Now Comes the Night

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Now Comes the Night Page 22

by P. G. Forte

  “And you’re teasing.”

  “Am I?”

  Damian sighed. “I admit I would be a trifle concerned if I thought for even a moment that you meant what you’d said.”

  “Well then, my love, you may rest easy.” Conrad pulled him closer, then brushed a soft kiss against Damian’s lips. “I promise I would never intentionally cause you pain.” His eyes cut to Damian’s neck and shoulder and his expression darkened. “Or, at least, never again.”

  Damian nodded, burying his face against Conrad’s neck to hide his dismay. Never again…intentionally? Was that really what Conrad had meant to suggest—that, at some point in the past, he’d hurt Damian on purpose? Perhaps Damian had been too hasty to absolve him of guilt. That was too disturbing a concept to contemplate, so he changed the subject.

  “So what was this matter upon which you’ve been thinking?”

  Conrad hesitated for a moment. “I’ve decided you were right. It’s foolish to waste any more time apart, or for us to continue to maintain separate quarters. I’m tired of being cautious. I’d like you to move your things in here, as soon as possible.”

  This time Damian must have been less-than-successful at hiding his emotions. Conrad grimaced as he continued, “That is, unless you feel there’s reason not to. Perhaps, after all, you do not feel safe enough yet to make such a move?”

  “No, no.” Damian hurried to reassure him. “It’s just…well, you did seem so very adamant against it when last we spoke and…” And he hadn’t even considered the possibility that Conrad would expect him to give up his own rooms altogether. He enjoyed the autonomy they gave him, the sense of being independent. And, were Conrad to change his mind again and decide he did not want Damian with him anymore, having his own quarters would at least allow Damian to save face.

  “Is it the lack of space that’s worrying you?” Conrad asked. “For I’ve given thought to that as well. We could easily enlarge this suite, you know. It would be a simple enough matter to install a couple of communicating doors and thus incorporate the next two rooms. In fact, I’ve been thinking, for some time, of doing so.”

  “Have you?” Damian attempted to digest this additional information. Seeing as the rooms Conrad had indicated were already occupied—by Georgia—it seemed Damian wasn’t the only one who was in danger of being displaced, which raised all sorts of interesting questions. “Is Georgia leaving us then?”

  Conrad’s jaw tightened. “No. On the contrary, I’ve asked her to stay on indefinitely, at least until I’m confident the threat against us has been eliminated.”

  Damian shook his head. “I’ll never understand why you put such faith in her. She certainly doesn’t seem to have made much progress so far.”

  “On that point, it seems, we are all in agreement, for she said as much herself. Which is exactly why I’ve agreed to let her bring in some help.”

  Damian went still. “What kind of help?”

  Again Conrad hesitated. “Christian,” he said at last. “She’s asked for Christian.”

  “I see. And you’ve decided to give them my rooms—is that it? I don’t suppose I have any say in this decision?”

  “I only thought that, if you were not going to be using them anymore, it would give them—and us—some much needed privacy.” Conrad sighed. Pulling away from Damian, he sat up. “I thought you’d be pleased, but it’s obviously too soon. I can see you’re not in favor of the idea. If it’s going to upset you I’ll just…think of something else.”

  “No!” Damian clutched at Conrad’s arm to keep him close. “What are you saying? Of course it’s not too soon. I’m only too happy to move in here with you. It’s what I’ve been suggesting for weeks, isn’t it? I was simply taken by surprise, that’s all. When did you say Christian would be arriving?”

  “Soon, I expect. Before the end of the year.”

  “The end of the year? Conrad, that’s next week!”

  “Yes, I guess it is. That’s not a problem, is it?”

  “A problem?” To renovate, redecorate, rearrange his entire existence? “No. No problem at all! It’s just that I am a little preoccupied at the moment, as you might recall, with plans for the party.”

  “Oh, is that all? My dear, I’m quite confident in your ability to handle both projects at once. I believe it’s what they call ‘multi-tasking’ isn’t it? I’m sure you can manage.”

  “Sí, I’m sure I could, but why? I don’t understand the reason for this sudden haste.”

