Moon Rapture Book 7

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Moon Rapture Book 7 Page 13

by Rice, Rachel E.

  Hunter and Tracker remembered the teachings of their fathers. They were the hunters now and they couldn’t forget that or they would become the hunted, and chances are if they were being hunted by lion shifters, then the odds of them coming out alive would be zero.

  “We have to reach the main house before dawn,” Hunter said. Tracker nodded in agreement. They took off careful not to alarm any animals. Dogs they didn’t worry about. They knew who their masters were and where their allegiance lay, and that was with the werewolf.

  They came on a pack of sleeping dogs and one glanced up and seeing them, tucked his head under his paws, as if afraid to see what was to come next. Hunter and Tracker crept among the large group of dogs. Hardly a whimper came from them.

  It was about four am when they entered the gates to the two story home. The large iron gate had Anderson written above it in fancy lettering. The gate and rock wall could keep out men but not werewolves or shifters. Their first round of defense the dogs had been compromised. The second round the gate was easier to bridge. Hunter and Tracker stood back and made a leap and they were over it in a second.

  There were thick underbrush and then a large pine forest and in the center of it stood a stately house rising up into the pines with climbing vines covering the house and camouflaging it, but not enough for the werewolves. The mansion looked quiet with no movement. Almost abandoned and lifeless.

  As they approached the house slowly with Hunter leading the way and Tracker at the rear, Tracker wondered whether the alarms were on, Tracker whispered, “Do you think they bothered to alarm this place,” he said as they stepped on the patio.

  “Arrogance is their enemy. I don’t think they would think anyone would be able to get to this point. They stood waiting a second when Hunter opened the door and looked up and saw the alarm but it wasn’t activated. He smiled, “Arrogance will get you killed. Remember that Tracker.” His eyes turned to Tracker and he understood. “Now step quietly.”

  Standing a moment and looking around, the place was dark, but for a dim light coming from one of the rooms at the top of the stairs. Slowly they approached the winding staircase and cautiously made it to the second floor. Tracker opened his mouth to speak and Hunter put his finger over his mouth—quiet.

  Hunter gestured, Tracker understood. If the lion shifter was in, he would have Haley in the large bedroom with him. As much as Hunter wanted to find her, he didn’t want to discover her with him.

  Calmly Hunter turned the door knob, with Tracker behind him. If they could win a battle with the lion shifter in close quarters then they would have a chance to escape out the windows.

  One light of the new moon streamed through the window and it appeared to be only one individual sleeping in the bed. It was a female with dark hair. By the outline of her body, she was too tall to be Haley.

  Before the female shifter could turn, Hunter and Tracker were all over her. She tried to fight them. She bit Tracker on the ear, lashed around, catching Tracker with her long nails across his chest, and tried to kick him. Her aim was to get away to be able to shift. She thrashed around hitting Tracker. He felt nothing. It was like a tap because his arms were muscled bound, thick, and hard as steel. He held her down while Hunter placed a piece of cloth around her mouth to gag her.

  Hunter said, “I know who you are. You are the lion shifter’s mate. If you want your cubs to live and your sons, then you can’t call out. I assure you that we are capable of killing everyone in this house.” The panther shifter shook her head that she understood.

  Taking the cloth off her mouth, her terrified eyes locked with his.

  “Where is Brian?” She glared at Hunter as if she didn’t understand the question. He repeated the question and this time with a deep voice and menacing tone. His eyes locked on hers and he furrowed his brow. She saw the fire in his blue eyes and she shivered.

  “I don’t know where he is?”

  “Maybe your sons know or the other females in the pride.”

  “There are no males here. Only female shifters and cubs. The others or out hunting.”

  “Why would the lion shifter leave you unprotected?”

  “We have dogs and alarms. Brian hasn’t been back to the den since he took that human.”

  “Where is she?” Hunter said with a long whisper and a moan.

  “He has a place near Lake Tahoe and one near the Grand Canyon.”

  “Where is the Canyon one?”

  “I don’t know. He doesn’t tell us anything anymore. He has been acting strange since he met that human and wanted to bring her into the pride. I told him it wasn’t a good idea. But he doesn’t listen. I want you to find her. She will just destroy our pride and our lives. We’ve lost two of our cubs to the werewolves because of her. Yet Brian insist that he needs this female at any cost.”

  Hunter backed off. The panther shifter wanted Haley out of their lives as much as Hunter wanted her in his life.

  “Don’t hurt the females or the cubs.”

  “We didn’t come here to destroy females and the young. We just wanted the human.” Tracker loosened the shifter’s hands and stepped back from the bed. She didn’t cry out. She knew what would happen if she did. She stood facing them nude. Her body a dark tan color. Her hair long shiny and black and eyes darker than midnight.

  They backed out of the room with Hunter leading the way and Tracker moving about taking a last look at the beautiful dark female shifter.

  When they were down the stairs and out the door and running back to the motorcycles they stood and Tracker said, “That was easy.”

  “It wouldn’t have been that easy if the yearlings were there and Brian. We caught Brian’s mate and she’s angry. You know what they say, “A woman scorned... I guess that goes for every species.”

