The Ravenswynd Series - Boxed Set

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The Ravenswynd Series - Boxed Set Page 40

by Sharon Ricklin Jones

  Emrys shook his head and held up a hand, lowering his voice even more, he said, “Stop. I will not talk about this subject again – most assuredly not in public!”

  I raised an eyebrow in question, but kept myself quiet - not an easy task for me. I really wanted to know what he had in mind. He then explained that an emergency meeting had been called for later on that evening. His plan was to drop me off, making sure I was either safely locked in our rooms, or with someone else, and then he’d call the meeting to order. I had learned that these meetings usually took place at Ravenswynd in one of the larger conference rooms, but occasionally they assembled in London, especially when more than two societies met together. This one was to be our group only, since it concerned one of our own. If and when Rohan involved anyone in another society, then they would also be called to attend.

  I figured as time went on, the hierarchy would make more sense to me, but right now all I knew was that Emrys was Regent over all the societies in the UK, and that there were several individuals within each smaller group or family who they called Guardians, and these were the ones who attended the meetings. The oldest vampire living in each society was automatically appointed as an Elder, and they were required to attend the yearly board meetings, voting on things that affected everyone. In our Raven society, Latimer was not only one of the Elders; he had also been appointed a Guardian by Emrys’ father, Ambrose, back when Emrys was a child. It seemed like the system was similar to a monarchy, in that the title of Regent was handed down to the progeny, when and if the sitting Regent had decided to vacate, unless, of course, he was challenged for the title. Often, the Guardians were siblings of the Regent and, other times, were appointed by the current Regent, chosen from within each group. Attendance of the Guardians was not mandatory for all meetings unless there was a vote to be cast.

  I had made Emrys explain the system several times in the past few days, and this would be the first meeting called since I had joined the Ravens. I had no desire to attend, not that I was invited anyway, but I truly wanted to know the outcome of their decision on Rohan. Something told me I’d never be enlightened.

  I stood up to excuse myself from the table, but Emrys grabbed my hand and pulled me back.

  “I have to use the restroom!” I explained, pulling my hand away.

  “Alone? You cannot!” His voice was sharp but filled with concern. My head was swimming with so many thoughts of what would happen at the meeting, that for a split second I forgot about my own safety. He shook his head, saying, “You cannot be serious! We discussed this, Elizabeth. I will not leave you unattended.”

  “Well, now what? I have to go!” I clenched my teeth, narrowing my eyes at him.

  Holding a finger up to me, he said, “Just one minute.” He turned away from me and said, “Excuse me, Miss?” He waved to one of the young girls who worked behind the counter. She looked confused, but came to our table. “Would you do me a rather large favor?” he asked, using his most amiable smile.

  “I’m sorry, sir. But we don’t wait tables here. You get your own food.” She smiled politely, and he reached into his pocket.

  He said, “Here, take this please.” He handed her something. “Would you kindly escort my wife to the ladies’ room? She recently had a terrible fainting spell, and I am afraid to leave her alone in there. I realize it is out of your normal range of duties, but I would very much appreciate your kindness.”

  The girl stared at her hands and froze, open-mouthed, not saying a word, and I realized, Emrys had handed her money. I was mortified, but he was lucky he had lied. If he had mentioned one word about me being attacked, my embarrassment would have pushed me over the edge. It would not have been good for either of us. It was bad enough that everyone at Ravenswynd knew; that was already more shame than I could bear. Even though Rohan was to blame, I somehow felt dirty and defiled; just thinking about it made me cringe with anger.

  Finally, the girl found her voice and said, “Sure, come with me, won’t you?” She motioned for me to join her.

  I shot Emrys a sideways glance and walked away at the side of my new escort. I seriously doubted Rohan was anywhere near this place, and I felt like a complete moron going to the restroom with a stranger. When I looked back I realized that Emrys had also followed us and was hot on our heels. After we left him standing outside the bathroom door, the girl leaned on the sink, folded her hands in front of herself and when I entered the cubicle she said, “Are you okay? Do you need any help in there?”

  “I’m fine.” I said flatly. I slammed and locked the stall door and said under my breath, “I’m just effing ducky.”

