The Zoran's Touch (Scifi Alien Romance) (Barbarian Brides)

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The Zoran's Touch (Scifi Alien Romance) (Barbarian Brides) Page 9

by Luna Hunter

  His amethyst eyes find mine.

  “You’ve given me hope, Miah. A new reason to live. I hope you’ll be able to forgive me.”

  “It’s me who should be asking for forgiveness!” I say. “I haven’t been entirely honest either, calling down the Federation on us…”

  Egon’s lips curl up into a smile.

  “It would have been easier if we had both been honest with each other from the start, I suppose.”

  “Agreed. From now on, we’re saying nothing but the truth. Deal?”

  “Deal,” he growls.

  “Then my first confession is this: I’m pregnant.”

  His amethyst eyes widen. “Pregnant?”


  “I’m going to be a father?”


  He grabs my hand, the smile on his face wider than I’ve ever seen. He throws his arms around me, kissing my face, my neck, my cheek — his mouth is everywhere.

  “Hold it tiger,” I laugh. “I have a second confession.”

  “What’s that?” he growls into my neck, his hands on my lower back.

  “My second confession is that I missed you more than I thought possible. Claim me, Egon.”

  He pulls back, his eyes glitter wickedly.

  “That I can do.”

  Within seconds he’s on top of me, ripping my clothes right off my body. The pillows and blankets are kicked off the bed, and his armor falls to the floor with a heavy thud. I can hear the laughter of the kids down the hall, and I have to bite down on my fist to stop from screaming out when Egon buries his face between my legs.

  My panties dangle around my ankles as he drags his tongue up my wetness.

  “Oohh, I’ve missed this,” I moan.

  His hands rest on my thighs, his strong grip holding me in place.

  “So have I,” he growls between passionate kisses. “No more. From now on, this is a daily ritual.”

  “Oh god yes,” I say as his tongue enters me.

  He brings me higher and higher, until my breathing is heavy.

  “I want you inside of me,” I pant. “Now.”

  I don’t need to tell him twice.

  Egon stands up, proudly showing off his throbbing, purple manhood. I reach out and wrap my fingers around it. I’ve missed the warm touch, the throbbing in my hands. I run my fingers up the veins, and every pulse of his member makes my heart do a little excited jump.

  He leans down and kisses me, and as his tongue enters my mouth, his cock enters me. I moan his name, trying to keep quiet, and failing miserably.

  I’m only human, after all.

  My nails scrape down his back as he reclaims me. Every thrust of his hips brings me higher, the pleasure growing stronger and stronger until all I see is stars.

  “I love you, Egon,” I moan.

  “I love you, too,” he answers.

  I feel his manhood growing even harder inside of me. I hook my legs around his waist, taking his entire massive member inside of me. He cums with a deafening roar, his cock exploding, his seed filling me, and this triggers my own orgasm as well. My legs shake and tremble as our bodies are one, our souls connected, the universe bright and beautiful once again…



  “Good morning.”

  Sarah Granger flashes me a wicked smile. She’s cooking breakfast, and the wonderful smell fills the entire ship.

  “Did you sleep okay?”

  “I don’t think she slept for one second,” Ava Payne says. Her belly is round — I can’t wait ‘till mine looks like that.

  “We’re just teasing you,” Aria Winters says.

  “That’s mean,” I laugh. “I’m new here, you ought to be nice to me.”

  “Then you shouldn’t have kept us up all night,” Abby yells from the other room.

  My face turns as red as a beet. “I didn’t really, did I?” I whisper.

  “Nah,” Lilith Rose comforts me. “I can’t hear anything over Daruk’s snoring anyway.”

  “Well,” Ava smirks, “you’ve got the first rule of dating a Zoran down: Keep his balls drained.”

  “Ava!” Sarah says, covering Jacob’s ears. “Language!”

  “What?” she laughs. “It’s true. I heard you and Kazim last night. And every night before that. That little tyke hasn’t slowed you two down one bit.”

  “Same goes for you!” Sarah says.

  “You still…” my voice trails off.

