ROMANCE: HIGHLANDER ROMANCE: Seduced by highlander (Historical Mail Order Bride Time Travel Romance) (Military Fantasy Romance Short Stories)

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ROMANCE: HIGHLANDER ROMANCE: Seduced by highlander (Historical Mail Order Bride Time Travel Romance) (Military Fantasy Romance Short Stories) Page 95

by Brittany White

  “I’ll say this again. This is different than any other time that I’ve seen you with one of our subjects, North. Are you sure that there isn’t something that you want to say. I would hate to think that you are getting complacent or finding some kind of feeling towards this woman. She is a means to an end. Deliver what I have asked for and maybe this will be the last time that I impose on you in such a way.” The leader knew that he would never turn away from using North. He was the one secret weapon that all those that had preceded him had found use for. He thought that he would be different, but north was the only one that could do the one thing that he needed him for

  For the first time, North felt like he was some kind of specimen underneath a jar. He was pulled out of the cobwebs, but not for battle. It would be something if he were to be used for the skill set that he had honed into a deadly weapon. It was another thing entirely to feel like his life revolved around giving an heir to those that thought that they could rule.

  Colleen felt like her skin was crawling. He sensed that the way that the leader was looking at her was not in any kind of subtle way. He obviously wanted to be a part of this, but he was ill equipped in the way that it mattered to get the job done. That didn’t mean that he wouldn’t be happy to stick it to her. She began to think that maybe those other subjects were not just a product of North’s virility. What happened to them after North had given the leader in question what he wanted? Were they ever seen again, or did they find some other use for them “I’ve been blind. I thought this was a matter of convenience, but I’m getting the feeling that I won’t be able to leave here ever again. He sees me, as a conquest, but North sees me, as a woman. There’s a big distinction between the two. I don’t want to be some toy that is meant to spread her legs and give the leader a good time.” Colleen really didn’t want to think about it, so she concentrated on a more pleasurable task.

  Her lips greedily devoured the man that had become important in her life. They had only known each other for a little while, but she was reasonably sure that North was more than he claimed he was. He was told to do a job, but there was something in his eyes that told her that he was not happy.

  “No other subject has been able to make me feel like this. I hope you know that you are very special and that I will never forget you. My god…what you’re doing is making me feel, so hot inside my own skin. I beg you to finish it.” North blocked out all those that had come to witness this momentous moment in history. The people should have been more worried about leaving this desolate planet for something with a more habitable quality of life. They got caught up in tradition and didn’t worry about what was more important.

  The leader watched all of this transpire and knew that this was only a stopgap method to keep his people in line. He had sent out explorers to find other planets that would sustain their lives, but so far it was without success. It was a known fact that this planet was dying and without light, things had begun to shrivel up and die. Crops were not, as plentiful and even those greenhouses miles below the surface would only keep them with a supply of nourishment for no more than a couple of years.

  North felt that moment. He stopped her by grabbing her hair and pulling her away from his overindulged member. It was greedy and it took all of his willpower to disappoint his own anatomy. “I will not do this without some kind of assurances.” He directed his comments to the leader, who was now on the edge of his seat waiting to see this girl get what was coming to her.

  “Do what I tell you to do, or I will find somebody else.” It was an idle threat and both of them knew that North was the only one that had the chemical DNA.

  “I wouldn’t throw around those kinds of threats with no substance. You can’t force me to do anything and I’ve done this under my own free will for too long. After she has given birth, I expect you to send her back to her homeland untouched.” The implication was in the air. North had known for some time that those subjects that he had had sex with were not treated with the respect that they deserved. At the time, he believed that the leader was only doing what he believed was right. Now, he knew that those leaders that had come before had only followed suit, because they thought that they could get away with it.

  “You don’t have to do this for me. I don’t want you to get into any trouble.” I don’t know why I’m doing this. I should be allowing him to protect me, but I feel a need to do the same thing in return. He has already told me that I was special and that has gone a long way to prove to me that he is not an unfeeling monster. I can’t in good conscience let him do something that will cause him more harm than good.” “I appreciate the effort, but it’s not necessary.” The glaring expression that she got from North told her that he was not going to back down.

  “You have my word that she will not be harmed. After she gives birth, we will send her back to her planet. I know what you think about me, but I can be reasoned with.” Colleen wasn’t sure if that was true. What he said sounded good, but she thought that he was only saying it to get what he wanted.

  Chapter 5

  Colleen was not convinced, but it appeared that north was willing to take what he said as gospel. She was laid down on the cold hard floor. Suddenly, it was softer like that of a cloud that she was floating in. She saw only his eyes and felt the product of his love. He gave one push of his hips, until the head found its way past the silky confines. He was breathing deeply and she was pushing up against his chest with her two bare hands. He stopped momentarily, but he saw in her eyes that she wanted him to continue.

