Hungry Boss

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Hungry Boss Page 108

by Charlize Starr

  “Hello, Kyle,” she said, keeping her distance from me. Lewis shut the door behind him, and I let out a huge breath.

  “Thank you for coming to the game,” I said, trying to force a smile on my face.

  “You won, again,” she said, still unsmiling.

  “Despite your prediction,” I said jokingly as she slowly pulled the glasses off her face. Her eyes were dark today, a deep rich blue.

  “I didn’t wish you ill,” she said.

  I nodded my head. “I know, of course. It was only a joke.”

  “And I also didn’t mean to cause a scene. I just wanted to watch the game. I had the ticket,” she continued. I continued nodding my head.

  “Of course. You should come to all the games, by all means. You’re a sports journalist after all.” I tried to laugh again, but she wasn’t joining me.

  “I don’t know why people keep calling me that. I used to be a sports journalist. I’m not one anymore.” She looked away from me, but she didn’t look sad. She looked sure of herself, as confident as ever. I wanted to hold her, I wanted her to let it all out.

  “How are you feeling?” I asked and she jerked her head to look at me.

  “With the child you mean?”

  “With my child, yes.”

  “I feel fine.” She waved the sunglasses in her hand, and I stared at her. I wanted her to tell me the truth.

  “Can I see the baby when it’s born?” I asked, I knew I had to tread carefully.

  “I didn’t think you wanted to,” she said, looking keenly back at me.

  “Of course I want to. It’s my child. It’s our child, Erica.” I took a few steps towards her, and I was glad to find that she didn’t move away.

  “But it was a mistake.”

  “A happy mistake. I’m going to be a father. That feels great and I want to be a part of its life.” I took a few more steps towards her.

  “I was planning on leaving the city, going back to my hometown,” she said, still looking at me.

  “For a while? Not for very long, I hope. I don’t want to live far away from my child.” I didn’t know what else to say. My heart was breaking to hear that she had planned to go away. Ten days apart had been enough for me to know that I couldn’t live without her.

  “I need my family’s support.”

  “But you have mine.”

  “Lewis asked me to stay away.”

  “Lewis is an asshole,” I blurted out, and I saw the smile in her eyes. It encouraged me to edge closer to her. “He has no idea how I feel about you.”

  Erica was silent, but she was asking the question with her eyes. How do you feel about me?

  “That relationship may have been fake, Erica, but my feelings for you are not. I think I’m in love with you,” I said. The lightbulb above us was swinging. Her face was lit and then not lit, lit and then not lit. I thought I saw a smile spreading across her face, but I couldn’t be sure yet.

  “Kyle, how can this be possible?” she asked, and I reached for her hand.

  “I don’t know Erica, but it’s not impossible either,” I said. She let me hold her hand.

  “No, I mean, how can this be possible? I thought I was the only one who was feeling this way. I’ve missed you, Kyle,” she said and she was in my arms in the next second. Her face was on my shoulder and I was stroking her hair.

  My heart was beating fast, the warmth of her body was enough to make me happy. I was smiling.

  “Why did you stay away from me for so long?” I asked her. She remained on my chest, her hair spread over my shoulders.

  “Because I didn’t think you wanted me. I thought you were happy to see me go. I couldn’t imagine that you would want a baby.” Erica was speaking softly as I held her close to me.

  “That’s crazy talk. All I’ve done since I first saw you in that hallway after that first game is think about you. I’ve wanted your body, and now I want your soul,” I said and I felt her smile against my jersey.

  We were both silent for several minutes, enjoying the warmth of each other’s body.

  “What about that photograph? The one in your locker room?” Erica asked suddenly.

  “I never found out who did it. Must have been one of my teammates. But it doesn’t matter anymore. We would never have been together if it wasn’t for that photograph,” I said, stroking her hair. She smiled at me and nodded.

  Chapter Nineteen - Erica

  The press had been primed, they had all lined up outside the stadium waiting for us to make an appearance. Lewis had grudgingly arranged for it.

  Kyle was holding my hand tightly as we made our way out. My heart was pounding against my chest. I had never done something like this before. All my career, I had been on the other side. I had been the one asking questions.

  Kyle was still in his winning jersey and he had a bright smile on his face as we made our way to the front. The cameras flashed. He was a natural. “Good evening everybody. I just wanted to make an official statement and put all the gossip to rest, once and for all,” Kyle began. The cameras continued to flash as he spoke loudly, but the murmur had died down. Everybody was waiting with bated breath to hear him.

  Kyle Murphy had just won another game: he was the star of the show, also the hottest most eligible bachelor in the country, and now he was making a statement holding the hand of a girl who he had supposedly thrown out of his house only a few days ago.

  “No, I will not be taking any questions.” He shot down someone from the crowd of journalists who had said something. “The truth is that Erica and I met here, in this stadium, after one of our games. We met and we fell in love. That was almost instantaneous. We have been together since then, and it is none of anybody’s business what goes on in our personal lives.”

  The cameras flashed again. I was standing beside him and he was still holding my hand.

