Around the World in 80 Girls: The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

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Around the World in 80 Girls: The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova Page 36

by Neil Skywalker

  He was Australian and a pretty cool guy, and when the two girls left we went on a hunt for girls. I introduced some girls to him but he got nowhere with them. He asked me about my website and I didn’t remember talking to him about it. It turned out he had heard it from someone else later. My reputation had preceded me again.

  At the end of the night I approached a Peruvian girl and started gaming her. It seemed to work a bit but then she asked me for a cocktail. I had to make a decision. Would I break my own rule and buy her a seven-dollar cocktail or move away? The drink it was, because I saw a potential lay here. Well, I was right and she went home with me after some talking and kissing in some lounge seats at the club.

  On arriving at my room I had to crap like crazy, and I left her in my room while I said I was going to “fresh up”. I took forever and she asked where I had been so long. The best thing you can do at moments like this is just play dumb, so I said “fresh up” and gave her a dumb look. She went to wash up herself and I pointed her towards a different bathroom. She was average-looking but she had a great appetite for sex.

  We banged four times that night and the following morning. I was setting new records and think I nearly broke my dick that day. Peruvian flag captured. I texted the girl with the big tits when the other one left but she flaked on me that day. By then it was time to keep on moving, because I had overstayed my travelling schedule by a few days already. Lima, the capital of Peru, was waiting…

  Peru – Lima

  From Cuzco it was on to the next tourist attraction: the mysterious Nazca lines. The Nazca lines are giant sculptures in the sand only visible from the air. They are shrouded in mystery, as no one really knows who made them and how. Some scientists like Erik von Däniken even believed they were runways for alien spaceships. Because sure, why not?

  I took the bus to Nazca and arrived early in the morning. It was a very cloudy day and that worried me a bit. A taxi driver took me to the small airport, where I asked about the weather conditions. They told me the clouds should clear up later that day but I thought they were bullshitting me. They tried to sell me a flight anyway, but they cost between $115-$140, so I didn’t want to take the risk and hopped back into the taxi and drove back to the bus station. The cab driver was very friendly and even chased the bus to Lima down the street, honking his horn and cutting the bus off to try to get the driver’s attention so I could get on, but it was too late. I was forced to wait for the next one. The cabbie dropped me off at the bus station and I gave him a big tip for all the effort he had made. It took me two buses and two more taxis to get to Lima and find the Lima Loki hostel.

  The first thing I did when I arrived (besides flirting with one of the hot Peruvian girls working there) was take a long hot shower. Carrying around a backpack in the hot Peruvian sun and taking three different buses over almost thirty hours usually make you stink like a bum.

  At night I was sitting in the hostel bar and just minding my own business with my laptop. I had some writing to do and was really focused for once. I had seen a girl look over a few times and I smiled at her. At the end of the night she came over and almost jumped on my lap. She was a bit drunk and asked me what I was busy writing. I told her I was writing a book about my three-year trip but was wise enough not to name the title of it. She was named after a famous Simon and Garfunkel song, but let’s just call her Christina from now on. I did my thing and she crawled up on me; not much later I was kissing her. Christina was a beautiful twenty-three year-old Norwegian girl with long blond hair and piercing blue eyes. She stayed the night in my bed and we went pretty far, but no banging.

  We fell asleep and the next day I checked out and went looking for a hotel room with her. We found a decent one not far away from the Parque Kennedy area in Miraflores. She said she had to leave the same day and wanted to spend some time with me. I was going to get my first Scandinavian flag, after so much trying in South East Asia.

  We spent the whole afternoon in bed but she wouldn’t let me fuck her, no matter what I tried. She was naked for hours and after I went down on her and gave her a four-finger treatment she gave me a very good deep-throat blowjob, and two more in the next few hours. I normally don’t count a blowjob as a notch but with three of them in a few hours and deep-throat ejaculations; let me claim the Norwegian flag and notch.