  “You are an amazing woman of your species. You give me hope for the future of my own people. I give you my sword, as a tribute to the honor that you have bestowed on me. By giving yourself willingly, you have opened up a new avenue to explore with others. You breathe deeply and you have two lungs, instead of the one that we live with all of our lives. These people don’t know it, but you are the future. This heir is going to start a revolution. Every baby that comes from his loins will bring this civilization into a future of living topside.” North knew that there was some light, but he had been reluctant to share that with anyone. The toxic environment would kill those that ventured out, even if their intentions were pure of heart.

  “I had no idea that my being here is going to change things for the better for these people. I would never do this in my own world, but here I am willing to look past being made into a sideshow attraction.” “I want you to give me it. It doesn’t have to be a bad thing. We can introduce a new way together. I know that I can trust you and I can feel that with the way that you take me into my own little world of sexual pleasures.”

  The only thing that they saw was each other. They did not contend with those that were watching in rapt attention to see another female species take the brunt of what North could give them. She arched up to meet his thrust, feeling this need to be a part of this and not some limp doll at his mercy.

  North saw her eagerness and felt the way that she claimed his manhood from within. Her soft insides drew him into her with a suction that he had never felt before. She had given him the outlet to show her that he cared for her deeply.

  He wanted all of them to be motionless and distracted. He had come up with a devious plan, but it meant that they would not be able to see it coming. “I hope that this doesn’t make you feel that I don’t care about you.” He lifted her into the air, turning her body like a corkscrew on his member, until she had her ankles wrapped around him with her hands on the floor. This new position was foreign to those in attendance. They all had their mouths open, staring in shock and wondering how it was possible that they could do something like that with their limbs.

  “I will take whatever you give me. Women that you’ve had in the past are nothing compared to me.” “I don’t know how I can say that with a straight face. I have no idea what he has had in the past, but that does not concern me. He is obviously doing this for shock value and not because it feels good. It does at that, but it is also awkward and a little hard
to stay in this position for too long.”

  “I hope that you forgive that I had to resort to these measures.” Any exchange that they were having between each other was private. They kept their tone lower, so that nobody could hear anything that was being said. It didn’t seem to matter anyway and these people were only following the leader like some complacent sheep.

  “Do you know what I feel? I feel a man that has his cock inside the woman that he loves. I feel that you are about to let me have what others have felt from you in the past. This is different and I think we both can agree that this goes beyond just a need to give your leader an heir. I want to hear you vocalize the way that you feel. I’m going to cum and I expect that is going to make you do the…the…the…same…fucking…thing.” Colleen came, twisting her inside around the invading presence.

  “I don’t know how you’re doing that. Your hole has just closed in on me and there’s something happening down below. I know what it is, but I’m usually the one that’s in control of my own… ORGASM.” North screamed, letting this woman feel what it was like to be in the presence of a real man. The streaks of love that entered into her body commingled with her own DNA to form the basic thread of a new life. Upon contact with her womb, the baby in question had already begun to form.

  She lay there in a stupor, sexually satisfied and looking up at him. An amazing thing happened. North still completely naked fired some kind a weapon at the leader, making him look like he was going to scream, but not being allowed to. His body turned into black ash and landed on the floor. Those that were there were stymied on what they should do.

  “I’m leaving with her. If you try to stop me, you will regret it. If you try to send the royal Guardians to retrieve me, then you will never hear from them again. I have a plan for our future. This woman and her baby will be the first step in giving new life to this planet. In a few generations, we will be able to walk freely amongst this toxic environment.” He picked her up, as she had no energy to do it herself.

  “I’ve never met any one that would go against his own people like this. If that isn’t love, then I have no idea what is.” “I know that this was not your first choice. I hope that you know what you’re doing and can live with the consequences.” They were suddenly on board his vessel and leaving orbit. There were simultaneous explosions on the planet.

  “I made sure that they will not follow. Those vessels that they have for exploration have been destroyed. It will take them years to rebuild and by then we should be back to claim our rightful place, as the leaders. I hope you know that I wouldn’t do this for just anyone. You have shown me that…” Unfortunately, he did not get a chance to finish what he had to say. The ship was rocked with an attack from an unknown source. “I knew that it was a possibility that there would be one left. It obviously stayed in orbit, left there by the leader to make sure that everything went according to plan. It does not make my heart feel good about what I need to do.”

  “Isn’t there any way that we can lose them? I don’t want you to feel that you’ve done anything to hurt your people.” I wanted him to feel good about his decision to go against what has been tradition on his planet for, as long as he can remember. I can’t in good conscience allow him to take another life without realizing what kind of damage he is doing to his own reputation.” “I’m not going to tell you what to do. This is entirely your decision. How you handle your own kind is your business. I just want you to know that it’s not necessary to greet violence with more violence.” Colleen had his back and was going to look out for both of their best interest.

