ROMANCE: HIGHLANDER ROMANCE: Seduced by highlander (Historical Mail Order Bride Time Travel Romance) (Military Fantasy Romance Short Stories)

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ROMANCE: HIGHLANDER ROMANCE: Seduced by highlander (Historical Mail Order Bride Time Travel Romance) (Military Fantasy Romance Short Stories) Page 83

by Brittany White

  Francis stood and admired the many young girls that had come on the campus, as of late. He had been here for two years and his grades had reflected that he was on his way to the fast track. He was undressing these girls with his eyes and then he turned and caught sight of a woman that didn’t seem to belong. She had her hair tied up into a ponytail and was wearing glasses. The way that she held herself told him that she was not exactly accustomed to these surroundings.

  He decided that it would be in his best interest to make a concentrated effort to get to know her. He didn’t understand why he would even care, but something was compelling him to move his legs in that direction.

  Chapter 2

  Tammy and Kayla were walking down the hallway, when they were accosted by a young man that seemed to be out of breath and trying to keep up with them. He had his hands on his knees and he was looking up and giving them the signal to give him a second.

  “Tammy, I saw you with a new recruit and I thought that I would come over and introduce myself.” He offered his hand and the girl looked at him like he had two heads. He felt a little awkward and pulled his hand back feeling like this girl really wasn’t looking for any kind of male companionship. “I don’t know who you are, but I hope that this experience will be a good one for you. Just remember that I’m at the top of the food chain. If you intend to knock me from my pedestal, then you’re going to have to really work your ass off.” He saw that she was a little taken back by his language.

  “Um, I’m happy to meet a fellow classmate. I don’t exactly know what to expect, but I do hope to make a lasting impression around here. Tammy was good enough to escort me to my dorm room and maybe I will see you around campus sometime.” She was being friendly, but she was trying to keep him at arm’s length. Being this close to this man had caused her to feel butterflies in her stomach for the first time in her life. She thought that she was coming down with something, but it was obviously a sexual attraction that had snuck up on her without her even realizing it was happening.

  “I’m always around and you can usually find me playing touch football with the rest of the guys on the field. Don’t be a stranger and remember that there is a mixer tomorrow evening. Everybody is invited and I promise that I will make time for you.”

  Kayla had to admire the man’s moxie for introducing himself. It showed that he was not shy by any means, but that was a far cry from how she was feeling herself. “I’m looking at him and I feel like I need to reach out and touch him in an inappropriate way. I’m not sure, but I think that he just flexed his cock inside those tight shorts. Maybe it was just my overactive imagination. The idea of seeing him at that mixer makes me want to close my door and lock it. For some reason, I want… No… I need to see him again. Francis has gotten underneath my skin and I have this itch that I can’t scratch.” Kayla gave him a noncommittal nod, as he scurried back down the hallway in the direction from whence he came.

  They went inside and she was quite happy to see that she was going to have the place all to herself. There was one bed, but the room was no bigger than a closet. She had the choice of having a roommate or not and she had chosen to fly solo. She was never what people would call a social butterfly. She liked to stay in on Sunday nights, even though there were several local young guys that were vying for her attention back in her hometown. After she had lost her innocence, she realized that sex was not all that it was cracked up to be. It was fleeting and didn’t last more than 30 seconds. She’d heard stories from some of her friends that this was normal. It was not something that she wanted to repeat again, but something was making her yearn for Francis. His ass looked like two ripe peaches ready to be plucked.

  “I see that look and I know that he can make a lot of women drop their panties in his wake. Don’t look, so shocked and I’m a little surprised that he even gave you the time of day. He usually spends his time with the cheerleaders and those bubbly personalities that look fake. I think that he might be interested in you, but I want you to take anything that he says with a grain of salt. He’s one of the good ones, but he also likes to play the field. He has no desire to commit to any one. He comes from old money and by the time that he’s 30, he’s going to have the world in the palm of his hand. His father is a lawyer himself. I have no doubt that Francis will follow in his father’s footsteps. From there, he’ll join the family business and become a partner by the time that he’s 35.” Tammy had already spoken at length with Francis and found out that his life was already mapped out for him.