  “What was that, ma’am?”

  I was embarrassed and angry, and called out, “I said - I’m just fine!”

  When I joined her back at the sink, she still fiddled with her money. I didn’t see how much it was, but, by the happy look on her face, I assumed it was a rather large amount. I washed my hands, applied fresh lipstick, and then combed my hair. The girl looked up facing the mirror and pushed a few stray strands of her blonde hair back into her barrette.

  She gazed at my reflection and smiled. “You have such beautiful black hair! It’s so shiny,” she crooned, sincerely. “What do you use?”

  She must have been all of sixteen years old. I could have ignored her compliments, brushed her off like a fly. I was still upset and embarrassed, though it didn’t show in the least; I had glanced in the mirror and saw that my ivory skin seemed to glow, rather than flame red as it used to. But this humiliating situation wasn’t her fault, so I flipped my hair back with a finger and made the decision to be nice. After all, there was only one being that was to blame. And I had a feeling that Rohan was going to cause me nothing but trouble until the day someone actually did kill him.

  I nodded my head and said, “Oh, thank you! I don’t use anything special. I’ve just been blessed with good genes I guess. But I do brush my hair every night at least one hundred strokes. You should try it. They say it’s very good for your scalp.”

  “Thanks, I’ll try that.” She licked her lips nervously, and asked, “Is that guy out there your husband? He is so fine. You are one lucky lady, I must say. That’s too bad about the fainting, though. You should see a doctor.” She prattled on. “Maybe you’re pregnant! My sister fainted regularly when she got with child last year. Stupid ninny, she forgot to get married first. Oh, well, she had herself a beautiful baby girl and my mum and dad finally got over the shock.”

  I didn’t think she’d ever take a breath.

  “Okay. Thanks for the advice,” I said, trying to keep a straight face.

  She was completely oblivious to my sarcasm.

  We opened the door to find Emrys leaning up against the wall with his arms folded on his chest, one foot casually crossed in front of the other, looking bored but eloquently patient. He cleared his throat and said, “It took you long enough.”

  “Girl talk,” I muttered.

  The blonde girl grinned saying, “Here she is, safe and sound. Thanks, mister.”

  As she bounced off back to her spot behind the counter, she waved the bill out in front of her and then tucked it safely into her pants pocket.

  Emrys took my arm and led me out under an umbrella to the waiting limo. We dodged the puddles and found it was nice to enter an already warm vehicle. And I found it was indeed very pleasant to be in Emrys’ arms while someone else drove. I think I even fell asleep for a while until he startled me when he spoke up and said in a quiet, resigned tone, “Yes.”

  “Yes, what?”

  “You are right about my plan for Rohan. No more questions and you must promise not to breathe a word to anyone. Not even your sister.” He sounded resolute.

  I raised my face to him and said, “I promise.”

  Even though I hated Rohan, even though he deserved to be punished, and even though I was deathly afraid of what he was capable of, I still wasn’t sure if he deserved death. The thought made me shudder a little.

ow would they do it? And more importantly, who would do it?

  Suddenly shivering, I crossed my arms and rubbed them.

  Emrys ignored my musings and asked, “Are you cold, my love?”

  I nodded, still a bit miffed about the whole bathroom routine. He wrapped a soft blanket around my shoulders and pulled me into his arms again. He cradled my head to his chest and stroked my hair. Each touch sent tiny electrical waves of comfort into me, and I began to feel extremely tired and shivered once more. After he kissed my forehead he added, “You will be safe and warm again soon. I promise you, Elizabeth.”

  I took in a deep breath, instantly becoming lost in his wonderful soothing aroma, so masculine and yet so sweet. I leaned my cheek against his chest savoring his presence, enjoying the slight electrical jolts from his arms wound around me. Lulled by the rhythm of the tires on the road, I closed my eyes again, whispering, “I know.”



  I awoke sometime later - still in the car and wrapped snugly in the arms of my sweet Emrys, stirred by the sound of deep voices conversing just above a whisper. I kept my eyes closed and listened for a bit. Emrys had just asked Royal about his future with the Ravens. His answer was quite positive, and he sounded excited. I learned that he had planned to ask one of the women to be his maker, though he didn’t say whom.

