Adrian's Eagles: Book Four (Life After War)

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Adrian's Eagles: Book Four (Life After War) Page 12

by White, Angela

  “This part’ll hurt a bit,” he soothed, drawing a smile that was cut off by a grimace of pain as he dumped the bottle over the gash.

  “Damn it!” Sam squeezed her eyes together against the sting, barely aware of shuffling noises.

  “Think you used enough?”

  Neil’s voice was full of a hardness his team wasn’t used to hearing, but Jeremy only glanced up innocently. “Do you think I should do it again?”

  Eyes still closed, Sam tried to pull back. “No!”

  “Stop it, let me see.”

  Sam froze, realizing it was the Trooper now gently holding her throbbing hand.

  “It’s not that bad, but there’s gun oil under the edges. John or Angie should clean it out.” Neil fished through the kit for a bandage, trying to hide how touching her had affected him. “You can look now.”

  Sam grinned sheepishly as she took the bandage. “Sorry. I’m a coward at heart.”

  “The opposite, maybe,” he responded, watching her slap the patch on without wincing. “Do you want someone to walk you to the medical tent?’

  He turned to see they were alone, his team suddenly very busy packing things up, and grunted at their obvious matchmaking. “I’ll walk with you. I need to see John anyway.”

  “I’ll throw some Neo on it when I get back. I’ll be fine.”

  Neil chuckled. “You don’t want the alcohol again.”

  “Or the time. I needed to pass the first test today so I can go hunting with the others.”

  Storing the knowledge that she’d only come for a Level One test, but gotten Level Two, Neil pushed his hat back, eyes still as cool as ever. “I’m surprised you’d want to. It’s bloody work.”

  “Life is bloody work now.” She wiped her stained gun down the side of her jeans before sliding it into its holster with a loving pat. “I’ll clean you up after. Our work is not yet finished.”

  Sam moved toward the parking area, adjusting her bandage. “See ya later Neil.”

  “Yes, you will.”

  It shocked him to hear those words fall from his own lips, and he spun around to keep her from reading it on his face as she turned back curiously. Those were the words Marc and Angie used.

  His team saw the want and the confusion, and exchanged grins of recognition. Neil did have an interest in the blonde and they were glad. It took a real woman to complement a real man, and they wouldn’t let him destroy the harmony of their team by choosing a mate who was too young to handle the secrecy of what they were doing. Sam, on the other hand, was a grown woman who knew life’s lessons well. If Neil was willing to switch his affections to her, they might be able to support it.


  “Do you still plan to join the Eagles, even though everyone’s dead set against it?”

  The question wasn’t unexpected. “Yes, Charlie, I do.”

  The teenager was quiet for a minute, letting that sink in, and Angela could feel his disapproval and fear for her. She wanted to tell him it would be all right, that she wouldn’t be hurt, but stopped herself. She had no idea if it was true, only that she was willing to take the risk.


  “It’s how I want to help, contribute.”

  “But you’re already doing shifts here.”

  “I’ve got more to offer.”

  They were in a corner of the medical tent sorting through files, and though the doctor and his wife could hear, neither of them censored their words.

  “Eagles are men. The camp won’t like this.”

  “They’ll adjust.” She gave him a pointed look. “And so will you.”

  Flushing, he ducked his head and Angela let out a sigh. “Adrian needs the help, Charlie, and I can give it. Should I tell him no because of fear?”

  Torn, he hesitated. “Maybe.”

  “Would you?” Her tone softened. “Could you?”

  Telling him she knew of his hero worship of Adrian. “I don’t think so.”

  “Same here.” She handed him a stack of folders. “Put those in E-F. Have you seen your dad today?”

  Sure which male she meant, he glanced over at the doctor and nurse before answering lowly, “They’re at the trucks, still sorting the new stuff. Dog too.”

  Angela hoped Neil or Seth would keep him from reacting to anything else Kenn might try. Marc had spent all day yesterday helping the vet and she hadn’t seen him once since then.