  “What? Go ahead, ask,” Ava says. “I’m an open book, as you’ve noticed.”

  “Well, with your belly and all…”

  “Oh, this?” Ava laughs, patting her belly. “Come on, feel. Don’t be shy.”

  She grabs my hand and places it on her stomach.

  “Yes, we still do the deed, if that’s what you’re wondering. You just have to use some pillows, find a comfortable position, but it’s very do-able. In fact, Turnon has been even hornier now that I’m so curvy, if you can believe that.”

  “Whoa,” is all I can say.

  It seems my time on this ship will be far from boring!

  Egon strolls into the room, a robe loosely tied around his beautiful, emerald green frame. We all fall silent as he walks in.

  “What?” he asks, stopping dead in his tracks.

  “Nothing,” I say, my face red.

  We all burst out laughing simultaneously. Egon just shakes his head, kisses my cheek and grabs some breakfast.

  I think I’ll fit right in here.


  Miah looks as beautiful as ever. We’ve both kept each other all night, going at like a pair of rabid animals. I can’t resist her. Only the need for food got us out of bed this morning, but I can’t wait to drag her back in there.

  Kazim walks into the kitchen, his blue body covered in armor. We’re all equals here, but the man exudes authority. As far as I’m concerned he’s earned it; he’s proven himself in battle.

  “Egon,” he says. “How was your first night on our ship? Comfortable, I hope?”

  My eyes dart towards my mate, and I fight to suppress a smirk. “You could say that.”

  Kazim nods. “I don’t want to interrupt the honeymoon period, but I’ve received some intel on your old pack. I thought you might want to know.”

  I sit up straight right away.

  “Who?” I say. “Torin? Kane? Or is it Marcas?”

  Those were the three warriors who were with me that fateful day. I was their leader — and I let them all down. I can’t rest until I’ve freed every one of them from the Federation’s clutches, and together, we can clear our names and set the record straight once and for all.

  Kazim shakes his head. “Torin is locked up in Blackgate, I’m afraid. We weren’t able to intercept his transport.”

  Fuck. Blackgate’s a prison planet, and it’s damn near impenetrable. Yet, where there’s a will there’s a way, and my will is strong enough to knock down walls.

  “Marcus has gone off of our radar. However, I do have a lead on Kane.”

  That gets my attention.

  “Where is he?”

  “We got unconfirmed reports of a silver Zoran working as muscle for a crime syndicate out in the Vagreon sector. My gut says that he’s our man.”

  “What? That can’t be him,” I argue. “Kane would never do that.”

  Kazim shrugs. “We… unsuccessfully attacked Kane’s transport. We managed to critically damage the transport vessel he was in, but we took serious damage ourselves, so we had to retreat, unfortunately. It was right by the Triadad Cluster, which is only a short cruiser ride from Vagreon. It’s possible his ship went down there. It’s the only lead we have.”

  I nod decisively. “Let’s follow-up on it, then.”

  I’m finding you, Kane. Even if I have to turn over every rock in the galaxy — I will find you.

  Miah wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me.

  “Come back to bed, honey,” she whispers into my ear. “But don’t make it too obv

  I look at Kazim. “How far is the Vagreon sector from here?”

  The blue Zoran smiles. “Far enough.”

  I lift my mate up by her waist and carry her off demonstratively.

  “You can’t help but make a scene, can you?” Miah laughs, her face red, when I place her on our bed.

  “I’m not going to hide my love for you,” I growl before kissing her passionately. “Not now, and not ever.”


  The end!

  I hope you enjoyed your read. If you sign up for my newsletter, I can let you know when The Zoran’s Kiss (Kane’s story) comes out. :)

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  I also share chapters of my work in progress. Don’t worry, I hate spam too, and won’t overload you with emails.

  On the next couple of pages you can read a preview The Zoran’s Bride, the Alien General’s Baby and Nero.



  Preview of The Zoran’s Bride

  My new bodyguard? A possessive, dangerous alien warrior who wants to claim me as his prize. Oh boy.

