Romancing the Stone

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Romancing the Stone Page 3

by Romancing The Stone [lit]

  The blonde and her friend the red head had latched onto him during the meal, and now ignored all hints to go away. Now I'll have to be the bad guy and run them off. He didn't want them in his bed. He wanted her in his bed. Where is she anyway? She was supposed to be brought in here. He had never actually harbored the fantasy, but three woman might not have bothered him over much as long as one was her.

  "Come on, big guy." The red head arched a brow at him, patting the bed beside her.

  Cairn turned, stalking out the door, shutting it behind him. He looked up and down until he spotted an attendant.

  "You there. Where is the celestial maiden?"

  The man's face turned white as Cairn came up to him.

  "I-I'm sorry s-sir! I meant no harm! She asked to be led to her own room. I assumed--"


  The man pointed down the hall. "First one on the left, just around the corner."

  As soon as he brushed by him, the man fairly ran down the hall, but Cairn had more important things to worry about. He knocked once at the door indicated, then turned the knob. Locked? He knocked again, then waited. No response. He knocked again, hard enough to rattle the door in it's frame, and several doors down the hall opened, their occupants sticking their heads out to see what was happening. Her door remained locked.

  Turning with a huff, Cairn walked quickly back to his own room. He saw as he entered that the women had at last taken the hint and left. He slammed the door, throwing himself on the bed, ignoring the creak of the timbers. Alone.

  Damn it.

  Chapter Five

  "Ma'am? Ma'am, wake up! It's time to go."

  Lexi grumbled and tried to pull the cover over her head.

  "In a minute Da."

  The covers were unceremoniously yanked from her grasp.

  "I'm sorry ma'am, but orders are orders. The soldiers are all ready assembled and ready to leave."

  Sitting up, blinking, Lexi looked for and found the source of the voice. A pretty, young woman stood beside her bed, holding her clothes in her outstretched arms. So it wasn't all a dream. I really Where ever here is. She glanced out the window. What the--?

  "It's not even light yet!" When she looked over at the girl, her face was perplexed.

  "It has been morning for over an hour now, ma'am." She lay the clothes on the foot of the bed. "I'm afraid it's already too late to bathe before you go. Come, I'll dress you."

  "Uh, that's all right. I'm a grown girl." Lexi ignored the woman's look as she got out of bed. "I'd really rather have a little privacy."

  "All right. The chamber pot's beneath the bed."

  Chamber pot? She's not serious? As soon as the door closed, Lexi threw the covers over the side of the bed, discovering to her horror that she was completely serious. I don't know how to use that! The need to go, however, won out over comfort and good sanitation.

  When she'd finished, she stripped and threw on her own clothes. They seemed a bit stiff and smelled funny. They washed my clothes? They must have hung them out to dry. Outside. Lexi had a sudden feeling of bugs crawling over her skin and she slapped at it. I have got to get home. I can't live and stand this. It's disgusting!

  She found her purse, along with Dionne's, just inside the door. Swinging them over her shoulders, she closed the door softly behind her. She found her way outside to the fresh, fog-filled air, with sketchy directions from a handful of busy servants. Mounted soldiers were gathered in the court yard, all eyes upturned to where the king stood on a balcony giving his farewell speech.

  " to know that I have every confidence in you...."

  Lexi wound her way among the horses, unsure of where she was supposed to go. No one paid her any heed when she stopped to ask them, hissing, but never actually looking at her. She came at last to the front of the throng, spotting Cairn not far to her right.

  He sat atop a huge, coal black horse, his armor gleaming in the dawning light, and long black cape blowing gently in the breeze. He looks like the atypical knight in shining armor. Very handsome. His golden blonde hair streamed loosely down his back. A hint of stubble lined his square jaw, and his deep blue eyes gleamed with anticipation.

  "...good luck to you all!" His speech finally at an end, the king waved once and swept out of sight with a flourish.

  Cairn turned, meeting her gaze, and called for a horse even as he kicked his own into motion and the horse pranced toward her. The smile he flashed made her heart skip a beat.

