Rachel's Cowboy

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Rachel's Cowboy Page 17

by Judy Christenberry

  “Do I have to draw you a road map, J.D.? I’m saying yes…if you want me.”

  “Damn it, Rachel, I’m going crazy with wanting you. I have been ever since we were together during the shoot. But I’m trying to be fair. You’re the one in control here. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”

  “I haven’t stopped wanting you since then, either,” she said, taking a step toward him.

  He crossed the distance between them in no time and took her in his arms. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “A woman doesn’t like to beg.”

  “Neither does a man,” he told her just before his lips took hers. After several deep, probing kisses, he did as he’d promised and swung her up into his arms. “Last chance, Rachel.”

  “I know. Hurry up.”

  When they reached his bedroom, he set her feet on the floor and kissed her again. “I’ve dreamed of having you here for so long, it’s hard to believe it’s true.”

  “Want me to convince you?” she asked, emboldened by his honesty. With her gaze fixed on him, she removed her robe. His eyes widened and his nostrils flared.

  Rachel was encouraged by his reaction. She pulled her nightgown over her head, leaving only her panties to cover her.

  “Mercy, Rachel, you’re driving me crazy,” he said, breathing heavily as he wrapped his arms around her warm body.

  “You’re wearing too many clothes, J.D. I feel like I’m the only one who’s working at this.”

  He immediately ripped his shirt free of his jeans. She began helping him unbutton it. J.D. abandoned that task to her and undid his jeans. They fell around his feet but didn’t come off. He’d forgotten to remove his boots.

  “My boots! I’ve got to get my boots off!”

  Rachel began to laugh.

  J.D. stared at her. “What’s so funny?”

  “In my dreams, our clothes magically disappeared. Reality is a little different, isn’t it?”

  “Your clothes disappeared fast enough,” J.D. told her. “For which I’m grateful. But I’ll try to do better.”

  “I’m not complaining, J.D. The view is spectacular.” She sat down on the bed, watching him.

  He sat down beside her and kissed her. “Now I’m going to remove my boots. Don’t go anywhere.”

  “I won’t,” Rachel said, drawing in a deep breath. She ran a hand up his back as he leaned forward to tug on his footwear.

  He straightened up and took her in his arms, kissing her desperately. Then he said, “Don’t touch me until I get these damn boots off, Rachel, or I’m going to explode.” He started working on his boots again.

  Rachel was tempted to ignore his request. His broad shoulders gleamed in the light and his muscled back offered a wide expanse of warm skin. She drew another deep breath, trying to calm down.

  He sat up and stared at her. “You okay?”

  “Yes. Can I touch now?”

  “I’m all yours, Rachel,” he told her as he lay down on the bed and pulled her with him.

  Wrapped in his arms, Rachel felt the same thrill of excitement as she had last time, only now she knew him so well, so much better than she had before, which only enhanced their physical closeness. She ran her hands over his muscular chest. “You’d think you were a weight lifter,” she said.

  “I am. I lift bales of hay,” he said with a chuckle. “My dad always said working hard was better than working out.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” she said, pressing her lips to his chest.

  He returned the favor, cupping her breasts and kissing them. Then he ran his hands down her body. “Rachel, you drive me crazy with wanting you.”

  “You do have a condom, don’t you?” she whispered urgently, realizing neither of them was going to last much longer.

  “I’ve been stockpiling them for months, praying I’d get another chance,” he whispered in return, reaching over her to his bedside table. He opened a drawer and pulled out the necessary item.

  He slid his briefs down and kicked them off. Then he attended to Rachel’s panties. Soon they were skin to skin, sharing their heat and their passion.

  Haunted by memories, they raced to replace them with even better ones. J.D. made love to every inch of her and Rachel returned the favor. She loved this man, both inside and out. Whatever happened in the future, she wanted this moment in time and she held nothing back.

  As he entered her, her name was on J.D.’s lips. He called it out as if it was a plea. For what, he didn’t know. He already had everything he wanted. He had Rachel.

  Then it hit him. He wanted forever.