  “I really don’t know what you’re talking about. He’s nice and all, but he’s really not my type. He’s more a playboy and I really don’t have any desire to compete for his attention.” Kayla was saying the words, but she knew that she didn’t mean a single sentence. She wanted to knock his socks off and the best way to do that was to show herself in a different light than what she had projected today. “I don’t know why it matters, but I need him to see me, as a sexual creature. Unfortunately, I don’t have anything in my closet that will take his breath away.”

  “I think that you might be protesting a little bit too much. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. There isn’t a girl on campus that wouldn’t want to be a scratch on his bedpost.” Tammy went ahead and began to put Kayla’s clothes away. She noticed right away that there was nothing really here that would scream that Kayla was interested in a man. “I’m going to do you a favor. I have a good fashion sense and I think that I might have something that will fit you. I’ll need to make a few alterations, because of your height, but for the most part it shouldn’t take more than an hour.” Tammy was thinking about a certain red dress that would be like catnip to the boys. It had a plunging neckline and also a long slice up the side that showed the stairway to heaven.

  I don’t want you to go out of your way for me. I don’t really need to go to this mixer. I know that it’s going to be boring anyway.” Kayla was trying to convince herself that what she felt for Francis was only a momentary passing. “I appreciate that you’re looking out for me, but there’s really no need to.”

  “I’m going to do the alterations anyway. You can try it on and tell me what you think. I’m just down the hall and if you need anything, just knock on my door. I do have to warn you that my roommate can be a little bit hard to take. She’s very promiscuous and there have been times that I had to stay at the library. Believe me; the noises that she makes will wake up the dead. I don’t know why nobody has said anything, but I think that she has a way off wrapping people around her fingers. I just want you to be careful around her. She may seem nice and sweet on the outside, but on the inside she always has a motive to her madness.” Tammy turned on her heels and walked towards the door, glancing over her shoulder to see that Kayla was now looking out the window. She had no doubt that she was looking at Francis, as he made his way back across the campus quad.

  “I don’t think that I’m going to have to bother you tonight. I’m exhausted and I think that I’m just going to go to bed. Tomorrow is a big day and I want to be well rested for the first day of class.” Kayla saw Francis and the fact that he had showed any interest was causing her legs to feel like they were going to buckle out from underneath her. She touched her chest and she could feel her heartbeat like a drum. “I want him to look up here, but I don’t think that I’m going to get that lucky.” Kayla heard the door close and then she made a sigh of relief that she was alone. It was her solitude that she enjoyed most of all. She took her medication, downing it with a bottle of water that she had in her bag.

  She sat down on the bed, feeling the cool sheets underneath her, as she got into the Lotus position and closed her eyes. She breathed deeply and found herself thinking of only one man. The vision of his face, his muscles and the length of pipe between his legs had become an obsession. She didn’t want to think that she was some kind of stalker, but there was no way that she could get him out of her head. It was like a movie playing over and over again. She found herself touching below her waist
, lifting up the dress, so that she could see the wet stain on her panties.

  She touched that spot and she shivered to the sensation that she was causing herself. His face and his body were right in front of her completely naked in her mind’s eye. She began to play with herself. He looked like a Greek god and all she wanted to do was run down the hall and then down the stairs into his arms. Instead, she made a game of it with one piece of clothing falling away from his body at a time. He was her own personal Christmas present that she was going to unwrap to see what lurked underneath. She had no idea what his cock looked like, but she was now seeing it and salivating at the chance to lick up what was already leaking. It was only a fantasy, but vivid enough to feel real.