  “It would be nice if you could find some time to spend with him. He came a long way to meet you.”

  Charlie’s words were quick. “He came for you, not me.” Angry and full of a teenager’s temper, he shoved himself up off the floor. “I’ve got things to do.”

  Angela watched him leave, ignoring the sympathetic looks from John and Anne. He was scared of pushing Kenn into hurting anyone, but he was also angry that Brady hadn’t been in his life all these years. They would have to talk about that before any real bond could start to grow between them. His fault or not, Marc had time to make up for and questions to answer.

  John watched her, as did Anne. They weren’t sure of the new female healer yet, still a bit uneasy about her beauty and her tag-a-long, but it was obvious that there was a hard road ahead for Angela and her son. For us all, John thought, stiffening at a fresh wave of pain in his burning gut. The War hadn’t really ended yet.


  “I want you to switch me or Neil on the driving schedules.”

  Kenn didn’t come out from under the hood of Adrian’s overheating semi. “No.”


  “What? We won’t be alone. Zack and Lee will be with us.”

  “Yeah, your biggest fans. Switch one of us and take it out on that one.”

  Kenn still hadn’t looked up. “No. Go away.”

  Kyle gave a mock sigh that instantly had the Marine’s full attention.

  “Okay, but you know it’ll be hard for my Eagles to concentrate on watching your six, if they’re worried about hers.”

  Kyle headed for the Mess as Kenn stood up, face red.

  “It’s just something to think about. Anything can happen out there on the road.”

  Kenn didn’t hide the hatred on his face as Kyle left. One day the Mobster would push him too far.

  “You want I should kill him for you, Boss?”

  Zack’s heavy mock-Italian accent had Kenn snorting laughter. “The sooner, the better.”

  Zack’s grin faded. “You gonna switch the schedules?”

  Kenn shrugged resentfully and wiped the sweat off his forehead. “Probably. They’re playing hardball right now.”

  “Rumor says she’s gonna be an Eagle.”

  Kenn stiffened. “What did you hear?”

  Zack frowned, remembering Kenn was out of the loop now. “She told him she wanted to be in his army.”

  “What did he say?” Kenn demanded, fear tightening, stretching his nerves.

  “He’d get back to her.”

  Kenn’s heart sank. That was as good as a yes where their Leader was concerned. Adrian was only evaluating the reactions now, to take care of any problems that might arise.

  “The men are worried they’ll have to hit her.”

  Kenn shook his head. “She won’t draw numbers for cage matches, bet on it.”

  “It won’t matter, if she fails the private lesson with Neil. Or if Adrian’s own guard-dog grows a spine and refuses.”

  Kenn had forgotten about that and instantly began to feel better. The Trooper was a boy scout, like Brady. “He won’t be able to hit her.”

  Zack looked toward the trees, eyes narrowing at a shadow moving through the molding foliage. Just that damn wolf, he thought.

  “Not so sure about it, boss. She got him in trouble with Adrian, and he’s been worse than usual with the Eagles.”

  “She won’t be able to take it. One hit and she’ll be on the ground, crying like she always has.”

  Zack’s voice was soothing. “Either way, she’ll never really be one of us, will she?”

nbsp; “So what does it take around here for a guy to become one of you?” Rick’s tone was just right. “’Cause it’s getting lonely on the outside.”

  Mitch was surprised the man was taking the time to talk to him. He’d seen how important that group was and immediately started sucking up. If the other three would be high up here, maybe this one would too.

  The radioman leered. “Yeah, these people know how to give a cold shoulder.”

  The traitor extended his hand. “Richard.”


  They shook firmly, and the drunkard bobbed his head at the mostly peaceful camp behind them. “They like people who are useful. Do something big for the Boss, and you’ll have more friends than you want.”

  Rick grinned lightly, thinking he did indeed have something big planned for Safe Haven’s careful Guardian. Just last night he’d begun to cut the hole in the back of his tent that would give him some freedom to set things up.

