time.

  Britt’s eyes flicked to Colter, asking who is this hunk of man meat?

  I shrugged; I don’t know anything.

  Her eyes narrowed on me; what do you mean you don’t know anything? You had better spill it girl.

  I widened my eyes and gave a small nod, Okay. geeze woman. Chill out, I will tell you everything.

  She smiled, puckering her lips at me, Good. Now I don’t have to rip your head off.

  I narrowed my eyes and smirked, like to see you try, girlie.

  Britt chuckled and shook her head. Colter looked up at us a frown marring his perfect face. “Did I miss something?”

  I smiled widely, “Nope, my best friend Britt and I were just having a conversation.”

  Colter grinned, “Yeah, I have that kind of bond with my brothers too.”

  “Brothers? Good god, how many of you are there?” Britt laughed at my outburst, some friend she was.

  He shrugged, “Only my twin and I are blood. But we have two other brothers that were part of our unit.”

  I gave him a questioning look hoping he’ll elaborate, but no such luck. He looked back down at the book, handing it back to me with another smirk and winked at me. I swear my heart just stopped beating only to start again in overdrive.

  “I’ve never read this one. Maybe I’ll have to grab it so if I run into you again we can talk about it. Sounds interesting, I’ve always liked alien movies and books.”

  Our hands brushed as I took my book back; once again the electric tingle slid along my nerve endings. I took a deep shuddering breath and looked down, the title was Chosen, by Stacy Jones.

  Shit. My face heated to scalding and I knew it looked as scarlett as it felt. I cleared my throat, “Umm.. It may not be to your liking. Not everyone likes these kinds of books. They’re still gaining popularity, but as far as this town goes, Britt’s the only one who sells them.” I could see Britt place her hand over her mouth to try and stifle her giggles. I rolled my eyes at her. Why is she laughing now?

  “What kind of books are those?”

  “Umm...Reverse Harem.” I shifted my feet, I felt like my cheeks couldn't get any hotter.

  Colter does that cute head tilt again, Britt dropped her hand and jumped into the conversation.

  “You know what a regular harem is right? From like overseas?” Colter nodded his head, “Well flip it. A reverse harem is where there is one girl and 3 or more guys who she loves and they all love her. They are romantically involved. All of them. And they treat her like a fucking queen while she treats them like kings and tries to keep everything fair so there is no jealousy.”

  For a split second his eyes snapped to mine, and I could see the excitement and glee in their hazel depths. Then his eyes went back to Britt and he nodded slowly.

  “Ahh, I see how that would be appealing to many women. However I’m sure not many in today's world would agree with that type of thinking.”

  Britt nodded her head, “Yes, that’s true, not many do. But it’s gaining popularity.”

  Colter nodded again, a thoughtful look in his eyes as he glanced my way again. What the hell is with all of these side glances from him?

  “Well, it was nice to meet you. We really have to run, have important things to discuss and all. Plus I'm starving and need food.” I blurted out, grabbing Britt’s’ arm and hauling her skinny ass up the stairs like the hounds of hell were chasing us. I left Colter standing there looking up at us, his mouth slightly open, like he wanted to say something. Not that I turned around to look or anything and I definitely didn’t see his eyes firmly planted on my ass, with a look of hunger in them. I never saw the way his hands fisted at his sides, as if he was holding himself back from chasing after us.

  Nope. I saw none of that.

  When we got upstairs, Britt waved to Emily and did some kind of weird hand movement, bypassing the counter and going straight to the tables outside. It was still pretty warm, with only a slight chill in the air to let you know fall was here. I knew she was going to start in on me about my hiking trip again, and possibly what happened with Colter. Sitting down, I crossed my arms and waited for the grilling to commence in three, two, one…

  “What the hell was that back there?”

  I shrugged and looked out into the street, “What was what?”

  I could feel her death glare and don’t look back at her. She had one of the best death glares I have ever seen, next to my grams and mom, before my mother turned to alcohol to drown her sorrows. “Alexandria Ann Adams. You know what I mean. Spill. Now.”

  I heaved a big sigh, just as Colter came into view, heading for a dark green range rover parked across the street. That man had one fine ass, his jeans hugged it so nicely. I really wished for a pair of binoculars right now. Maybe I should mention that to Britt. I’m imagining reaching out and squeezing his ass to feel how hard it is, when Britt pinched my arm, hard.

  “Oww! You slut, that hurt!”

  “Hello, then maybe you should answer me!”

  “Okay! Geez, mom! It was nothing, I was reading as I was walking and ran into him. Seems to be my pattern lately. He’s Connor twin and we struck up a conversation.”

  “Yes I could see that, but...”

  I cut her off and asked a question of my own, I already knew the answer but I wanted her to get off the subject. “Do you want to go camping and hiking with me this weekend?”

  As I suspected her face scrunched up into a distasteful look, like someone had told her to go eat worms or something.

  “If you honestly think I would ever go hiking or sleep on the ground in the middle of the woods, you have flipped your pancake.”

  I laughed, “I know. But can’t blame a girl for trying.”

  Her face became serious and she regarded me carefully, I’ve seen this loo
k on her before. She always does this when she thinks I can’t handle something. I felt my muscles tensing up, waiting for her to deliver the blow.

  Just as she opened her mouth Emily came out with two steaming bowls of soup and a skyscraper club sandwich. My mouth watered when the smell of broccoli and cheese hit my nose. Emily makes the best broccoli and cheese soup I have ever tasted and her club sandwiches are to die for.

  Britt opened her mouth to start in on me again but I held up my hand and shook my head no as I started to shovel food in my mouth. I was serious when I told Colter I was starving right now. As the flavors of smoked ham, turkey and bacon with a slightly spicy mayo hit my tongue I moaned.

  This was so good! After I swallowed I immediately take another big bite, a moan once again slipping free as my eyes rolled back into my head. I was in heaven.

  I swallowed and opened my eyes to see Colter standing behind Britt with a huge grin on his face.

  Oh My God! The man has dimples! Be still my beating heart.

  Wait… how long has he been standing there? He was on his way to his car the last time I looked!

  I quickly grabbed my napkin and wipe my face as lady-like as I can. “Err… Hiya again.” I gave him a pathetic little half wave. My face going red, again.

  “Hiya.” He winked at me and I damn near fell out of my chair in a swoon. That man was way too sexy for his shirt. He should take it off. Wait. what? No! I barely know the man! Where the hell did that thought come from?

  “So...can I help you with something?” I asked him, trying not to frown at my wayward thoughts, don’t need him thinking I’m frowning at him. Which I’m not doing, not by a long shot.

  “Actually I came to give you something after reading that book you had. But then I heard you moan over your food and I got sidetracked watching you, wondering if you would make that same sound in bed.” His eyes were intense as he looked at me.


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