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Exposure Page 14

by Morgan

  Shaunna elaborated before David had a chance to respond. “Think about it for a minute. Kyle and Michelle announced their divorce, and I made such a spectacular exit from his employ that it landed me in jail. Even if people know Kyle for who he really is, no one would blame him for filing charges against me. As far as everyone is concerned, Michelle is a saint for keeping me as her publicist.”

  David leaned forward in his seat and opened his mouth to object, but Shaunna held up her finger, requesting his continued silence.

  “Now that Michelle has some distance from Kyle’s shadow, the public is getting to know more about her. Having the two of you photographed together at that club produced unexpected results. Typically, people would scoff at a woman moving on so quickly with her life and wonder if the new man she was dancing with played a part in the breakdown of the marriage. But that didn’t happen with the two of you. The public loves the thought of you and her together, and that story is only going to fuel interest in you.”

  Shaunna took a sip of water as she organized her final thoughts.

  “If you were to suddenly shift your attention from Michelle Cooper to me, it would end badly for us both. The story would be you leaving Hollywood’s most popular actress to date the woman who stole from her former husband. Michelle would come across as dumb, but I guarantee you would come across as a likely two-time cheater, and I would’ve very publicly violated the trust of my client for the second time.” She hazarded a look into his eyes and saw a future lover staring back at her with intensity. “I want to be with you, David, really. But the timing isn’t right.” As Shaunna shook her head, her brown hair fell in front of her shoulders on both sides, giving her a glamorous look.

  “There has to be somebody in the media that you know and trust, and we can just talk to them.”

  “I understand,” Shaunna responded. “But PR doesn’t always work the way you want it to. Communication with the media doesn’t mean control of the media. Right now, doing nothing and saying nothing is the smartest decision for all three of us.”

  Their conversation was interrupted once more as they were served their meals and began eating. Shaunna helped herself to David’s lemon when he discarded it.

  “Would I actually say no comment?” David asked, just before placing the first bite-sized portion of fish into his mouth.

  Shaunna laughed playfully. “Not really. Nonsense like that is more appropriate for a Senate oversight committee. If you’re asked on the street, just ignore the question. If it happens during an interview, just side step the issue with a joke.”

  They ate in silence for a while, each enjoying their food. “Can’t we at least sneak around in private?” David blurted out, intending to ask a different question, but being suckered by his own lips and the influence of the mid-day wine.

  Shaunna froze. She was thrilled he was flirting with her once more, especially after the awkward complication that had pried them apart the evening before.

  “Maybe. When we get back to California.”

  They ate quietly for a while longer, allowing the weight of her last statement to work their hearts into a gallop. David breathed in through his nose while he savored butternut squash on his tongue.

  He tried not to gawk at the slope of Shaunna’s breasts too often, but he was fascinated by the way the firm scoops of flesh touched each other just before her blouse hid them. He recalled the image of her from the evening before, topless and underneath him. David wanted more than ever to undress her.

  “We need to get your agent involved as soon as possible,” Shaunna mentioned, casually changing the subject. “This development could land you some romantic comedies, and those are gold mines.”

  David took a long drink of water in a futile attempt to quench his lust-fueled thirst. “I don’t have an agent,” David admitted.

  Shaunna arched an eyebrow. “I don’t understand. How did you get the Sling Shot gig without an agent?”

  “I had an agent before I left town,” he clarified. “But she just passed along Nathan’s offer. I was looking to get out of the business and hadn’t been auditioning much. When Sling Shot came out of the blue, it made it possible for me to afford to go back home to Chicago. When I arrived here, I had no intention of returning to LA.”

  Shaunna turned pale upon hearing the news. He hadn’t seen her look so distraught since she’d been arrested.

  “My plans have changed, obviously,” he added.

  Shaunna exhaled in relief. “I have some news about the TV show by the way, but first you need representation. I can set you up with some good people. Folks who aren’t looking for new clients, but who will take on someone for me.”

  “Can’t you do it?” he asked sincerely. “You did such a good job with Gus.”

  “That’s because it was Gus,” she told him. “And because he was all discombobulated after seeing his daughter get thrown in the slammer.”

  “I like a girl who’s not afraid to use a word like discombobulated in conversation.” David chuckled.

  “Can I make a few calls, then?” she asked with a sly smile.

  David held his hand out, and Shaunna shook it. Much to his chagrin, it was to be the first of only two times he felt her touch the remainder of the afternoon.

  She continued to speak to David about what she called “gaps” in his portfolio and quizzed him on the types of projects he might enjoy during his time off from filming the TV show. Shaunna nodded her head and took notes as he answered her questions. “I think I’m going to introduce you to Brandy Parlor…”

  “Wait, her name is Brandy Parlor? Is she an agent, or a bar in West Hollywood?”

  Shaunna gave him the stink eye. “She’s a sci-fi nut who might already be a fan of yours and could keep you all gooped up in corn syrup for years if you want to continue making gross-out pictures. But like me, she’ll wisely suggest that you try your hand at romantic comedy. You’d be a real draw.”

