Adrian's Eagles: Book Four (Life After War)

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Adrian's Eagles: Book Four (Life After War) Page 61

by White, Angela

  “This is Eagle. We are in the city. Hang on. We’re coming.”

  He didn’t hang up the mic, feeling, knowing there would be a response.

  “You have to hurry!”

  It was a low whisper and he keyed the mic. “Be ready. It will happen fast.”

  “But you don’t even know where we are!” the child moaned.

  Adrian’s voice was hard, sure. “Be ready. We’re close and we make a lot of noise.”

  There was no answer and he turned it off, knowing others were likely listening, still trying to find the kids. If they got to them first, there was no way it would end well.


  At 5:00 a.m., the sky was moonless, lightless, and Adrian could wait no longer. He got his camp up. They had a lot of ground to cover.

  The starving thin boy watched the large group with deep blue eyes full of longing, remembering a time, a life, when he’d been loved, wanted. Were these the right people? Conner was the oldest and the others had left it to him to make contact, but he was only a kid. How was he to know?

  The tall boy pulled his ragged clothes closer, ignoring the rain, the cold, and the nasty muck seeping into his duct-taped shoes. Desperate and too weary to keep pretending help would come, his intent stare never left the large group of people now unloading, setting up camp.

  He could tell the Leader from the way he cared for his people, and by the respect he was given. Those things would have told him even if he hadn’t recognized the blond man. It was almost a dream, seeing that walk, those eyes!

  Conner swayed lightly on his cold feet, unable to believe. Certain it was the hunger, he knelt down for warmth and kept studying them. It was the men with him who convinced the boy. There was no mistaking that style of teaching. His father had come at last!

  Instead of relief at the sudden hope he could now allow himself to feel, or even anger at how long it had taken, there was only fear in Conner’s mind. His memories of Adrian were vague, shadowy pictures from a time when life hadn’t been blown up. What if he was only seeing what he wanted? The others trusted him with their lives and he was terrified of making the wrong choice and getting them all hurt. And still, his heart was already yearning to be a protected member of this man's camp.

  “Then come. None of us will harm you.”

  The boy whirled around, hands rising in defense. “Who’s there?” he whispered and felt the gaze of the only woman over the long distance.

  “Come talk to us. We’re your way out of this hell.”

  The boy shook his head, sure he was imagining things.

  “Watch our vehicles.”

  The boy was stunned to see headlights flashing with no one inside flipping switches. On and off. On and off. She was special! She was like him!

  Adrian’s face was thunderous, but he accepted her explanation.

  “He’s coming. Tell the guards by your rig to give him room.”

  Adrian did and seconds later, a shadow emerged from the wreckage - 5’7” or so, and very under weight - was this the same child he’d left in the care of his mother? Adrian wiped his face clean, not sure if the boy knew who he was, and he waved the Eagles back, including Kenn, as he and Angela moved forward.

  Conner ignored the Leader’s attempts at eye contact, heart now feeling the bitterness. These men were the reason it had taken so long. If not for the woman’s powers, and the desperate medical need of some of his kids, Conner thought he might not have made contact. It wouldn’t be hard to just trick them into getting rid of the Cleaners, so they could leave this dead city.

  The silence told Adrian that Angela was handling things. Running on instinct (something he realized he did a lot with her) he put a light hand on her wrist and was immediately able to hear bits of their conversation.

  ‘Good guys... Rescue...’

  ‘Proof... Many betrayals...’

  ‘Not like the rest... Protection...’

  ‘Hunted... Scared...’

  It moved too fast for Adrian to keep up and he reluctantly let go, knowing it was a distraction for her and was making the Eagles wonder if she was in danger.

  A moment later, the boy grunted and Angela turned to Adrian. “They need food and water. Maybe some weapons?”

  “What else?”

  “Medical help. I’d like to go with him.”

  Adrian shook his head quickly. “Not alone, not ever. Kyle and his men will escort.”

  The boy was frowning as she relayed the next instructions to Adrian. “Five men of your choice and he carries the weapons.”

  Before Adrian could say no, the boy spoke, still not making eye contact. “This will go a long way in making the others trust you.”

  Adrian sighed at the current of hatred. He had earned every ounce of pain this boy wanted to hand him. “You get our guns, we get the ammo, and there will be seven of us.”

  Conner agreed right away and Adrian keyed his belt. “Eagles 2, 4, & 5 pick a partner and prepare for a recon mission.”

  The men snapped salutes and Adrian went to Doug, while Angela waited with the slightly shivering teenager.

  “Slip a few of those homing devices into a knapsack while they get ready and give it to Kenn. When the rain lets up, follow us. If you can’t get through on the radio, try Angie. She’ll hear you.”

  Doug’s voice was firm. “We’ll be there when you need us.”

  “Keep your eyes open. They may attack, may think with a few less, they’ll have a better chance.”

  Clearly unhappy, Doug grimaced. “We’ll manage, and when it happens, you’ll be in charge where you belong.”

