Moon Rapture Book 7

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Moon Rapture Book 7 Page 2

by Rice, Rachel E.

  “You would think that one of you would lock that door. Where are they?” Lycell said as a wrinkled forehead and a pair of narrowed dark eyes greeted Hunter and Thorn.

  “In the bedroom in the back,” Thorn said. Hunter just watched at Lycell. Hunter had on a pair of worn jeans, which had been ripped, his leather jacket thrown over a sofa, and a white tee shirt covered with blood.

  Thorn stood wide eyed gazing at his father. His muscled chest bare except for the small gold medallion around his neck given to him and his five brothers by his mother, Adrienne. He wore a pair of close fitting black jeans covered in blood. The jeans outlined his long massive muscular legs. Both Thorn and Damon were the picture of their father, Lycell.

  “Did you have time to shift?” Lycell said staring at Thorn. He knew the answer when he asked the question. Hunter shook his head no. “Then you are lucky to be alive. Both of you,” Lycell said with a serious tone, watching at Thorn and Damon. He made a quick turn.

  “When did you get here, Hunter?”

  “After it was over and they were wondering what to do? The bodies are in the far bedroom,” Hunter answered Lycell then turned to show him.

  “Don’t bother, I can follow the trail of blood,” Lycell added.

  Nevertheless, Hunter followed after him.

  Lycell entered the room and watched at two lifeless young lion shifters. They were braced against a cabinet, their eyes open still showing their teeth and claws.

  “I know these two. They aren’t yearlings. I hate to break the news but if they were full grown, there would be another outcome,” Lycell said bending down to examine their paws which were enormous considering that they were still undeveloped. His finger traced the cubs’ lips and he took a better look at their teeth.

  “There is a reason they call them the king of the jungle,” He said with a groan. “There aren’t but one lion shifter that I know of in these parts and these are his sons. I suspect there are more coming soon. I have to contact Wilder and Drayton and your brothers,” Lycell said with a worried glance as he walked over to confirm his suspicions.

  “I know who their father is. I had the opportunity to meet him in San Francisco. He’s the one who made threats against our pack and family,” Hunter said.

  “They aren’t empty threats,” Lycell said his eyebrows meeting.

  Lycell gave Hunter a worried glance, and then said, “Help me get them into the tub.” Hunter reached for them, to Lycell’s astonishment he lifted both of them, and brought them in the bathroom and dropped them in the small pool size tub.

  “Now what next?” Lycell mumbled walking with Hunter back into the living room to join Damon and Thorn.

  He stood watching at Damon and Thorn. They instinctively knew what would follow. Lycell’s bark was worse than his bite. “You had no right to pick up girls at that club. Where are your common sense? I promised Robert and Mena that my sons were good enough to marry their daughters, but instead you’re fucking around with any female shifter that would suck your dick. For all your trouble did you at least get your dicks sucked?”

  “We took them in the back of the club, and they were giving us a blowjob and one of the girls said that they were more comfortable at Hunter’s apartment,” Thorn said.

  “Didn’t it occur to you that they shouldn’t know Hunter?”

  “We were drunk, father. You said that a werewolf should get out his frustrations during the full moon especially if we were planning on getting married. You were notorious in this town with the females and werefemales,” Thorn said with a playful breezy voice.

  “This is not about me, and this was before I met your mother.” Lycell’s disapproving eyes wavered between Damon and Thorn. “We have a problem here. Those weren’t just any lion shifters. We have kept out of his way because it’s hard to defeat a lion shifter and here you have managed to kill two of his sons.” Lycell turned to Hunter, who was sitting looking out.

  “Where is that female, Hunter? You know the one. The one you should have married by now.”


  “That’s the one.”

  “I think she’s...”

  “You think. It’s because of her that they came. Do you think when the Lion shifter threatened our pack that it would stop there because they didn’t come when you thought they would? You should have given her to him,” Lycell voice raised and deepened with anger. “You didn’t want her. You’re still crying about Devin marrying and impregnating Katie.”

