The Eden Series: The Complete Collection

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The Eden Series: The Complete Collection Page 58

by Stalder, Janelle

  * * *

  What is wrong with me? Diana wanted to curse out loud as she practically ran out of the palace. It was supposed to be a quick exchange. She planned just to go to the palace, tell him her intentions, fight him if needed, and then leave. What happened? Suddenly she was in front of him, and she just didn’t want to leave. Diana had seen Jameson more in the last six months than she had in the previous ten years. It was having an odd effect on her, and she didn’t know what to make of it.

  Then Melaine appeared, and something white and hot spread through her. She was jealous. The idea was almost laughable, and yet she recognized the feeling as soon as she looked at the other woman. Everyone knew Jameson’s mistress, but Diana always took great care to avoid meeting the woman. She didn’t want to face who Jameson spent his nights with, especially when she looked like Melaine. Where Diana was plain, and maybe pretty, Melaine was exotic and beautiful. She had thick dark hair, large expressive eyes, lips that were the colour of a ripe apple, and curves men would die for. Diana looked down at her pathetic excuse for a womanly figure and sighed. Jameson had chosen someone completely opposite of her. Did he even find her attractive anymore, or had he decided he preferred Melaine’s type? Why does it matter? She asked herself. She had made the decision to end things. What right did she have to feel sorry for herself now?

  The worst part was that she had actually let her jealousy get the better of her. She’d kissed him! Her face was still inflamed by the action. Where did she get such nerve? Something had just been boiling inside her, and, for some reason, she felt the need to show the other woman that she had a right to this man as well. She didn’t, though. He hadn’t been hers in a long time. How did he felt about it? Diana could swear he almost lifted his hand to her waist when she had stepped closer. Would he have held her there? Would he have kissed her lips instead? These thoughts made her face flush more. She fanned herself with her hand as she walked towards the stables to prepare a horse. A few servants gave her curious looks. She realized she would have to spend a lot more time with Jameson during this journey. She sent a silent prayer up to the God and Goddess that she wouldn’t do anything else to further embarrass herself.

  * * *

  Wolf stood in a small alcove in the main hall of the palace. It wasn’t comfortable, squishing himself into such a tiny spot, but unfortunately necessary. The King had been very clear that Wolf was to continue to observe Markus while they were in the Capital. Something about the ruler of the south was suspicious, especially his sudden appearance here. Sure, Wolf thought bitterly, he could blame it on his interest in Elisa. But he didn’t buy it, and neither did the King. No man would travel that far just to propose. And how convenient that Markus should be outside his city walls when they are suddenly besieged by the north? Wolf simply didn’t trust him.

  Markus was speaking quietly with one of his men. Wolf hadn’t noticed him do anything particularly strange this morning, but he wasn’t going to leave him alone just yet. Most of the King’s army was outside the city walls, already preparing their horses for the journey to Nysa. Wolf really needed to get to his own horse, but it was impossible with Markus walking around the whole damn palace. He hardly spoke to anyone, didn’t really go into the rooms, just simply walked. It was driving Wolf nuts. Was he remembering the floor plan of the palace, or was he simply just looking around? What was he even doing? Wolf wondered for the hundredth time.

  “What are you doing?”

  Wolf looked up into the confused face of his brother. Great, he thought. There went his cover. Taking a chance, he glanced over at Markus, and saw that the other man was indeed looking at him too. His hiding spot had been discovered and now he just looked stupid.

  “You’re an idiot,” he mumbled to his brother. Moose looked temporarily offended, until his attention turned to Markus’s slow approach. When he looked back at him, Wolf saw the sudden understanding in his eyes, and the subsequent silent apology. Wolf shrugged discreetly to let him know he shouldn’t feel bad. Honestly, Markus hadn’t done much, and Wolf really did need to prepare to leave.

  “Good morning, Wolf, Moose,” Markus greeted. His smile looked forced and did not reach his eyes.

  “Markus,” Wolf nodded his head at the other man.

  “All set to head out?”

  “We were just about to go outside,” Moose answered.