  Climbing on the bikes after dressing in their clothes, Tracker said, “Where next?”

  “We need to find that home in the Canyon.”

  “You can’t be serious. After seeing that werepanther all I want to do is find me a female and fuck her until the next full moon. Did you see the ass on her? I don’t know how the lion shifter could leave that for a skinny little human.”

  “Remember your words when you try to chase one and neglect Robert’s daughter for a human. But you probably don’t have to worry about her any longer because I don’t think Robert will let you touch her. You wouldn’t know what to do with a virgin anyway,” Hunter said and then took off zooming down the highway south to Nevada with Tracker hot on his heels.

  Chapter 22

  Haley woke from a sound sleep with a hard cramp in her stomach. It felt like a firm kick to her insides. It had been persistent. She didn’t know what was happening to her but it was serious. Then she glanced down and watched the bottom half of her body lay in a pool of water. She called out to Brian.

  The lion shifter rushed into the room. “What is it?” His eyes filled with sleep. He tied the belts on his robe. Brian had just laid down to read and go over a list of his companies’ inventory when he heard Haley scream. He dropped what he was doing and gathered up his house coat and opened the door to Haley’s room. He had placed her in the room next to his to keep an eye on her and to thwart any attacks by his young lions who may have been stupid enough to be devoted to their mothers and come between him and a female.

  Brian stood gazing down at Haley with her hands wrapped around her mid-section. She was rocking and her face tight from the obvious pain.

  “I think I’m having contractions and they’re hard. She held her belly, opened her mouth and screamed. He stood and paced around the room. “Help me,” she yelled. He stood in the same spot confused. He had never been confused before. He had always been calm when one of his mates had given birth. He had never been a part of that. He would go fishing or hunting until everything was over.

  “I don’t know what to do, Haley,” he said standing nervously over her not wanting to touch her thinking he could hurt her with his heavy hands.

  “You h
ave all those cubs you must have been around them when they were born,” Haley said glancing up at him. There was an expression she recognized on his face. “You mean you left your females to do this all alone?”

  “That’s our way. You get them pregnant and the burden is on them. We provide for them and protect them. I’m a shifter. And a lion shifter. Being there to deliver a cub is not expected of me.” When it was convenient to be a shifter Brian took that position and embraced it whole-heartily.

  “I thought you were also and first a man?” A loud moan came from Haley and she began rocking and holding her stomach. “Can you at least find a doctor for me?”

  “There are no doctors here for miles, and I can’t leave you alone.”

  “Then you have to help me.” For the first time Haley saw a frightened look on Brian’s face. He would have to help deliver werewolf babies. “You will need something sharp. A knife or scissors.” Brian raced to get a pair of scissors.

  He rushed back. “No. Those are for cooking. They have to be very sharp. Find a knife.”

  The lion shifter couldn’t imagine what she would do with the sharp instruments but she was adamant about it. She must have known what she was doing because he hadn’t a clue. He would have to take his instructions from Haley.

  When Brian returned with the largest knife, Haley was lying in a pool of blood and between her legs were four small male pups. “Haley you’re bleeding. No one can lose that much blood and live. They’ve killed you.” He raised the knife.

  “No. What’s wrong with you, Brian? This is what happens when a female gives birth.”

  After Brian had calmed and followed Haley’s instructions, each pup was wrapped separately in a blanket. They were all born pale and pink with fine light blond hair covering their bodies. They looked human but they were werewolves. There was no doubt about it. Three had blue eyes and one had green eyes with a hint of blue.

  “Can you get me some help?” Haley said. “Only for a few days.”

  “I can get one of my mates to help you.”

  “No. I don’t trust them especially since they vowed to kill me and my pups.”

  “I’ll go out to the Indian reservation and hire someone. I can help you until then.”

  “Are you up for this?” She smiled and Brian sat in the chair next to her.

  “It will be something new but I think I can handle it.”

  “You need to get that pump you picked up for me. You asked me what it was for, now you will know. I don’t have but two nipples but I have four babies. Do you get the picture? You will have to feed two and I will feed two.” Brian looked confused.

  “Not you feed them like that,” she let out a small smile. That’s what the bottles are for. I pump my milk and place it in the bottles and you can hold my pups and feed them. I didn’t know they would come this soon. I never had babies before. I never got a chance to find out from anyone. My mother died shortly after I was adopted.”

  “What do I do now?” The reluctant shifter questioned.

  Haley handed him one of the pups to hold. “Don’t worry. Your big paws won’t crush him. Just try to be gentle and don’t drop them.”

  “What do you mean them? I can’t do this.”

  “You have to. Remember you said you would help me and not harm my pups and when they are old enough we would take them to the Samsas and leave them there, and I would go with you. You have to help me keep them healthy until then.” Haley closed her eyes and when Brian called out her name she didn’t wake. He touched her to see if she was alive and she was.

  She must have fainted from the exhaustion he thought. He glanced at the pups and followed Haley’s instructions, and when they were cleaned and wrapped in blankets and crying for their first meal, Haley opened her eyes to discover that she was cleaned as well. Brian stood over Haley with the widest smile.

  He had never experienced the bringing forth of a life only the taking of one.