  “Got any suggestions?” The Slaver-in-disguise leaned closer. “And can I do anything for you?”

  Always one to grab an opportunity, Mitch lowered his voice. “I always need things.”

  “Maybe I can get them for you.”

  “Everything okay here?”

  Kevin didn’t like the new guy talking to their communications man, and his eyes were hard as he moved closer. “Where are you supposed to be?”

  Mitch glared. “Ease up, Kev. We’re just talkin’. He ain’t askin’ anything he shouldn’t be.”

  Kevin ignored the hostile tone. “And what did he ask?”

  Mitch and the guard were not friends. Kevin could feel Adrian’s quiet dislike, and the Level One man had made no secret of the fact that he thought Mitch should be banished for being drunk on the job. Because of that, the ex-dispatcher didn’t think twice about covering for his new friend.

  “If there were food and clothes limits. Look at him. He needs new rags.”

  Kevin wasn’t fooled, but knew he’d get no other story and he moved away to find Kyle so it could be added to their nightly reports.

  Behind him, the two men exchanged satisfied glances that had other Eagles in the area watching them closely until Rick moved back into the main camp.


  A little before evening mess, Adrian was with Brady in a supply truck. They were on the bumper, smoking and waiting for another full trailer to be brought around so they could keep sorting.

  Adrian turned to Marc as the wolf disappeared into the bushes that surrounded the camp. “You know what answer I’ll give if she passes the private lesson?”

  Marc snorted in anger, voice sharp. “Of course. You set it up that way.”

  Adrian didn’t rise to the challenge. “Will you leave over it or stay and suffer because you don’t think we can keep her safe?”

  Marc’s mouth was fast. “Safe? How about alive? I know you can’t protect her yet, and that’ll hold me here more than any of these little bonding moments, so you can keep the offer you’re about to make.” Marc looked away, “I’m not going anywhere, anytime soon.”

  Adrian let out a sound of annoyance. “You’re either a leader or a follower here. Want a chance with her? This is how you get it.”

  “And in return?” Marc asked, suddenly weary again. “What do I have to do to stop being the extra man she brought along?”

  Adrian’s voice was flat. “Embrace the dream, Grunt. Not blind and unquestioning, but not the half-assed shit you’re currently delivering, either. Stop fighting the current and swim with us, help me lead them.”

  Watching the hunting crew pull in, Adrian moved away from the truck, not lowering his voice. “If you can’t share her, you can’t have her. She’s as much as said so. I’d spend some time concentrating on winning her respect and learning to play better with others.”

  Adrian’s remark had Brady shaking his head in annoyance. He knew the warning, understood that the Leader knew Angie might want to be an Eagle now more than she wanted to be his mate, and Marc felt resented him for it. If not for Adrian, she might be his even now!

  Marc sighed, pushing away the bitterness. He and Angie couldn’t be together until they found out if Kenn was crazy enough to get himself banished and sneak back in like he’d threatened. As someone who knew every detail of the camp’s defenses, there was no way they’d ever be able to protect her from all sides against Kenn.

  And Marc knew if he was climbing into the rack with her every night, he’d never stay alert enough. The dangerous Marine needed to be right here where they could watch him and that meant pushing him, small steps at a time, to see if he needed concrete shoes.

  Instead of the normal rookie shift, most of Neil’s team was on duty when the two trucks of hunters returned to camp. Safe and sound, and covered in crusty animal blood, Sam stepped from the truck amid calls of a good day’s work.

  The five men guarding the area understood from the look in her eyes that it had been a test of her own strength and she’d passed. Usually, only rookies did that and it helped seal Jeremy’s decision. He knew Neil wouldn’t be happy with Becky for long, even if she wasn’t so… flaky. He’d always be the teacher. With Samantha, the Trooper would be challenged. His entire team had been hoping he’d show interest in anyone else, and now that he had, they would try to make him happy and secure their new lives. Of all those here, the cop tried the hardest to emulate Adrian and it made him easy to follow.

