ROMANCE: HIGHLANDER ROMANCE: Seduced by highlander (Historical Mail Order Bride Time Travel Romance) (Military Fantasy Romance Short Stories)

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ROMANCE: HIGHLANDER ROMANCE: Seduced by highlander (Historical Mail Order Bride Time Travel Romance) (Military Fantasy Romance Short Stories) Page 52

by Brittany White

  She brought the tea and she placed it in front of him, using both hands, because she knew that if she used only one that she would probably spill it.

  “By the way, my name is Cole Arbor and if I don’t mind saying so myself, you are absolutely stunning.” Melissa felt her hand being touched on top of the table and it was like this instant electricity between the two of them.

  “I bet you say that to all the girls. You probably have to beat them off with a stick.” With each word that came out of her mouth, it felt more whispered and almost sexual in nature.

  “I mean it and in all the time that I’ve been here, I have not met a woman quite like you. There’s this energy about you, and animalistic fire that you try to contain. I don’t know why you even bother, because you can see it in your eyes and the way that it exudes from your body.” He was breathing heavy and then he gripped the table with both hands. Melissa could swear that his fingers were digging into the surface of the wood table. He was gritting his teeth and swallowing hard, before he suddenly got up and made the table shake with his abrupt departure.

  She saw him excuse himself and rush out the door, but she couldn’t allow it to end like this. She had to follow and see if there was a true connection or just some fleeting moment.

  Chapter 2

  Melissa pulled Jennifer by the arm and squeezed a little too tightly “I need you to cover for me with Jerry and I shouldn’t be too long. Just tell him that I had a female issue to deal with and that should get him off my back for the time being.” She knew Jennifer well enough to know that she would bend over backwards to help her.

  “What about Andrew? He’s been calling all morning and I’ve been putting him off for as long as I can. He claims that it’s all a big misunderstanding and that you should listen to him. You already know my opinion and I would rather you chase down that young man that just left here than stay with a pig like Andrew. He’s not right for you and you were right to send him packing.”

  “I should’ve known that Andrew would not go away easily and there was going to come a point that I was going to have to deal with him. I thought that I made my feelings crystal clear. It wasn’t exactly like we had left things on good terms. For him to come crawling back only made him look desperate. Maybe it’s true that you don’t know what you have, until it’s taken away from you.”

  “I don’t really need a lecture at this moment, Jennifer. If you can just do me this favor, I would be most appreciative.” Melissa grabbed her coat and went out to unlock her bicycle from the chain that was around it. She was fiddling with it a little bit too much and in her nervous energy, she had temporarily lost sight of Cole.

  “He really did get underneath your skin. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing. Just be careful, because we still don’t know anything about him. He’s very quiet and he keeps to himself and there has to be a reason for that.” Jennifer was standing there watching her best friend and Melissa grabbed her bike and began to pedal fast towards the last place that she had seen him.

  “There’s no way that he could get away that quickly. I just have to think about this town. I know it almost as well as I know the back of my hand.” Melissa was getting that frantic feeling, a well up of emotion that told her that she was going to lose the one shot to get to know the man of her dreams.

  She thought for a moment that she caught sight of him going into a nearby park, but without knowing for sure, she was going to have to check it out. She moved quickly through traffic, hearing the incessant honking and irate people in their cars giving her a piece of their mind. There were plenty of expletives and it almost hurt her ears to hear such profanity, so early in the morning.

  For a guy that was walking, he seemed to be pretty quick and light on his feet. She had been pursuing him for the last 10 minutes and it was taking all her effort to stay in eyesight. She would lose him for second and pick him up soon after, breathing a sigh of relief that he hadn’t gotten away.

  “I don’t know where you’re going, but I’m not going to lose you. If you think that you can drop into my life and make me feel these things and not do something about it, then you have another thing coming.” There’s was a moment there that she was almost willing to give up the chase, but this thing they had between them was too electric to let slip away. She could always wait, until he got back to the diner tomorrow, but there was no telling if he would even come back.

  She came to a thickness of trees and she was able to weave back and forth in the shadows and away from his prying eyes. For some reason, she felt like it was necessary to hide and not attract his attention in any way.

  Melissa hadn’t even realized how far she had gone, until suddenly she found herself lost and unable to find her way back. There were no tracks, no visible signs of any human life and not even the sound of the road was there to give her a sense of calm. The underbrush was heavy and now her only choice was to catch up to him and get him to bring her back to civilization.

  Weaving through, she did find that she could avoid most of the downed trees and stumps, although the cracks in the trees seemed a little too recent. As far she could remember there was no storm that I’d gone through the town in at least a month. It was then that she could see that there was a pattern to the downed trees and trampled down high grass. It was going in a straight line and it became a little disconcerting when she noticed that some of the branches had burn marks.