  Chapter 23

  When Hunter stopped to gas up, he studied the response from the panther shifter. Hunter turned to Tracker, “I think we need to put off our travels to the Grand Canyon. We should double back to the lion’s lake home. I think we’ll find them there.”

  “That female was pretty sure he would be in his canyon home.”

  “It wasn’t what she said that bothered me. It’s what she didn’t say. Why would she give us a map on how to find his home? There is one thing about panther shifters, especially females, they are loyal, and they worship lions. She may want to be rid of Haley, but she would never send two werewolves after her mate. Two of us could kill him, especially if he was trying to protect his...mate,” Hunter said his voice breaking.

  “Or fuck him up good,” Tracker said smiling. “I see where you’re going. But they depend on that one lion to protect the females and that compound has nothing but females and young cubs. His two sons who are old enough to threaten us are dead,” Tracker said with a closed smile. He too came to the same conclusion.

  “Your brothers saw to that. There are no yearlings to protect them. There is no reason she would want us to destroy him. She’s sending us on a wild goose chase,” Hunter said trying to reason everything out after pumping gas into the motorcycle and screwing on the gas cap.

  “A what kind of chase?” Tracker asked confused.

  “Never mind, do you see where I’m going? Brian the lion shifter is not where she wants us to believe he is. He’s still near the lake house. And that’s where we’re headed.” Hunter jumped on his bike turned around and roared east to Lake Tahoe near Samsaville. Tracker gunned his motorcycle and took off behind him.

  An hour later they slowed and arrived in the area where they had been previously. The truck and trailer were still hidden behind a large brush. “I guess they couldn’t find it,” Tracker said.

  “That GPS system can’t work with all those trees interfering with its signal. Let’s load up the motorcycles. We won’t need them now. After we take care of the lion shifter, we won’t have a need for the bikes.”

  “I love that bike.”

  “Good, you can pay me for it.” Hunter slapped Tracker on the shoulder. “What are you saving all that money for?”

  “I plan on finding that human female and buy her anything she wants.”

  “What about Saadia?”


  “Robert’s young daughter.”

  “Oh her. I don’t think me and virgins are a good fit. Now if she had some experience then we could talk.”

  Hunter raised an eyebrow as he tied down Tracker’s bike. He looked up at Tracker from his bending position. “You don’t have any experience. Do you think getting your dick sucked once qualifies you as a stud? You don’t even know how to satisfy a female.”

  Tracker reached and cupped his large cock. “I think this is enough to satisfy the most discriminating female.”

  After Tracker picked up Hunter’s motorcycle and placed it on the bed of the trailer, Hunter said, “It will take more than a big cock to satisfy some humans.”

  “That’s why I’m keeping my money. I know what women like and that is a man...werewolf with lots of money and a big cock.” Hunter rolled his eyes at him.

  “Grow up.”

  “I’m trying. And what took you so long to grow up and realize that Katie wasn’t for you?” Hunter turned his head. He had enough conversation because Tracker enjoyed talking and the only way to stop him from talking was to ignore him and get on with the business at hand and that was to bring Haley back at any cost.

  Hunter took off his clothing to shift. “Promise me if I don’t make it, you’ll name one of your pups after me?” Tracker said and he gave Hunter a nervous wide childlike smile. His eyes smiling after his lips refused to.

  “Nothing is going to happen to you. I’m your big brother. I promised our mother that I would take care of you. If you don’t go home. I won’t go home. Now let’s not talk like that. It’s too depressing.”

  “Hell, that’s good c
oming from you. Mr. Depressing. I feel much better.” Tracker wiped his wet brow and dropped his jeans in a pouch around his waist. Hunter dropped his in his quiver with his arrow.

  “You still mean to take that?” Tracker said pointing to the large bow. Hunter shook his head and dashed in the direction where the large redwood house could be found.

  Chapter 24

  Brian didn’t know how this happened to him. It had to be because Haley was so caring and full of life that he fell under her spell, he thought. Humans are like that. They are free and full of life and promise. They don’t worry about the things most shifter’s do. They don’t worry about being discovered as not being human. They don’t worry that they will be hunted and killed for no reason other than they are shifters. They don’t have to hide out in faraway places so as not to be discovered. They are free to roam the world as they see fit.

  He reached for two pups lying on the left of Haley, one male and one female. They looked like humans. No one would think they are shifters, he thought. Is that how he looked when he was a baby, he wondered to himself. He never even saw his offspring until they were older and had developed into shifters. All the things he ran from, he had to face.

  Holding the two small pups in one hand, he sat in a chair after building a warm fire. On the table near the chair set two bottles. And in those bottles contained Haley’s milk. He couldn’t help but smile as he placed one bottle and then the other in the pup’s mouths. Their skin soft and smooth with a thin coating of fine hair. Their heads completely bald.

  They held on to his fingers as if he was their anchor in this life, and that made him feel worthy and that made him feel like a father. But these were not his. When he did impregnate Haley he would be there with her, he decided. As he peered down at them in his arms, he felt a rush of empathy. He couldn’t take their mother from them.

  Brian made the best and worst decision of his life.


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