Adrian's Eagles: Book Four (Life After War)

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Adrian's Eagles: Book Four (Life After War) Page 38

by White, Angela

  “A minute forty, one mistake. Next.”

  “Why did you let me keep going?” Marc interrupted, unable to wait. “Why did you do that?”

  Angela’s response was cool. “This is a Level test, Brady.”

  “And what if my mistake gets the wound infected?”

  “Then I’ll treat it. I am a doctor. Next!”

  Marc stormed from the tent and Angela explained her reasoning to the Eagles, hoping they could help him understand. “If he didn’t have feelings for the injured party, this wouldn’t be a problem, but it’s very likely you’ll be doing these things for a teammate. Better that you can handle it. Next.”

  Neil stepped forward. “Ready.”


  The Trooper repeated Marc’s steps, remembering to smear the antibiotic over the tips of the forceps and he gave her a sheepish smile as he tugged it out. “First one I ever did that wasn’t on me.”

  Angela laughed as Doug called it

  “One minute, 35 seconds. No mistakes. Next.”

  Grinning, Neil washed up and then ducked out of the tent with a quick step. It was time for the self-defense lessons and he wanted to see if Samantha was there again. Since bloodying Doug’s nose, it was becoming her morning ritual. Her and Jeremy.

  Sam was finishing up when he arrived and Neil noted the impressed grins of the teachers. Showing another flash of why Adrian had given him such a high place in the chain of command, Neil moved closer.

  “Ever think about joining the Eagles? We’re looking for new rookies.”

  Sam shook her head as she stepped out of the hay-ring. “Not me… I just want to be… able to defend myself.”

  Neil watched her wipe the sweat from her face.

  “Everything might… have been different.”

  “It was bad for a lot of us then.”

  “Might not have if women weren’t so weak, so ready to lean on the first set of nuts they saw.”

  “That’s one of the reasons Adrian tells everyone to take this class.”

  Samantha flashed a smile. “And we appreciate it being available, even when we’re sore all over.”

  She walked away and Neil found himself following. “Are you okay?”

  Sam nodded, voice tired. “Bad dreams.”

  She stopped to retie her shoe and Neil found himself peering down the front of her sweater. Blue lace bra. Hmm…

  “John could give you something.”

  “That’s okay. I need to learn to handle it.”


  She frowned up at him. “Yes.”

  He shrugged. “Most of the people here had bad things happen to them, Sam. Why not talk to us?”

  She hesitated and Neil waved at himself. “Adrian’s… all the way. If he trusts me, so can you.”

  Samantha studied his earnest expression. “I don’t talk about it because I don’t think I’d be welcome if people knew.”

  “I’m not everyone and I’m guessing Adrian already knows. You can trust me. I’d never judge you.”

  Sam allowed herself to hope. “I worked for the government, before.”

  Neil’s scowl spread across his face. “The government?”


  “Weather tracking?”

  “Seattle EPA.”

  His eyes widened in quick understanding. “You had a pass.”

  Her haunted voice reminded him of Angela’s as she confirmed it. “The chopper crashed, got hit by an EMP, I think. It went down in Northern Wyoming. I was the only survivor.”

  Neil’s mind raced. “You made it to the compound?”

  Sam’s voice was haunted. “I didn’t get the chance for a while. I had to get away from two painters first. They found the crash site. No one else ever came.”

  Neil forced himself to ask. “How long were you with them?”

  “Two weeks.”

  Her tense body language said that was the moment in time where she’d needed protection and Neil felt something inside shift. He would have fought for her life the same way he had his father’s.

  “Then I went to NORAD.”

  Neil mirrored her sadness for the once great American icon, but in those blue depths lurked a knowledge of life and death that told the Trooper she’d had problems there too.

  “There was nothing left.”

  “Same as the other places the Slavers have been through.”

  “You’ve seen it?”

  “We take pictures at most of the places we check.”


  Distracted, Neil gave a full answer. “All. Adrian wants concrete proof there’s no safety to be found there.”

  “Proof for later.”