  A lot of scenarios were going on in her head, but what she saw next completely took her by the throat and squeezed, until there was no life left. A ship that was shimmering like it was there and not there was now visible to the naked eye. She stopped her forward momentum by slamming on the brakes and coming to a stop. She swallowed hard, not quite believing what she was seeing and then the man that she had come to have these feelings for put out his hand and suddenly disappeared within.

  She got off the bike, stepped closer to the strange craft and that one spot where he had disappeared was a little different from the rest of the ship. “I know that Jennifer would tell me to turn around and go back, but I’m not about to do that. What the hell am I getting myself into?” She put her hand out and when she thought better of it, she felt this wave go through her and her hand was being pulled towards the ship.

  The feeling of panic came back, as her hand then her body became almost immersed within whatever material made up this vessel.

  “This has to be some kind of trick or maybe a movie set that I didn’t know about. It can’t be real…there’s no way that this could be real.” She didn’t have a whole lot of time to think about it, as she felt this tingling sensation up her arm and then it along with the rest of her body began to meld into the ship even deeper. It was a little unnerving, but then suddenly she emerged into a bright light that almost blinded her.

  She stood there completely transfixed, unable to move or speak for several seconds. When she finally pulled herself out of whatever shock she was in, she turned and saw that there was no way to get back out. The opening was now closed and even as she pushed her hands up against it, it became a solid surface. She heard mumbling, but the voice sounded strange and the language was not anything that she had heard before.

  “I should get the hell out of here, but I’m too curious for my own good. This guy is not what I thought he was.” Seeing that she didn’t have much of a choice, she continued to walk forward, feeling her feet almost floating in midair. She wasn’t, but the floor seemed like there was no substance whatsoever.

  She walked into a hallway and there was no sound and the silence was making her feel like her head was going to explode. There was no noise whatsoever and the only thing that she could hear was her own heartbeat beating a million miles an hour.

  Seeing the ship outside and being inside was a lot different than she expected. It felt like she had been walking for days, but it didn’t occur to her that it was just because her feet were being pulled along in the wake of the ship.

  During the journey, she continually
looked for a way out, but there was no semblance of a door or even a window. Everything was just, so sterile that if she didn’t know any better, she would think that she was in some kind of sanitarium.

  Melissa had told Jennifer that she wouldn’t be long, but it felt like an eternity since she had seen her face.

  “You really shouldn’t have come here, Melissa. I don’t think that I can let you leave here knowing what you know about me.” She whirled around and saw him. He looked exactly the same that he did in the coffee shop.

  “Without stating the obvious, what exactly is this and what exactly are you? You’re definitely not of this world, because if you were, this current technology would be unheard of.” She tried to move, but her feet were unable to respond. She pulled at her legs, but it was like she was stuck in quicksand.

  “I really shouldn’t have come here and nobody even knows where I went. I don’t know what compelled me to come here, but I couldn’t stop myself.”

  Melissa felt strange like her head was spinning and her eyes were becoming unfocused. “I don’t… feel so good. Maybe I should lie down somewhere for a few minutes to catch… my breath.” The only thing she saw was his smiling face and it was quite apparent that he was the cause for her condition. “I… I can’t think straight and what exactly was I saying before…” Her mind was shutting down and she felt her limbs becoming too heavy to carry her weight.

  “I’m sorry about this, Melissa, but apparently I found the one that I was looking for. I had to be sure and I did a complete physical on myself and it’s clear to me that you’re the one. I thought it was going to take forever and my time here is very limited.” His voice sounded like was coming through a long distant tunnel. Her eyes fell and there was nothing, but his voice to concentrate on. “By the time you wake up, things are not exactly going to be the same, as you once remember.” Melissa had no idea what he was talking about or why this sense of dread carried her on its shoulders.

  Chapter 3

  Melissa had no idea how long she was out but everything was now disjointed like a bad dream that was coming back to her in pieces. She remembered the man and how easily he had charmed his way into having a brief chat with her at the coffee shop. She recalled his reaction to being close to her and the fact that he had run away when they were just finding out more about each other.

  Her head was pounding and she rose up on her elbows to find that she was lying on some kind of plastic tubing. She was no longer dressed the same way and her uniform was now replaced with a flowing white dress. She checked underneath and there was no sign of her unmentionables. She looked around to see that there was nothing to indicate that there was any dresser or something that would keep her things safe.

  She held her head with her palm pressed up against her forehead. She swung her feet around, so that her bare toes were now touching the floor. It was cool and warm at the same time.

  “I’m glad to see that you’re awake.” At the sound of his voice, she turned and glared at him with daggers. Melissa hoped that she could instill in him a sense of fear, but all she got was a smirk as a response. “There’s no reason to be upset and it’s a great honor to be chosen. You should not be looking at this like a bad thing. It’s far from it and to be honest, the sex that you’ve had previously will pale in comparison. You already felt what it is to be near me and that is just a mere shadow of what this is all about.” He put out his hand, but Melissa did not take it and turned away from him in disgust.

  “You can’t be serious and you’ve essentially taking me prisoner and now are going to use me sexually.”