  “I see,” Markus replied. He scratched his chin, looking slightly smug. “All done with playing shadow, are you?”

  Wolf tried to ignore the embarrassed flush crawling up his neck. He hadn’t thought the southern leader was aware of his presence. That he was, and for who knows how long, made Wolf angry. It just meant everything the other man had done all morning was just for show. Gods he really hated him.

  “I was just making sure you didn’t get lost,” he replied with a haughty smile.

  “Is that what you were doing?”

  Wolf nodded in reply. “That, and I just don’t trust you,” he admitted, deciding he’d had enough of pretending.

  “You don’t say,” Markus said sarcastically. “Colour me shocked.”

  “I didn’t know that was a colour,” Moose piped in. Markus gave him an annoyed look before focusing back on Wolf.

  “Here’s something you should know, boy. It doesn’t matter if you don’t trust me. In fact, it doesn’t matter what you think at all, because you’re nothing. You’re simply another soldier in a group of many. Me? I’m something so much more, and I think we both know that. It’s no wonder she chose me,” he said with a smile. Wolf’s anger instantly burned.

  “Don’t think I don’t see the jealousy in your eyes,” Markus continued, his voice low. “No matter what you do, it won’t change a thing. She knows who is better for her. She made her choice. You should move on. It’s not like you wouldn’t have eventually anyway.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Wolf asked, trying desperately to keep himself from lunging at Markus.

  “It means you would have strayed at some point, leaving poor Elisa home alone and broken hearted.”

  “I would never do that!”

  Markus scoffed, his face set in a perfect scowl. “You’re scum. She knows it. I know. Best you come to terms with that too. I’m sure your brother here can scrounge up some barmaids to ease your pain.” He turned sharply on his heels, heading toward a door that led outside.

  “I really hate that guy,” Wolf muttered.

  “Honestly, I don’t really think he likes you too much either,” Moose replied.

  * * *

  Elisa strapped the last pack to her horse. The city was already crowded with people, as was the field outside the walls where she and many others waited. Soldiers were preparing their horses while their families stood by and watched sadly. There were so many goodbyes being said, and behind each of them was the fear that it would be their last. How many would return from this trip? She watched one family, and couldn’t help but be thankful that she wasn’t one of the ones who had to stay behind and wait. The fear of the unknown would have killed her. She felt an immense amount of pity for the women and children, and yet she recognized their strength in letting their loved ones go.

  She quickly finished what she was doing then moved to the front of the horse to give him some water before they left. Taking out the brush, she began meticulously grooming the sides of the horse, until his coast shined, all the while watching the different exchanges play out before her. She kept herself hidden behind the large animal so that no one would see the sadness in her eyes. There could be no doubt in their success.

  As she continued with her chore, she spotted Wolf and Moose walk out into the field from the city gates. The two brothers were so similar, and yet so different. Thankfully she hadn’t seen Wolf again since the previous morning, successfully avoiding their conversation. Now she just watched him thoughtfully. He wore no shirt, per usual, his bare skin unaffected by the cold morning weather. Each ripple of muscle was defined by bronze skin, like a perfect scu
lpture. His brown hair, with its natural golden highlights, was pinned back with the same leather band she currently wore. Moose also wore one, but his hair was much blonder than his younger brother’s. Elisa caught herself looking intently at Wolf’s strong jaw as it clenched in response to whatever Moose was discussing with him closely. His lips were set in a grim line.

  She didn’t know how long he had been watching her back, since she was fully engrossed in staring at his mouth, but when she finally raised her eyes to look into his pale ones, they were looking right back at her. She swore under her breath, and looked down to focus what she was doing. She wanted to kick herself for being caught. There had been many times in the past where Elisa would find herself noticing things about Wolf. Despite their difficult relationship, she could admit he was an attractive man. It was just that it was purely physical, and in no way extended to his personality.

  When she glanced back up he was looking at Moose again, but now his mouth lifted smugly. Damn it, she cursed silently.

  “You are looking breathtaking, as always, this morning,” a familiar voice said from behind her. She turned to see Markus smiling from a few paces away.

