Moon Rapture Book 7

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by Rice, Rachel E.

  Afraid to stop but needing to stop, he pulled up his Mercedes to club Moon Rapture. He had heard about this club from his male employees. Some of the men who worked for him had invited him many times. They said he could get what his heart desired. Whatever his sexual preference it was there.

  When he stepped out of the car and handed his keys to the valet they bowed. That was unusual he thought. He felt more confidence in himself, never questioning why someone would bow to him. Then he entered the music filled nightclub.

  The décor appeared to be elegant but it was dark inside the club, and he wasn’t sure. He could be sure by day but this was night and he had no use for daylight hours. He had been mostly a night person. Brian like to roam at night but never knew why. The darkness and the night were the times he felt his strongest. He embraced this because it was during those moments he knew and found himself.

  As he walked along he touched the booth. They were covered in velvet cloth. The bar stools were covered and comfortable, and the bar had a granite counter with a large ornamental mirror trimmed in gold framing the wall.

  When he stepped into the room where people were dancing and music was its loudest, everyone stopped and moved aside. Thinking it was because of his expensive dark suit and shoes which made him look out of place, and perhaps they thought he was a rich businessman slumming, he thought nothing of the reaction to him. It never occurred to Brian at that time that it was because of something more.

  Brian Anderson strode over to a table and when he looked up he saw a beautiful woman dancing and prancing around. She saw him the same time he saw her. His manhood began to throb and he knew he had to have her. He didn’t know what it was that gave him the courage to speak to her. But then he had always had the courage to do things when others wouldn’t.

  Dealing with woman had been the only times he didn’t show the courage he needed. Maybe it was because he wasn’t human but a shifter. However, he hadn’t become aware of that just yet. He didn’t know at that time what got into him. All he knew was he wanted her sexually and no one was going to stop him from taking her.

  He walked up to her. She was dancing with a young man about twenty two. They were all the same age. Brian, the woman, and the man she was dancing with. Brian was twenty two then and he had never had a relationship of any kind.

  It wasn’t because he wasn’t tall and handsome with a strong body. He was, and had all those things to attract a woman, but it was because he didn’t know who he was.

  He took this beautiful dark haired woman with black eyes by the hand. “You’re going with me tonight.” She glanced over at him and looked him up and down and smiled.

  “You can’t come in here and take who you want. Who do you think you are,” the young shifter dancing with the woman said.

  “I can do whatever I want. It’s for the woman to say no,” Brian said looking at the woman and still holding on to her hands.

  “She’s not a woman, she’s a female and she belongs to me. Female shifters have no wants and desires. They serve the strongest of the males. I’m a tiger shifter,” he said pushing his chest out in a bold stance.

  “He’s a lion shifter,” the female said under her breath. Which was news to Brian. He didn’t know and if he did he didn’t believe it.

  “There are no lion shifters in the US. We would have known by now. Someone would have said something,” the young tiger shifter said with the arrogance of youth and stupidity.

  “But he’s one,” the woman said and stood behind Brian.

  “Where are you going?” the tiger shifter questioned the beautiful dark female all dressed in black. And he tried to reach around Brian, he raised his hand and with one swipe he took the tiger’s arm off at the shoulder. Standing in shock, the tiger roared for help. The others rushed to his side as Brian tried to make sense of what had happened.

  “Let’s go. We shouldn’t be here any longer than we need to,” the woman said pulling Brian by the hand and heading for the back door to the club.

  “But I didn’t do anything,” Brian said his eyes blinking at the sight of a bloody body standing before him. His voice choking with doubt.

  “You did what a Lion would do. You protected your future mate.” All this had confused Brian further, but he felt good. He felt like himself. He felt strong. He felt in control. Brian led the panther shifter outside and his car which had been parked to the side under a sign that said KING. That too puzzled him.

  He slipped quietly under the wheel and angled his car and drove on to the highway.

