ROMANCE: HIGHLANDER ROMANCE: Seduced by highlander (Historical Mail Order Bride Time Travel Romance) (Military Fantasy Romance Short Stories)

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ROMANCE: HIGHLANDER ROMANCE: Seduced by highlander (Historical Mail Order Bride Time Travel Romance) (Military Fantasy Romance Short Stories) Page 100

by Brittany White

  He leaned in to kiss and placed his lips on hers lightly. She pulled away from him. “I can’t, I really like this guy back home, I don’t know why, but I do.” Sally explained.

  “But he is back home, and you are here. If you really liked him, why would you come to Paris?” Pierre questioned.

  “I’ve always wanted to study fashion design in Paris.” She said.

  “Seems to me if you really liked him you would have stayed in America, no matter what your dreams.” He stated. “But I will give you the space you request. I won’t stop telling you how beautiful you are and how I desire you.” He added.

  “I didn’t know I liked him until right before I left, and I had already bought my ticket. I don’t know it’s confusing right now. I have no idea what I want to do, but I might actually go home, I’m considering it.” She admitted.

  “Well I would rather you stay, I am serious about my intentions towards you though.” He explained.

  “I’d like to go back to the hotel now; I need to think for a bit.” She said.

  “Alright, but remember you promised me dinner tonight, I’ll pick you up at 8.” He reminded her.

  “Okay, I’m sorry; maybe I’m more tired than I thought.” She apologized.

  “It’s okay Mon Cheri, get some rest and I will see you later for our meal.” Pierre said as he dropped her off at her room.

  Sally walked in and collapsed on the bed, her mind a whirl of nothing but confusing emotions. The scene in the woods played itself out in her mind again. She had enjoyed it a lot, and thought he had too. But after it was done, he hadn’t kissed her once, had simply zipped up his pants and taken her home.

  Of course she had told him that she was going to Paris in 3 days that most likely didn’t help any. Maybe she should have cancelled the trip and stayed back home, seen what was up with the new Johnny?

  She picked up her phone to see if he had responded to her message yet or not. She saw something and clicked on it.

  Hi Sally,

  I’m glad you made it there okay. Look I don’t think we should write to each other, I’m kind of dating Mary now. She wouldn’t really like me talking to you. Plus you went to Paris and who knows when you’ll be back. So have fun.


  She reread the message several times, trying to process it all. He was dating Mary? Her friend Mary? She had often been rude to him in the past when she was over at Sally’s. How were they even dating? She had so many questions that she wanted answered. But he had made it clear he really didn’t want her to write him. Her heart sunk deep in her chest.

  “Maybe he’s just saying that, I’ll write to Mary and find out.” Sally stated.

  Sally pulled up her Facebook and saw if Mary was online. “Oh good she is!” Sally clicked on her friend’s name and sent a quick message.

  Hey Mary, I made it! She typed.

  Hi Sally, so what is it like? How long have you been there now? Mary wrote back.

  I’ve been here for just a few hours now, and went to this amazing park it was magical. So what have you been up too since I’ve been gone? Sally wrote and then thought for a full two days, that’s all I’ve been gone. You’ve already moved in on the boy who wanted me for years and grabbed him up, her mind added.

  Oh a park, that’s nice. Me and Johnny are dating now. How come you never said he was such a bad boy? I mean were you trying to keep him all to yourself or what? Mary wrote.

  Sally sighed as she read the words from her friend.

  I thought you didn’t like him? I mean you were always so rude to him, what happened? Sally typed on the screen.

  I was in the grocery store and I saw him. Did you know he had a motorcycle? He just walked up to me and started talking and asked me out. So I said yes, and I think he might be the one! Mary’s message read.

  Sally felt a tear escape from her eye and then from the other one. “How could he, I thought I was all he wanted?” She asked not Mary, but herself. It wasn’t a message she would type to her friend. But Mary had seen how Johnny had always been around her too; she had to know, right?

  Wow I had always thought he wanted to date just me. Sally put in the message box and looked at the message. Did it sound conceited? Yes a little bit, but Johnny had always claimed it. She finally hit send; she really wanted to know what was going on. Here she was in Paris and pining after this bad boy back home that had moved on. If that was the case, she would just have fun with Pierre and move on from Johnny.

  Oh aren’t we a bit full of ourselves. What would you expect him to do follow you to Paris. You made a choice and left here and everyone behind. Don’t be upset at him for moving on. There is nothing wrong with me; I think I might love him even. So please Sally if you’re going to be mean about this I don’t want to talk to you. I should have just blocked you like Johnny said to do. But no I figured you could be happy for me, and even him. You are more shallow than I had realized.

  The scathing message stared at Sally, as she read every word. She had to admit she wasn’t happy for Mary or Johnny, not one bit. Instead she had hoped that he would wait for her, maybe she would go back in a year, and he would be there. Still the Johnny he had been before she left and he would sweep her off her feet.

  Now even that dream was dying so quickly. She read Mary’s message once more and responded.