  “Thank you,” she replied, smiling back. Markus looked handsome himself, but she wouldn’t dare say it. He wore the usual black suit that his soldiers wore, except his had fine silver threating in the seams, and had leather patches at his elbows and knees. Tall, black riding boots came up over the pants. He looked like a warrior King. His black hair curled just below his ears, and the stark blue of his eyes stood out against his attire. There was nothing bad she could say about him. He treated her like gold, despite the last encounter they had right before she left his palace. Some things she could forgive, and she would for him. Yet, with all that in mind, something was still missing between them. Her loving, and loyal maid, Franca, assured her it would just take time for love and trust to grow. Elisa hoped she was right.

  “You look stressed,” she said, noticing the lines around his eyes and mouth.

  He sighed and smiled weakly at her. “I don’t know what is happening to my people, even as we stand here. I wish to get there as fast as we can, but it will be impossible with all these men, and yet we need them all. It’s very difficult for me to stay calm when inside I am torn.” Elisa felt for him.

  She stepped forward, and placed a hand on his cheek reassuringly. He leaned into her palm, covering her hand with his. “We’ll get there in time,” she said, trying to keep as much conviction in her voice as possible. Blue eyes looked into hers, begging for her words to be true.

  “Will you ride beside me?” he asked.

  She smiled at the insecurity beneath his question. He doubted her affection for him, she could tell. It made sense, since she left the south in a state of anger after almost being killed at his palace. He hadn’t even checked to make sure she was okay when it happened. It stung that all he was concerned about at the time was himself. He was still trying to earn her forgiveness, even though she had already given it when she agreed to marry him. “Of course I will,” she replied. His smile was radiant, knocking the breath right out of her. He leaned in to kiss her quickly on the lips. Her eyes widened in shock at his open and public display of affection.

  “Good morning,” Aiden called out, interrupting them. He stood on the other side of her horse. Wolf and Moose further behind him. Wolf’s back was to her now, but Moose stared at her, eyes narrowed. Elisa looked away from him, ignoring the horrible feeling in the pit of her stomach. Instead she focused on Aiden, who was smiling at the two of them, albeit strained. Elisa mentally rolled her eyes. She was never going to understand all these boys.

  “Hey Aiden,” she replied, trying her best to sound normal.

  “Aiden,” Markus greeted from behind her.

  “Markus,” he replied, with a smile and a nod of the head. At least he wasn’t rude to him, Elisa thought, thankfully. Figures it’s Aiden who is the only nice one out of the lot, she added silently. She glanced back over at the other two and saw Logan standing with them now. She met his eyes, and bit back a laugh when he started kissing the air in her direction. Okay, she amended, maybe Logan would be nice about it too. “So you are set to go?” Aiden asked. She brought her attention back to him, and nodded. “I saw Jameson come out not too long ago, so I think we’re going to take off soon. You want to ride with us?” he asked, nodding his head in the other direction. He glanced at Markus quickly, but went right back to her questioningly.

  “Um –” she started, but Markus replied, as he stepped up beside her and placed his arm around her shoulders.

  “She’s going to ride with me,” he said, his voice warning. Elisa had to bite the inside of her cheek. Markus would not control who she spent her time with. She might be his fiancé, but she was Aiden’s friend, and she only just got Aiden back.

  “I’ll see you later though,” she added quickly, giving Aiden a pointed look that said “don’t worry, I will handle this.” He seemed to get the message and backed off.

  “Alright,” he replied lightly, shrugging his shoulders. As he walked to the others, a blur of white and green crashed into him. A soft laugh filled the air before Aiden’s deeper laugh joined. Suddenly Lily was there, her tiny frame wrapped around Aiden’s back. Elisa’s mouth dropped open. The girl had moved so fast, out of nowhere. She had literally been but a blur of colour. Now she held on to Aiden with the familiarity of someone who had known a person a long time. She watched them laugh and talk to each other as Aiden piggybacked her over to the other boys. Wolf, Logan, and Moose all smiled at the child-like girl, accepting her into the group without hesitation. Elisa felt a pang of jealousy.

