Banged Into Submission: Volume Four - 4 More Tales of Extreme Sex

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Banged Into Submission: Volume Four - 4 More Tales of Extreme Sex Page 5

by AE Publications

  “That’s right, baby, slam your big fat fucking cock in me,” she says. “Get nasty, baby, make me your fucking whore, treat me like the fucking whore I am.”

  And then my thumb is pressing up against her asshole, not quite penetrating it, just providing pressure.

  “Work it baby,” she says. “Work my tight little asshole.”

  I spit on it and rub my thumb around the edges and then back to the middle and press harder.

  “That’s right, baby. Do it, do it, stick it in my ass.”

  I press harder still and the tip of my thumb pops into her tight little asshole.

  She gasps and starts bucking harder against me, her ass slamming back into me. I sit back and let her do all the work, just hold my position as she slams her pussy back into my cock. My thumb is working her asshole, going deeper and deeper inside her with every thrust until it completely disappears.

  With my free hand I reach out and grab a handful of her hair and yank her head back, arching her spine, giving me more leverage allowing my cock even deeper access to her pussy.

  “Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod,” she screams. “Don’t stop don’t stop don’t stop I’m gonna cum I’m gonna cum oh shit oh shit I’m cumming I’m cumming!”

  Her body shakes and shimmies and her breath grows more ragged but I don’t let up, I’m too close to slow down now. I lay into her with everything I have, my cock slamming deeper than ever into her. I pop my thumb out of her ass and grab onto her hair with both hands and then I’m rearing back and fucking her with everything I’ve got, slamming into her like never before, the force nearly knocking her off-balance.

  And then I’m at the point of no return. My body is aching, begging me to finish. “Shit, shit, shit,” I say. “I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna fucking cum!”

  “Cum on my tits, baby,” she says. “Cum on my fucking tits.”

  I pull my cock out of her pussy and use my handful of her hair to spin her around so her face in right in front of my cock. She reaches out and grabs ahold of my cock with her hand and starts to jerk it. Her mouth covers the head and starts to suck as she jerks the shaft with her hand.

  “Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck,” I say as my ass starts to buck forward. “Here it comes, baby, here it comes.”

  “Give it to me, baby,” she says while she jerks me off, “Give me your cum, baby. I want it, I want it, I want it.”

  I let out a final little groan and she aims my cock at her tits and then a white stream of sperm comes shooting out, splashing all over her tits, and still she’s jerking me off as another stream comes shooting out, and then another, drenching her tits with my cum. She jerks me off until nothing more is coming out, then sticks my still stiff cock in her mouth one last time and sucks on it for a couple seconds before letting it go.

  She looks up at me and smiles, her entire chest coated with my cum. “Well, what do you think?” she asks. “Did I live up to my end of the bargain?”

  “You certainly did,” I reply. “You were incredible.”

  “Ah, aren’t you sweet,” she says. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to go clean myself up.”

  “Be my guest,” I say.

  She stands up, gathers her clothes, and heads into the bathroom. “You mind if I take a shower?”

  “Not at all.”

  Ten minutes later she’s showered and all put back together, looking better than ever. It’s hard to believe that just minutes ago she’d had buckets of my cum all over her chest.

  She heads towards the door, where I’m waiting with her money. I hand it to her and she flips through it before tucking it into the front pocket of her jeans.

  “I trust you were satisfied?” she says.

  “Absolutely,” I say. “In fact, I had such a good time that I’m going to do something I’ve never done before.”

  “Oh yeah? What’s that?”

  “Ask you your name,” I say. “In case I want to request you again.”

  She gave me a quizzical look. “You’ve never asked a girl her name before?”

  I shake my head.

  “No shit?”

  “No shit,” I say. “It’s just not how I roll.”

  She laughs. “You’re a bit of a strange fellow, aren’t you?”

  “A bit,” I say. “So, are you going to tell me or am I going to have to beg you for it?”

  “Well, as much as I’d like to see you beg, I’m in a bit of a hurry, so I’ll let you off easy this time. My names is Misty.”

  “Misty, huh?”

  “That’s right,” she says. “And you are?”


  “Pleased to meet you, J.T.”

  “Likewise,” I say. I just stand there like a dumbass, a big smile on my face, unsure of what comes next. This was uncharted territory for me, trading names and actually considering the idea of requesting for the same chick twice. I had no idea where to go from here.

  Luckily Misty broke my stupor. “Uh, J.T.?”


  “You mind moving aside so I can get going?”

  I look up and realize I’m standing directly in front of the door. “Oh, yeah. Sorry about that.”

  I move aside and open the door for her. She walks past me, her face inches from mine, and I have to fight the urge to lean over and give her a kiss. What the hell has gotten into me?

  “Don’t worry,” she says with a little smile that implies she knows exactly what I’m thinking. “I have this affect on people all the time.”

  “I’m sure you do,” I say.

  “It’ll pass,” she says.

  “I’m sure it will,” I lie.

  She laughs as though she can see right through me. “So until next time?”

  “Until next time.”

  “Take care of yourself.”

  “I will.”