  “Katie was mine first. I saw her first and I made love to her first. It was my right to her,” Hunter’s voice bold and heated. His blue eyes taking on a fiery glow.

  “Do you see what I mean? After all these months you still want Katie and she’s pregnant with your brother’s pups, and you don’t want that young girl Haley. I imagined she was a virgin when you took her. What could be better than a virgin? a human virgin at that.”

  Hunter squirmed uneasy with Lycell’s words. But out of respect he didn’t say anything. What could he say? It was all the truth. He had to hear it again and in that crude way that Lycell has for expressing himself, which hit a cord with him.

  “You can’t have them both, son. You either agree to share Katie and give up Haley because I heard from your mother that she won’t have you because of your non-commitment to her. Just what are you waiting for?”

  Hunter stood. Paced around the room with his hands tucked firmly in his pockets. “You looked like your father when he couldn’t decide what to do,” Lycell said.

  “I’m not like my father. My father said I was more like you.” Lycell didn’t expect that.

  “Then if you are like me, then make up your mind and be done with it. When I had to choose between your mother and all the women and werefemales that were begging me to marry them, fuck them, or just remain a bachelor, I made my choice. I chose her and now I am happy and I have six sons. Two of them jackasses.” He emphasized before turning and smiling at Thorn and Damon.

  “I need to go. I promised Haley that I would protect her.”

  “Go. My sons will take care of this mess.” Thorn and Damon glanced wearily at Lycell.

  Chapter 3

  Hunter found himself in a dilemma once more. His uncertainty about Haley caused her to resent him. She refused his sexual advances and she refused to live with him. She chose instead to be anywhere but in his presence. She didn’t want to see him one more day where she had to look at his handsome face and had to be reminded that he still loved Katie and he could consider mating with her and sharing her with Devin.

  Something he said he would never do.

  Rejection was what he had become used to, but not by Haley. She was the human who professed her love for him. She said that she wanted him above all else, but then she shocked him by declaring that anything and anyone was better than spending her life chasing and wanting for someone who wanted another.

  He had been forced to send her back to school at her request. He had hoped that she would stay and live with him where he could protect her fully. But she decided against that. All she wants to do is make me pay for my wavering and uncertainty about her. She just wants to make me miserable, his mind told him.

  And miserable he was since she wasn’t with him whispering in his ears as he took her small body. As her tight muscles closed in on his manhood bringing him to orgasm quickly and often during the night of the full moon.

  When he returned to Samsaville, he wanted to call on his brother Devin. Hunter needed to check to see if he had gotten Katie out of his system. He pondered whether he should waste the time to do this because he knew the truth. As he neared their estate, his legs shook, and he became nervous. That wasn’t something he did often. He could control his emotions, he did that well enough with Haley. But Haley was different. As much as he desired Haley she wasn’t his first love.

  Once again he realized that he couldn’t face Katie. He couldn’t let his brother see the jealousy welling and simmering inside of him, so he rode his mot
orcycle past the house, pass the hospital, pass the forest, and up the highway on to San Francisco.

  Allowing Damon and Thorn to party at his apartment had been a mistake. There was no way he would go back there. He would sooner or later have to talk to Devin to purchase another apartment because he wanted to keep a residence in Samsaville.

  After all Samsaville was his home, and that was where his family and pack lived, and it was where Katie was.

  Tiredness didn’t affect him like most men. He wasn’t a man. He was more a werewolf with the strength of many men, and he had a sexual nature that burned tirelessly, and it hadn’t been satisfied since Haley left him. It was good that she did leave. Hunter couldn’t be true to her. She deserved someone that would fawn over her and that wasn’t Hunter. Not like someone her own age, he remembered reminding her when he dropped her off in her dorm room.

  Haley looked at him and said, “You’ll be sorry one day that you chose Katie over me.”

  That thought rang through his mind. He couldn’t imagine that it would affect him one way or the other. He couldn’t see the forest for the trees, and in Haley’s case, he couldn’t see Haley and her devotion and love for him because he was looking back and wanting more than he was willing to give to Haley.