  Decades have passed since the Tyk’ix destroyed the Zoran homeworld. The fierce, sexy alien warriors have found refuge on Earth, but adjusting to this new reality has not been easy for either species.

  Sarah Granger wants nothing to do with the aliens — her father died protecting the Zoran, and she’s yet to forgive them. When the Human Federation plans a mission into deep space to find a new home for the alien warriors, she volunteers, and to her own surprise, the curvy scientist gets the job! She couldn’t be happier. Until, moments before launch, the Federation assigns her a bodyguard. And not just anyone: The most dangerous, arrogant Zoran warrior imaginable, who won’t leave her alone for even a second.

  Kazim has never seen his homeworld. The alien warrior grew up an orphan on the streets of Boston with nothing to his name except his fists and his indomitable will. The blue-skinned Zoran is the undefeated boxing champion of the Boston underworld — until the local kingpin asks him to take a dive. Instead, Kazim knocks his human opponent out so hard it kills him, and now the entire mob is out for his blood.

  The wanted alien warrior needs to lay low for a while, and using his connections, manages to hitch a ride on a human ship heading into deep space. All he has to do is protect Sarah Granger from harm. An easy job for a warrior as tall and strong as him… Until he sees her and he realizes in an instant that he’s found his fated mate.

  Resisting his urge to claim her is the hardest battle the alien warrior has ever fought.

  1. Kazim

  “And in the left corner, representing Zoran-kind everywhere, it’s the blue giant, the unstoppable one: Kazim the Destroyer!”

  The crowd — all human — jeers, cursing my name. Their faces are contorted with rage. Good. Go ahead. Hate me. It only makes me stronger.

  “And in the right corner, representing mankind, it’s the one, the only, Michael Cormack AKA the Machine!”

  The puny human in front of me is bouncing on his feet, his fists raised, shielding his face from me. He jabs the air, his punches as quick as lightning. It doesn’t matter. It won’t save him. Even the strongest, quickest human is no match for me.


  The bell rings and the crowd roars. There’s thousands of them, all of whom have been paid good money to watch a human beat up a Zoran.

  Unfortunately for them, I don’t play by those rules.

  My opponent rushes forwards and tries to get the first punch in. I lean back and dodge it easily. And the next one. And the next one. I walk around the ring, evading his every blow. His muscles bulge as he throws all his strength into ever jab, but all he hits is air. His face is contorted with anger, rage, and a hint of fear.

  I smirk at him.

  You got inside the ring with me, boy. What happens next is on you.

  I punch him in the stomach the moment he lets his guard down, and the human doubles over in pain, his scream filling the entire arena.

  The crowd falls silent for a moment before exploding in a fit of rage. This is not what they came here to see, and they make this crystal clear to me.

  “Go back to where you came from, you blue freak!”

  “Fuck you Kazim!”

  “Zorans go home!”

  I look into the crowd and spread my arms wide, letting all their hate flow into me. In the front row I see the promotor, Callum McGregor, giving me the evil eye. He’s the kingpin here in Neo-Boston, one of the most dangerous men around.

  Except for me.

  He traces his finger past his neck, and the message is clear.

  Go down in the second round or you’re dead.

  I never planned on living forever.

  The bell rings and the first round comes to an end. I’ve barely broken a sweat, and there’s not a scratch on me. I grab a bucket of water on my side of the ring and throw it over my face, letting the cool drops slide down my broad, naked, deep-blue chest.

  I wink at a human female sitting in the front row, and she instantly turns as red as beet — and her boyfriend looks like he wants to come up and fight me.

  He’s welcome to try if he has a death wish.

  “Round two! Fight!”

  Cormack rushes me from behind, his punch grazing my chin. Unsportsmanlike. I retaliate instantly, my fist connecting with his nose. I can feel the bones shattering under the pressure of my punch. His face explodes with blood, the red stuff gushing down his chin.

  My opponent looks surprised, shocked and filled with hatred.

  “You’re supposed to go down,” he spits, with blood on his lips.

  I push my shoulders back. “Make me, human.”