  She had been the most beautiful woman he had ever met. As he drove he couldn’t help but watched at her. She had long dark hair that flowed down to her behind. She wore an all black jumpsuit cut low in front. Her breast hard, and she had the most beautiful ass and breast that any woman had ever displayed, or he had ever seen.

  Brian drove her home in silence. Held her hand as they exited the car in one of his garages early that morning. And it was that morning that he discovered who he was and what she was.

  When he lay in his large bed, clothes still on but his shoes and socks thrown to the side, and his legs crossed with his arms over his head, she stood before him and undressed. He had unzipped the all in one and it fell to the floor. She had nothing on under it. No bra, no panties, and her mound was shaved or waxed clean.

  His nature became out of control. He could not contain it. He squirmed and he cupped it. She then began ripping his clothes off. After she had taking everything off of him she began scratching, biting, and squirming around on him.

  “Take me,” she said purring like a wild cat because indeed she was. She was a black panther shifter and she needed to mate this night. She bent in front of him, her back to him. He watched at her beautiful olive skin and her hair covering down to her two cheeks.

  “How? Why do you want to have sex like that?” Brian asked. He had not known what he was and his foster parents hadn’t taken the time to tell him before they died. She turned reaching for his cock as she placed it behind her and close to her opening.

  “Now do what you were born to do. You are a lion shifter, fuck me.”

  “You are wrong,” Brian said. “I’m a man.”

  “That you are, but so much more. Why do you think your body is so hairy? Why do you think you are pale? Why do you think you are over six feet, and one of the most handsome men alive, and your cock is what most women dream about and men envy?” She stroked it up and down. “Now pleasure me and satisfy yourself. Put that large hungry cock in me, and impregnate me,” she begged.

  She had never gotten pregnant with all the shifters she offered herself to. But this was the first time she had ever met a lion shifter. They are rare and rarer still in the U. S. But once she saw him, there was no doubt to her what he was, and that she wanted to be with him.

  His desire had heightened looking at her and wanting to fuck her. He didn’t take time to prepare her. She bent forward on all fours and he leaned forward on his knees. With his hand on her back and the other he pushed his large penis into her. She took his length in without a groan.

  He mated with her and brought her back to his compound outside of San Francisco. Because of his female panther shifter, Brian brought in more female shifters. She taught him that he needed a pride. Because after all, what was a lion without his pride. The only problem is all the shifter females were of a different species of cat, and they became pregnant, year in and year out all at the same time, except for his mate.

  They all had pups. And the only problem was he didn’t feel anything for the females in his pride. He only felt for his dark beauty. But she couldn’t have a cub for him. As a man he needed to feel something. As a lion he needed to have a cub by his first mate, and that wasn’t going to happen.

  Brian opened a business in the heart of San Francisco and took residence in the Millennium Hotel to get away from the infighting of his young cubs, the females in his pride, and his panther mate. It was a constant grip with her and the different s
hifter females he had gotten pregnant.

  On a return trip from purchasing a large farm in Oregon for his every increasing pride, Brian stopped for gas, and it was there he met Haley. He knew then that he had to have her for his own. She was younger than all his pride and she was human and she could give him more of his kind.

  Over the years he had discovered his power over female shifters, but he had this need to be a man and he thought the only way that could come about was for him to marry a human female.

  When he discovered that she belonged to Hunter Samsa and the Samsas were her family, he wasn’t afraid. He had many sons and then no one could match them and himself in ferociousness. All he had to do was send his sons to Samsaville and kill Hunter and take Haley. But it wasn’t as clean as that. He had lost two of his sons over one female and his mate wouldn’t be too accommodating after she discovered this. She had raised these cubs. She didn’t want a human in the pride.

  “Only a shifter. No humans”, she had said to Brian. “They will cause trouble and call attention to us, and they will never accept our lifestyle.” She had warned.

  Yet Brian wouldn’t listen. He had to have Haley. He was sure once she was pregnant she would accept his life and him. As much as he didn’t know about himself, he knew less of Haley.