  “Such crude terms and all you really need to know is that your body will help me get rid of a long overdue problem. I’ve heard through some reliable sources that earth was the place to be. I took it on face value and I’ve been here for over three months without success. I thought for a moment that they had fooled me, but now I see that their intentions were pure. From the moment that I met you, I could not help, but to feel this instant pull. This is going to happen and you may as well get yourself prepared. We of the Tu’fal race are quite and endowed and it can be a humbling experience.”

  Melissa saw that he was dressed in the same clothing and now he was peeling the black Henley over top of his shoulders. She was about to say something to stop him from continuing, but there was no voice. The only thing she managed to say was a moan of complete delight at seeing the naked portion of his upper body. This had been the first time that she had ever been speechless. Cole was better looking without his clothes than he was with them. There was no hair and she saw no stubble to tell her that he had shaved for this particular occasion.

  “Wait…for god sake…wait. Just wait before you do anything else.” She had no idea how she was able to expel those words, but at least she was now able to put up some kind of argument. “I don’t think that I’m the right girl for you and maybe you should continue your search for somebody else. People will know that I’m missing and they will come searching for me.” He was smiling again, like this was one big joke and then his finger started to work on his pants.

  “I don’t think you understand the true scope of what’s going on here, Melissa. We’re no longer on earth and we left there 24 hours ago by your time. We’ve since traveled through your milky way and now are very close to my space. I’m afraid that I have to complete this before I get back home, or I will not find acceptance. They’re probably not very happy with me taking this experimental spacecraft. It was meant for somebody with more technical know how, but my purpose is to rule and I can only do that with the mating season being completed.” She hadn’t felt like they were flying and it was, so smooth that it felt like they were completely still.

  “I have to convince him that I’m not the girl for him. There has to be a way to make him see that this can’t work.” Her mind was grabbing for any kind of straw that she could find, but there was very little in regards to something that would pull him back from the course of action that he had already started.

  “I know that this is a little hard for you to adjust to, but I do promise that this will be an experience that you’ll never forget. Your idea of sex is antiquated and does not fully integrate the emotional aspect. Let me show you and I promise that you will not regret it.” Melissa wanted to scream no, but she found herself nodding her head in compliance. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity and even though nobody else would believe her, she would know the truth.

  “I don’t know why I’m even contemplating something like this. It goes against my moral code for waiting, until I get to know somebody before I find out what they’re like in the bedroom. I’m not going to lie and say that your attempts at convincing me are not getting through. I’m just glad you don’t have tentacles or some crazy DNA. If you do, I would rather you use this form and not revert to your real self.”

  “Let him be hung… Please god let him be hung.” This seemed out of character for her to even think about and she’d never been a size queen. It was always about the motion of the ocean, instead of the size of the tool.

  As if answering her prayer, he disrobed down to his boxers. He peeled them down over the bulge that was making her eyes go wide with anticipation. Her mouth was salivating and her tongue was literally licking across her lips with that need to taste what he had offered.

  “I hate to be crude, but I’m only interested in one part of you. If you have any need to do something else, I might entertain the idea.” Melissa wasn’t about to let that invitation pass without at least reaching out and touching him inappropriately. She moved her hand around the circumference and could barely reach around her fingers with his thickness. It was already drooling and she used the sticky sweetness to lathe attention on his member. She thought for sure that he would be moaning incoherently, but he wasn’t showing any kind of emotion whatsoever.

  “I’m not sure what you have in mind, when it comes to stimulation. I would say that doing this with my hand is not going to get the necessary res
ults. I want a certain reaction and maybe it would be better if I tried it with my mouth.” He shrugged his shoulders and she moved to a position on her knees in front of this alien. She never thought in 1,000,000 years that she would be saying something like that, even in her head. “I’m not bragging when I tell you that I’m that good.” This was a line that she was willing to cross, even though in the back of her mind, she still couldn’t understand why she was, so accepting of the fact that he was an alien.

  “He’s hung, but does he taste good. I hope so, because I’m not sure what I will do if he doesn’t.” She knew that she was deluding herself into thinking that she could stop this by making it as pleasurable as possible. If she had to go down this road, then she may as well jump in feet first and hope for the best.

  Melissa was parched; her lips completely dry and she had to continually swipe her tongue across them to get any sort of moisture. She was right in front of the great beast and she took it in her hand and brought it down to her lips. It was a little harder than it would be with a regular human being. Where they were hard and pliable, he had become almost rock like with no give.

  “I always get this way, but it becomes even more pronounced when I get to the mating season. Like I said, I’m going on pure instinct and my body is the one that is controlling me. I don’t like it, but I have no choice, but to relieve myself of that burden. It’s the only way that I’m going to be able to become the leader that they want me to be. I just hope that my absence has gone unnoticed, or they’ll send a search party out looking for me. My father is ill and it’s just a matter of time before he falls victim to a natural age process.”


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