Wanderer - Echoes of the Past

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Wanderer - Echoes of the Past Page 25

by Simon Goodson

  “Well there are three less of them now,” Jess said with satisfaction.

  Chapter Forty-Four

  To Jess’s great relief the Steady Light was moving, and moving fairly well. Elizabeth had not only managed to repair the thrusters faster than Jess had thought was possible, she’d managed to coax a reasonable speed out of them. The ship wasn’t moving fast, but it was far better than he'd hoped.

  Now the Steady Light and the two freighters were following the route that Dash had given them. Jess had the Wanderer flying rearguard, constantly watching for any sign they were being followed. They’d seen nothing so far, but that made him more jumpy rather than less.

  He’d considered throwing the Wanderer through jump space to try and spot any hidden ships, but the chances of spotting any were minuscule. They had no starting point to work with this time.

  The next twenty minutes crawled by, but still there was no sign of pursuit. Jess was sure they were far enough from the area of the battle to be impossible to detect. That meant they were clear, unless something hidden was following them.

  At the same time the delicate operation to remove the wasp from Sal was ongoing. Finally the Wanderer indicated that everything was ready. Sal wouldn’t feel a thing, but Jess was still worried. A large chunk of her flesh would be removed with the device — once deployed barbed spines had activated to keep it from being easily taken out. While the Wanderer could keep Sal alive and repair the damage it was still a major operation.

  “Ready?” he asked Sal.

  “Ready to get this thing out of me?” Sal asked? “Too bloody right. Just… be careful.”

  “Of course,” he promised, sending the activation signal.

  Sal tensed. Dash placed his hands on her shoulders and spoke quietly to her. She relaxed a little. The others would see nothing much, Sal was laying on her back and the device would disappear into the structure of the Wanderer.

  Jess could see it all though, through the Wanderer’s sensors. He winced inside at the amount of Sal that was pulled away, fields preventing any bleeding. Parts of her shoulder and ribcage went with it. As soon as the wasp was clear the Wanderer started work on rebuilding the damage. Jess knew the ship was more than capable of handling that side. He kept his attention on the wasp, rushing it through the ship’s structure and ejecting it into space.

  It wasn’t alone. He’d added a simple device, controlled by the Wanderer. Once the wasp was well clear he activated the device which separated the activation pad from the wasp. Within a second the wasp detonated. The Wanderer’s sensors confirmed that the explosion was devastating and exceptionally short ranged, jut as Dash had said it would be.

  Jess breathed a sigh of relief. Sal was safe, the wasp was gone. Now all they had to do was get all four ships to the point where Dash’s information said they’d be able to make a long distance jump.


  “You were right,” Jess told Dash. “We can jump from here. It looks clear for far enough out, then we can make a course change. The question is, where are we going? The prisoners in the other ships are still in their transports. They won’t last forever.”

  “There is somewhere… and it’s quite close. It’s a staging post my organisation uses. There’ll be relatively few people there, but quite a few ships, and it’s large enough to house everyone we free till they board those ships.”

  Jess stared Dash in the eye. “I think you’re on the level. If not, you’ve already seen what this ship can do.”

  Jess half expected anger from Dash, instead he laughed.

  “Fair enough Jess. Fair enough. I’m asking you to fly to one of my bases, you’re bound to be suspicious. Everything will be fine though. And we can sort out new paperwork for all four ships, papers that show you’ve been traipsing around a different part of space for decades.”

  “All right, give me the coordinates.”

  Dash hesitated. “OK… you only though. The other ships don’t get them until we drop back into real space. I don’t want them heading off and selling us out.”

  Jess smiled now. “All right, but don’t forget that the Wanderer can keep track of the other ships in jump space. If one drops out then we’ll be asking them some hard questions.”

  Jess signalled to the other three ships, coordinating their actions. Exactly sixty seconds later all four ships leapt into jump space. Jess grinned at Ali. They were on their way. They were leaving Daspal, and its dangers, far behind.

  Chapter Forty-Five

  Sal moved her arm gingerly, the skin still felt slightly tingly across her shoulder and back where the wasp had been removed. Other than that she felt fine. Physically. Her mind was in turmoil. It was time to confront Sovon.