  And with that, she walks out the door and heads down the hall, no doubt on her way to her next customer. I shut the door and lean up against it. I feel like a stupid little school boy, pining to chase after her, beg her to spend the night with me. I can feel myself starting to become what I’ve worked so hard to stay away from. A real, actual, human being. With emotions and everything. Incredible.

  There’s a reason I love escorts. No bullshit, no weirdness, no hassles. And most of all, no emotion. Until now. Until Misty. But that’s all right. I’ll get over it, I’m sure of it. I just have to up the ante a bit next time, order up an even nastier girl, someone who’s up for anything, someone who will make me forget about Misty. Or get myself three girls, maybe even four. Whatever it takes. Because I don’t have time for the madness of emotion. It just doesn’t suit me. Or so I keep telling myself. So until next time, enjoy. And don’t forget, nothing satisfies like an escort.





  I’ve always been lucky when it comes to women. I’m not quite sure why. I’m a decent enough looking fellow, a shade over six feet tall and 170 pounds with an in-shape body of a natural athlete who spends a lot of time outdoors, but I’m certainly nothing special. But for some reason, there’s something about me that draws a specific type of woman. Namely, sluts.

  Every since I was a teenager they flocked to me. In high school, college, and now into my late twenties, I routinely get approached by women who just want to fuck. Most of the time it’s just a one-time thing, with no complications or commitments. At times it has turned into something more, but every time a hook-up morphed into a relationship it fizzled out pretty quickly. Again, I’m not sure why. But for some reason I just wasn’t relationship material.

  Which was fine by me. The way I see it, relationships are more trouble than they’re worth. I was perfectly content to have single nights (or afternoons) with women and then move on. And I was lucky enough that I never had a shortage of suitors.

  Like Shawna, for example.

  There I was, just minding my own business in line at the coffee shop af
ter work, getting myself a cup of coffee to help me through the evening, when I first saw her. She was a platinum-haired beauty, standing right behind me in line, wearing a white and black lingerie-style top and a black skirt. She had dark eyes, full lips, perfect skin and a rockin’ body that she obviously wasn’t afraid to show off.

  Once glance and I turned away, not wanting to stare. I’m a pretty nice guy, relaxed and mellow, but I’m not real outgoing. I don’t generally start up conversations with strangers. But apparently she had no such reservations.

  “Quite a wait, huh?” she said, talking to me as if we were old friends right from the get-go.

  “Yeah,” I said, trying to return the vibe. “Pretty typical for this place.”

  “I know, but still, today seems longer than usual,” she said. “At least I’ve got some decent scenery to look at.”

  I gave her a slightly confused look.

  “What?” she said. “You don’t think you’re good-looking?”

  “I don’t know,” I said, not sure where this was going and not wanting to make a fool of myself with a complete stranger, especially one as hot as she was. “I’ve never really thought about it much.”

  “Oh, bullshit,” she said, laughing. “Everyone thinks about what they look like.”

  “True,” I said. “But I’m not really concerned with it too much.”

  “I can tell,” she said. “Otherwise you’d shave every once in a while, or wash your hair.” Before I could object, she continued on. “But you know what? I like that. Too many people worry about what everyone else thinks these days.”

  “I agree,” I said as the line moved forward. It was my turn to order. I did, then asked my new friend what she wanted. “My treat,” I told her.

  “Why thank you,” she said after placing her order. “I’m Shawna, by the way.”

  “I’m Mike,” I said. “And it’s the least I can do,” I said.

  “And what’s the most?” she asked, flashing me a mischievous grin.

  “What do you mean?”

  “What do you think I mean?” she said, her grin growing wider.

  “I have no idea,” I said.

  Before the conversation could go any further, the barista called out our names.

  “Care to sit down with me and talk some more, Mister Mike?”

  “I’d be delighted,” I said.

  “It’s hard to find a good man these days,” she said shortly after we’d sat down. We were outside, at the table in the corner of the patio, away from the rest of the patrons.

  “Most guys are trash,” I said, still not sure exactly where this was going. I had a few ideas, but I didn’t want to presume too much for fear of getting disappointed.

  “Tell me about it,” she said. “Of course, I don’t exactly set myself up for success most of the time.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, I generally don’t go about picking up guys the traditional way.”

  “How do you go about them?” I asked.

  “Well, if I want a guy, I’ll just go up to him and ask if he wants to fuck.”

  I’m not going to lie, it took some effort to keep my coffee down when she said that. But eventually I managed to ask: “What if the guy says no?”

  “Then I go on to the next one,” she said. “But that doesn’t happen very often, believe me.”

  “Oh, I do,” I said. “So, is that what you’re doing right now? Asking me if I want to fuck?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know yet. It depends.”

  “On what?”

  “On you,” she said.

  “How so?”

  “Well, I’m pretty picky,” she said.

  “About what?”

  “Cocks. They have to be certain size or I’m not really interested.”

  “Is that right?”

  She nodded.

  “But how do you know how big it is before you get their clothes off?”

  “Oh, that’s easy,” she said. “There are a whole bunch of different ways. Sometimes I take them to the men’s room and get a little peek. Or the corner of the building. But usually I just do this.”