  “I shouldn’t be doing this and it feels, so wrong and so right at the same time. That man has me thinking naughty thoughts and I’m well on my way to creaming all over my fingers. God damn it, I wish that he didn’t have this kind of power over me, but I can’t help the way that I feel.” Her fingers were driving into the silky insides, feeling her wetness stream down her fingers and then suddenly she began to buck and thrash, while holding a pillow over her head to muffle any kind of exclamation of pleasure.

  The flashes of his body working over top of him were making it easier to reach the apex of her pleasure. She had her hand playing along the side of his cheek. It was only a manifestation in her mind, but it caused her to go over the edge of insanity. She finally settled down long enough to settle back onto the mattress. She lay prone with a sheen of sweat covering her body and sticking to her clothes. The temperature in the room had risen a few degrees, but it was only due to the pleasure of the moment. She felt embarrassed that she had done such a thing, but seeing him and hearing him speak was more than enough to fuel a desire that could not be contained. If she hadn’t had let her fingers do the walking, she probably would have twisted and turned in the sheets all night long. The only way to get rid of that frustration was to release the pressure and that was exactly what she did.

  Lying there in the dark, she counted herself lucky that she was here, but knew that there would be no way that she would be able to resist his man. If he were to make any kind of advance, she would fall head over heels and be damned the consequences. This was what her father was worried about. She really didn’t think that it was going to happen to her. It seemed inconceivable that Francis would even take an instant liking to a woman that had basically fallen off the turnip truck.

  “I have to get close to him. It’s not gonna be easy. I’m going to have to turn into something that I don’t even recognize. I need to give him a reason to want to be with me and maybe the dress that Tammy is going to alter for me is exactly what I’m looking for. I can’t show up to that mixer looking like I am some naïve kid. I need to show him that I am worldly, even though it will only be an act.” She lie back on the pillow and let's his face lull her into a deep slumber. She thought about the uphill climb that she would have to attract his attention, but she was dead set on making it happen.

  Chapter 3

  “I want to welcome everybody to law ethics. If you think that this is going to be an easy ride, then you have another thing coming. I am a stickler for details and I will not tolerate anybody that does not work to the best of their ability. I will not have slacker. If you thought that this was going to be a free ride, then you know where the door is. My job is to prepare you for the outside world. Being a lawyer is not an easy thing and you need to decide what kind of lawyer you are going to be. Everybody deserves to have representation. You’ll find that there are things that you can live with and things that you can’t. Here in this room, I’m going to test you and make you look inside yourself.” Professor Adams wore his experience with patches on his tweed coat and by wearing glasses. He saw all of these students and knew that only a few would survive.

  Kayla listened to everything that the professor had to say and found him to be enlightening. She did notice that Francis was also in the class and that he was making time with a young lady that really did show her best asset with that tight sweater that she was wearing. He really wasn’t paying attention to what the professor had to say. "I don’t know why I want him, so much. It hurts every time that I think that he could be with another woman. I wore these jeans and this red blouse hoping that he would notice me. Tonight is the mixer and I’m going to need a lot more than a dress. I’m going to need a dam miracle and a makeover that’s going to change my whole look. I think that Tammy can help me with that.” Kayla dropped her pen and when she bent over, she felt like somebody was staring at her.

  Glancing up slowly, she noticed that Francis had now turned abruptly. It made her smile to think that he had gotten a brief look at the goods. She did not think that she had much to offer, but apparently there was enough to garner his attention. Moving her hand through her hair, she wanted him to look at her like that again. She wanted more than anything to have him strip her bare of her defenses and take advantage of her. The cock inside his pants was what she needed and by hell or high water she was going to have it.

  “I saw that and I don’t think that you did that on purpose, but it certainly did get the desired reaction. He probably thought that he was being subtle about staring at you, but I think that every woman has the inane ability to see through to what a man is really thinking. We have this radar and it usually never fails. I would call it more of a woman’s intuition. It’s a well known fact that women are more detailed oriented. We notice things like hair color and dress styles and even when a man can’t seem to take their eyes off of us. I worked on the dress last night I think that you’re going to be pleasantly surprised. We do have to do something about your makeup and hair, but I think that my roommate Jessica will be able to help with that. I know what I told you about her being something of a seductress, but she is also a sweetheart when it comes to the matters of the heart.” Tammy was going to turn this awkward ugly duckling into a confident swan.