  “We are very much in love, we have always been together, and little fights and arguments are a part of every relationship. I did not throw her out of my apartment. She chose to leave of her own accord to take a break. And now we are together again.” Kyle looked at me, and I smiled at him. He hadn’t told me what he had planned on saying, but I was glad he was saying it all. Nearly everything he was saying was true.

  “I would also ask the media to exercise caution in their dealings with our relationship. We are expecting a child, and we do not want the paparazzi hounding our personal space and private lives.” He ended it on that note and turned to me. I wasn’t expecting him to kiss me, but he did. Right on the lips, in front of everybody.

  “One last thing, as you can all guess by now. I am officially taken,” he said and pulled me away, and then leaned in to kiss me on the cheek again.

  “All that wasn’t necessary, Kyle,” I whispered to him. He squeezed my hand, warm in his.

  “Of course it was. I had to announce it to the world,” he said.



  Touchdown Daddy



  I have the best job in the world. I get paid for touching hot men. And not just any hot men: I am the sports therapist for Philly’s professional football team.

  Of course the guys hit on me all the time. But I know their tricks. I’m a professional and never break my rules.

  Until he lands on my massage table. Justin’s the most gorgeous, the most cocky, and the most annoying player on the team. He flirts without trying and offends the hell out of me. So why am I falling for him so hard?

  I need to stay away from this guy, he’ll bring me nothing but trouble. But I can’t. He’s injured and Coach Michaels wants me to treat him.

  Then the guy kisses me one day when I’m trying to work on him and I know I want him. I run after one explosive night together and try to hold my crumbling world together, facing life as a single mother.

  He’s turned my world upside down, but I can’t ever let him know how much our night changed his.


Every guy wants to be like me. I am the most admired player in the NFL and the most desired one by the ladies. I can talk any woman into my bed. I live for the chase.

  Until I lay eyes on the new sports therapist Jennifer. She’s gorgeous and tough and I know I’ve met my match. Too bad she’s not interested. But I don’t care. I’ll find a way to have her.

  When I finally succeed, she gives me the best night of my life. For the first time, I want a woman to stay in my life.

  She doesn’t.

  I know I’ve fallen for her when the pain doesn’t go away. I need to find her to convince her we need a second chance. But where the hell is she?

  Chapter One

  I was working on the computer in the event planner’s office when I heard someone say my name. I tossed my thick braid over my shoulder and glanced over to see Coach Michaels standing in the doorway. “Here you are, Jennifer. Are you helping Michelle out again?” His face twisted into a frown, one that I suspected meant both sympathy and a bit of worry.

  “I don’t think you’ll have to worry about her having another baby after this. This first trimester is brutal for her, Coach. She was in the bathroom most of the morning before I saw her long enough to send her home,” I remarked with a wrinkled nose as I pictured her pale face in my mind. Poor thing…I never wanted to have kids, but that was probably what most twenty-two-year-old graduates thought. “What’s up?”

  “I’d like you to take a look at one of my guys. He’s dealing with something in his shoulder, and I’d rather be cautious about this.” There was an evident worry in his voice.

  “Sure thing.” I stood and walked into the hallway to the room that was set up for me several feet down near the stadium. “Who is it?”

  “Justin McLeod,” Coach Michaels replied, and I frowned. Even if I weren't in sports therapy, I would know something about Justin. He was gorgeous, and he knew it, but he was also an excellent quarterback. With their leading scores so far this season, I doubted that they were willing to lose him to an injury. “Do you know him?”

  “Who doesn’t?” I asked as I led the way into the room connected to the locker room where all of my stuff was meticulously stored. “Is it an old injury?”

  “It is. He pulled some tendons last year and the kid won’t take care of himself, Jennifer. I want you to take a feel and see what you can tell him that he’ll listen to.” Coach gave me an imploring look with his tired, dark eyes and I smiled and nodded.

  “I will do my best, but stubborn athletes have a hard time with listening.” I saw Coach nod before he ran a hand through his graying hair. He wasn’t just my boss, but also my father’s best friend and lifelong family friend. I graduated from Boston University with a degree in Sports Medicine just a few months ago, and he’d needed a new therapist here in Philadelphia, so here I was. It wasn’t favoritism though I didn’t let it out that we knew each other well, fearful that it might look that way.

  There was no reason to tell him that I doubted that Justin would take my words to heart. He was a wild man who played by nobody’s rules, on or off the field. He’d been spotted by the paparazzi many times at some bar with a woman or two, sometimes three. I doubted that he’d worry about his health and how it might affect the team. It was a shame that he was one of the big talents on the team and that Coach depended on him. “I’ll tell him to come and see you. Practice is over in about an hour. Can you stick around?” His eyes pleaded with me, and I nodded with what I hoped was a relaxed grin.

  I knew how athletes were when they saw a girl in the staff. Not that I was a supermodel by any means, but my strawberry blonde hair was pretty and brought out my deep blue eyes. I kept myself in shape since this job required me to stay active. I could end up treating half the team on any given day and they required strength on my part. My friends thought that I just got this job to check out hot guys but it was more than that. My brothers had played sports when I was younger and whenever they got hurt, it made me realize that I wanted to help others.