  Chapter 9

  No one knew how they got on to the ranch. No one knew why the horses didn’t cry out and stomp, or why the dogs didn’t bark. No one knew where Devin and Hunter were. No one knew why Lycell and his sons didn’t hear anything. And no one knew why the shifters seized only Haley and a very pregnant Katie.

  But as the sun rose and Devin and Hunter were placing the horses in the barn, and Lycell and his three sons were coming in from a hunting trip, nothing appeared disturb. They handed the horses to the one groom on the property. He was an old man with a bald spot in his dry brown hair and a red face. He had tended the stables for Wilder’s father and because of fear of outsiders, they kept him and his son on and paid them a generous salary for their discretion and dedication to the Samsas.

  Hunter and Devin strode to the kitchen after a night of patrolling the grounds. Lycell met them there. He, Tracker, Damon, and Thorn seeking fresh water slid in the bar stools surrounding the kitchen Isle after each getting a glass of fresh rain water.

  “There’s food. And we brought in some fresh venison,” Lycell said.

  “Caught it, killed it, cleaned it and dressed it,” Tracker said.

  “You had better not let Robert hear you.” Damon laughed slapping Tracker on the back.

  “He’s just going to be my father-in-law, not the game warden,” Tracker joked.

  Hunter glared at Lycell. “Weren’t you supposed to be back early? You weren’t supposed to hunt all night,” Hunter said.

  “Yeah,” Devin said. “Uncle, didn’t father put you in charge of guarding the ranch?”

  “He could do that. He’s up there now sleeping with your mother.” Lycell looked away in a jealous envy. Lycell knew that Wilder had Adrienne for the night. His eyes met Devin’s eyes. “We needed more fresh meat if we are to hold up in here for weeks,” Lycell said not paying him any attention.

  Lycell reached for the fresh fish on a platter. Hunter lost his appetite. He had had enough fish in Alaska to last a lifetime and he didn’t relish smelling and tasting anymore Salmon.

  Their fresh food was laid out for them when they arrived from a tiring hunt. The kitchen staff had gotten up early, prepared the food, and left. They had to prepare cooked food for Adrienne and Katie and now Haley.

  Hunter and Devin didn’t feel like eating. They wanted to sleep and feel their female’s warm tempting body next to them before they rest. Hunter especially didn’t like leaving Haley too long because he knew how restless and impulsive she could be. She might do anything, he thought. As volatile as he perceived Haley to be, it was that quality that made him attracted to her.

  Hunter and Devin walked up the stairs and to their perspective rooms. Devin’s room was first. He opened the door and called out to Katie. The only thing that seemed out of place was the sheet on the floor and the open window. He shouted Katie’s name. Hunter heard Devin’s outcry before he reached his room.

  Rushing into Devin’s room, Hunter glanced around. “Do you smell it? There have been someone here besides Katie.”

  “How do you know?” Devin questioned.

  “I know Katie’s smell,” Hunter said. Devin glared at him. “What? She was mine before she was yours remember.” Devin’s mouth fell into a hard line. Hunter saw Devin’s pain in his face. “I have someone now and you don’t have to worry about me. You need to look for Katie. I could be wrong, but I think something happened in here.”

  Devin darted out of the room with Hunter behind him.

  Adrienne and Wilder were walking hand and hand when they came upon Devin and Hunter. Hunter didn’t acknowledge them, but instead rushed to Haley’s room, and with the same urgency in their voices, Devin and Hunter shouted in unison, “Where are the girls?”

  Calmly Adrienne said, “Have you tried the dining room?” Wilder’s eyes grew deep and uneasy. He raised his nose in the air.

  “What do you smell?” Wilder questioned after glaring at Devin and Hunter. Their eyes grew emotionless and wide. They sniffed the same thing too. Wilder could read their minds. He had the same nature. They were afraid not for themselves, but for Katie and Haley.

  He turned to Adrienne, “Call Robert and tell them to check on his daughters.” Adrienne rushed for the house phone in Hunter’s bedroom. Wilder heard her tell him, “Go where you can keep them safe. They came in the middle of the night and took the two girls.”