  “Com to Eagle One. Huntin’ crew just pulled in. All’s 5-by.”


  Jeremy faded into the background to wait, wondering how strong the pull was. Less than a minute later, a State Trooper’s hat appeared through the light fog.

  Sam wasn’t aware of anything, but being back in the normalcy of camp. The trip had been worse than she’d expected. The hunting had consisted of cornering a very small herd of deer and opening fire. Only two of the eight camp members who’d gone along had been able to do it when Doug’s call came; Lexa, a gun shop owner who’d thrown up afterwards, and Samantha.

  Sam pushed back her revulsion at the memory. She’d stepped forward without any qualms, eager to practice her new skills on the fleeing targets. The Eagles had called her head shots perfect. Even Zack had given her an arrogant nod of recognition. She’d passed their test and failed her own. She liked it. She liked to kill.

  “It’s the same, for some of us.”

  Sam was slightly startled to find Neil next to her. They were behind the shower camper, almost out of view of everyone and she gave him a distracted smile. “What’s the same?”

  “We loathe that part of ourselves that likes to spill blood.”

  Her eyes widened. “How did you…”

  “Because I’ve been there,” he stated, watching her red-streaked hair blow in the stiff wind. Sexy. And odd that he thought so. “We all have. Facing the evil inside is hard, but you’re always better off knowing your true limits, your true self.”

  It sounds like he actually cares, Sam thought and raised a brow. “Do you always meet the new killers when they come in?”

  He laughed, but his face was serious, “Yes, Ma’am. I meet the survivors too.” Neil tipped his hat to her and moved toward his team, eager to know why they’d volunteered for duty again so soon.

  Not sure why, Sam felt better. Because she wasn’t alone in these feelings or because it had come from Neil? Confused, Sam let the water beat the tension from her shoulders, but the sight of herself murdering all those terrified deer wouldn’t leave her mind. What if they’d survived the mud wave just to be eaten? What kind of a caring creator made a life-circle based on violent death?

  When she stepped from the camper, Sam had settled some things, but all of them were forgotten when she spotted an intimately familiar shadow lurking in the darkness nearby.

  “Hello, Samantha.”

  Instantly on edge, she stopped. “Rick.”

  The grimy black bandana and those greedy green eyes were all that remained of the man she’d traveled with, and s
he sensed more strength, more danger in him.

  “How are you?’

  “Better. And you?”

  Rick flashed a menacing grin that had her taking a step back.

  “Oh I’m good, baby. I’m settlin’ in and getting real comfortable.”

  He turned into the night, gone an instant later, and Sam sucked air into her lungs. He was warning her that he hadn’t forgotten their deal. Had anyone seen?

  Neil’s icy face was right behind her. “What did he say?”

  “That he was settling in and getting comfortable.” Instead of scorn, she got an answer that allowed her to breathe again.

  “Good, he’s relaxing. He’ll get cockier and then we’ll have him.” Neil’s voice softened. “Until then, keep that gun close.”

  “I will.”

  She turned toward the Mess, sighing when she saw how crowded it still was. Lovely.

  Neil was drawn to the sound. “You got plans for dinner?”

  Sam’s heart thumped. She should tell him yes, put an end to things here and now. “No.”

  A bit arrogantly - he was high up here, after all - Neil smiled. “Good. Hang on a minute.”

  He made motions to one of the shadows nearby and the Eagle moved off to make the report to Adrian. Anything on Rick went straight to the Boss as soon as it happened. They hadn’t even given him a job yet, hoping the free time would allow them to catch him in the act. So far, the janitor had spent each day doing what any other refugee here did.

  Neil turned toward Sam with a feeling in his stomach that he accepted reluctantly. He might want her. “Come eat with us, and afterwards I’ll show you how we work off the extra tension after a run.”

  He saw happiness and caution flood her face in equal measures and felt his own expression lighten. She might like him, too. That always made things easier.

  Unable to resist, Samantha gave in and they moved toward the lights of camp, side by side. Behind them, more than just his team watched in surprise.


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