  Catching himself, Neil didn’t react, didn’t respond, but Sam knew. “I may not be on the team, but I’m checking in from time to time, seeing how it works. He’s very careful.”

  “He’s right to be and so are you,” Neil confirmed. “Some people wouldn’t want you to stay.”

  She motioned toward the hay-ring. “Thus my not joining. It draws too much attention.”

  Neil didn’t pull any punches. “And since you don’t want to repeat your mistakes and join up with leadership, it’s a good excuse.”

  Sam flushed. “Maybe.”

  “Like Angie, you’re gifted and afraid of that power being used by the wrong people.”

  Sam didn’t deny it. “I respect Adrian, like it here, but then I liked my old life just fine too. Who’s to say this isn’t a good beginning to another bad end?”

  His voice was sympathetic. “There are no guarantees, Sam. You already know that real life is always about the risks vs. the rewards.”

  Her tone was fierce in response. “I’m not afraid of that! I expect it to be hard, but until I’m a believer, I won’t even pretend. When that changes, you’ll know it.”

  Neil’s face was thoughtful as he watched her walk away. She’d signed up for every public and private defensive class they were offering to non-Eagles, and it clicked right then, why. She was expecting to be thrown out and was trying to prepare for being alone again. What was she guilty of?

  Neil changed directions. Angela would know.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t. There’s only darkness, not a good sign.”

  “So you think she might be a tra…”

  “No,” Angela interrupted, seeing Adrian at the shooting area. Why was she drawn so strongly to him when he got close? There wasn’t any danger triggering her reaction, so what was up? She dropped her head before he noticed.

  “Sam feels responsible for something. Guilt is her demon.”

  That terror, Neil understood all too well. Not being able to save his father had almost destroyed him. He did a fast sweep. Clear. “How can I help her?”

  Angela marked her place in the study guide Jeremy had left her after removing one stitch with no mistakes and no record. She had five minutes until her workout lesson with her team and she was busy cramming.

  “Why do you want to?”

  Neil blinked, not expecting the question, “She’s one of us. She should be at his side, too.”

  Angela swept the noisy camp, and then turned back to Neil. “She helps him quietly, like John. Tell me the real reason and I’ll give you the answer, but I’ll warn you now, you probably won’t like it. I know she won’t.”

  “I’m already aware she wants to be left alone, but I’ll do it anyway. She’s not happy… and I don’t like it.”

  Satisfied he wanted the information to help, not make Samantha uncomfortable, Angela gave it to him. Their relationship had come a long way since he’d called her Barbie doll.

  “Good. Watch her, Neil. See what she watches and then you’ll know or at least get an idea. And she is by Adrian’s side. I think what she’s searching for is easier seen if she’s not so… public.”

  Neil left Angela alone to study, knowing he would follow the advice. If Adrian needed the blonde accepted, he could help with that. After all, he’d gotten Brady his start here and that
had been an ugly mess. Hers couldn’t be as bad, could it?


  Charlie spied on the Eagles without moving, very surprised he’d been able to sneak by the guards. He was lying in the corn stalks under one of the trucks surrounding the training area and he quickly blocked his mind as his mom stepped from the huge tent

  She feels like an Eagle, was his first thought; a real Eagle. She had the clothes and cap, and of course, the rookie jacket everyone was muttering about. But it was more than that. The way she stood, the way she swept the area, even how her hand rested lightly on the butt of her gun. She was really one of them. Not just pretend, like Zack’s boys were always saying.

  Charlie watched her join Kyle’s team as they came out into the chilly dimness peering through the grit and he was surprised to see her take up the bodyguard’s place behind Chris, the team’s second in command. Was she that good?

  The Eagles began a complicated drill that there obviously wasn’t room inside for. When she started covering her charge, not letting the others touch him as they circled, Charlie realized she looked like she belonged with them. She was fast, smooth, and not afraid. He didn’t see her flinch once and his heart was suddenly full of gratitude toward his dad. The trip here had changed her, helped her. Adrian was right. He owed Marc a debt.