  Devin knew what that meant and so did Hunter and Wilder. “They will kill my family if we don’t find them soon,” Devin shouted to Wilder. It wasn’t a question. It was a statement. He had heard the stories of how lions killed the sons whom they didn’t father. Then impregnate the females.

  He turned to Wilder, “Help me.” Hunter stood calm thinking, unlike Devin who showed his feeling, Hunter did not. It wasn’t that he didn’t feel anything. He felt too much. And it wouldn’t do him any good to show it. He had learned to control his emotions from his nightmare in Alaska.

  Wilder turned away and headed down the stairs two steps at a time. He met Lycell, Tracker, Damon, and Thorn heading for the dining room. They were laughing and talking. When they saw Wilder’s somber face, they stopped in their tracks and became silent.

  “What’s wrong now, Wilder? Adrienne refused you again. You had to sleep alone last night,” Lycell said laughing. When he saw the look on Wilder’s face he stopped entertaining himself at Wilder’s expense, and waved his sons to go without him. He glanced up and spied Adrienne standing in front of the bedrooms and the look on Hunter and Devin’s face.

  “What is it?”

  “Where were all of you last night?” Wilder’s voice hard but with a whisper. “If we can’t guard our own home, do you think anyone else can?”

  “We didn’t leave off the property,” Lycell admitted, “we were out hunting.

  “You were not supposed to hunt until we had destroyed that shifter. Do you know who he is?”

  “No. Why should I?”

  “Our father killed his father,” Wilder said.

  “I never heard that story,” Lycell said.

  “That’s because you weren’t listening. You never listen. Now because of your hard head, Brian has taken Devin’s pregnant female and that child, Haley. She’s to be Hunter’s mate and he had planned to marry her.”

  “We have mated father,” Hunter said. Wilder closed his eyes and opened them quickly. He knew what that meant. Maybe both human females might be pregnant.

  “I’m not surprised. But I am surprised at you, Lycell. I thought you would be more concerned about protecting Adrienne and Drayton’s pup. But it appears if you aren’t sleeping with Adrienne then let the place be damned,” Wilder said raising his voice until the dogs began howling.

p; Lycell eyes met Wilder’s in a rage. Hunter placed his hand on Wilder’s shoulder and Devin placed his hand on Lycell’s. They realized in that moment the turmoil of two brothers sharing one female. Even if it appears to work out it never will.

  Drayton showed up just in time and stood leaning over the banister. “What is going on down there? You’ve awaken my son. I just got him to sleep and was trying to get some myself.”

  Lycell looked up. “Adrienne will tell you what happened.” She took Drayton’s hand and led him to the nursery.

  They all stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting for Wilder or Lycell to give them orders.

  “What is this about our grandfather killing Brian Anderson’s father?” Tracker questioned.

  “His father had lost his females because they were hunted by the humans and when they discovered his compound, the humans shot them all. Brian was a young cub and the only male in the pride. Somehow he survived.”

  “But what does that have to do with our father and how he came to kill a lion shifter. I thought that was difficult to do,” Lycell questioned.

  “Brian’s father went on a killing spree out of discovering that his entire pride had died. He tried to take our mother, and father tracked him down and destroyed him. When father returned to his compound, the humans had already took Brian. I thought he was dead until Hunter described him to me. It had to be him because there are no known lion prides in the Americas,” Wilder said as Hunter and Devin stood wide eyed.

  “Then he’s dangerous to us and should be destroyed,” Devin said as Tracker, Damon, and Thorn watched not saying a word.

  “If he can be, but I don’t think it’s possible,” Wilder conceded.

  “Father killed Brian’s father. What is so different about him?”

  “He is more of a man than a shifter. He has cold blooded instincts. He will punish the girls and then maybe kill them just to make us suffer. He might choose to do any number of things to draw us out. He is sure to kill the pups if Katie gives birth. Lions are ruthless in their killings, but a half man and a half lion is a dangerous combination, none like you have ever seen,” Wilder said his eyes and mind wandering.


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