  Angela turned to the twitchy boy. “I have to get my things. Come with me?”

  Conner hesitated, feeling all the adult attention on him and he shook his head, already fighting the urge to run that had been drilled into him during the long months they’d been hiding here.

  Angela pulled out her gun, making him flinch and then surprising him when she held it out butt first. “You’re holding our weapons right?”

  He blushed, finally feeling like a teenager for an instant. “Not yours.”

  Angela gave him a smile that drew nods from the Eagles. Clearly, she was using what she’d been given.

  “Walk with me, Conner,” she instructed, ignoring his start at her knowing his name. “Come feel in the center again. Remember how it is to be cared for, because we will give you that above all else. Look at Adrian’s Eagles and see if maybe you and the others could become his too.”

  Conner was unable to resist her beauty, or the smell of vanilla teasing his hardened nose. He nodded, turning away and as he met the eyes of those closest, he noticed a softening. Realizing it was because he hadn’t taken her weapon, Conner understood she was loved by these men.

  Adrian was pleased with the way Angela was taking over, handling things like she did this all the time, but he was also worried by it. She was being reckless, he thought.

  “Knows she’s coming out of it,” he muttered to himself, watching her move toward his rig. “Will I?”

  Angela got her things quickly and when she saw the teen’s eyes linger on the radio, she waved a hand at it. “Is there someone listening on your end?”

  He nodded. “Jason is probably on seven.”

  She handed him the mic, seeing Adrian already had one of the systems on that channel. “I can step away if you want,” she offered, surprising him again.

  “That’s okay. Jason, this is Conner. You on the radio?” Nothing, but static and he tried again.

  “There’s no gun to my head. I’m on the way back with a small group. Tell Howie not to shoot us, will ya?”

  He sounded so much like Adrian that Angela stared at him, mind racing.

  “Sorry, Conner. I’ll tell him, but he won’t like it.”

  “Then he should have come, too. Out.”

  Conner grinned at her in desperate hope, needing that bond of human closeness with someone other than those he was responsible for… just like Adrian.

bsp; “Come on. Let’s not keep my Dad waiting. From what I remember, he doesn’t usually have to do much of that.”

  Book Five: From The Ashes

  Deleted Scene

  Adrian’s Eagles

  “What’s going on?”

  Seth shrugged at her question. “We’re not sure. Kenn hasn’t checked in.”

  Angela immediately sent the witch out to look. When she stopped, so did her guard. “We need to…”

  “It’s all right.” Adrian came through the fog and the man stepped back.

  “They’re hiding in a cornfield off a highway. Bikes, gunshots… screams.”

  The Witch’s voice sounded ominous in the thick fog and Adrian’s hand slid to his gun for comfort.

  “They’re headed this way.”

  “Can you send a message? Tell him there’s a distraction coming, to dig in.”

  She closed her eyes as Adrian turned to Seth and gave instructions. The guard was gone an instant later.

  “The Slavers found their vehicles, but with all the darkness and fog they can’t find…”

  Adrian frowned, waiting.

  “They’re too close, too loud. Kenn’s pinned down.”

  “It’s a go, Boss.”

  Adrian keyed his mic in response to the radio call. “Now.”

  Seconds later, there was a shrieking whistle and a dull thud, a rocket launching out of camp, barreling east. It exploded over the dark landscape and a huge shower of purple stars lit up behind the fog like a magic show.

  “Another. Two more after that, thirty seconds apart.”

  The shriek came again, whistling though the night before showering the sky in gold and blue showers of light.

  “They’ve seen, changed directions. The Eagles are circling back here.”

  “Tell them to meet us on the road.”

  Fireworks exploded again, drawing more people and Rick crouched lower, keying the mic.

  “It’s a trick. You’ll see why if you’re looking hard enough.”

  There was a double click in response. Rick quickly put the channel back and got out of the unmanned Com truck. He faded into the fog a second later.

  The traitor had heard Angela’s words while roaming under the cover of the weather, and when the teenager watching the radio had stepped away for a better look at the fireworks, Rick had seized the chance to help the Slavers.

  Smiling, he moved into the shower camper, nodding to a guard who was already using one of the stalls. He needed that evil man to hurry up before he blew his own cover with Neil’s murder. A few more times having to watch him and Samantha together might be enough to send him into a rage that would only end in blood.

  “What’s going on out there?”

  Rick pulled off his shirt. “Fireworks to the east. No alarm sounded yet.”

  The Eagle went back to his shower and Rick was careful to have a casual conversation that would be remembered later and provide him an alibi.

  Character Profiles












  Cesar Castro Diaz

  Age: 43

  Eyes: Black

  Height: 5'10”

  Weight: 195 lbs

  Birthday: 1/4/70

  Gold Front Tooth

  Kinked, black curls

  2 missing fingers- left hand

  Before War: Infamous Mexican Guerilla Captain

  After War: Leader of an invading army.

  Quote: "I will have the Witch! Nothing will stop me when I come for her!"