  "Do you know how to ride?"

  "Of course!" In theory. She'd never actually seen a horse this close before.

  A man rode toward them, leading a short, dappled grey mare. Holding onto the saddle horn, Lexi had to lean backward to lift her leg high enough to get her foot into the stirrup. Once it was within the confines of the trap, it was impossible to straighten up or to get her foot back. The horse flicked it's tail in her face several times and tried to pull free from the man who still stood holding it. Lexi could see the laughter in his eyes and felt heat creep up her neck.

  "Let me help." A large set of hands groped her butt a moment before pushing her upward. It was only by virtue of her trapped foot and the death grip with which she held the saddle horn, that Lexi didn't fall off the other side.

  Cairn, who had dismounted to help her up, leapt back onto his horse and turned to face the crowd behind them.

  "Time to go!"

  It took ten minutes for everyone to get out of the court yard and onto the road. Lexi, unable to control her horse, quickly lost sight of Cairn in the crowd.

  * * * *

  For some reason she had expected a mounted war party to go at least a little faster than they did, since they weren't exactly using their own legs. She did ask about it two or three times, trying to start up a conversation, but no one would talk to her. They just turned their faces away and ignored her. She finally decided that perhaps the horses were slowed down by the weight of the oafs on their backs.

  Cairn was no where to be seen. She wasn't entirely sure she wanted his company, all things considered, but he was the only one who would speak to her. For some reason, she felt lonely being in a crowd where everyone talked and carried on, but not to or with her. She was still sleepy and hungry besides. I should have eaten more last night. Not that it would have helped. She would still have been hungry in the morning.

  Fishing around in her purse, she discovered a half-eaten Baby Ruth. The man riding beside her had stopped talking as soon as she pulled it out and unwrapped it, staring at it in disgust.

  "What? It's just chocolate." She realized belatedly what it must have looked like to him. Not that I care.

  He seemed flustered and kicked his horse twice, in a hurry to get away from her.

  Damn it, why is everyone acting like that? I thought they'd already decided I wasn't a witch! Or maybe not. Maybe a celestial maiden was supposed to be the same thing? It did not matter in the end. It hurt to be treated like an outcast, and would have no matter what the reason for it was.

  After drowning her sorrows in chocolate and licking her fingers clean, Lexi searched the bags that hung from her saddle, finally locating a canteen. Satiated, at least for the moment, though still bored stiff, she dug around in her purse for her cross-stitch. Pulling it out, she examined the work she had done thus far. Although still rough, she could almost make out the little blue bird. She hadn't gotten any farther than that, and supposed that someone who didn't know what it was going to eventually be might see nothing more than a blue blob.

  Lexi pulled the needle out of the fabric and untwisted the floss before starting her work. The horse's gait sent pain through her spine and made it nearly impossible to concentrate. After stabbing herself several times in the hands and arms, and making a complete mess of the few stitches she had managed, Lexi finally gave up and put it away.

  I should have brought a book. If only she had had time to grab one of the ones she knocked over in her panic to put out the flames. It might be hard to read w
hen one's eyes were bobbing in one's head, but it would have given her something less painful to do with her time.

  They rode throughout the day, not even stopping to eat, and Lexi was ravenous again by lunch time, feeling sick from it a few hours after that, and finally getting over both sickness and hunger by what seemed about the time she normally ate supper. She had not heard a whisper of complaint from the men all day and was beginning to wonder if they ever ate. Are we ever going to stop?

  It was already dark when the call was finally heard to set up camp for the night. Hardly able to move, it took a long time before Lexi finally melted off her horse. Every movement brought fresh agony, and she almost fell right into the dirt. Strong arms stopped her descent just in time. Lexi whirled at the touch, grateful when she met Cairn's eyes.

  "You've never ridden a horse before, have you?"


  He lifted her into his arms and held her tightly against his chest. Carrying her through the crowd, he left the horses for someone else to tend to.