  A few hours later we said goodbye and she said we could have sex the next time we met while travelling, which never happened due to different routes. But who knows, Oslo is not that far from Holland and my good friend Jonathan lives there too.

  The room cost about twenty dollars a night, which was quite cheap for a big room in Miraflores, one of Lima’s more uptown neighborhoods, with double bed, cable TV and a bathroom. Finding a better place for that money was going to be hard so I decided to stay there. A few hours after saying goodbye to Christina, I met a girl through the travelers’ website. This girl was a little hottie, at least a seven and a half in my opinion; she was short and skinny and had a very cute face, light brown skin and the thickest hair I had ever seen. We had some Pisco sours (happy hour, two for the price of one), I did my date game and she ate it all up. This was the perfect game to run on local girls, I thought.

  Later that night we went out to a party at someone’s house and danced a bit. At one point when I was getting a bit tired and sat down, Evita sat on my lap and kissed me. We kept kissing all night and at the end of the night we went to my room and had steamy sex there. I can barely remember how I pulled that off so shortly after the Norwegian girl left the same room. I had landed myself a hot Peruvian girl and upgraded my flag this way.

  It was great having a tiny girl in bed again; it seemed like an eternity since I left Asia with its fine short skinny girls. I spend four more days with her and she was a little sex addict. She couldn’t stop playing with my dick and constantly revived it by putting it in her mouth.

  Those four days were great, but on the fourth she got some stomach pains and said it was from all the fucking we did. I was wondering why it hadn’t happen before because she was as tight as a glove and I had to constantly muffle her moaning by putting the television on loud volume.

  Evita had to work during the day in some office job and I had a few more dates with other girls. I kissed one of them but couldn’t bring her back to the hotel since Evita was coming over every night.

  We had a lot of fun together and visited a lot of places in old and new Lima. I had the crazy plan of visiting Holland’s most famous criminal: Joran van der Sloot, a charismatic sociopath guy who had already sort of confessed to murdering an American girl named Natalie Holloway. He was a prisoner in the high-security Castro Castro prison, where he was imprisoned after confessing to murdering a Peruvian girl as well. This young guy is famous in Peru and always in the news there. Evita and I asked around but couldn’t get enough information on how to visit the prison, which was a two-hour bus ride away.

  I really liked Evita and hated saying goodbye to her. She wasn’t a complete gringo–hunter like the girl in Cuzco, but I think she’s looking for a foreigner. We agreed to meet again once I came back from Ecuador and Colombia.

  Ecuador – Quito

  After a short visit in Peru’s number one beach town, Mancora, and a few long, boring rides on the bus I arrived in Ecuador. Since I was on a tight schedule and had already stayed too long in places like Cuzco and Lima, I wanted to skip Ecuador’s biggest city, Guayaquil, and go straight to the capital, Quito.

  I bought a ticket at Guayaquil’s bus station and to my surprise I saw two girls I had seen before in Cuzco. It was the tall girl who’d been waiting in line for the Machu Picchu tickets. I approached them and asked them if they were taking the same bus as me. They confirmed it, and I asked the tall girl if she remembered me and she said yes. I told her why I’d been so grumpy and they laughed about it. The two girls were Texans and on a two-month trip.

  We sat down in the bus and I talked a bit to them. I was damn lucky again to have a super-hot young Ecuadoria
n girl sitting next to me in a bus full of locals and lots of old people. She didn’t speak a word of English and we used a translator app on her phone and my Spanish pocket book to talk. The tall American girl saw me having fun with the Ecuadorian girl and pre-selection had been achieved, especially after exchanging Facebook and phone numbers. Unfortunately the hottie got off a few hours before reaching Quito.

  We arrived in the evening and looked for a guesthouse together. Everything in the La Mariscal area, also known as Gringolandia, was full, but after a while we found a small hotel where there was a bedroom with four massive beds available. We took the room and went out for dinner and drinks.