  Conrad arched one brow. “How is it sudden? You’ve been pestering me for weeks to take this step—you just said so yourself.”

  “Sí. Although I don’t believe I phrased it in quite that way. Still, can’t we put things off, just for a little while?”

  “I’d rather not. And I don’t see why it should be necessary. How difficult can it be to move a few rooms of furniture several yards down a hallway? You have the entire staff at your disposal, along with whatever funds you wish to spend. You need not worry about installing the extra doors yet, if that’s a concern. But otherwise… I’m tired of wasting time, Damian. I would like it done now.”

  “Oh, very well,” Damian replied crossly. “Since once again it seems I have no choice.” How very like Conrad to turn everything around so that even his granting of Damian’s request had now become an order, one he must grudgingly fulfill. “It shall all be done just as you desire. And now, if you’ll excuse me, I must get started on my multi-tasking.”

  This time it was Damian who got out of bed. Conrad stopped him with a single word. “Damian.”

  His insides fluttering nervously, Damian gazed at him inquiringly. “Well? What is it?”

  “Nothing. Just…thank you.”

  “De nada.” Damian inclined his head and turned away again. His heart urged him to crawl back into bed and burrow against Conrad’s side, but he ignored it. Much as he wanted to, they couldn’t spend the whole night in bed, reassuring each other of their feelings. Not tonight.

  While it was true Conrad was getting better, he was not yet recovered. The small amount of blood he’d taken from Damian tonight would only take the edge off his hunger for a short while. Maybe Conrad had grown complacent where his health was concerned, but someone needed to concern themselves with his welfare, and it appeared that Damian would have to be that someone.

  He just wished he could still the nagging little voice, deep, down inside, the one that insisted Conrad’s change of heart had less to do with Conrad’s impatience to have Damian in his bed than it did with his desire to make Georgia happy. It was not the first time Damian’s safety had placed a poor second to Georgia’s whims. It wasn’t even the first time Conrad had appeared to disregard Damian’s feelings altogether. Now that he thought about it, in fact, he should probably be used to it by now.

  But that didn’t mean he had to like it.

  Chapter Seventeen

  March, 1983

  Damian had been driving aimlessly around town for hours, ever since Conrad had ordered him out of the house. He had no idea where to go. No idea what to do with himself. No idea how long he need stay gone. His memories of the last time Conrad had evicted him were stark and vivid in his mind. He was more reluctant to return home prematurely than he cared to admit, even to himself.

  He was angry too. After everything he’d given up, everything he’d risked, everything he’d sacrificed for Conrad’s sake, he deserved better than this. He could not believe their relationship had reached the point where every argument, no matter how slight, no matter how pointless or absurd, should contain the threat of violence, should end with him being forcibly ejected from his home. How had they come to this?

  Certainly dealing with his sire’s temper was nothing new. Conrad had been getting annoyed with Damian for myriad reasons over the centuries, some large, some small, some totally inconsequential. He’d gotten over most of them in time—as well he should have. But something warned Damian that tonight was different.

  In their a
ttempt to give the twins an upbringing that was as close to human as possible, he and Conrad had deliberately shielded the children, keeping them in blissful ignorance of much of the darker, more savage aspects of being a vampire, even the darker aspects of their own natures. They’d done too good of a job of it, perhaps. With Julie, their tactics had paid off handsomely. With Marc, not so much. As this week’s little experiment had proved, Marc was still ambivalent about his vampiric nature, to the point where he’d stop at almost nothing to change what he was.

  Damian still hoped that, given enough time and leeway, Marc might at least learn to become a little more resigned to his fate. But if Conrad had lost control tonight and shown Marc, in no uncertain terms, how truly abhorrent vampires could be, how viciously they could sometimes behave, what effect would that have had on the boy’s already poor opinion of himself?

  What effect would it have had on him?

  If Damian had goaded Conrad into acting violently with either of the twins looking on, the cause of the initial upset would not have mattered. Conrad would never have forgiven him.

  Damian pushed the thought away. It didn’t bear thinking about. It hadn’t happened, thank the heavens, and it wouldn’t happen, not if he had anything at all to say about the matter.