  David shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Fictional or otherwise, the only romantic interest he wanted to pursue was Shaunna Noble. Until he could distance himself from the scandalous mess of Kyle and Michelle’s divorce and make Shaunna truly his, he wouldn’t be finding anything comical about romance.

  “All right. Introduce us,” he offered in appeasement, “but I still don’t know why you can’t rep me.”

  Shaunna shook her head once again. “You don’t want me, David.”

  David reflexively uttered a sensual, throaty groan that Shaunna acknowledged only with an undeniable reddening of her cheeks.

  “I’m a publicist, not an agent. It’s a language I don’t speak, and I could get you into a lot of trouble. I was only able to haggle with my dad because I’ve been doing it my entire life.”

  “Did you say you had news from him?”

  “Yes. We worked out a deal that I was going to turn over to your agent, but if you want…”

  “I’ll give you fifteen percent of whatever deal you made with Gus,” he said firmly. “I’ll work with whoever you suggest after this deal is done, but only if you accept those terms.”

  Shaunna nodded. “All right. Gus really liked you, and he always gets what he likes. It worked to your advantage, and this whole thing with Michelle certainly didn’t hurt. Initially, he was firm on eight, but I got him up to two-point-five, plus a handsome bonus if the show gets picked up for a second season.”

  David paused in mid-chew with utter astonishment. “Two-point-five what?”

  “Million,” Shaunna stated matter-of-factly. “Even after my fifteen percent, you’ll clear a deuce. That reminds me. You’ll also need a finance manager.” She returned her attention to her notes.

  David heard every noise in the room amplify for a moment before he heard nothing but the crashing of waves in his ears. From underneath the table, he felt Shaunna grab his leg and squeeze.

  “Stay with me, David.”

  It was the warmth and strength of her hand that finally lured him from the fog. He looked up, and
she saw his eyes clear a little.

  “How?” It was all David could muster as he reached for his wine.

  “Like I’ve been saying, you’re famous. Right now. Today. By the time the show airs, you’ll be a household name. Gus understands he got you for a song.”

  “I don’t know what to say.” David was still overwhelmed and frankly was not out of the forest yet.

  “Say whatever’s in your heart, David.”

  “All right.” He set his glass down and peered into it, taking one last moment to gather himself before he lifted his head and locked his gaze with hers.

  “I was ready to give up on acting, to give up on myself. But you saw something in me I hadn’t noticed in a long time. You saved me from having to go back home a failure.” His eyes became as wet as his lips. “I’ll never forget what you’ve done for me, and I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you, but right now…I just wish I could kiss you.” He looked down again and spoke quickly. “I wish I could kiss you right here and now, and I know this feeling is only going to grow every day. I don’t know if I can take this kind of happiness and sadness together at the same time.”

  “Just remember that I know exactly what you’re going through,” Shaunna whispered to him, resisting the painful urge to stroke his hair in reassurance. “And soon, we will be together, and we’ll be alone.”

  The two exchanged knowing and hopeful looks before finishing their meals.

  After a time, David was ready to return to business. “Do they have a script for me yet?”

  “Yes. It should arrive later today. They want you to grow a beard.”

  “I’m too pretty to grow a beard.” David spoke the words in jest, but Shaunna nodded enthusiastically and laughed.

  “That’s exactly what I said. But they want you to look more rugged. I told them to consider giving you scars instead, maybe work it into a more sinister backstory. After all, you are playing the villain.”

  “Chicks dig scars,” David informed her.

  “No, they don’t,” she replied. “That’s a myth.”

  “Really? What about cars? Do chicks dig cars?”

  “This one does,” she answered with a playful smirk.

  Shaunna informed him that her father’s garage was full of muscle cars from the seventies and promised to arrange a tour.

  “Can I bring Nathan along?”


  “So let me just get this straight in my head one last time,” David began. “If anyone asks about me and Michelle, I just play coy? I don’t confirm or deny anything?”

  “Can you do that?” she asked pointedly.

  David’s lips rose in a grin. “Actually, I think that’s going to be the most fun part about all this.”

  Shaunna nodded. “Michelle said the exact same thing.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  TWO WEEKS LATER, Shaunna, David, and Michelle were on a flight back to California. They flew first class and had only unenthusiastic businessmen as company.

  David sat next to Michelle. Shaunna was only across the aisle from him, but the physical distance from her was insurmountable. He held three magazines in his agonized grip. He’d seen and purchased the periodicals at the airport, the newest additions to his collection of covers. This trio brought his running total up to eleven. Tabloids, of course, didn’t count.

  Everything Shaunna told him over their lunch at Masraff’s had since come true. When he wasn’t behind closed doors or roaming a secure movie set, he was constantly approached by paps and fans.

  She’d successfully found an agent for him, her friend Brandy “Sauce” Parlor, who had indeed already known who David was when she took Shaunna’s call. When David first spoke to her from Shaunna’s phone, they hit it off immediately. Brandy was busy lining up meetings with casting directors for the perfect hiatus project for David while he was busy memorizing the scripts from Gus’s production headquarters. Technically, he was four days late for rehearsals, but was miraculously excused by the executive producer.