  At eleven at night the bars and restaurants stopped pouring alcoholic drinks. The president has forbidden drinking at night because of all the drunken people and rioting on the streets after midnight. Ecuador is still considered a dangerous country and is famous for its robbers and tourist scams. We didn’t know about this rule and Casey, the tall girl, and her girlfriend Alice wanted to buy a bottle of booze before returning to the hotel room.

  We went looking for a liquor store and found one with the help of a drunken bum to whom we gave a dollar. The liquor store was a small shop which was already closed but when you knocked on the door, a small window opened big enough to put a bottle through. We had to be careful because police cars were patrolling around and had already yelled at us through the speakers on top of their car when in front of the liquor store.

  We quickly bought a cheap bottle of vodka and a bottle of Pepsi and hurried back to the hotel. The receptionist opened the door just in time, because the police car was coming for us.

  I mixed the drinks in one of those outdoor water bottles I’d bought a week before. The three of us fooled around on one of the beds. I took pictures and Casey hit the bottle pretty hard. Half an hour later Alice was fiddling around with her iPhone in the corner of the room, which was at least seven meters long, and Casey and I smoked a cigarette. I kissed her and she immediately became very wild and horny.

  In the next hour I tried to get a threesome going, but couldn’t convince Alice, who had a big pair of knockers. She was quite husky but it was all muscle since she was a football player. (She insisted on calling it soccer until I corrected her.) The lights went out and Casey came to sleep in my bed. It had only been days after I left Lima and I went from one extreme to the other. Evita was a short and very skinny girl and Casey was even taller and probably stronger than me. We had a lot of sex that night. I asked Alice to come over too but she pretended to sleep. I remember Casey moaning and saying “Ooh, it’s been so long. I love it”.

  The following morning I needed to check out because I wanted a room for myself and the girls said they were going to meet some travelling friends later. We were all hungover and when I kissed Casey and felt between her legs she became so horny that she was wet through her jeans. But unfortunately it was already ten in the morning and there was no time to fool around anymore.

  I checked out and moved to a hotel in the old part of town. The hotel was listed in the Lonely Planet and was situated at Plaza San Blas. I had my own room with TV for seven dollars, that’s even cheaper than a dorm room close to La Mariscal. There were some other tourists around but not many. The street restaurant a couple of blocks away served basic but cheap and good food. A meal consisting of soup, rice, vegetables, a quarter-chicken, fresh fruit juice and dessert cost one-and-a-half dollars. That’s really cheap and it filled me up for hours every time I went there.

  That night I met a girl named Gabrielle off the Couchsurfing website, and we went for a few drinks.

  We found a place where you could get two caiperinhas cocktails for four dollars. The date game worked and I kissed her big lips, but she was very shy and a really bad kisser. I didn’t see something happening that night but went for a walk with her anyway. I was holding her hand, ready to do the spin-move when we suddenly ran into the two American girls. I’m not sure if they saw me holding her hand but I could see that they were not pleased to see me with another girl. That screwed up my chance with Casey that night, and they left the next day. I still have contact with them sometimes on Facebook, though. Gabrielle went home around 10:30 at night and I went home also.

  The next day I went sightseeing around the city a bit and in the evening I met a cute Colombian girl for drinks. She worked in Quito as a dentist and I saw it as my chance to get the Colombian flag. I went to the same place I had brought Gabrielle, downed some caiperinhas with her and had a fun conversation with her. That night I swore that I would always use my (coffee) date techniques from that moment on. She ate up my questions like candy and it worked perfectly.

  We met two girlfriends of hers in a fancy bar, had some drinks on her and went to a club called Bungalow 6. I soon found out that the no-drinking rule was only for restaurants and not for clubs. They were pouring drinks all night. We danced a bit, took some pictures and her friends went home but I convinced the Colombian hottie to stay a bit more. I kissed her soft beautiful lips on the dance floor, but she left later on.

  I couldn’t get a second date with her and felt that I maybe escalated too fast with her. It was my first but not last contact with the famous Colombian flakiness I had read about. Ecuadorian girls are no stranger to flaking either, judging by the twelve girls I had met online and agreed to meet, only two of whom actually went out with me.