  I’m sorry Mary, I’m happy for both of you. It just really comes as a shock that he would move on so quickly. I mean we had sex right before I left even. She typed it and then erased the last part of the message. No she didn’t want everyone to know she had sex with Johnny, it was their own personal thing.

  When she hit send though her message didn’t go through and it showed up that Mary had blocked her.

  “What the hell?” Sally said out loud. She curled up in a ball on the bed and began to cry. Not only had she lost the boy who had always adored her, but she had lost another of her good friends.

  So far her life in Paris had been one bad thing after another. “We’ll all except Pierre, he seems to adore me. He almost reminds me of what Johnny used to be like.” She said.

  She pulled up an email and wrote to her mom, it was one of the last people she felt she had in the world.

  Hey Mom,

  I’ve only been in Paris a few hours so far and life is so much different. I went to a park with this really nice Frenchman, his name is Pierre. We are going out later tonight for dinner.

  I’ll write and tell you how the food is, and I’ll take pictures of everything! I’m posting some from the park today.

  I love you and dad,


  Sally had thought of asking her mother about Johnny and Mary, but didn’t. She would simply move on here. Pierre had already told her how he felt. Well the next time he tried to kiss her, she would simply let him.

  Her head was heavy as she finally allowed her eyes to close shut. Before she knew it her alarm was ringing and she had to get up and take a shower. Pierre would be here in an hour to pick her up.

  Though she did feel a bit more rested, her heart was still heavy as she thought of Johnny and Mary. “I don’t get it.” She muttered as she stepped into the shower.

  Chapter 2

  Johnny looked in the mirror and smiled. But the truth was that deep down he was boiling with rage. “How could she still leave after what happened in the trees?”

  Perhaps he should have said something to her. But right after they had finished that day, she had told him she was going to be gone in three days. He felt like he had been punched in the stomach, throat and heart all at the same time.

  He thought back to the day he saw them drive by to take her to the airport. She had waved at him; he had simply looked away from her. She made up her mind as far as he was concerned.

  Johnny had to wonder if she had broken something in him. He didn’t quite feel like the same person he was before she left.

  “Hey hot shot, the sex was amazing.” Mary came into the room still naked. She wrapped her arms ar
ound him and kissed his shoulder.

  “I have to go to the gym. I’ll see you later.” He kissed her quickly on the lips.

  He left and headed to the gym. He had started working out right before Sally had left, and finally he was beginning to see some nice results. The trainer at the gym told him he had the build of Bruce Lee, lean and full of muscle.

  Johnny had to admit he’d never felt better in his life, at least physically. Emotionally, well that was another thing. He had set his sights on Mary, not because he wanted her. But because it was Sally’s best friend. It would hurt her the most to know that he had screwed her and then started to date her best friend.

  Lately though he felt the anger welling up far too often. He hoped that lifting at the gym today would help out. Johnny put an extra fifty pounds on the bar and got ready.

  All he could think about was Sally. Sometimes when he was sleeping at night he could still smell her scent. Johnny had hoped that the distraction of Mary and having sex with her would be enough to get her out of his mind, however, it hadn’t worked.

  He could remember the night he saw Mary at the grocery store and picked her up. It had been quite easy. Mary hadn’t even recognized him at first in the store.

  “Hey so how do you feel about Sally going to Paris?” Johnny had approached Mary in the store.

  She looked up at him and he could see the lack of recognition.

  “It’s me Johnny Young, Sally’s neighbor.” He stated.“Oh wow Johnny, you look a lot different from the last time I saw you. I didn’t even recognize you.” Mary said, her eyes getting that glazed look of attraction that he’d read on other sites women would get.

  “I figured that. I’ve been lifting at the gym too the last few months, now I’m seeing results.” He flexed his arm and showed her the muscle.

  She grabbed his arm and squeezed it. “Oh that’s nice, very nice.” She flirted with him openly.

  “So maybe you’d like to go out for lunch or something.” Johnny offered.

  “I thought you were hot for Sally?” Mary asked.

  “She went to Paris, what am I supposed to do wait?” Johnny sneered.

  “No, you shouldn’t wait. Sure I’ll go with you for lunch.” Mary answered.

  Johnny had taken her to the Chinese place on the corner and then they had gone back to his house and had sex. He had enjoyed the rough sex he had with Sally, but this had gone to an all new level. It was something he discovered he enjoyed quite a bit too.

  Mary had been on top of him and had asked him to squeeze her neck a bit and choke her while she was on top. Johnny had hesitated at this step at first. But finally, she had grabbed his hand and squeezed her neck with his hand.

  Johnny didn’t last long at all, he found the power he held in his grasp was far too much of an aphrodisiac. He made it up to her that day though by getting hard as a rock quickly and fucking her hard from behind. They had been a couple from that moment, he couldn’t shake her off of his dick half of the time.