  “Oh, I am sure she barely knows my name, sir, but after I am turned she will see me in a different light. I believe that she will then view me as an equal. My sister thinks I have a good chance, anyway.”

  “What might her name be then, lad?” Emrys asked quietly.

  “I’d rather not say as yet, sir. I’m a bit nervous about it. I trust you’ll understand.” He sounded all at once anxious and hopeful.

  “Be sure that you allow enough time for the council to meet and make our decision.” Emrys was not at all unreasonable. After all, I was sure he realized how young and innocent Royal still was.

  I lifted my head and took a harder look at our young driver. He wore a small baseball cap, but underneath was a thick crop of wavy amber hair. In the rear view mirror I could see his dark green and very thankful eyes. By the way he squinted, I knew he was smiling, and he quickly inquired, “Good nap, Miss Elizabeth?”

  Emrys turned to me and said, “We have woken you. I am sorry, my dear.”

  “That’s quite alright. And, yes, I feel much more rested. Thanks for asking, Royal.” I arched my back and stretched, then sat up straighter. Emrys removed his arm from around me and brushed some hair away from his face.

  “I overheard some of your conversation, and if you don’t mind my asking - when do you turn twenty-one, Royal?”

  “My birthday is next Thursday, Miss Elizabeth.” He kept his eyes straight ahead, both hands locked on the steering wheel and added, “And by your question, Ma’am, I see that my lovely sister has been talking.” He somehow reminded me of a younger version of Emrys, or what he could have been like at that age. He was merely stating a fact and didn’t have an ounce of negativity towards Barbara Lee. By the way he kept his body poised and maintained an air of confidence - even through his nervousness, I was willing to bet he attempted to imitate the one person in his life he looked up to: my Emrys. It was a rather interesting revelation, and I wasn’t sure exactly how I knew this to be true, but when Emrys read my mind, it was as though a light went on behind his eyes, and he gave me a wide grin and a nod. He agreed wholeheartedly.

  I chuckled and said, “You’re young, Royal. In time you will learn how women talk when they get together. But I’m sure your sister meant no harm. As a matter of fact, I imagine she was just so excited for you that she had to tell someone. After all, now she can be with you for all eternity and, I know from personal experience, having family nearby is wonderful.

  Royal nodded into the rear view mirror. “I agree, Miss Elizabeth. Family is everything.”

  Just then we turned into our private driveway and pulled up to the gatehouse. Royal waved to Matthew and the gate opened after a moment or two.

  “When you decide to put in your request,” Emrys said as we pulled closer to the main entrance, “feel free to call on me. I can arrange a council meeting at a moment’s notice.” He sounded even more kind and understanding than earlier, and he reached forward and patted the lad on his shoulder.

  Royal flinched from the electric jolt he received and, as he came to a stop on the driveway, he glanced into the mirror again. “Thank you, sir. I appreciate your kindness. I will forever be dedicated to you and my fellow Ravens, and would very much like to continue to be your driver. That is, if you will have me.”

  “Yes, indeed. It was quite a pleasant drive.” Emrys nodded, smiling. “You have a job here for as long as you wish.”

  Royal jumped out of the limo and opened my door, extending his hand to help me. He braced himself for the expected current from my touch, obviously hoping to keep from flinching. I couldn’t help but remember how very strange it had felt coming in contact with a Raven before I transitioned too. I smiled and thanked him.

  Emrys met me on the passenger side with an open umbrella, and said, “Thank you, Royal. I shall call upon you the next time we venture out.”

  I wrapped my hand through Emrys’ arm and, once again dodging the puddles and the soft but steady raindrops, we hurried to the door.

  As we headed up the steps, Emrys said, “Well, we have ourselves a driver, but it appears that I shall now have to find a new gatekeeper.”

  * * *

  Back in our room, we started changing into more comfortable clothes. Emrys sat on the edge of the bed kicking off his shoes and I stood near the dresser unzipping my jeans.