  Thinking Haley would be safe, and he would be nearby, he found another home where he felt the Lion shifter couldn’t breach. It was in a section of San Francisco where new high rise buildings were being built every day, and they provided concentrated security throughout the buildings.

  After talking to the realtor, Hunter sold the first house on the beach, and bought a newly built building and took the penthouse.

  This time he wouldn’t be alone if or when the Lion shifter came for Haley. He hired one of Lycell’s sons to run his company if he had to leave for council meetings with his father. Lycell’s first son Tracker would share the apartment with him.

  Tracker remained with Hunter while the others went off to Stanford, where they were guaranteed jobs in research for Hunter’s tech companies, and resource development for the environment, once they graduated.

  Tracker was the bad boy of the pack of Lycell’s sons. His father tried to keep him reigned in but even as a pup he would steal away during the night and hunt large animals because he was the most powerful of all the sons. He was constantly getting into trouble in school. Although he had a calm nature, he didn’t like to see others being bullied and he would fight to protect them.

  Adrienne had been against sending Tracker to school, she wanted to home school him, but Lycell said Adrienne had enough to do and he took over the nurturing of his six sons.

  However, Adrienne went behind Lycell’s back and asked Hunter to take him under his wing.

  Zooming down the highway to his apartment in San Francisco, Hunter had time to think. It was nothing like a long ride in the fresh air to clear his mind. He would ask Haley to marry him. That’s what she wanted and this time he would prove to her that he had changed. He had given up the notion that he could ever be comfortable with sharing Katie.

  Finally he arrived and sped into the underground garage. Coming to a stop at the entrance to the building, he hoped off the motorcycle, and parked the bike where a waiting valet eagerly took and parked his motorcycle. A private elevator and entrance to the penthouse ensured that he wouldn’t be surprised by anyone seeking to harm him, especially shifters.

  Entering the elevator, his eyes made a quick look around at the overhead cameras. He relaxed.

  When the door of the elevator opened, his sharp hearing picked up the sound of soft music, and a smell of steak cooking. How he wished for a hunt with his father and the smell of fresh caught deer meat or Salmon.

  He had little time to hire cooks, because of Haley, business, and traveling back to Samsaville to check on his family. He didn’t want to have to explain to an outsider why he wanted his meat rare.

  “One of Tracker’s girlfriends,” he murmured before placing his key in and opening the door. “I can’t blame him. He’s young and not quite a yearling.” He had promised his mother Adrienne that he would take care of him because of his lack of experience in the world and with females.

  Hunter thought of his first kiss at that moment. He had time to think about his first sexual encounter with Katie, and his first night with Haley. He smiled and stepped into his foyer. And another door opened into his an expansive living area with soaring ceiling, two chandeliers, chrome and glass tables, muted velvet chairs and sofas. A large modern chandelier hung over his dining room table. The table was more a disguise in case he had humans over. These were decorations he never used.

  I guess Tracker will get better use out of them, he thought smiling.

  Walking through the house to the kitchen, he spots Tracker at the kitchen isle. The young woman’s back is turned. Tracker leaves the isle and walks up behind her, she’s cooking for him. Tracker extends his long arms around her. His long fingers tickles her neck. She grabs one of his hands and kisses it as he holds her shoulder.

  Hunter can smell the lust he has for the young woman. Hunter smiles. Tracker is close behind her and he leans against her. She pushes him off but never turns around.

  He slides her hair to the side. Her hair is long and he trails kisses down her shoulder, and then he turns quickly. Tracker’s keen werewolf instincts alert him that someone is looking at them. He doesn’t turn around or away. He knows it’s Hunter.

  The girl is dropping a large bloody steak from a skillet to a platter. She shifts her body from side to side. Tracker shifts with her. She turns around with a wide smile to lean lightly into him. He’s close to her. She looks past him and up and stands still. She’s familiar to Hunter. She’s beautiful, and she’s Haley.