  The boy slowly inched back, standing, and had to stifle a shout. Adrian was standing on the inside of the truck he had crawled out from under.

  “See anything interesting?”

  Charlie instinctively shook his head. “Nothing.”

  “Good, since this area is off-limits to you.”

  Adrian lit a smoke, considering. His bond with this boy would be very important in the future, he was sure of that. “Don’t ever get caught snooping around by the Eagles. It’ll cost you a place with them before it’s even available.”

  The shocked teenager was overwhelmed with emotion as the Leader headed for the Mess. Too bad Adrian couldn’t be his dad. Charlie thought of his frequent dreams and the island woman now in grave danger. If she survived, she would come here, and the boy had a feeling that Adrian would like the red-skinned castaway… a lot.

  “Com to Eagle One. Both crews just pulled in. No contact. Qz?”

  Adrian keyed the button. “Negative. Send ‘em to the Mess.”


  Adrian pulled the battered notebook from his pocket, along with the new one, and the men at the table did the same as he joined them.

  “We’ll have a mini meeting now and be on our own time when we make camp tonight.”

  Around them, voices lowered. There wasn’t a tension with it, only a curiosity that said they too wanted to know what the recon teams had found. Two of them had been sent out; one to spy on the Slavers, the other to locate the wild dog den.

  Adrian looked at Neil and then Kyle and both men gave him a quick nod. They would keep Kevin and Zack from saying anything they shouldn’t.

  Noise levels went up as the four top men moved toward the mess, Kenn and Zack in the lead. Those two returned the greetings loudly, very glad to be back in camp. Doug and Kevin followed more slowly. Of the two teams, theirs was the one observed the closest. Grim expressions said trouble had come, and the missing tension now found its way into the group of eating refugees.

  Adrian waited for the recon teams to be seated, and gestured at two people to join them. A third, he motioned toward the line, and Charlie went right away to get trays for the returning men.

  Angela waited until Kenn was sitting securely on Adrian’s right before joining the crowded table, taking the spot to Kyle’s left. John sat on the open end by Doug. To Angie he seemed very fragile next to the gentle giant. In fact, he was paler than usual. Was the doctor sick?

  Adrian let them get set, ignoring Kenn’s angry glare. “Where are they?”

  “They’ve burned parts of Howes. We think there were people still around and the Slavers used fire to get them out.”

  Adrian forced himself to go on like it didn’t matter, but inside, his chest tightened. He’d missed them! They’d been so busy with the tank that he hadn’t thought to have her feel for survivors. She didn’t meet his eyes, but he could feel her pain, her guilt. It rivaled his own.

  “You get the pictures?”

  “Two rolls.” Kenn made a motion that said there was triple that. “We also staked it out for a bit. Seems like some of them are missing.”

  “Supply runs?”

  “That’s what we figured. They’ve been following us and have run out of food and fuel. Hopefully, they’ll be there a while.”

  “We’ll keep making tracks, get off their radar,” Adrian stated, writing in his book. “And the wolves?”

  Afraid to reveal his shaking hands, Doug gave Kevin a glance. His symptoms were worsening and he refused to go to John yet. He wasn’t giving up this new life until he couldn’t do the job anymore.

  The nervous rookie tried to keep his voice calmer than he felt. “There’s a den near Chadron.” Kevin paused, seeing Angela’s interest at the name.

  “More than a hundred in one place. They ran after us, attacked the tires. We think that’s the spot to target.” Doug finished and coughed into his hand. Damn side-effects!

  The wild dog sightings had caused people to stay out of the high corn and grass, but it had progressed from a sighting to an attack. Thankfully it had only been on a goat, and Adrian wasn’t waiting for it to be a child. This problem they could handle now… and he knew Angela would want to go. He hadn’t had time to fully consider letting her, but he was already sure that she would ask.

  “Yeah. They all seem to come back to the same area around sundown. Lot of females with pups.”

  “Good. That mission will come right after the tests are done and it’s open to anyone, so long as they are a level Eagle.”