  When their frantic passion was sated, they lay in each other’s arms, their shallow breathing gradually deepening. J.D. couldn’t let her go, even though he could scarcely move.

  Rachel snuggled closer, and he bent down and pulled the covers over them. Their eyes gradually closed as their bodies relaxed.

  An hour later, J.D. awakened, savoring the feel of Rachel next to him. He couldn’t resist running his hands over her smooth body. When she responded, the guilt he felt at waking her disappeared.

  They again made love, this time slowly, exploring each other’s body. J.D. discovered Rachel was ticklish, something he loved.

  “J.D.,” Rachel warned, scooting away. “I’m not coming close if you’re going to tickle me.”

  “Hey, I promise I won’t, ’cause I want you close,” he agreed with a chuckle. “I just didn’t expect it.”

  “It’s not something I mention to strangers,” she said huffily.

  “I’m not exactly a stranger, sweetheart. But don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone.” He kissed her, hoping to take her mind off her weakness. It made her prickly.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed closer, which was exactly what he wanted.

  This time, after the passion subsided, J.D. intended to talk, to express what he was feeling. But the lovemaking was too intense, too demanding, and they both fell asleep.

  When the alarm went off the next morning, at six o’clock, J.D. wearily reached to turn it off. As tempted as he was to ignore the demands of his life, he knew he couldn’t. He looked at the beautiful woman in his bed, determined not to mess up this time.

  “Rachel,” he whispered, gently shaking her shoulder.

  Slowly her eyes opened and she stared up at him. “What?”

  “I have to get up now. I’ll make you a deal.”

  “What deal?” she asked groggily.

  “You can sleep in this morning and I’ll make my own breakfast, if you’ll agree to one thing.”

  “Okay. What?”

  “Be here when I get home.”

  She relaxed against the pillows. “Not a problem. It’s where I want to be.”

  “Good,” he said, leaning over to kiss her thoroughly, hoping she wouldn’t forget it. Then he got out of bed. “I’ll see you tonight.”

  He quietly dressed as she slept, his gaze traveling over her body under the covers. Every inch of her pleased him. He was so grateful for getting a second chance with Rachel.

  He headed to the kitchen for a quick breakfast before he saddled up.

  RACHEL WOKE A LITTLE after nine. Since she usually got up at six, she felt sinfully lazy, but she loved it. Stretching beneath the covers, she savored each memory they’d made last night.

  Finally, with a yawn, she got out of bed. Returning to her room, she showered and dressed. Then she headed to the kitchen, her stomach growling.

  After breakfast, she made the bed and put in a load of laundry. Then she debated what to do next. She had some chores waiting, but she wanted to bake something. Something J.D. liked. She was looking through Madge’s cookbook when the phone rang.


  “Rachel! It’s Rebecca. Vivian’s gone into labor. They’ve taken her to the hospital.”

  “Slow down, Becca. What does the doctor say?”

  “You know doctors. They don’t tell you anything until after the fact! She’s so early…
. Oh, Rachel, I wish you were here. Vanessa and I need you.”

  Rachel figured part of Rebecca’s emotional response was because of her own pregnancy, but that was all the more reason to comfort her.

  “I’m coming, honey. I’ll be there in three hours. Will you be at the hospital?”

  “Yes. Peter is going to pick up Joey and take him to Vivian’s for Betty to watch him. I’m picking up Vanessa and we’re going straight to the hospital. Will is already there, of course. Oh, Rachel, I’m so glad you’re coming.”

  “I’m glad you called. I’m on my way.”

  She grabbed the walkie-talkie. “Base to J.D. Come in, please.”

  Nothing happened.

  Was he in a low spot where he couldn’t receive the message? She’d try again later. Packing an overnight bag was what she should do now.

  That didn’t take long.

  She found Madge’s keys and placed them on the table by her overnight bag. Then she grabbed the walkie-talkie again. “Base to J.D. Come in, please.”

  Still nothing. What was she going to do? She couldn’t leave without letting him know why.

  She grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and quickly wrote a note explaining her disappearance. J.D. would understand. He’d already shown her that family was important. She left the note on the table. Then she grabbed her purse, keys and bag and ran outside to Madge’s car.