  Ah, but that was the question now, wasn’t it?

  Did he still have a say? Or would Conrad use tonight’s event as an excuse to shut Damian out of the twins’ lives now, as completely as he’d once shut him out of his own?

  Damian still had reason to hope that would not be the case. The twins were so young yet, still children really, still as vulnerable as they’d ever been, in some ways. It would be foolish of Conrad to attempt to try raising them on his own—even at this point. And, no matter how angry he might currently be feeling, if there was one thing Conrad was not, it was a fool. Or so Damian fervently believed.

  Once he’d had a chance to calm down, once he’d decided that Damian had been sufficiently chastised for whatever it was he’d done wrong, surely Conrad would see the wisdom in keeping him around, at least for another ten years. After that, Damian had to admit his prospects grew increasingly more dim. What would he do if Conrad cut him loose a second time? Where would he go? How could he live through that nightmare again?

  A vision of his possible future, bleak and loveless, a virtual repeat of the hundred years he’d already spent without Conrad, rose before his mind’s eye. He steered the car to the side of the road and turned off the engine. He was breathing hard. His heart was pounding. He stared through the car window, only mildly surprised to realize where he was. Directly across from the apartment building where Paul lived.

  He hadn’t actually planned on coming here tonight, but the thought of being alone chilled his soul. Why should he not seek out such a sure and certain source of comfort and affection? What he needed tonight was a friend, someone he could rely on to take his mind off his fear and confusion, someone who could give him hope and make him feel loved.

  Damian had to knock several times before Paul finally came to the door wearing only a sleepy expression and a pair of boxers. He hadn’t turned on any lights in his trek to the front door, but that didn’t keep Damian from seeing him perfectly. Even despite Damian’s state of near despair, he couldn’t help but smile at the sight. “Hola, Pablito.” He was so young, so virile and alive, so very beautiful. “Buenas noches. May I come in?”

  “Hey, D.” Paul’s eyes were narrowed against the dim light filtering in from the hallway, their expression shuttered, but Damian could read his surprise just the same. It was obvious in the rapid patter of his heart, the heightened color in his cheeks. “What’re you doing here?”

  Paul’s voice was thick with sleep and noticeably hoarse. Damian was surprised at the jealousy it stirred up. He had heard that note in Paul’s voice before. He knew the likely cause of it. Who had Paul been with tonight, and was the other man still here? “Well, that’s a silly question, isn’t it? I’m here to see you.”

  Suddenly, coming here seemed a very bad idea. Why had he come? It was the first time Damian had ever shown up at Paul’s door uninvited. It hadn’t occurred to him, until now, to wonder whether he might not be welcome after all. It was a Friday night. Why had he assumed Paul would be spending any part of it alone? He scented the air, searching for any sign of another, unpleasantly aware that he might very well be on the verge of being turned away for the second time in one evening, and that he would have no right to complain if he was. “Are you going to allow me in or not?”

  Paul shook his head. “Talk about stupid questions,” he mumbled as he shuffled back a step. “There’s a good one right there.” He pulled the door open wider and motioned at Damian to enter. “C’mon in.”

  Relief made Damian reckless. He crossed the threshold and pushed the door closed behind him. Then he grabbed Paul and pulled him into his arms. Paul’s eyes went wide with surprise—but only for an instant. They fell shut as soon as Damian took his lips in that first, hard, hungry kiss. Moaning softly, Paul kissed him back. His sleep-warmed body was pliant, his lips gentle as they parted for Damian’s tongue. He stood quietly within Damian’s embrace, offering himself eagerly, openly. Offering no resistance whatsoever.

  Nice as it was, Damian nearly howled in frustration at Paul’s response. It wasn’t enough. Not tonight. Tonight, Damian needed more than willing, more than eager compliance. More than nice. He needed heat and passion, a struggle for control, maybe even a little bit of pain. He needed something strong and savage, fierce enough to take his mind off everything else. Snarling in annoyance, he unsheathed his fangs and sank them into Paul’s lower lip.