  He turned to John, feeling the men all relax as they realized he’d just excluded Angela since she was still a rookie and not scheduled for the tests. That they know of, Adrian amended. “What did the exams show?”

  “There’s nothing that explains the overly aggressive behavior, and no signs of mutations or radiation, either.” John answered, subtly pushing an envelope toward Adrian that the camp missed. The truth was in it.

  “That’s ‘cause they’re eating people.” Kevin muttered lowly and Angela saw Kyle give the rookie a subtle shake of the head.

  “More likely they’re eating animals that aren’t sick,” John covered smoothly. “They can smell it.”

  “So there’s nothing that we should be on edge for? No super-wolves?” Adrian led, always singing to the herd.

  “Not even wolves, from what I’ve examined,” John stated. “It’s a group of abandoned pets.”

  “All right then. Anything else?”

  There was quiet and Adrian gave Charlie a nod, seeing he’d drafted Matt to help.

  “Good. Enjoy that warm bread. Only picnic baskets in the vehicles for dinner tonight.”

  There were grins and groans at those words and not only from those at his table. Some of their travel days, like this one, would now start at noon. Each car was packed with a basket of cold dishes that would serve as the evening meal, so they could keep traveling until after it got dark. When they camped, everyone would be on their own time, with only warm tents waiting for their tired bodies.

  Adrian subtly searched the people for problems and was pleased not to find anything that couldn’t wait. Becky and Rick were still exchanging the occasional glance, but she was sitting with her mother. Neil had assured him he’d told the teenager to stay clear of the suspected traitor. If she didn’t, Adrian would take matters into his own hands.

  Like he would with Cynthia, if Jeremy didn’t make peace. Those two were also exchanging looks, but not the friendly kind. The reporter was sharing some of the glares with Sam, who sat with Hilda at one of the women’s tables. The college kids Angela had rescued were there too, the pregnant mother now glowing with the knowledge that in the height of winter, sh
e would have a new life to care for.

  Adrian saw Dog pad to where Charlie was sitting with Matt and stood up, gathering his trash. Good. “We leave in twenty. I’ll be around.”

  Kenn felt the air at the table cool and turned resignedly to Zack. For a few days, he’d been mostly at peace. “Make sure it all gets put where it belongs?”

  Zack’s mouth was too full for speech, but his eyes directed Kenn to the bulletin board, where Angela’s name was under shotgun.

  That old, familiar rage came flooding back and Kenn shoved away from the table to keep from saying anything. What else had happened while he was gone? Kenn’s feet moved toward the training tent, where Jeff would be helping to pack thing up, like usual. That Eagle was on his side and Kenn needed an update. How much power had she gained while he was away?


  Angela stepped up into the lead rig and closed the door, very aware of all the attention it drew. Usually Kenn rode with Adrian. Today, her name had been on the board. Glad she was early, Angela lit a smoke and got comfortable, wondering what Adrian wanted and hoping her being here didn’t cause more trouble.

  Adrian was waiting nearby, seeing who had a real problem with the driving change. Other than Kenn and a few of his allies, no one seemed resentful, just curious. He moved toward his rig. The camp would be told he had medical questions, the Eagles would think he needed her gift, but deep down, it was her safety. He wanted her close.

  “So you don’t have any work for me?” she asked as he got in and shut the door.

  Adrian settled into the seat. “You sound disappointed.”

  Angela pushed a curl back, seeing camp members hurry to load up now that the Boss was ready to go. “I kind of expected it. I brought a book.”

  Adrian picked up the mic, chuckling. “You won’t need it.” He hit the button. “This is Eagle One. We leave in five. Count-off.”

  Angela waited patiently, let him work, but she was keenly aware of him, aware of his strong life-force and his musky, man-smell. She was careful not to look at him, afraid he would read the unease on her face. The spark between her and Brady was powerful, but the raw, primitive flames in Adrian’s quickly hidden looks made it seem dim in comparison. She was in love with Marc, always had been, but something was growing between her and Adrian and it made her nervous. If anyone found out…


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