  David rolled up his magazines so he wouldn’t see his own face. The situation was odd. He wanted to keep them as a souvenir of his whirlwind experience; he just didn’t want to have to look at them. He couldn’t even explain it to himself.

  As agreed upon, the actor and his publicist had led a chaste fortnight. They hadn’t given in to the temptation, despite some steamy phone calls that left them both breathless at times. They’d adapted to the situation as well as could be expected, but clearly their nocturnal distractions kept them from thinking about some essentials.

  Shaunna suddenly realized that David didn’t have any place to stay once they landed and he hadn’t mentioned anything to her about his plans. Presumably, he’d given up his apartment along with his agent when he flew to Texas. She felt ashamed that she’d let two weeks go by without thinking about where David was going to sleep until he could find a place of his own.

  The last thing Shaunna wanted was for David to be stuck in another hotel for weeks on end, but she couldn’t exactly invite him to stay at her house. Kyle and Michelle’s divorce was still playing out, and it remained to be seen who would win the media in the settlement. Shaunna’s outburst and arrest in Texas had mercifully ceased to be of any interest now that Michelle Cooper was likely dating her co-star. But if Michelle’s alleged new boyfriend suddenly began to spend his nights at Shaunna’s house, things would spin out of control in a hurry. It would be a disaster for everyone involved, except Kyle Petersen.

  Not knowing what else to do, Shaunna covertly texted the actress sitting just two seats away from her.

  Michelle felt her pocket vibrate and plucked her phone from her comfortable “traveling” pants.

  Invite David to stay with you until he’s settled.

  I’ll explain later.

  The actress shot Shaunna a shocked look, which was met with a pitiful stare that told her something else was at stake. It was all Michelle needed. She sent a quick text of her own and put her phone away before turning to David.

  “Why don’t you stay with me for a while?” she suggested casually.

  David swallowed and immediately looked over at Shaunna. “Won’t this only exacerbate the current situation?” he whispered.

  He and Michelle were currently The Hottest Couple in Hollywood, despite the fact they weren’t even in the state of California and had never kissed.

  “Shooting a TV drama is going to kick your ass, sweetie. You need a safe place to relax and recoup at night. It’s a nice big house with lots of room.”

  David waited patiently until she answered his question.

  “Do I think it’s going to complicate things? Yes, but we’ve been bailing water for weeks, and I’m already wet.”

  David’s eyes twinkled as he considered her words.

  “If you don’t have any place to stay, then I really do insist, David. Frankly, I’d feel a lot safer with you around.”

  Ever vigilant about seizing chivalrous opportunities, Michelle’s final words sealed the deal for David. “All right. Thanks. I don’t know anything about buying a house, but I guess I should think about it.”

  “I’d be very happy if you stayed with me until you found what you were looking for,” Michelle told him. “I mean it. I’ll be sad when you go.”

  Somewhere over Arizona, Shaunna leaned toward David. “I just want to make sure you’re really ready for what we’re going to face when we land.”

  David’s nervous chuckle was answer enough. “The Super Bowl, I know.”

  “Well, maybe not the Super Bowl, but if you think you can handle a stadium full of photographers, I guess you’re ready.”

  “I’m just going to smile, wave, and say nothing,” David recited.

  Shaunna nodded her head. “What if someone asks, Isn’t it true that you make Michelle dress up like Princess Leia?”

  David laughed. “I’d say, I might start now.”

  Shaunna shook her head and put her finger to her lips.

  David nodded his head. “Okay.” He made a mental note to just sing a song in his head or something. Maybe then he would be able to ignore the questions.

  Shaunna wanted to touch his hand in comfort. She wanted to rub his back and tell him that all he had to do was get to Malibu and then she would take tender care of him.

  Instead, she offered him her Chapstick.

  He accepted it, but only because it meant he could pretend it was a kiss from her. It reminded him of eighth grade, and he felt goose bumps form on the back of his neck when their fingers brushed in the exchange.

  “Are you staying in Malibu tonight?” David asked her causally.

  “I’m going home first, but I’ll be over for dinner,” Shaunna stated plainly.

  David grinned and whispered so only she could hear his words, “What about dessert?”

  Shaunna turned toward him with ambitious eyes, but kept her voice low. “Dessert comes first.”

  Shaunna never considered LAX a special airport. Sure, it was always busy and even clean, but it wasn’t memorable. Only the people passing through it were.

  Photographers, reporters, fans, and the like were not allowed past security, but as soon as David and Michelle were fair game, the hunters came at them with clicks, flashes, and shouts.

  “Michelle! Did you rebound with David? Or is it true love?”

  She blinked at the man who asked the question, but didn’t say a word.

  David couldn’t stop himself from formulating several responses that were neither confirming nor denying a relationship, but understood that the trap was giving the parasites any ammunition at all.

  He began humming Roger Miller’s tune “King of the Road” while the unnerving questions tripped over each other, each more invasive and insulting than the last.

  “David! Have you landed a cougar to ride to financial freedom?”

  “Michelle! How does David compare to Kyle in bed?”


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