  She reached beneath the table and grabbed ahold of my cock, grasping it through my pants, right there at the patio of coffee shop. Luckily I was pretty hard just from talking to her.

  “Well,” I said after she’d let go. “What do you think?”

  “Very impressive,” she said.

  “Is it big enough for you?”

  “Oh yes.”

  “So does that mean . . .”

  “That I’m going to ask you if you want to fuck me?” she finished.

  I nodded.

  “It does indeed,” she said. “But I have to tell you, if you can’t handle butt sex, don’t even bother. I don’t like men who don’t like butt sex.”

  “Butt sex? You mean anal sex?”

  “Yep,” she said. “Because that’s really all I want. If you really, really want to, you can stick your cock in my pussy every once in a while, but only as foreplay. But if it were up to me you’d be fucking just my ass and nothing else. Do you think you can handle that?”

  “I think I can manage,” I said.

  “And, of course, I like to give blow jobs too,” she said.

  “Really?” I said. This girl was too good to be true.

  “Hell yeah. I get more excited blowing you than I do if you munch on my cunt. That’s so boring.”

  “Are you fucking serious?”

  “Completely,” she said, flashing me a nasty little smile.

  “Then what the hell are we waiting for,” I said, grabbing her hand and turning towards the door. “Let’s go back to my place for a blow job and butt sex.”


  I’d barely had time to shut the front door of my place closed before Shawna was dropping to her hands and knees in front of me. She hadn’t even bothered to take any of her clothes off, which didn’t bother me in the least. I had no problem getting dirty without getting naked. In fact, I preferred it. There was just something about it that seemed nastier.

  Immediately after dropping to her knees, Shawna worked my belt. She had it unbuckled in moments, followed by my top button, and then my zipper. She yanked my pants and boxers down, dropping them to my ankles, then wrapped her hand around my shaft and sucked on the head of my cock. Bobbing her head forward and back, maintaining eye contact the whole time, she worked my shaft with her hands while her mouth went to town on the tip.

  It wasn’t long before Shawna’s mouth was going further and further down, taking more and more of my cock in her mouth. Her hand still worked the shaft, moving in conjunction with her mouth to create the perfect amount of pressure to maximize stimulation without making me cum.

  After a full minute of blowing me without pause, Shawna slid my cock from her mouth. Gathering up some saliva, she spit on my cock and started working it in with her hands while she continued looking up at me.

  “Do you like how I suck your cock?” she said in that sexy-as-hell little girl voice of hers.

  “I fucking love it,” I replied.

  “Do you want me to take it further down?” she asked.

  I nodded again.

  Smiling, Shawna again took my cock in her mouth. This time she blew me proper, taking my cock halfway down before bobbing her head back up then going down again, over and over and over, her lips sliding over my shaft, helped by the copious amounts of saliva she was generating.

  It was the sloppiest blow job I’d ever gotten; my cock was practically white with her spit. It was getting everywhere, all over her face, her chin, her neck, dripping onto her chest, the floor, even my leg. The sounds coming from her mouth were wet and juicy and labored, gagging and coughing equally as my cock continued sliding in and out of her mouth.

  Shawna was a machine, blowing me for a good thirty seconds straight before coming up for air. Even then she took one big breath and went back down for more, this time taking my cock even deeper than before,
practically deepthroating me with every pump.

  She blew me in long, fast pumps, her hair flying everywhere and saliva pouring out of her mouth, making my cock a wet, sloppy mess. After another full minute of non-stop sucking, she wrapped her arms around my waist and used my body to hold herself in place as she swallowed my entire cock and held it deep inside her throat.

  Shawna deepthroated me for a few seconds before gagging and coughing and letting my cock slide out of her mouth. She took a moment to catch her breath then looked up at me, smiling widely.

  “What did you think of that?” she asked.

  “It was fucking incredible,” I replied.

  “With your help I could hold it for longer,” she said.

  “Tell me what I need to do.”

  “Just put your hands on the back of my head and hold my head in place,” Shawna said.

  “For how long?” I asked.

  “As long as you want,” she replied, her smile growing wider.

  “What if you can’t breathe.”

  Shawna laughed. “That’s kind of the point.”

  “But what if I hold you there for too long?”

  “You won’t,” she said. “Trust me.”

  “All right,” I said. “If you insist.”

  Shawna opened her mouth and turned her eyes up towards mine.

  “Well,” she said. “What are you waiting for?”

  I didn’t have a good answer for that, so I pulled her head towards me and pushed my hips forward at the same time, forcing my cock into her mouth. I kept on pushing until my entire cock had disappeared inside her mouth. I could feel it touching the back of her throat.

  She held me there for a good six seconds before starting to cough. It tickled my cock, her coughing while it was planted in her throat. I almost pulled away but continued to hold on, remembering what she’d said. It just felt too good to let go.

  A few seconds later Shawna coughed again, following it with a deep gag. This time I pulled back, yanking my cock from her throat.

  “Are you all right?” I asked as she gulped in air.


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