  “Come on, Elisa,” Markus said behind her. She turned just as he walked to his horse, expecting her to simply obey. She gave the other group another quick, longing glance, before turning to follow.

  * * *

  “This is horse shit,” Logan said to no one in particular. The five of them sat around the base of a tree. Moose was on one side of him, Aiden on the other. He couldn’t see Lily or Wolf. They all ate dried meat and bread, except Lily. Logan didn’t think the forest girl ever ate. The army had finally come to a rest as the sun moved through the sky. It was too hot and the men were moving slower, as were the thirsty horses. Jameson let them stop when a small river came into view. It was a welcome break for everyone. They were being pushed hard. Logan couldn’t decide if it was Jameson or Markus urging them forward at such a quick place.

  “Dare I even ask what you’re talking about?” Wolf’s voice came from around the large trunk of the tree. Logan thought he heard Aiden snort softly.

  “I’m talking about Elisa,” Logan replied, eyeing her across the field. “She told Aiden she’d come sit with us, but look at her! Markus has her practically attached to his hip.” Even he could hear the bitterness in his voice.

  “They are set to be married,” Lily pointed out. “Why wouldn’t they want to be together?”

  “Why indeed,” Wolf commented dryly.

  “Married-shmarried, she should be here,” Logan defended. “I don’t like this one bit. It’s like she’s not part of our group anymore!”

  Aiden chuckled. “It’s not that big of deal Logan,” he said, talking around the chunk of meat in his mouth. “We’re going to stop more than once, and I’m sure she’ll be around.”

  “I don’t know why any of you care,” Moose commented, picking absently at the grass in front of him. He shrugged when he saw Logan’s questioning look. “I just mean, she chose her side, and we all chose ours.”

  “Side? What side?” Lily asked.

  “Wolf’s side obviously,” he answered matter-of-factly, as if it were obvious to anyone. “She turned her back on their marriage, which means she turned her back on him and all of us. At least that’s the way I see it.”

  Logan heard Wolf snicker before he spoke. “No offence older brother, but no one here is going to turn their back on Elisa just because she doesn’t want to marry me.” The
re was a sadness to his voice at the end, which he tried very hard to cover up. But Logan heard it. He knew his best friend better than anyone else. No matter what he said, her rejection got to him. If he didn’t know any better, he would have sworn something had happened between the two, which Wolf had neglected to tell him. Sometimes, he reminded himself, people needed to keep certain parts of their lives private. That was how Wolf had always been when it came to his feelings about Elisa, and Logan respected that.

  “Nothing is set it stone yet,” Lily said ominously. “The game can still be won by either side.” Everyone turned to look at her. Logan could just see her profile on the other side of Aiden. She was resting her head against Aiden’s shoulder. He wished he could see the expression on Wolf’s face. Unexpectedly, Moose began laughing loudly. Logan caught Elisa glancing over at them, but she made no move to join them.

  “It’s a game now, is it?” Wolf asked, dryly.

  “Wasn’t it always?” Lily replied, innocently.

  Moose laughed harder. “Gods I love you, Lily. It’s too bad you picked Aiden already,” he said, wiping non-existent tears from his eyes. “Well little brother, all I can say then is – game on.”


  As one army settled along a shoreline, and another stopped for the night on their journey toward the south, Rain crawled into her own bed in a fortress hidden far away from the rest of the world. It had been an exhausting day. Aziz decided shortly after lunch that he would begin training her. It began with reading – a lot of reading. She now had a whole stack of books sitting beside her bed, which he expected her to finish promptly. She let out a deep sigh. It wasn’t that she disliked reading, but she wanted to learn by actually doing. He insisted that she “fill her mind with the knowledge of words before converting them to action.” Whatever that means.

  After dinner they had gone to feed the beasts again. All of them now took the meat from her hands willingly, some of them even brushing up against her. It was strange how they no longer frightened her. Well, the large ones still did, although they at least seemed respectful of her. They took the meat from her with their hands, some bowing in gratitude, while the smaller ones had to take the food with their mouths. She had made the mistake of asking Aziz what the meat was.


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