  “Ow! Shit.” Paul’s head reared back—so quickly Damian barely had time to retract his fangs before they tore through the tender flesh. Paul pushed Damian away. “What the fuck’d you do that for?” He grumbled as he sucked his wounded lip between his teeth. His eyes were confused as they met the challenge in Damian’s stare, but, again, only for an instant. Then understanding flashed in those eyes.

  Paul grabbed Damian by the shoulders. Their lips met in a punishing kiss, as Paul shuffled forward, roughly pushing Damian until his back was against the door. Damian’s hands closed on Paul’s waist. He ground their hips together. His denim-clad erection rubbed demandingly against the soft cotton of Paul’s shorts until Paul hissed and arched away from him. Frowning, he grabbed hold of Damian’s wrists and pressed them to the door, as well.

  Now it was Paul who took control, kicking at Damian’s ankles to force his legs farther apart, pinning him in place with the weight of his upper body, curtailing Damian’s movements every way he could in a show of dominance that sent icy shivers of need racing up and down the length of Damian’s spine. His fangs ached and dripped and pulsed with hunger. Paul thrust one of his own, hard thighs between Damian’s legs, giving him something solid to rock against. Damian whimpered in pleasure and gratitude as Paul leaned in close and resumed kissing him, even more harshly than before. This was what he’d come here for tonight. This was exactly what he needed.

  “Gracias, Pablito,” he murmured when Paul finally stopped for breath. “I needed that.”

  “Yeah, I got that.” Paul’s eyes were shadowed and dark as he lifted his head and gazed at Damian in concern. “Seriously, D, what the fuck is up with you tonight?” His face turned tender as he brushed gentle fingers through Damian’s hair. When he continued, his voice was weary and sad. “You’re all wound up, baby. Has something happened? Tell me. What’s wrong?”

  Damian shrugged and looked away. He was embarrassed by the boy’s sympathy—and by his own weakness. “Why should you think something’s wrong? Just because I dropped by unannounced? Must we stand on ceremony with each other after all this time? It’s been more than a few days since I’d last seen you, and I thought… But, perhaps you’re right. Perhaps it was a mistake to come here. Would you rather I leave?”

  “Leave?” Paul snorted with laughter. “Yeah, right. Fuck that. You’re her
e now, you’re staying. There’s no way I’m letting you outta here anytime soon.” He ground his thigh against Damian’s crotch for emphasis. “You get me up like this in the middle of the night, you better believe there’s gonna be a price to pay. And you damn well better be planning on taking care of it and helping me get back to sleep—or else.”

  “Oh, I see.” Smiling, Damian used his free hand to trace the bulge tenting Paul’s shorts. “So would this be the it that needs taking care of?”

  “You know it.”

  “And the or else of which you spoke, what would that entail?”

  Paul grinned back at him. “Yeah, you fucker. You would ask that, wouldn’t you? Hell if I know, all right? But, if I need to, I’ll think of something. Count on it.”

  “Very well. I accept your terms. Where do you want me? Here…or in your bed?”

  “Bed’s fine. Unless…” Paul’s expression turned serious once again. “Are you really okay? ’Cause, if you’re not… We can talk about it first, you know. I mean, if you want. I’m not that big a prick. I hope.”

  Damian frowned. “What do you imagine I want to talk about?”

  “I dunno. You tell me. That’s what I’m asking. Whatever’s bothering you.”

  “Oh, Paul.” Damian shook his head. “How many times must I say it, chico? There’s nothing I wish to talk about. Nothing at all.”

  “Right. How stupid of me.” Paul pulled away, frowning in disgust. He crossed his arms over his chest and glared at Damian. “Shit, Damian. Man, you must really think I’m dumb, or something. I know damn well you didn’t come here just to get off, okay? Especially not with the weird-ass mood you’re in. If there’s something going on—and I’m pretty sure there is—I want to know about it. I think I deserve that much, don’t you?”

  “What mood am I in?” Damian retorted. “And how do you know that’s not why I’m here? Getting off, as you put it, is a worthwhile goal. Is it not? And, as I’ve said, it’s been several days. Almost a week, in fact. Why should that not be the only thing I want from you tonight?”


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