  "Where are we going?"

  "To the tent. It should be set up by now."

  "Oh...fantastic. I've never been so tired." She stifled a yawn.

  Looking around, Lexi saw that a forest of colorful tents had popped up. Many of the men, having already sent up camp, were lounging around camp fires. Cairn wasted no time bringing her to the largest tent, which sat in the center of the encampment. Stooping, he carried her inside, laying her rather gently on the pallet. She dropped the purses, which still hung on her shoulders, off the side of the bed.

  "You look exhausted."

  "I am." She rolled onto her stomach, laying her head in the pillow, surprised at it's softness. After a long hard ride anything would have felt heavenly.

  "And sore."

  "Mmm. That too."

  "I'll make it all better."

  Lexi, who had just started dozing off, snapped awake at that. "What do you--"


  She relaxed moments later when he took one of her feet into his hands, rubbing his thumbs in circular motions and popping her toes. Oh wow. It felt great as he finished up and started working on the other foot. Of course, I didn't actually do any walking. But one should never turn down a foot massage.

  His hands slowly worked their way up to her calves, which were sore, to her thighs, which were extremely sore. Her mind became sluggish as the tension eased from her body and she wondered how he had learned such wonderful technique. Her last boyfriend had thought he had the touch and rubbed her back more than once, in spite of her protests, but it always left bruises behind. Cairn's hands were firm, but gentle, making her muscles hurt, but in a way that relaxed them.

  "I sent some men out hunting. They should be back any time with venison."

  "Mmm. Sounds good...." She hated deer. Her father had tricked her into eating it once and it was tough and gamey. But at this point, I'll eat anything. How long had it been since she had had a good meal? Was the feast just last night? It seemed like such a long time ago now.

  His hands moved up to her buttocks. She tensed at first, but forced herself to relax. So far, he had not touched her in a way that felt overly sexual, even if it was stimulating. She wasn't sure whether she should be grateful that he didn't expect any, or disappointed that he didn't seem to care if he got it.

  Not that I would, or anything. He probably had his fill with those two women last night. She shouldn't care. It wasn't like she was in a relationship with him or anything. She hadn't had very much contact with the guy, even if he did seem nice enough. She knew what he could do with those hands.... It took an effort to turn her thoughts from the path they had wandered down. By the time she managed, he had worked his way up her back and to her shoulders. She almost fell asleep, but fought it hard. If I sleep now, they'll let me sleep through supper. She didn't think she could stand another day without food.

  He stood, the loss of his hands leaving her feeling strange. She rolled over and sat up.

  "Thank you," she said, smiling up at him. "I feel so much better."

  He offered her his hand and she took it curiously, surprised when he pulled her to her feet.

  "You're welcome."

  "How can I ever--"

  He flopped onto the bed on his back, sliding one hand behind his head, toying with the buttons to his shirt with the other. He grinned up at her.

  "Thank me?" He wiggled his eye brows at her.


  "You could always return the favor. My...thighs are sore. No? Well, we'll just have to think of something else, then."

  "Oh, be funny." She decided to change the subject. "Where am I supposed to sleep?"

  His grin became decidedly more wolfish as he sat up, tossing his shirt to the floor and patting the bed beside him.

  "What? No, seriously! It's too small. We'd be on top of one another. Surely they didn't--" Her blood rushed up her neck to her face. "You did this! Why?"

  "Do I really have to tell you?"

  The timber of his voice, the promise in it, made Lexi's sex clench. The problem was that she had no intention of sleeping in the tent with him! He'll molest me! She knew she might not want to fight him off, especially if he started out touching her as he had earlier. All right, so I might enjoy it too much. What if the men are ignoring me because they think I'm a floozy? This will just prove them right.

  "I-- I think I'll go see if anyone brought an extra tent." She turned and rushed outside, hearing him stand to follow, but not looking back.