  J.D. RODE TOWARD THE BARN, anticipation rising in him. He’d decided to come in for lunch and surprise Rachel.

  Striding to the house, he looked forward to the pleasure he’d see on her face. They’d crossed some invisible barrier last night. He knew she loved him. Now he had to say the words to her, verbally commit to her, and he was ready. More than ready.

  He bounded into the house, a big smile on his face. But it faded when he found the house empty. He knew it almost at once. Racing through the kitchen to his bedroom, he found the bed neatly made, as if the pleasure they’d shared there had been erased.

  He went to Rachel’s room next. Empty.

  It couldn’t have happened again. She couldn’t have walked out on him, leaving no word, no promises, no future.

  Slowly, he walked back into the kitchen.

  No Rachel.

  He fell into a chair at the table and put his head down on his arms. He couldn’t believe it. Last night, and this morning, she’d been so loving, so responsive to his lovemaking.

  He wearily raised his head. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught some movement, and looked beneath the table to see a piece of paper fluttering in the breeze he’d created as he moved.

  His heart beat faster as he reached for it. Immediately he saw Rachel’s writing. It was difficult to concentrate enough to read. She hadn’t left without a word.

  She’d left a note, signed “Love, Rachel.”

  Then the message penetrated his exultant brain. Vivian was in labor. Her sisters needed her at the hospital. She’d be back as soon as she could.

  J.D. got up and looked out the window. Madge’s car was gone. He checked his watch. Then he looked back at the note. She’d jotted down the time she’d left—two hours earlier.

  He called the airport and asked for a plane to fly him to Dallas, just as he had for Madge. Then he grabbed the walkie-talkie. He knew at once it wasn’t working. The battery must be low. But he wasn’t going to let that stop him. He went to the bunkhouse and told Cook to tell Bluey he was in charge and to give him Rachel’s note. He’d understand why J.D. had to go.

  Then he packed a few items for a couple of nights and jumped in his truck. He didn’t have much time before he’d be in the air on his way to Rachel.

  She might not have walked away on purpose this time, but he wasn’t taking any chances.

  RACHEL FOLLOWED DIRECTIONS to the maternity waiting room, moving quickly down the long hospital corridors. She stepped into the room, her gaze searching for her sisters. They were sitting together, talking quietly, holding hands, their faces tense with worry.

  “Rachel!” Vanessa exclaimed, jumping up when she saw her.

  Rebecca was only seconds behind her younger sister, slowed slightly by her pregnancy. They exchanged a group hug that was fierce with love.

  “Oh, we’re so glad you’re here,” Rebecca whispered.

  “What’s happening? Have the doctors said anything?”

  “No,” Vanessa said. “Will’s come out a couple of times to reassure us, but he’s worried. You can see it on his face.”

  “Where’s Jeff?”

  “He’s coming,” Rebecca said. “He was in court in FortWorth, with his phone turned off when I tried to call him. I left a message and he called me back about half an hour ago, so he should be here soon.” Rebecca drew a deep breath to calm herself. Then she took a close look at her twin. “Rachel, you look good. How do you feel?”

  “Wonderful. I’ve learned to cook, Rebecca, and I can ride a horse, too. I love living on the ranch.”

  Vanessa and Rebecca exchanged another worried look, then Vanessa said, “But it’s only temporary, Rachel. Isn’t it?”

  Instead of Rachel answering, a strong masculine voice responded. “No, it’s not temporary. It’s forever, if she wants it to be.”

  Rachel jumped up and spun around to look J.D. Stanley in the eye. “J.D.!” she exclaimed, and fell into his open arms. “Yes, J.D., I want it to be permanent. I’m so glad you came.”

  “I wasn’t about to be left behind, sweetheart. I made that mistake last time. It won’t happen again.” He kissed her, a promise underscored.

  “Wow!” Vanessa said, watching them.

  Rebecca was beaming. “Oh, Rachel, I’m so happy for you.”

  Leaning against J.D., her head on his shoulder, Rachel was the epitome of contentment. Then she straightened. “How did you get here so quickly? I tried the walkie-talkie and you didn’t answer.”