  Cesar was raised by one of Mexico’s most ruthless men. Bred to be a warrior in his father’s army, he is a hardened man, who worked his way up the ranks through violence and manipulation. The number of Americans he's rumored to have killed before the War is over 200. A month after, it was 1000.

  Right after the Apocalypse, Cesar took a large group of men and headed to the US border to rescue friends and family in Arizona and New Mexico detention centers. When he encountered no resistance, he seized the opportunity, invading. The vile man intends to keep anyone from rebuilding and hopes to seed the country with as many bastards as he can, leaving America an occupied land.

  Samantha Moore

  Age: 28

  Height: 5’7”

  Weight: 125 lbs


  Seattle EPA worker

  Doesn’t fear death, only pain

  Craves morphine after doing self surgery

  Had a pass to a bunker for saving the President’s life

  Quote: “There’s a storm coming.”

  FBI Notes

  -Marker identified. Subject can predict weather with a 98% accuracy rate. Has been used twice. Should be kept close enough to be useful. No termination orders are expected unless an anti-government attitude develops.


  -Will do whatever she has to, no matter how ugly it gets.

  -Incredibly strong.


  -Too forgiving. She often overlooks flaws most people wouldn’t.

  -Had so little contact with the outside world that she always feels like an outcast.

  Kenn Harrison

  Age: 36

  Height: 6’1”

  Weight: 240lbs


  Decorated Marine

  Wide shoulders

  Short tempered

  Party clown


  Beefy hands

  So why wasn’t Kenn banished for his abuse of Angela before the war?

  Because of Adrian’s rules, he can’t be. He has to do something while in Safe Haven and Adrian tried very hard to remind him of all he’s risking.

  In book 4, Adrian’s Eagles, Kenn snaps, grabbing her by the throat in front of not only a tent of Eagles, but also Adrian. You’d think that would be the end of it, but the Marine is saved once again by fate.

  Interrupted by Mother Nature, Kenn’s next action earns him a pass and a possible way to earn his place back. If he can let Angela go… and sanction her as an Eagle… and Brady’s legal mate. It’s a lot to ask and may not have been possible without the attempts on Adrian’s life - attempts that Kenn suspected Tonya of.

  Kendle Roberts

  Age: 26

  Height: 5'6

  Weight: 120lbs


  Very reddish skin

  Grayish Blue Eyes

  Short Black Spikes

  FBI Notes

  DNA Marker confirmed. Due to public view, careful termination is being considered. Location: California, Beverly Hills.


  Kendle was an actress before the War came, as were her parents. Star of the Survival Challenge, the reality artist wasn’t afraid of anything. Before, when she was backed up by her crew, and her father's endless money. After the War of 2012, Kendle is alone, everything familiar gone. Adrift on the ocean, and then held captive by Ethan Kraft, the survivalist discovered terror, and it was life-changing. She's no longer sure who she is.

  Upon meeting Luke, she began to regain some of her self-confidence, but it's clear she'll never who she once was. Before the war, Kendle's only goal was to be noticed for being as good as her parents. Now, only survival matters.

  Because of Ethan Kraft and the mysterious illness now circling the island, she may not get the chance to recover. Even though she somehow wasn’t infected, the rest of the island, including Luke, is in danger.

  Marc Brady

  Age: 35

  Height: 6’

  Weight: 225 lbs


  Broad shoulders

  Loner/slightly bitter

  Full, pouty lips

  Quote: “It’s okay to be scared, but you have to think, too.”


  -There are few problems he can’t handle if giv
en the time or materials.

  -Once his loyalty is given, it is unshakable.


  -Knows how to be a team player, but his misery often makes him a loner.

  -beyond at having another chance with Angie, he has no other goals, no vision for his future.

  FBI notes

  -DNA marker came back inconclusive. Subject shows no signs of mental abilities; however, termination has been recommended due to above average strategy skills. Considered Dangerous. Location: New Mexico - See case manager for map.

  Adrian Mitchel

  Age: 48

  Hair: Blond

  Eyes: Blue

  Height: 6’

  Weight: 230 lb

  Birthday: 7/4/64

  Holsters on both hips

  Sun streaked brows

  Light goatee

  Adrian has never known love beyond his bond with his mother. He instinctively knows how to be in a relationship, but has never felt the need to try. Until now. From the instant their eyes met, he knew Angela as a kindred and the attraction has only grown. He tries hard not to let it show, the feeling he has for Brady’s woman are a surprise to him as well.

  Adrian’s bonding with Angela is both sweet and brutal. Through total freedom and trust, he shows her a life she’s never dreamed of, a way of living that fulfils her need to atone as much as her sense of duty. He made her more than she’s ever been and their time together will not be easy to forget. Adrian wants to fight for her, but knows she needs to figure it out for herself and steps back to let her.

  Determined to do the right thing, Adrian concentrates on getting his people toward Arkansas, where a dangerous personal reunion waits for him. Have the choices he’s made cost him a son? Even Angela can’t be sure.


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