  Every night I went out, either to club Bungalow 6 or Club Nobar. Going out is dirt cheap in Quito, on weekends you only pay five dollars to get in and a beer or rum-and-coke is included in the price. The only slow day is Monday, but the rest of the week it’s no problem to find girls to dance or talk with.

  I missed out with a drunken Israeli girl. I talked to her a bit and probably could have flagged her if I pushed a bit harder, but my eye fell on an Ecuadorian girl who was way more exotic-looking. I bounced from Nobar to Bungalow 6 with her and did some dancing there. We tried to dance salsa but I completely sucked. Her style was very different and I hadn’t practiced any salsa in the last weeks. Besides, that girl was a total gold digger and I let her go.

  Another night I met a super tall and skinny black girl. She had a hot body with a big round booty, I approached her and found out she only spoke Spanish. I manned up and tried the worst Spanish ever to pick her up, but didn’t succeed. Every time I went in for the kiss she turned her cheek or forehead towards me. I laughed in her face and remembered the Spanish word for grandma. I said something like “Por que no beso por sus labias? tu eres mi abuela?” This terrible grammar translates to something like “why not kiss your lips? You are my grandma?” This made her laugh and from this moment on I’ve used this line every time a girl gives me the cheek turn. She kept fighting my kisses off the whole night but kept close to me and grinding her big round booty on me all night.

  After a bounce to another bar and multiple tries to get the tall black girl back to my room I just said I wanted to leave and said goodbye. She was not happy with it and I think surprised at my reaction. Over the next week we said hi when we ran into each other but never danced or talked again. I’m still not sure what her thoughts about me were. She wasn’t leeching drinks of me or anything.

  Scoring girls in nightclubs wasn’t easy and perhaps this was because every night the clubs were full of foreigners. There were too many options for girls and they might choose some beta idiot over me because the beta idiot would keep the drinks coming all night. Ecuador is very cheap but it was still easy to smash forty dollars if you buy girls drinks all night.

  At the end of a fruitless night I met a woman named Lupe who only spoke Spanish, which made it hard to communicate. Because it was the end of the night and she was quite flirty I asked her if she was a prostitute and she became very angry with me. I still managed to take her back to my place, which was a two-dollar taxi ride away. We had a drink at my room and I started kissing her. She was shy at first but once we were banging she turned wilder and wilder. When we banged in the morning she almost
ripped the skin of my back. I guess it had been a while for her too. She had to work the next day and left her email and phone number in the morning, but I never called her again. I had too many dates set up or other nightly options.

  I went for a long walk to the old center that day and even climbed to the giant Virgin Mary statue at the top of the hill. It was possible to take a taxi there but then I’d be like any other tourist, and anyway, I wanted to save that taxi money and see something of the neighborhood build on the hills.

  The climb was pretty steep, with lots of steps and some deep pits at the parts where construction work was still being done. I won’t recommend doing this after dark but during the day it should be OK. By the time this book goes to print, the new concrete steps will probably be ready.

  One of my last nights out I met a Canadian guy who wanted to tag along with me. He and I ran into four girls on a night out, along with some German guys. (They are everywhere.) At the end of the night we were standing on the street looking for another place to go out. The police had closed down a bar known for illegal after-hour parties, and I told my companions about the illegal liquor shop. We went over and bought some rum there. We all went back to one of the girls’ apartment, except one girl who went off with the Canadian guy. I was a bit jealous about this because she was quite pretty and he was a shy guy. That girl later came back to the apartment when I was cuddling a bit with the girl owning the apartment. The other two girls were sisters and were making out with the German guys, who spoke reasonable Spanish. The girl I was with didn’t want to kiss and it looked like I was the only one not getting some.

  The German guys went home and the four girls offered me to stay and do something with them the next day. What? Was I getting friend-zoned here? It sure seemed like it.


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