  No matter how much fun he had with Mary in the bedroom though he still only wanted Sally. Sometimes while Mary and he had sex he would picture Sally instead. Those were the times that he would have a hard time not choking the life out of her too. But he would often have one of the strongest orgasms he’d ever experienced. Well that was except for the time in the woods with Sally.

  Why hadn’t he said anything about that to her? “It’s because she went to Paris. I would have talked to her, was getting ready to in fact. But then she told me she was leaving in 2 days.

  He strained to lift the weights as the anger at what he felt was her betrayal hit him hard once more. However, he knew that he was just as much at fault at her. He could have said something to her, told her he loved her again.

  Johnny had instead had sex with her and never told her once how he had felt during or after it. He shook his head, “she still knew how I felt.”

  He wondered how many guys Sally had slept with in the past, maybe she was just a slut. Perhaps he had seen her as something that she wasn’t, all because he loved her so much. But then he realized it was his anger making him think this way.

  The fact was that Johnny knew all her past boyfriends, of which there were two of them. He was sure that Chip, and Sally had sex when they dated. They had been together around 5 years before he left to go to college.

  But the other boy had been a short lived boyfriend. He couldn’t even remember if Sally had told him the guy’s name or not. That guy, well he wasn’t sure if Sally had slept with him or not. However, it didn’t matter, he still wanted her.

  His phone rang and he picked it up. “Yeah, what’s up?” He asked.

  “I need you at work, Stanley got sick.” His boss asked him.

  “Yeah sure, what time.” Johnny asked.

  “Be here ASAP.”

  “Alright I’ll be there.” Johnny hung up the phone.

  Lately his boss had been a bit of an asshole to him, or maybe it was just that Johnny hated his life right now. He knew he shouldn’t. After all, he had a steady piece of ass, and a girl who was really kinky. But what he wanted was halfway around the world now.

  He called Mary and told her he was going into work.

  “I thought you were off tonight?” She whined on the other side of the phone.

  “I have to go in Old man Denton said so, didn’t give me a choice. If I want to keep my job, I have to listen to him.” Johnny stated, though he could feel the rage underneath the surface and it was threatening to come out.

  “You really need to find another job Johnny. We had plans for the night, now what am I going to do?” She whined more.

  “Listen I don’t know why you’re complaining, you’re not the one who has to go in and work.” Johnny said.

  “Well you don’t have to have an attitude with me.” He could imagine her pouting on the other side of the conversation. Johnny hated it when she whined and pouted. He had wanted someone who was more mature, and figured that Mary was the same age as him and Sally. Well there was a huge difference between Sally and Mary, the maturity difference alone was several years’ difference.

  He hung up the phone with Mary and missed Sally more than ever. He knew that he could have still talked to her if he had wanted. The comment about Mary not liking it,well he wouldn’t care what she liked or not. He had wanted to hurt Sally as much as she had hurt him.

  Johnny pictured her crying in a hotel room on the other side of the world, or at least some part of him hoped for it. Then he felt bad as well, he still did love her so much. His heart just felt like it was being ripped apart any time he thought of her and pictured her.

  Maybe he would have been better had they not had sex before she left. He had to be honest, that whole day had caught him off guard. He hadn’t expected her to like the motorcycle so much that she would basically undress for him.

  He felt his manhood as it started to become erect. Not now, I don’t have time, he thought. However, when it wouldn’t go down he slipped into the bathroom and closed his eyes. He sat there and replayed the whole scene in his head.

  Sally was bent over the rock and he had slammed into her hard from behind. He had showed no mercy during their sex. He had grabbed her hard and she had moaned and he felt her get wetter. Johnny wondered if Sally would enjoy being choked or not, as he had that thought his sperm flew out of his cock and into the tissue he had waiting.

  Johnny got cleaned up and went home to change for work. He wasn’t really happy about it, but honestly he didn’t want to be with Mary tonight either.

  “About time you got here Young, I called you over an hour ago.” Old man Denton screamed at him when he walked into the shop.

  “I was in the middle of my workout; I made it as quickly as I could.” Johnny stated.

  “I don’t pay you to go to the gym; I pay you to work on these cars. Stanley got sick; these cars are due back to their owners now. What should I tell them? My sissy little worker had to go and get his body all toned up to impre
ss someone?” Old man Denton scoffed.

  Johnny could feel his rage as it went up. “I’m not a sissy because I take care of my body. You’re just mad because your wife hasn’t given you sex in years.” He shot out at the old man.

  “Fuck you prick. You better watch your mouth Young or you’ll be gone. Think your hot shit and all that since you ride a Harley now. You’re still a little nobody to anybody who it matters. Look at that little girl you had the hots for, she’s in Paris now isn’t she?” Denton got out.

  Johnny was on him in a second. “I’ll tell you what you fucking piece of shit.” Johnny swung and hit the old man quickly. His arms were flying as he went overboard.

  “Yo, come on Young, stop already man.” Jim a co-worker pulled him off the old man. “Shit man you fucked him up bad.” “I’m going to have you arrested for assault you little prick.” Denton stumbled to his feet.


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