  One thing led to another and I found myself in college studying that very subject. I memorized more muscles than I cared to think about as well as the various injuries that could happen to them. I wanted to stay at the top of my field so when the opportunity came to work for a pro football team, I took it.

  I turned on some music as I went through my inventory and waited to see if Justin would listen to Coach and show up. I had casual plans after this to meet friends for dinner. I glanced down at the standard blue pants and tank top in the team colors that I was wearing and wondered what I was going to throw on when I got back to my apartment, only a few blocks away.

  “Hello, gorgeous,” a voice said as I paused and raised an eyebrow. Any woman could appreciate a smooth voice like that, one that reminded me of a good whiskey that slid well down my throat.

  I looked over to see his intense green eyes looking me up and down before they settled on my face with a crooked smile that probably melted panties right off of women in seconds. Justin McLeod was a hot specimen of a man.

  “Hello. My name is Jennifer Collins. I am the new physical therapist for the team. Coach said you’re dealing with some pain?” My voice was nothing but professional as he seemed to frown and try to figure me out.

  “I pulled a muscle. It’s not that big of a deal,” he shrugged before he stripped off his t-shirt and walked over to me.

  “There’s no previous shoulder injury that you should be keeping track of, then?” I knew his type and rolled my eyes as he looked around the room.

  “Where do you want me?” His voice was suggestive as he looked back at me and I stifled a laugh, shaking my head.

  “Sit on the table there. I’ll see what I can find.” He did, and I took a moment to appreciate his muscled torso as I pressed my glossed lips together. “Right or left?”

  “It’s on the right.”

  I took a breath and reached out to press against his skin. He kept the breath that he sucked in subtle. “Yeah, this feels pretty tight. How is it affecting your game?” He tensed as I pushed in and realized that it was more than just a pulled muscle, although probably not career threatening, at least not yet.

  Chapter Two

  I listened to her speak in her steady confident voice as I memorized the feel of her hands on my skin. I focused on her question and wondered how I could get under her skin. Jennifer was a beautiful girl, and most women didn’t turn me away quickly, if at all. “The injury? It was the beginning of last season, and I played it through just fine.”

  “I saw the game. My dad watches a lot of sports. Looked like an injury that might take a while to heal,” she shot back without missing a beat, and I let a long breath out.

  “How the hell do you know that?” I heard her chuckle behind me.

  “I am a physical therapist, Mr. McLeod. It’s my job to notice injuries on athletes, so I tend to do that. Quite a lot.” She pushed a little harder, and I froze and clenched my hands. “I think I am going to put some heat on it. Lay down and I’ll get one of my pads ready.”

  I moved onto my stomach and rested my head on my good hand as I heard her behind me. I thought again of her body with its soft curves in all of the right places. I felt a cloth placed on my skin and then something hot over that as I closed my eyes.

  “That feels good,” I admitted in a soft voice as I felt her pressing down on the gel pad.

  “I can do this for you every day. I know that Coach wants you playing and I assume that you want to play. I am going to keep a close eye on this injury. Understand?” I nodded. “He and I have a good working relationship, and I won’t hesitate to share it with him if you’re not careful with this and follow my instructions,” she informed me as I felt the nerves in my stomach tensing up. This woman meant business.

  “Are you sure I can’t bribe you with dinner and drinks?” I flirted although I already knew her answer.

  “I am young, but I have been doing this for a while, Mr. McLeod. You’re not the first hot shot athlete that
has tried to hit on me for some benefit to them, and you won’t be the last. I have a high respect for my job, and it’s not going to happen.” She was blunt if nothing else.

  I decided to try something different. “Where did you go to school?”

  “Boston. I graduated last year,” Jennifer replied and I raised an eyebrow.

  “That’s quick to have this job already.” There was a silence and I wondered if I’d struck a nerve.

  “It was good timing.” She pressed again and sighed. “Relax. Does anything else hurt?”

  I told her about some leg pain that I was having and she raised my shorts to rub my leg as she asked me if she was getting it. She had great hands and I decided that I could get used to this. Our last therapist was a grumpy older man with no sense of humor.

  She left the heat on for a while before removing it. “You might want to take a hot shower tonight, or a bath if that’s possible.”

  “I have a hot tub in my yard. That’s very possible,” I replied as she voiced her admiration at my recent purchase. “Do you have one too?” I asked and she laughed.

  “I just have a condo so I am stuck with the fancy bathtub. It’s not quite the same but it can be quite relaxing if I set the right atmosphere.”

  Was she flirting with me? Damn, I hoped so and I felt my cock respond as I sat up and stretched carefully. “Want to come over some time to try out the hot tub with me?”

  “Mr. McLeod.” Her voice held a warning as I looked into her flushed face.

  “Call me Justin, at least.” Jennifer gave me a stern look with her mesmerizing ocean blue eyes. “Come on. We’re going to see a lot of each other. Do you prefer Jennifer or Jen?”


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