  “Alien bastard,” he says. “You should have died on Exon Prime with the rest of your kind.”

  That’s the drop that makes the bucket run over. I can’t let that slide. My vision turns red and I feel blind rage taking over — and I welcome it. First I punch the human in the stomach, making him hunch over, and then I hit him with an uppercut, throwing all the strength I have into that punch.

  Cormack flies through the air.

  The arena turns silent.

  He hits the ground with a thud. He doesn’t move.

  I raise my hands up in the air. Victory!

  The crowd explodes, pelting me with bottles, coins, lighters, anything they can get their hands on. It all bounces off me harmlessly. I laugh. I laugh in the face of their hatred, of their rage. They can’t handle the fact that I’m simply better.

  Two Zoran step into the ring, and I recognize their obsidian black uniforms and the symbol of Exon pinned to their chests. Why is the High Command slumming it here in Neo-Boston?

  “Come,” the one on the right growls.

  It’s not a question.

  “Goddamnit, Kazim. God fucking damn it. In Zora’s name, what the fuck were you thinking?! Taking on a contract for Callum fucking McGregor — and then fucking him over?! What the hell were you thinking?! Oh, don’t tell, me, you weren’t thinking, were you?!”

  I gaze up into the rage-contorted face of General Burak, who is towering over me in my dressing room. He’s a big shot in the High Command, with his mauve skin, his fancy obsidian armor and the many medals pinned to his chest, but I simply know him as Uncle Burak.

  And I hate him.

  His two goons are standing outside, keeping McGregor and the angry crowd at bay. I remove the wrap from my fists while avoiding the general’s scolding gaze. I hit that human so hard my knuckles are bleeding.

  “With all due respect, sir… fuck you.”

  General Burak strikes me with an open hand. He’s much faster than Cormack ever was. I can’t evade this blow.

  “Don’t talk to me like that, boy.”

  “I’m not your boy anymore,” I spit. “I never was.”

  “You ungrateful piece of shit. I took you in when your parents died, treated you like you were my own son, and this is how you repay
me? Bare knuckle boxing? If only your father could see you now.”

  “Don’t you dare speak his name,” I growl.

  “Or what? You’re going to kill me too? You know you killed that human, right? You broke his fucking neck, Kazim.”

  I straighten my back, my lips pulled into a tight line. Perhaps I ought to feel remorse or regret… but in truth, I don’t feel a fucking thing.

  “He got in the ring with me. He knew what he signed up for.”

  “And he paid the ultimate price,” Burak spits. “Not only have you fucked over McGregor, but all of Neo-Boston is out for your blood, now that you’ve killed their golden boy.”

  “So what?” I shrug. “Let them come.”

  “You don’t understand, do you? The world is bigger than just you, Kazim. What you just did is not only for bad for your personal health and safety, but it’s bad for Zorans everywhere. You know what the headlines are going to be tomorrow, right? Zoran murders human. Plastered all over the holo-web, all over this globe. You’re making life harder for everyone.”

  “How would you know?” I sneer. “You’re up in your flotilla, with the rest of the High Command. You don’t have a clue what it’s like down here on Earth.”

  Burak raises his hand to strike again, but then he sighs, his yellow eyes filled with sadness and regret.

  “I’ve failed you, Kazim.”

  “It’s too late for apologies.”

  “But it’s not too late for you. You can still make something of yourself. That’s why I’m assigning you to the HF Spearhead.”

  “I don’t want your charity,” I say as I stand up, pressing my forehead against the general’s. “Fuck off.”

  He grabs my shoulders and pushes me back down.

  “You sit down and you listen,” he growls, the fire returning to his voice. “You don’t have a choice. You stay here and you’ll die, you understand? That mob wants your blood. You’re not as invincible as you think you are. I made a promise to your father that I’d keep you safe, and I’m staying true to my word, even if you’re making it damn hard to do so. The HF Spearhead is a reconnaissance vessel, the first of its kind. It’ll go into deep space to find a suitable planet for us Zorans. And you’re going along with them. Some time far, far away from Earth will do you some good.”


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