  Haley smiles and then her smile drops like a happy face with a frown. Tracker walks to Hunter, “What are you doing here?” his tone is filled with warmth and concern. “I thought you would be in Samsaville trying to decide whether you would join Devin and Katie.” Hunter’s eyes turn a dark blue. Sweat beads on his forehead even though it’s cool inside.

  “Oh sorry, Hunter, this is my girl, Haley. Haley this is my...”

  “I know who he is. Your brother, Hunter,” Haley said. Her tone dry. Her voice cool. She stands there gazing long at Hunter. Their eyes lock. He’s absolutely upset.

  “We’ve met,” Hunter said his voice hard, but there are clear cracks in his tone. He looks at her and turns his head and marches to his room.

  “I don’t know why he’s so moody,” Tracker said loud enough for Hunter to hear.

  “I do. It’s a long story, and I can’t discuss it with you now. Eat your steak. It’s just the way you like.” She laughs and shoots him a wink and kisses him on the cheek. “I’ll be back shortly and I’ll tell you all about it.” Tracker holds her hand, and then releases it eager to get to the steak.

  Chapter 4

  “What do you want, Haley?” Hunter’s voice is shallow. It’s lifeless with no vitality. “I send you off to school, and the next time I see you,” his eyes narrow, “you’re allowing one of my brothers to fondle you. You probably fucked him, too.” Hunter jerks his t shirt over his head. His hair is unruly and he looks sexy the way his hair falls over his forehead.

  His eyes deepen, “He’s too young for you.”

  “And I suppose you are the right age. You said for me to find someone my age and I did. Tracker and I are almost the same age.”

  “No you’re not. You don’t understand a werewolf’s age and a human’s age.” Hunter threw his shirt across the room, knocking over a lamp.

  “What I don’t understand is you, Hunter.” Haley turned her back to Hunter and enjoyed a silent laugh. “I didn’t know he was your brother. Do you think I wanted to do this?” Haley did know that Tracker was Hunter’s brother. How could she not know? But Hunter heard what he wanted to hear and didn’t question it.

  “I met Tracker at a party. He took me to a movie a few times and dinner. That’s all there was to it.
” Haley turns and looks in Hunter’s eyes, and they stare at each other for a few minutes drawn by the sexual cravings they have for each other. But the anger and mistrust takes over both of them and their anger heightens.

  “Why am I explaining to you? You’re nothing to me. You were the one who suggested I find someone my own age. Well I did.”

  “Not my brother.” His voice is filled with contempt. His blue eyes darkening with every glance at Haley. He doesn’t want Haley to see how much he wants her and needs her. His jealousy which afflicts the Samsa males is unbearable for the moment.

  Hunter moves to retrieve his shirt and straighten the light and drops his shirt over his leather jacket. Haley’s breath ceased from the magnificence of his wide shoulders, and from seeing his taut muscular chest. He strode into the bathroom and turns the shower on. Haley is behind him.

  “You’re not going to dismiss me like that.”

  Hunter turns with a jerk of his body, “What do you want? Do you want me and Tracker to fuck you? That may be your thing, and it could be Tracker’s thing, but it’s not mine.”

  “Well then tell that to Katie. She has you all confused where you are willing to have a threesome. Why can’t you agree to do that with me and Tracker?” Haley is smiling inside at the look on Hunter’s face. His thick eyebrows meet in a V, and his brow is furrowed when he’s angry.

  Haley is provoking Hunter. There is no one she would want in this world and nothing she wants more than to be his wife and to belong only to him.

  Haley stood watching at Hunter waiting for him to say something. He turns around after unbuttoning his jeans. “Go back to your boyfriend.” Her eyes blink twice. That’s not the response she wants.

  “He’s not really my boyfriend,” she says with a giggle.

  “Well he thinks so.”

  “I never had sex with him.”

  “Then do. Make it official. Fuck him liked you fucked me. Suck his dick the way you sucked mine.”

  “I never sucked your dick. You have me confused with that nurse what’s her name.”


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