  She wound her way through the wilderness of tents and the campfires before them, looking for someone that looked open to helping her. Just as she spotted a good possibility, she heard a horn blow. That's strange. Stranger still, all of the men around her leapt from where they sat and rushed toward the sound, swords drawn.

  "What the-- Hey! What's happening?"

  She called out several times, but the men were either persisting in ignoring her, or too busy running off to pay her any heed. She grabbed one by the arm and held on even as he tried to shake her loose.

  "Go to your tent, woman! Can't you see we're under attack?" He prized his arm loose from her suddenly slack grasp and almost knocked her over in his rush to join the battle.

  An attack! She looked for, but saw no sign of Cairn, while running back in the general direction of the tent. Spotting it at last, she rushed inside, almost smashing her face against Cairn's chest, and was knocked back a pace. She stood back, looking at him in abject horror.

  Cairn, his hands on his hips, stood as if he had been in the process of coming out after her. His expression seemed bemused as though he had been about to make a wisecrack. That was not, however, what troubled Lexi.

  Cairn was once again made of stone.

  Chapter Six

  Lexi stood staring at him for several moments before her mind suddenly kicked in. He's turned back into stone? Shit, could he have picked a worse time to turn to stone? There was a battle outside. People were dying. What if they need him? What if they're defeated because he isn't there to help? Isn't he supposed to be their best warrior? They need him out there! What the heck am I supposed to do? She knew the answer to that, at least. The only way to turn him into a man again was to screw him.

  What if one of the men comes in to get him and sees? The potential for mortification, or for death. She analyzed both, longer than she really felt she had the time for, and finally decided she might actually live through embarrassment.

  Unfastening his pants and letting them fall down to his knees, she saw that his cock was standing at the ready. Was it hard to start with, or did turning into stone have something to do with it? She set about deciding exactly how she was to go about having sex with a standing statue. I can't push him down. He might break. She shuddered at the horrible thought and put it from her mind. Is he stuck to the ground? The thought of him tipping over and smashing her didn't appeal. In the end, she decided it was worth the risk. Going to the tent flap, she looked outside, relieved to
find no one in sight. The battle sounds closer. She heard the battle horn and wondered if they were blowing it for him. It had a sort of frantic sound to it, which she thought might indicate that she was right. On the other hand, she was feeling a little frantic anyway, so maybe that was just her imagination?

  After pulling over the pallet, for what little added height it would offer, and removing her pants, Lexi leaned over his monolithic cock and sucked on it, in the hopes her saliva would give some lubrication. She wrapped her arms around his neck and lifted up her right leg, sliding it through the hole made by his hand resting on his waist. She wondered briefly if perhaps this too was due to his turning to stone, but decided that if the magic had meant to be at all accommodating, it would have made him sit down first.

  She lifted her other leg and did the same with it, hooking her ankles together behind his back. Lifting her pelvis high, it took several times to get his cock head into her sex. The saliva hadn't worked. Or perhaps it might have if it hadn't taken her so long to get into position. It was dry. She was too scared to be turned on, so she had none of her own.

  She lifted and dropped herself on him over and over again, but with no response from him. Oh my god, please say he'll wake up! She finally got her pussy worked over his cock to the hilt and rested a few moments.

  "Come on Cairn. Wake up all ready."

  Several moments passed as she waited. Apparently, it didn't work like a lock and key. Maybe I have to do more then just be on it? What was different this time? Well, she hadn't been stripped, but that hardly seemed like the sort of thing that would matter. She hadn't been forced this time, but from the way he had gone on about it, she knew she shouldn't have to be. I did enjoy it a little the first time.... That had to be it. There weren't any other differences that she could see. So the real problem was, how was she supposed to enjoy doing it now, with a fight going on outside?

  With a supreme effort, she put the whole world out of her mind. It's just me and him now. Lexi closed her eyes as she started sliding up and down his cock again, concentrating on the feel of it separating the folds of her flesh, how it's great size filled her to capacity. The nub of her clit rubbed against his base every time she went down, sending tingles down to her toes, and she felt an orgasm building.


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