  Jess had pumped him full of drugs designed to make him compliant, using the medical sensors to give as high a dose as was possible without causing serious harm. Now it was time to wake him and ask her questions.

  Jess, Ali and Roberto would be in the room too, but hidden from Sovon to begin with. Jess had one of the robots in the room too. Just in case, he had said.

  If the drugs worked then Roberto had many questions to ask, but that if was important. Roberto had warned them that imperial agents had extensive training in resisting interrogation — whether by drugs or torture.

  Sovon’s eyes flickered open and Sal’s heart skipped a beat. For a few seconds they remained glazed, then they focused on Sal.

  “Do you know who I am?” she asked, managing to find her voice.

  “Yes. Hello Sal.”

  “Where do you know me from?”

  “From prison.”

  “It’s true then? You’re really Markus?”


  Sal felt her heart drop. What did he mean?

  “I am not really Markus,” he continued. “But you knew me by that name. I am really called Andreas.”

  Sal felt a lump in her throat. This truly was Markus, yet the rest of his answer made it very likely that he was an imperial agent. That Markus hadn't ever really existed. She asked the question.

  “Did you feel anything for me? When we were together?”

  “Of course!”

  His passionate insistence made her heart beat faster, until his next words crashed into her.

  “I felt disgust. I felt contempt. What else could I possibly feel for vermin like you?”

  For a moment Sal nearly crumpled up. Something died inside. She was surprised to find herself still standing. Not only still standing but stronger than before. The confession had just confirmed something she had already come to strongly believe. It hurt, there was no getting away from that, but it didn’t hurt as much as she’d expected. There was a strange sense of peace about finally knowing for sure.

  That didn’t stop the anger. She punched him in the stomach, then smacked the flat of her hand into his nose. Blood started to pour immediately. She would have done more but Roberto was there, pulling her back. For a moment she fought against him, but he wouldn’t let go.

  “Please Sal. Don’t do it. For your sake, not his. In days to come let yourself look back at this moment and be proud of what you did, and what you didn’t do. I know you want to hurt him. Really hurt him. But that’s your anger and your pain talking. If you listen to them now then you’ll never let them go.”

  Roberto’s words got through to her. Instead of fighting against him she clung to him, shaking as sobs wracked her body. He held her close as the anger and pain washed through her.


  Sal sat on a sofa waiting for Roberto to speak. He’d spent nearly two hours questioning first Markus, as she now knew him, and then the other two prisoners. His grim face told her the news wasn’t good.

  “All three are imperial agents,” he said.

  Ali looked as surprised as Sal felt. Jess just nodded. Sal realised he would have been listening in on every interrogation.

  “Sovon, or Markus or Andreas, is a nasty piece of work,” Roberto continued. “I know the details of how he infiltrated
our organisation. Some people are going to get visits they won’t enjoy. The woman was as bad, if not worse.

  The other man… well, he’s more the hired muscle than the brains of the outfit but he’s still neck deep in horrific acts. We’ve got everything we need out of them now, and all of them know too much to let go.”

  Sal recoiled slightly inside at what he was suggesting. She understood the necessity, and had killed more than a few people in the past while controlling the Wanderer’s robots and offensive drones. This was different though. This would be cold-blooded execution. Yes, they deserved it… but still…

  “You think we should kill them,” Jess asked.

  “I do. Let me have a gun again and I’ll make it quick for them.”

  “Because you’re a soldier?” asked Jess.

  Sal caught something strange in Jess’s voice. What was going on?

  “Yes,” replied Roberto. “Because I’m a soldier, and they are the enemy.”

  “That’s what I thought,” Jess said.

  A screen sprang to life, showing the three prisoners. Each was secured in place sitting against the wall. One of the Wanderer’s robots stood nearby. Suddenly the robot surged to life, aiming a weapon at the woman. Several shots rang out and her body slumped as far forward as the restraints allowed.

  Next the robot targeted the man Dash had described as the hired muscle. Sal didn’t know his name. Several shots later it didn’t seem so important. He was dead.

  Now Jess turned towards Markus. The first two had died so quickly that Markus was only just starting to register the shock, and the fear that he would be next.

  Jess didn’t give him time to be sure. More shots rang out from the robot and Markus slumped down too, blood pouring from his chest.

  Sal stared at the screen for a few moments, dumbfounded. Despite everything she had learnt earlier she still felt as if the love of her life had just been gunned down.