  “I told you that I didn’t need you to go to any trouble. I wasn’t even sure that I was going to go, but now I think I have to. I don’t mind you helping, but I don’t want you to take away the woman that I am. Like my father always says, you can dress a pig in a dress, but it’s still a pig. Maybe that’s a bad analogy. It sounds like I’m trying to put myself down.” She was whispering, but she was also able to juggle two things at the same time. Her head was in the game of ethics, but her heart and your lower extremities were someplace more pleasant like a bedroom with silk sheets and candles lit around the room.

  An hour later and the professor had already pinpointed a few potential breakout stars. One was a young woman with glasses. She seemed to be hanging off of every word. Her insight into ethics made him believe that she would be able to handle herself. There were also a few others that weren’t really here, including Francis Augustine. Francis was never much for ethics. He knew his father well and the apple really didn’t fall far from the tree.

  Francis couldn’t help, but to watch Kayla out of the corner of his eye. He felt like he was doing it underneath her nose. He was flirting shamelessly with Tiffany, one of his conquests. He was only doing it to get a rise out of Kayla. He was hoping that she would be there at the mixer tonight, but there was really only one way to find out. Tiffany had been quite vocal about wanting a repeat performance. Normally, he would be glad to jump her bones, but something was preventing him. He began to realize that his main focus was on Kayla. It surprised him to think that he had a sure thing and yet he was more interested in the one that seemed like forbidden fruit. Maybe this was the way the Adam and Eve felt. It was interesting to think of it in that way. He was never really religious, but some things from Sunday school did stay with him.

  “Francis, are you sure that there isn’t anything that I can do to convince you to come back to my room? I know that thing that you like. You can’t tell me that you didn’t like it. It may have surprised you, but your orgasm was very explosive. I like teasing you and my little pussy is b
egging you. Are you really going to tell her no, when she is hungry for that nice big cock of yours.” Tiffany was not a woman that was accustomed to hearing the word no. She could bat her eyelashes and flutter her tongue and have any man painting after her like a dog in heat.

  “It’s tempting. I’m not going to say that I wouldn’t love to do that again. I think for the time being that I’m going to take a rain check. Believe me that it surprises me that I’m even saying the words.” He got up and moved away from her, keeping his books against his midsection to hide his obvious arousal. His cock was rampant hard. He wasn’t going to succumb to Tiffany’s seductive ways. It didn’t mean that it wasn’t making him have second thoughts. His mind and his body were at constant odds against one another.

  For the first time, he felt a little bit of shame and embarrassment. That could be seen from the flush on his cheeks. He didn’t even bother to talk to Kayla. In his condition, he needed to get out of here. He excused himself several times, moving through the crowd and out into the open. The sky was blue and away from Tiffany, his member started to return to normal. He breathed deeply, like he was trying to control that inner demon working its way to the surface. He had always considered himself to be a virile man. For him to turn down Tiffany was unheard of. He knew that he would never hear the end of it, but he thought that it was the best thing that he could do at the time.

  “I hope that it wasn’t anything that I said.” Kayla saw that he had rushed by her without saying a word and was a little concerned that she had made him feel awkward. “It was not my intention to turn you on. I didn’t purposely bend over to get my pen. It was a happy accident.” “I’m dreaming of the things that we could be. These nasty thoughts are priming me for the main event. The man is standing here in front of me. He’s making it all that much more difficult to walk away. I don’t mean to put him on the spot, but his reaction and the way that he’s covering himself is a dead giveaway that I or maybe it was Tiffany has gotten him all riled up.” “If you’re interested in Tiffany, then don’t let me hold you back. It’s not like we have anything.” She regretted the words, but they were already out there like something that you would put on the Internet and know that you could never take back.


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