  “Emrys,” I said, stepping out of my pants, “Who do you think Royal has in mind to turn him? Do you think it’s the same person he secretly admires?”

  “Oh, most definitely. He made it quite obvious that he hopes being turned will bring them closer, or at the very least, enable him to finally make his intentions known. I do not think that Royal believes he is good enough for the lady he loves from afar and that if she pays him enough attention through the transition, perhaps her eyes will be opened to the possibilities of what he can become.” He shook his head as he unbuttoned his shirt. “It is rather sad to see someone so insecure. Do you see it too?”

  “Yes. I suppose he’s led a sheltered life here among all of you. He’s been forced to keep secrets all his young life. What other way would he know of?” I asked.

  “You are most likely correct. He does seem very dedicated as I mentioned earlier. Of course, his sister has been alone these many years as well. Until now, that is. You have heard the plans for the upcoming weekend? Barbara Lee will be turning Steven, and the two will be wedded.”

  “Really? I knew that he was being turned, but I knew nothing of the marriage. Fiona failed to make mention of that.”

  I wonder why she didn’t tell me.

  Just as I bent down to retrieve my jeans from where I had deposited them on the floor, my vision blurred suddenly and I began to feel dizzy. I sat on the edge of the bed and closed my eyes. And then I saw an incredible sight: Latimer’s podium, his giant brown record book open, and two people that my mind would never have put together in a million years - Royal and Kelsey. Each one signed the book; one as maker and one as new Raven.

  My eyes popped open, and I stared at Emrys still sitting beside me.

  That was amazing!

  I knew he saw what I had just seen and heard my exclamation as my vision ended, but his expression was doubtful. “That,” he said, frowning, “could be a problem.”

  “Surely, it’s not too big a problem. Besides, you told me of your secret plan for Rohan. Kelsey would be released from him then, right?” I started getting excited at the prospect: the end of loneliness for my assistant, Kelsey, and a secret love realized for Royal. It was a fantastic scenario, as long as I blocked my mind from imagining the death of Rohan at the hand of fellow Ravens.

y would only be allowed to turn Royal,” Emrys said. The board members would never consent to what you wish for, my dear. Besides, you may be letting your imagination get away from you. Your vision may very well be just exactly what you saw: two signatures written in the eternal book, and nothing more.”

  “You mean no romance?” I asked. I felt deflated and threw myself back onto the bed.

  “Well, no romance between Royal and Kelsey.” He moved closer and started kissing me without reservation, then raised his head above mine and said, “But if it’s romance you want...” He kissed me again; his lips electrified my whole face. “I am quite sure I can accommodate you.”

  Winding my arms around his neck, I returned the kiss and hoped I was able to make him feel the same electricity I felt. But, just as I rolled him over onto his back, there was a knock at the door. I pushed myself up in response, jumped off the bed, and said, “Aren’t you going to get that?”

  He looked at me, genuinely puzzled, and asked, “Get what?”

  “You didn’t hear the knock at the door?” I gathered up my clothes and on my way to the dressing room said, “It’s probably Kelsey. I asked her to stop in after we returned from shopping.”

  I heard him mumbling under his breath as he went to the door, obviously disappointed.

  I finished changing into my baggy yoga pants and over-sized t-shirt, and when I came into the living room, found Kelsey sitting on the edge of the couch looking stiff and uncomfortable. Emrys went back into the bedroom and I joined my assistant on the couch.

  “Thanks for coming, Kelsey. How are you today?”

  She fidgeted with her apron strings as usual and looked down to the floor. “Very well, Miss Elizabeth. Did you enjoy your day out?”

  I wondered why she seemed so distracted and nervous. I had thought she was beginning to feel comfortable with me, but then I remembered our last conversation. I had to ease her mind so I said, “Look, Kelsey. I want to apologize for my behavior the other day. It was very rude of me to send you away so abruptly without so much as an explanation. You didn’t do anything wrong. I was just surprised when you told me about your... mate.” And I had to remind her once again, adding, “And please, just Lizzy.” I was close enough to reach across to touch her shoulder, but I hesitated. She seemed so fragile, so vulnerable.


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