  “Why Jess?” Sal whispered hoarsely.

  Jess nodded towards Roberto.

  “For the same reasons he gave. I am a soldier, and I swear to protect the innocent. Those three were the enemy. They caused so much suffering for so many thousands of people, if not more. I stand by my decision.”

  Sal saw a look of approval on Roberto’s face.

  “So you’ve declared war on the Empire?” he asked.

  “Yes!” Jess said, nodding his head vigorously. “I want to reach the Wanderer’s home, and find out if anything there can help us, but then I’ll be returning and god help the Empire if they stand in my way.”

  “I’m with you,” Ali said fiercely. “You know that.”

  “Me too!”

  Sal was surprised to have spoken for a moment, then she realised she meant it absolutely. The anger of discovering the truth about Markus still burnt strong within her. She wanted to make the Empire pay.

  “Count me in, if you’ll have me,” Roberto said. “I might even be able to bring a few people with me. People we can trust, not like Hackett and his crew. People that were with me from the beginning.”

  Sal held her breath, waiting for Jess’s response and suddenly realising how much she would miss Roberto if he left them now.

  Jess smiled and offered his hand to Roberto.

  “Of course. If we’re going to fight a war then we need an army.”

  The two of them shook hands, then Jess spoke again.

  “Let’s get our passengers somewhere safe, pick up your friends then get going.”

  Sal smiled. It already felt as if the Wanderer was changing course, starting the long journey. She felt excitement course through her body.

  She looked forward to seeing the Wanderer’s Home, but she looked forward to returning and declaring war on the Empire even more.


  Not far from where the damaged stealth ship had self destructed something stirred. Barely a metre long the device was mostly engine and guidance. It lacked the stealth features of its parent, but was small enough to have avoided detection by the Wanderer's scans. As it was intended to.

  Now active the device fired up its engine and headed in towards Daspal. The journey would take more than a week, but eventually it would reach the imperial forces. When it did it would fulfil its purpose — delivering a record of everything that had happened up to the destruction of its parent ship. Delivering details of the battle that had been fought, and of the amazing abilities the Wanderer had demonstrated.

  And when that information reached the Empire everything would change.

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  Dark Soul Silenced

  Part One & Part Two

  What is left when the darkness is burnt from a vampire before it makes its first kill? Something not seen in thousands of years.

  A chance encounter leaves Daniel in just that position. With no memories of who he once was, and powers he barely understands, can he survive in a world where all magical powers are viewed as a sign of darkness? Can he convince others that he is free from evil?

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  Part Two concludes the story.

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  Last Sunrise & Other Stories

  They say you always remember your first. Every moment. Every glance. Every touch. Everything that either of you said. And it's true. I've never forgotten the first woman I slept with. Or the first person I killed. But then, they were both the same night, both in the same place...both were the same person. (First One)

  When Angels return to the control room for the first time in over five hundred years they get a shock. Rather than reverting and losing the ability to create fire again, mankind has made immense leaps forward. Find out how the Angels react. (Everyone Out)

  Thrown back in time to 1978 I find myself re-living decades of time. Knowing what is to come creates both opportunities and immense pain. (Déjà Vu)

  When a test flight goes wrong and reaches a previously unknown level of hyperspace the crew make an amazing discovery. Wounds that should kill heal almost instantly with no pain. As members of the crew carry out ever more extreme tests Captain Shana starts to suspect that all is not well. (Test Flight)

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  Wanderer's Escape

  Wanderer's Odyssey: Book 1

  Jess was born a prisoner, grew up a prisoner and at sixteen knew he would die a prisoner. When his turn comes to try to break through the traps protecting a spaceship it seems his day to die has come. The ship, and others like it, have already claimed hundreds of prisoner's lives.

  Instead he manages to avoid the traps and gain access to the ship with two other prisoners, beginning a frantic flight to freedom. Soon Jess finds himself loose in a brutal universe ruled by the Empire and riddled with pirates, slave traders and worse. Can Jess manage to learn the rules of the universe and the capabilities of the ship h
e has stolen in time to stay alive?

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  Table of Contents


  Books by Simon Goodson

  Part One

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Part Two

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Part Three

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Part Four

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Part Five

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four


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