  “You don’t understand and the royal guards like myself do not back down or surrender. We will fight to the very end. We have all signed up for this and we know the risks. It doesn’t matter if the enemy is from another planet or a faction of our own.” With hesitation, he zeroed in on the target and hoped to god that those on board would die quickly. He had a secret weapon, something that was developed by a good friend of his. It had only been used once, but to see it in action was going above and beyond. “I hope that I can be forgiven for this.” He pressed the button and the beam of light that streaked across the cosmos cut the vessel that was in pursuit in half. Those that were on board were sucked out into space, where they briefly struggled for air. That did not last for very long, before their heads exploded. It was not a pleasant sight, but what was done was done.

  “I know that I had to do that. I don’t think that I will ever be the same after committing such atrocity against my own people. Killing the leader was one thing, as he really didn’t have the leadership qualities that we needed. He followed in line with those that came before him. He thought that he was a leader, because of his blood line, but that is not what a good leader is made of. I’ve seen it for some time and I’ve done nothing to make it right. I thought that it was the way that things had to be, but then you came along and changed my mind.” North looked out at the many body parts floating in the sea of space. He could not get over the way that they had died with terrified expressions on their faces.

  He directed the ship back towards where he came from in the first place. This was his time to finally make a clean break of everything. He was through killing and those lives that he had taken were going to be his last. The only thing that he cared about was Colleen and the baby that was swimming around in her stomach. He would lay down his life for either one of them and not think anything of it. This was the family that he had been denied. No longer would he allow others to dictate the terms of his life.

  “I’m sorry that you had to do that for me. I hope that it was worth it.” She hugged him and she felt him lean into her for the comfort and security of having a good woman and child on the way.

  They would return back to earth, raise the child on their own, until it was old enough to make its own decisions. If that child decided to go back, then they would follow suit. It would take many babies, but the building blocks of the future for North’s people had already begun.



  Chapter 1

  I spent my entire life pleasing only myself. Admittedly, I have been selfish. But the truth is, I was actually scared. Scared of building myself up onto a pedestal only to secure my own demise. I always found it much easier to maintain low standards. It is hard for people to expect much from you when all you have ever done is glide. That way, no one gets hurt.

  As of today, I wish I had done more.

  The call came in late last night minutes after escaping the pursed lips of a drunken German. Granted, he was compelling and intelligent. His square jawline, blonde hair, and blue eyes immediately captured my attention. I let him smile at me, which apparently was a global stamp of approval allowing him to break the communication barrier.

  “Hallo liebling.”

  I jolted as his hand found the small of my back.

  “Sorry, English. No German.” I lied, turning back to my drink.

  I heard this term of endearment more times than I could count since I landed in Hamburg last week. My own blonde hair and blue eyes screamed Fräulein and apparently I had a sign on my forehead that read Single. But I wasn’t interested in the mindless bar-conversation that tended to lead to one thing: the bedroom.

  “Felix.” He ignored and offered me his cold, clammy hand.

  Uneasily I shook it using only my fingertips. “Pleasure.” I turned away.

  “You haven’t told me your name yet.” His accent was rich and heavy.

  “I hoped you didn’t speak English.” I blurted seeing no reason to string him along.

  “Funny.” He laughed and hopped up onto the stool beside me.

  Why did guys always think I was trying to be funny? I was being blunt and honest. I was trying to avoid this very thing: conversation.

  “So tell me funny-girl, where are you from?” He snapped his fingers to grab the bartender’s attention.

  “I don’t know my address.” I sipped back the remainder of my beer an
d reached for my jacket. Felix placed his hand on my arm in attempt to stop me.

  “No name and no address.” He smiled. “So you’re funny and mysterious.”

  “No, I’m uninterested and exhausted.” I snapped back shrugging into my jacket.

  “Bartender, zwei Bier!” He turns back to me. “Just one drink?”

  I look at the door and then back at Felix. He was sort of handsome, in a college frat boy way. And who was I to pass up a free beer? I sat.

  The bartender slid the beers along the counter toward us and Felix smoothed out a crumpled bank note against his thigh before tossing it to him.

  I reach for my beer but Felix snatches it before I do.

  “You get a free drink on one condition.” He pauses. “You tell me your name.”

  “Kate.” I pulled my beer free from his clammy hand and bring it to my lips. Drinking might be the only thing that helped me survive the ten minutes of bar-talk with Felix.

  “A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.”


  My beer was half gone by now. Only minutes remained before I would receive the phone call that changed my life.

  “You really don’t say much.” He reached out and tucked a piece of wavy blonde hair behind my ear.

  I don’t like being touched. I pulled away.

  “I’m only here for the free beer.” I rhymed and raised my near-empty glass in the air.

  With the glass back to my lips, I sucked back the rest of the ale in a hurry to escape this touchy, space invading, German.

  “Well Felix.” I turned back toward him. “Thanks for the drink.”

  I got to my feet and he followed suit. Before I could protest his arms were around my waist and he was leaning over me with loose lips.

  Then my phone rang. Saved by the bell. Or so I thought.


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