  “I tried it, too. I think it needs new batteries. But I came in for lunch and got your note. I didn’t want to waste any time so I flew up. Which means I can drive back with you.”

  “Perfect,” Rachel said, smiling.

  “Becca?” Jeff called as he came in the room.

  Rebecca rushed over, eager to be enclosed in her husband’s embrace. “Oh, Jeff, I’m so glad you’re here.”

  “Sorry it took so long, sweetheart,” he told her, not letting her go.

  She nodded over her shoulder to Rachel and J.D. “Oh, honey, have you met J.D.? And Rachel’s back. Doesn’t she look good?”

  “Yeah.” Jeff released his wife and led her across the room. Sticking out his right hand, he said, “J.D., I’m Jeff Jacobs. How are you?”

  “Jeff, I’m glad to meet you.”

  They each had an arm around a twin. Jeff looked at J.D. and Rachel and said, “You’re looking good, Rachel. Do you have an announcement to make?”

  J.D. didn’t wait for her to say anything. “We’re getting married,” he answered proudly.

  “Welcome to the family,” Jeff said with a grin. “It’s a great one.”

  “I agree.”

  “When are you marrying?” Vanessa asked.

  Rachel and J.D. looked at each other.

  She spoke first. “I’d like to share our wedding with Madge and Bluey, just like we planned.”

  “You already planned to marry?” Rebecca asked, surprised.

  “No. We were planning their wedding. I think it would be nice to share it, if they don’t mind.” She looked at J.D. again, a question in her eyes.

  “I think they’ll love the idea.”

  “So, when will that be?” Rebecca asked, wanting a date.

  “We don’t know yet. Madge’s sister broke her hip and we had to postpone the wedding. But it should be soon.”

  “It had better be soon,” J.D. growled, pulling her into his arms again. When he kissed her, Rachel could feel his eagerness. It matched her own. She gave herself over to the kiss, ignoring the onlookers in the waiting room.

  They stopped being the center of at
tention when Will Greenfield, Vivian’s husband, burst into the room. He was wearing a pair of scrubs and on the front of his shirt were two tiny, freshly made footprints.

  “He’s here! We’ve got our son! He’s perfect. And Vivian is doing great. I’m so proud of her.” Will was practically shouting, he was so excited. All the young women hugged him, but they were careful not to mess up the footprints. The two men shook his hand.

  Then Will must have realized J.D. was there. “Did you bring Rachel? If so, we appreciate it.”

  J.D. laughed. “No, I didn’t bring Rachel. I followed her. I wasn’t about to let her get away.” As if to underscore his words, he put his arm around her and pulled her against him. “We’re getting married.”

  Will shook his hand. “May I tell Vivian? She’ll be so pleased. She’s been worrying about Rachel.”

  J.D. looked down at her. “Is that okay with you, honey, if Will tells Vivian?”

  Rachel stepped forward and hugged Will again. “Of course you can tell her. I would’ve let her know earlier, but J.D. didn’t mention marriage until we got here.”

  Will raised an eyebrow at J.D., who actually blushed.

  “I was thinking it all along, but I wasn’t sure of Rachel until…recently,” he finished awkwardly.

  Will laughed. “I understand perfectly.”

  THREE WEEKS LATER, on a beautiful spring Sunday afternoon, a wedding occurred on J.D.’s ranch.

  All of Rachel’s family was in attendance, which now included Daniel William Greenfield, three weeks old and usually the center of attention. Today, he was outranked by two blushing brides.

  Madge was dressed in a stylish pale blue suit and a small hat with an attached veil. She carried a beautiful bouquet of spring flowers.

  Rachel was wearing Rebecca’s wedding dress and veil. It was a perfect fit and complemented her dark hair. She loved wearing her twin’s gown, feeling as if it connected her to her newfound family. As she walked down the aisle Vanessa leaned over and whispered to Rebecca, “Save this dress for me, okay, sis? I think it has magic powers.”

  “That’s a deal. Do you have an eye on someone?”

  “Nope, but it’s nice to know the dress is waiting.”


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